
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Sending a message

A bit later

Bullet was being fed by Mei as the rest of Class-1A was sitting around inside his room.

He smiled happily and chewed, "Spicy! Yum!" Mei smiled happily and continued feeding him. Denki bit his thumb, saying "You hear?" Sero looked grim, "Nejire AND Mirko… at the same time!" Eijiro sighed angrily "So jealous!"

Mina pulled his ear angrily.

Midnight walked in and marched to Bullet, grabbing his cheeks with on hand. She looked at him as he turned to her with squished lips, "Herro?" Nemuri smiled sweetly, "Thanks for saving my life, Hero~" as she kissed his forehead. She patted his cheek before leaving.

Bullet spewed flames from his mouth, "WAHAHAHAHAH! LOST TWO ARMS, GAINED THREE BABES! AHAHAH!" Denki and Sero jumped on him and strangled him as Mei cheered on the side, "KILL HIM! KILL THE BASTARD! AHAHAH! GET OFF HIM! ONLY I CAN KILL HIM!" as she kicked them off, throttling Bullet, who laughed happily, choking "I'd push you off… but I got no hands! BAHAHAHAH!"

Momo covered her mouth, sighing "He's worse than before." Ochako muttered "I think he's just making jokes to cover for his pain." Izuku looked at her in shock, "How did you know?" Ochako held his hand and smiled sweetly, "Just a feeling." Izuku smiled gently and rubbed her hand.

Momo groaned and rolled her eyes.

Izuku was dragged here, covered head to toe in casts, by rubbing her hand… He directly rubbed with the cast...

Bullet sat up and he heard some shouting. He turned to the window and Mei sighed "This guy's neck… Too thick! Just like-" Bullet bit her lips gently and got out of bed, walking to the window.

He looked down at the reporters and asked "What are they doing here?" Katsuki snorted, "Probably shouting nonsense again." Bullet giggled, "I like nonsense. Makes me laugh. Hehe~" he turned and ran out of the room quickly, Mina shouted "Get that bastard!" The class chased after him as Mei sat in the empty bed in a daze, "Huh? That damn guy! Can't he just sit still?!"

Bullet jumped on a railing and slid down the stairs quickly as the rest chased him, shouting "Aizawa! Midnight! Get him!"

Bullet chuckled, "Ah!" as he rolled in between Rumi's legs, sighing "THOSE THIGHS! AHHH! AHAHAHAH!" before jumping down the stairs and disappearing.

Bullet kicked the door to the hospital open and shouted "NO FEAR! WHY!? BECAUSE I'M HERE TO MAKE A STATEMENT!" Hizashi was dumbfounded and turned to Bullet in shock as the reporters shouted one after the other, "You're the boy from the TV! Is what you said true?! Do you know Endeavor?! Is what happened true?! Did you kill Twice? Are you a psychopath?!"

Bullet waved his nubs and said "One at a time!" as he stepped forward, standing in front of Hizashi, holding out a nub with a smile, a star twinkling at the corner, "No fear!" Hizashi's lips twitched.

Bullet turned to the crowd of reporters and said "Ladies first." a pretty lady asked "Is what the Villain Dabi said true?" Bullet waved a nub, saying "Of course." the reporters exploded and Bullet asked "Anybody live, right now?" several people raised their hands and Bullet grinned.

He looked at the cameras and said "Yes! What Toya Todoroki said is true, however… So what?" Everyone froze and fell silent, so… what? This was huge news, okay?!

Bullet snickered, "Listen! Let me tell you somethin'! People like Toya, are simply scourges. Oh no! I couldn't handle neglect so I ran to become a villain! You ask me, whoever sympathizes with this clown is a criminal! Get a grip! Life isn't fair, doesn't mean you can hurt innocent people! Oh man you had a rough life, so has everyone here, stop being a clown. Toya Todoroki is a loser, plain and simple. Got nothin' to do with Endeavor."

He sneered, "Let me ask you a question, if his last name wasn't Todoroki would any of you actually care at all?" they all fell silent and Bullet laughed, "See? Doesn't matter at all. He's just a loser who couldn't handle that the world doesn't revolve around him! Next question!"

Another woman asked "What about yourself? You stated you had a similar experience?" Bullet rubbed his chin with his nub, grinning, "Yeah. Somethin' like that. For privacy's sake, I won't be revealing any names. I don't want anyone harassing my former family, but plain and simple, I was a failed experiment too. Quirkless product of a Quirk Marriage. However, look at me. Maybe a little messed up in the head, but I'm not hurtin' anybody right? Not to mention, I had to live on the streets and fight for food. This damn bastard Toya was born with a gold spoon and still couldn't handle it! HAAHAHAH! Next Question!"

The reporters were dumbfounded, Hizashi's lips curled up as a man asked "Are you really Quirkless?" Bullet laughed, "Are you a woman?! Why do you wanna know?! HAHAAHAH! Nah I lied, my Quirk is favoring women. Next Question. Ah! You, the cutie with the freckles."

The freckled girl blushed in embarrassment and asked "Um… Why do you fight so hard? You lost both your arms but Shigaraki still got away. You even fought with your mouth, reports say you bit the flesh off of Shigaraki. So, why?"

Bullet's eyes lit up and he smiled happily "You're awesome, cutie. Are you single? I got Eraser Head's number… You stay later, okay? As for your question…"

He smiled kindly and explained "I never got that sort of treatment. Nobody came to save me. I've seen a lot of shit, I know many people in need right now that barely see the light of day. They humiliate themselves and degenerate to inhuman animals for scraps of leftovers. Why do I fight so hard you ask? Because if I don't fight, how will these people remember how to smile? How will they remember that they are still human?"

He tilted his head and smiled gently, "If my smile and sacrifices can make at least one of these people smile again, then it is all worth it! Next Question!"

The cutie with the freckles was dazed and swallowed.

The reporters were silent and Bullet asked in surprise "That's all?! Everyone says the media is like leeches, you guys aren't too bad! Haha!" a man asked a question quickly "Hold on! What about Twice! You killed him, right?"

Bullet blinked and nodded, "Yeah, I did. Why?" the reporter was dumbfounded, everyone froze and stared at him, saying "But…That's-" Bullet asked curiously "Illegal?" they nodded and he smiled, nodding "Yep! I killed a lot of people during that fight. Saved a lot of people too."

He waved his nubs and asked "Let me ask you something. Jin Bubaigawara, or Twice, has the ability to duplicate anyone he has the measurements of. Not to mention he can duplicate himself endlessly. So if I let him live and he duplicated Shigaraki or Gigantomachia or Toya… Do you think you'd be here asking me these questions? Hahaha!"

He laughed and explained patiently, "Throw me in jail, kill me, expel me from school, I don't care. I know that I saved a lot more people by killing Twice. In a war, you have to take out the most dangerous targets at the beginning. Twice was such a target. If he was allowed to double everyone maybe today we'd all be holding hands and shouting 'Master Shigaraki' ahahahaha!"

He looked around and smiled happily, "Next question! This is fun!" someone else asked, "What gives you the right to make that call?" Bullet smiled in confusion, "A strange question. I give myself the right, is that a good answer? Um… Hmm… I guess I judged the situation and killed him thinking the risks of keeping him alive were too great. You want a juicy answer? I don't know what to tell you ahaha! I killed him, what more do you want me to say? Haha!"

He tilted his head at their speechless faces, saying "Ah! I got something. Okay! Me personally, I think that Villains should be killed on the spot. Think about it, sure it could be dangerous for heroes to hold that kind of authority, but if we start killing Villains will anyone want to be a villain anymore? Just take different avenues to live. When every criminal is executed, they'll be too scared to become a criminal, right? Pretty simple."

He waved his nubs, smiling happily, "But hey! I'm just a Quirkless guy, what does my opinion mean in the grand scheme of things. Tell ya what! If I have one regret, it's not killing Shigaraki sooner. Maybe a lot more people would be alive now. Everyday, you hear 'I got beat up, so I became a villain' These guys are clearly not even thinking when they become villains… I don't see the problem with executing them…"

He laughed, "I don't have a Quirk, I'm not a Top Hero, I don't have any attachments so let me speak freely. I don't care what happens to me, obviously. I just hope that people can smile in their everyday lives. I want to be a hero and prove to the entire world that you don't need all these insane Quirks to be a hero! Everyone can be a hero, not in the Meta Lunatic Cult meaning."

He gestured and said kindly, "Even helping someone carry their bags is a heroic act. Laws and rules are a natural need for society to function. These Meta Lunatics don't get that. They think if it's the law of the jungle they'll suddenly get everything they want. If you read Meta Liberation War and agreed with it, check into a hospital, you are too retarded to be alive. But that doesn't mean that not everyone can be a hero! I saw a guy push a little girl out of the way of a car. That guy is a hero!"

He waved his nubs and went on, "Listen, you don't have to agree. You can call me whatever you want but the people behind me in this hospital. They're all heroes! If even a Quirkless guy like me can save a life and be a hero, what is your excuse? Arrest me, say whatever you want, call me a freak, I really don't care! But don't you dare slander the people in this hospital for their private choices! These people stepped up and put their lives on the line for everyone else. This time, nobody asked for anything in return! Nobody's getting paid for this one, chief! This was all from the heart! The deepest parts of these heroes burst out to show these bastard lunatic villains that we're heroes for a goddamn reason! Not some chumps, any second-rate loser with half a brain cell to call an IQ can step on and make fun of!"

He pointed a nub at the camera and said with a grin, "You got that, scumbags?! You better hope another hero finds you. Because if you see me, it'll be the last thing you see! I'm lookin' at you, Tomura Shigaraki! You damn man-child! You and your group of pathetic losers better start countin' your fuckin' last hours! Cus when we find you, and we will…"

He cut across his neck with a nub, "You're takin' a dirt nap! Consider it the Quirkless Hero: Nameless givin' you a warning! Take your own life or I'll take it for you! Heh." before turning around and raising a nub, "NO FEAR! WHY!? BECAUSE WE ARE HERE!"

As he walked back into the hospital, amidst the dazed looks of everyone.