
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Nezu Visits

Bullet woke up in a hospital bed with nothing attached to him other than a heart monitor and an IV.

He was looking out at the sun with his bed bent up, allowing him to sit up.

Aizawa looked at him in silence, Bullet asked "School?" Aizawa closed his eyes, saying "3 days." Bullet didn't look at him, asking "Bullet go?" Aizawa fell silent for a while.

The door opened and a surprising figure appeared.


Nezu walked into the room, nodding "Why hello! You're awake." Bullet turned to him and said "Principal." his eyes were as bright as usual, nothing seemingly wrong other than his missing arm.

Nezu walked to the bed and wanted to get up, Bullet smiled kindly, holding out his hand. Nezu paused before smiling and taking Bullet's hand. Bullet pulled him up and Nezu stood on Bullet's legs looking at him as he cleared his throat, saying "Well, first off. I would like to thank you on UA's behalf."

Bullet was confused and Aizawa translated. Nezu waved and continued, "Not only this. I came here to talk about your further enrollment in UA in the future." Aizawa frowned powerlessly as Bullet smiled sadly, "Bullet not allowed to come back, right?" tears dripped from his eyes as he continued smiling.

Nezu wiped his tears and smiled, "Actually! The opposite!" Aizawa and Bullet were shocked! Aizawa stared at Nezu with a dumbfounded look. Nezu coughed and explained "Since the beginning of your enrollment, I haven't agreed with you being a student at UA. I forced you to take the Entrance Exam and you passed with flying colors. I allowed bullying to occur and you still maintained your cool, never lashing out!"

Nezu smiled and continued "Only retaliating to protect someone else. I've been watching your every single move inside UA, as well as following your news outside. During the Festival, I purposely manipulated the results to have you fight against Todoroki and Bakugo back to back. Because I hoped that you would lose and give up. Every time, you've overcome and surpassed by estimations of you."

He waved a finger, going on, "I had told Midnight to fight you at full power but you overcame that hurdle too. Every roadblock and curveball I had thrown at you, you overcame in a spectacular fashion. I have to say I'm extremely impressed. Your actions at the Summer Camp to protect everyone and sacrifice yourself, as well as the actions you took while in villain custody, on top of the absence of fear in front of the most terrifying villain this world has ever seen… We're magnificent."

Nezu nodded and pointed at the limp sleeve, saying "You've paid a blood price for your bravery, so there is only one question I have for you, Bullet." he held his paws behind his back, asking "Could you please come back to UA?"

Bullet was dumbfounded, staring at the mouse, he said "Of course!" Nezu smiled and continued "I'm sure you haven't understood a single word, Shota will most assuredly inform you when I depart. However, there is something I must do before I leave."

He bowed deeply, "For everything I've done to you, Bullet. I am truly sorry. My intentions were to protect your life. I didn't believe you could be a hero and for that I apologize deeply. You have proven yourself over and over again, you have convinced me that you belong at UA. I hope you can accept my apology one day. If not, then I understand. I wouldn't either."

He straightened out and hopped off the bed, saying "Farewell, see you in a few days in the dormitories." Aizawa froze in his seat as Nezu closed the door behind him. He just couldn't believe it!

Bullet was confused but smiled "Principal… so cute?" Aizawa came back and laughed happily, he walked to Bullet and translated everything. Bullet went from shocked and sad to stunned, happy, and gratified.

By the end, Bullet was crying as he sobbed, "Is okay… Bullet forgive. Principal look out for Bullet… Maybe bit mean but for good…" he sniffed and smiled kindly, "Apologize anyway… Big deal for Bullet. S-So happy…"

He wiped his eyes and his smile quivered as he sobbed, his entire body shaking. Aizawa sighed with a smile, hugging him while rubbing his head.