
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Momo's First Deathmatch

Bullet squatted in the cage, bouncing low to the ground and warming up. Momo was holding his shirt and jacket as he stood up topless with his bare hands, pulling his mask down.

The other guy had thick hooves legs with a bullhead, thick pointed bull horns stemming from his temples.

He snorted smoke and said "Ready to die?" Bullet snorted and cracked his knuckles, replying "Say this? Sound like bad Drama. Bullet kill you, no worry." before chuckling, "Grab Bull by the horns, right?"

Momo slapped her forehead and sighed.

Minotaur snorted smoke and the announcer shouted "We got a legacy member here! He showed his face at only 8 years old! The cold killer! The single slash executioner! The boy from the trash pile, BUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!"

The audience roared and cheered loudly as Bullet cracked his neck. Momo was dumbfounded, 8 years old?

The announcer continued "And his opponent. The man from the Myths. The guardian of the Maze! He might not be the real one but he must be more cold-blooded… THEEEEEE MINOOOOOOOOOOOOTAUUUUUUUUUUURRRR!"

The crowd exploded and roared wildly as Minotaur raised his head, snorting out smoke, his horns shining dangerously.

The announcer continued "Now for the deathmatch. Are the two fighters ready?" Bullet and Minotaur nodded. The announcer added, "Say your respects, only one walks out."

Bullet and Minotaur saluted and said in unison, "Win or die." before the announcer shouted "BEGIN!"

The Minotaur charged at Bullet with his horns out like a real bull!

Bullet stepped back and grabbed onto the horns in front of him, sliding back as he twisted over, slamming the Minotaur to the ground!

The announcer went on play by play as the crowd erupted, cheering and jeering, "Kill him! Tear his head off! Skewer that kid, Minotaur! Rip his horns out, Bullet! Raaaah!"

Momo watched Bullet fight in shock, this place was so rowdy! She had never seen this in her life. How could she? She was raised in a protected house with servants, butlers, and maids… This was completely outside of her world.

She had changed her mindset slightly to be a bit more violent, making things that she would never make otherwise… But, there was still a distance from this. Just as Bullet didn't understand Momo's world, she didn't understand his.

In crude terms, they were like Beauty and the Beast, minus the romance.

The princess felt very refreshed in this environment seeing things she would never see otherwise.

A person grabbed her shoulder and Momo jumped in shock, only to see Knuckleduster smiling at her. She let out a breath and said "Oh god. You really scared me…" Knuckleduster chuckled, "This was his idea, I'm guessing?" Momo smiled wryly and nodded, "He said you would show if he participated."

Knuckleduster laughed, "That damn brat… I think he just wanted to fight Minotaur, right?" Momo smiled wryly, staying close to him as Knuckleduster rubbed her head and smiled "I saw you at the festival. Pretty good. Unfortunately, you could be great! Too bad I'm not eligible for teaching."

Momo held up a Work Study paper and explained "Bullet came for this actually." Knuckleduster grabbed the paper and staring reading it.


Bullet took a punch and stumbled back before punching Minotaur in the chin, roaring as he tugged on a horn and beat down on Minotaur's eye with his elbow. Minotaur charged on the ground and smashed Bullet's back onto the cage, punching Bullet in the side.

Bullet jumped on the cage and grabbed his horns, pushing off, flipping over and slamming Minotaur into the stage.

He twisted the horns and growled, trying to twist his head off.

Momo covered her mouth, "Oh my…" Knuckleduster looked at her funnily, waving the paper, "Work Study? They let First Years participate now? You know a long time ago I had a couple students under my wing… Now, I'm not too sure they'd appreciate it if I signed this."

Momo looked at him worriedly, explaining "Bullet said that you would do it. We came here to find you for it, right?" Knuckleduster sighed and rolled his eyes, "This kid doesn't think properly. If I sign this and the Principal sees it, what's he gonna think? Is the principal still that old fart Yamaguchi?"

Momo was stunned, asking in confusion "Who's Yamaguchi?"

Bullet punched Minotaur in the face, swinging his arms wildly and roaring like a wild animal as Minotaur punched back, roaring like… a bull!

He only had his sharp horns and his form. That was his Quirk, so. He was mostly used to charging and piercing, or fighting with his fists. But he had immense Bull-like strength. He was actually a pretty cool guy.

However, he ended up here because he accidentally stabbed someone with his horns on a train. They were injured and Minotaur got a strike on his record. Everything went downhill for him from there.

Bullet would probably be in a similar position if it wasn't for Aizawa.

Their society was very unforgiving and cruel.

You know, Twice was driving a motorcycle and a guy ran into the road without looking. He was injured and Twice lost everything, becoming a villain.

Another guy, Gentle wanted to be a hero but he had bad grades and failed the Provisional License Exam a few times. Then he used his Quirk to try and save someone but a Hero wasn't paying attention and flew in the way.

The person was injured and Gentle's family went into extreme debt, his mother killed herself and his dad died shortly after. People graffiti'd terrible things on his house and Gentle became a squatter.

All these things from a single event, sometimes completely out of control.

But life is never fair. As long as you have the will and drive to move forward, you can achieve what you want. Bullet liked to think so.

Bullet smashed Minotaur's head into the cage and hammed his fists down. Minotaur's horns were stuck in the cage gaps and his head was smashed down repeatedly, breaking the horns right off.

Minotaur got up and started beating Bullet with a flurry of fists. Bullet fought back and roared, kicking his chest, sending him back into the cage before lunging at him, beating him with rapid fire punches.

Knuckleduster shook his head as Momo said "I've never heard of an Old man like that. The Principal is Nezu, mouse with hyper intelligence Quirk. He's around this big…" Knuckleduster rubbed his chin and nodded, "Must've retired."

Momo asked with curiosity "Did you lose your Quirk for real?" Knuckleduster looked at her in amusement as she explained that Bullet told them. He nodded and gave a rough description of events…


Bullet sat on Minotaur's stomach and smashed his fists down like hammers. Minotaur was laid out and Bullet's fists made a squishing sound.


The crowd erupted "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! YEAH! AHAHAHAH!" there were quite a few cries of sadness, a lot of people lost money.

Bullet picked up Minotaur's corpse and walked out of the cage, handing it to a stretcher. He saluted the corpse with a respectful look, taking off his mask.

The people taking him away saluted "Mercy on your soul, Deirat." before picking up the stretcher and leaving. Bullet received Deirat's horns and kept them, walking over to Momo, covered in blood from head to toe.

He smiled happily "You watch?! Super fun! Hahah! You go next?" Momo shivered, "ME?! You're crazy!" Bullet laughed and turned to Knuckleduster, hugging him happily.