
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The USJ Incident [2]

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As I watched the villains emerge from the swirling purple gate, my heart pounded in my chest. The gate began to close, and I noticed it taking the form of a humanoid figure covered in dark purple mist. The only distinguishable features were its glowing yellow eyes, which seemed to pierce through the darkness.

The misty figure spoke, its voice echoing throughout the USJ. "The only heroes I see here are Thirteen and Eraserhead, perplexing. According to the schedule, All Might should be here."

Damn it. The alarm yesterday, the press invasion – it was all caused by them. They had used the media as a distraction to gather information about U.A. 's schedule.

The gray-haired man at the center of the villain group scratched his neck, his voice filled with twisted amusement. "Where is he? I went through so much trouble gathering so many friends to meet him. Maybe if I kill a few students, he'll come out to play."

Kaminari, standing nearby, gasped in shock. "No way… they are real villains. How can so many get into a secure U.A. facility?"

Momo approached Thirteen, "Why aren't the alarms going off?"

"I'm not sure." Thirteen said.

I turned to Kaminari. "Try to send out a distress signal with your quirk."

He concentrated for a few seconds and then shook his head, his expression grim. "It's not going through."

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath. "There's probably someone with a jammer quirk."

Todoroki nodded in agreement. "It's likely only this area was targeted since it's so isolated. They aren't as dumb as they seem. They must have an objective because this was a well-coordinated sneak attack."

I voiced my thoughts aloud. "The only one I can think of them targeting is All Might. The villain mentioned him, and he's the only one with enough cache to do something this reckless against. No offense, Thirteen and Mr. Aizawa."

Aizawa shook his head. "None taken." He called out to his colleague, "Thirteen! Begin evacuation. I'll hold them off."

I stepped forward, "Do you need help?"

Aizawa fixed me with a stern gaze. "You can help me by making sure your classmates make it out of here."

With that, he leaped down into the fray, his capture tape unfurling as he began to engage the villains head-on.

I turned to my classmates, "Everyone, go to the entrance! The faster we leave, the faster we can get sensei backup."

But before we could take more than a few steps, a swirling mass of purple mist formed behind us. The same glowing yellow eyes from before peered out from the darkness.

"I can't allow that," the misty figure said, its voice cold and unforgiving. "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but I believe someone was supposed to be here today, yet I see no sign of them."

Glancing to my right, I noticed Thirteen subtly raising their hand, preparing to activate their quirk.

The mist villain continued, "No matter, I still have my role to play."

In a flash, Kirishima and Bakugo leaped into action, their fists aimed directly at the villain's face. Time seemed to slow as I realized they could get in the way of Thirteen's quirk. "Move out of the way!" I shouted.

Bakugo's explosion tore through the misty face, smoke billowing out in a thick, choking cloud that obscured our vision. Kirishima grinned, his hardened skin gleaming in the flickering light. "We got this, Midoriya. Don't worry."

But as the smoke cleared, my heart plummeted. The purple mist reformed, the villain's glowing eyes shining through the haze like beacons of malevolence. "You live up to your school's reputation," he said, "but I must ask you to be careful. Someone could get hurt."

Before we could react, the mist expanded rapidly, engulfing us in a dome of swirling darkness. It felt like being caught in the eye of a hurricane, the world spinning and twisting around us in a dizzying kaleidoscope of colors and shapes.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. I found myself in a new location, the ruined buildings and crumbling walls of the Ruins Zone rising up around me like the remnants of a lost civilization. I blinked, trying to get my bearings, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.

That's when I noticed two familiar figures beside me, their faces etched with the same confusion and fear that I felt.

"Momo? Kyoka?" I called out, my voice echoing through the eerie stillness of the ruins.

Momo turned to me, her eyes wide with concern. "Izuku? Where are we? What happened to the others?"

Kyoka's earphone jacks twitched, her expression grim as she scanned our surroundings. "I think that misty bastard separated us. Sent us to different parts of the USJ."

"Alright," I said, "We need to find a way to regroup with the others and get back to the main plaza. But first, we have to deal with any villains in this area. We can't let them catch us off guard."

Momo's eyes narrowed. "You're right. We have to be smart about this, come up with a strategy. What do you need from us?"

I turned to Momo. "Can you make about 15 rolls of a stronger version of capture tape and make a simple bo staff? I have an idea, but I'll need your help to make it work."

Momo nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I can do that. Just give me a moment." She closed her eyes, focusing her quirk. Within seconds, a series of capture tape rolls materialized from her arm, each one looking sturdier and more durable than the standard issue tape. At the same time, a steel staff emerged from her other arm, its surface gleaming in the dim light.

As she handed me the materials, I couldn't help but marvel at her quirk once again. The ability to create any non-living object was an incredibly versatile and powerful tool.

"Thanks, Momo," I said, pocketing the marbles and handing some of the tape to Kyoka. "Now, here's what I'm thinking. Kyoka, you'll be our early warning system. Use your quirk to listen for any signs of villains in the area. If you hear anything, let us know immediately."

Kyoka grinned, her earphone jacks already extending towards the ground. "You got it, Midoriya. I'll make sure those bastards don't get the drop on us."

I nodded, turning to Momo. "Momo, do you think you could create a stun gun? Something that could incapacitate a villain without causing permanent damage?"

Momo's eyes lit up, catching on to my plan. "Absolutely. A high-voltage, low-amperage stun gun should do the trick. It'll disrupt their muscle functions temporarily, but won't cause any lasting harm."

As she began to create the stun gun, I laid out the rest of the plan. "Alright, so here's how it'll work. Kyoka will lead the way, using her quirk to scout for any villains. If she hears anything, she'll signal us and use her amplified sound to disorient them. While they're distracted, Momo and I will move in."

I held up the capture tape and the staff. "I'll use the staff to trip them up or knock them out, and then we'll use the capture tape to restrain them. If they're still struggling, Momo can use the stun gun to incapacitate them."

Momo nodded, holding up the newly-created stun gun. "And if we encounter any villains with particularly dangerous quirks, I can create other items to help counter them. Flashbangs, smoke grenades, anything we might need."

Kyoka cracked her knuckles, "Sounds like a solid plan, Izuku."

"Remember, our priority is to neutralize any threats and regroup with the others as quickly as possible. We don't know what kind of quirks these villains might have, so we need to be prepared for anything."

I glanced at each of them in turn, my voice steady and resolute. "I know this isn't what we expected when we came here today. But we're heroes-in-training, and this is what we've been preparing for. I believe in us, and I know that together, we can overcome this."

Momo and Kyoka both nodded, their expressions mirroring my own. "We've got your back, Izuku," Kyoka said, her earphone jacks twitching. "Let's show these villains what we are made of."

[All Might's POV]

Sitting in the teacher's lounge, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been nagging at me all morning. I'd been so caught up in my hero work that I'd lost track of time, and now I was running late for my appearance at the USJ.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found Aizawa's number. I hit the call button, bringing the phone to my ear as I waited for him to pick up. But instead of Aizawa's gruff voice, I was greeted by an automated message: "The number you dialed is unavailable or temporarily out of service. Please try again later."

I hung up with a sigh, "Thirteen and Aizawa aren't picking up. Then again, they are teaching, unlike me. Why the hell would I spend my morning commute doing hero work? Such a rookie move."

I slapped my face, trying to psych myself up. "I guess I could at least make an appearance and give some inspiring words. I can get at least ten minutes out of my hero form."

With a deep breath, I channeled the power of One For All, feeling my body swell and transform into my muscular hero form. I grinned, striking a pose as I bellowed, "Time to see my stu-"

But before I could finish my sentence, I felt a familiar tickle in the back of my throat. I coughed, tasting the coppery tang of blood on my tongue.

Just then, the door to the lounge opened, and Principal Nezu stepped inside. "Hold on, All Might," he said, his voice as cheerful as ever.

I quickly wiped the blood from my mouth, kneeling down to greet the principal. "Hello, Nezu, sir," I said, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

Nezu smiled, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Yes! Am I a mouse, a dog, or a bear? All you need to know is that I am the principal!"

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Your fur is looking especially glossy today, sir."

Nezu preened, running a paw over his coat. "The secret is keratin! I'm not sure humans can get this shine, but enough of that. Have you read the news lately?"

He pulled out a tablet, showing me a news article with the headline "All Might Solves Multiple Cases in 2 Hours!" I felt my face heat up with embarrassment, knowing I'd been caught.

Nezu sighed, shaking his head. "It's partially the fault of the ruffians causing trouble even with you here, but you can't react every time you hear of an incident."

"You know I can't turn a blind eye to someone in need."

Nezu's expression softened, "I know that. You haven't changed in all these years. You have always been proactive. But remember, your time is limited, and you still have the added work of finding and training One For All's successor. You wanted to continue being the Symbol of Peace while staying out of the spotlight."

As Nezu spoke, I glanced down at my hands, noticing the wisps of steam rising from my skin. Shit my time is up.

Nezu turned, "Oh my, you're smoking. That can't be good."

With a puff of smoke, I felt my body deflate, returning to its true, emaciated form. I slumped back on the couch, feeling the weight of my responsibilities bearing down on me.

Nezu hopped up on the couch opposite me, his expression serious. "It looks like you need to rest a little while longer. The other teachers will understand; they are capable. Plus, this gives us an opportunity to chat about that important subject. Have you decided on who to give One For All to?"

I hesitated, my mind drifting to the young man who had caught my eye during the entrance exam. "Something is drawing me to young Midoriya," I admitted, my voice soft.

Nezu leaned forward, his paws steepled in front of him. "Izuku Midoriya, hmm? He certainly made an impression during the exam. But are you sure he's the best candidate? One For All is a heavy burden to bear."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I know it's a big decision. But there's something about that kid... his determination, his selflessness. He reminds me of myself, in a way."

Nezu nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I can see why you would be drawn to him. But let's not make any hasty decisions. Why don't you take some time to observe him, to get to know him better? See how he handles himself in different situations, both as a student and as a hero-in-training."

"You're right. I'll keep an eye on him, see how he develops. If he truly has the heart of a hero, then maybe he is the one worthy of inheriting One For All."

Nezu smiled, "I have faith in your judgment, Toshinori. And I have a feeling that young Midoriya will surprise us all."

As we sat there, discussing the future of One For All and the fate of the world, I couldn't shake the feeling that something big was on the horizon. A storm was coming, and it would take everything we had to weather it.

But with the right successor, with a new Symbol of Peace to carry on the legacy... maybe, just maybe, we had a chance.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As we stepped out into the ruins, my senses were on high alert, scanning the area for any signs of danger. Kyoka walked slightly ahead, her earphone jacks extended and her eyes closed in concentration. Momo and I flanked her on either side, the capture tape and marbles at the ready.

Suddenly, Kyoka's eyes snapped open, and she held up a hand, signaling us to stop. "I hear something," she whispered, her voice tense. "Multiple footsteps, coming from the left."

I nodded, my grip tightening on the marbles. "How many?"

Kyoka tilted her head, listening intently. "At least six, maybe more. They're spreading out, trying to surround us."

Momo frowned, her eyes narrowing. "They must have realized we're here. We need to act fast, before they can box us in."

I took a deep breath, my mind racing as I formulated a plan. "Alright, here's what we'll do. Kyoka, on my signal, I want you to send out a sonic wave in a wide arc. Disorient them, throw them off balance. Momo, be ready with the stun gun and the capture tape. I'll handle the rest."

They both nodded, their expressions determined. We moved forward cautiously, our footsteps quiet on the rubble-strewn ground.

As we rounded a corner, we came face to face with a group of villains, their eyes wide with surprise at our sudden appearance. They were a motley crew, each one sporting a different quirk and a menacing sneer.

"Well, well, well," one of them drawled, his hands sparking with electricity. "Looks like we've got some lost little heroes. Time to show you what real power looks like!"

I smirked, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. "Real power, huh? Let's see if you can back up that talk with some action."

I didn't wait for the villain to make the first move. With a quick hand signal to Kyoka, I lunged forward, the staff whirling in my hands.

"Now!" I yelled, and Kyoka's jacks slammed into the ground, sending out a shockwave of sound that rippled through the air.

The villains staggered, their hands clutching at their ears as the sonic blast hit them. I capitalized on their disorientation, the staff a blur as I whipped it around, slamming it into the knees of the nearest villain.

He went down with a cry, and I followed up with a swift kick to his temple, knocking him unconscious. But there was no time to celebrate - the others were already recovering, their quirks flaring to life.

A woman with razor-sharp claws swiped at me, her speed belying her bulk. I ducked under the swipe, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle my hair. I retaliated with a quick jab of the staff to her ribs, driving the air from her lungs.

Behind me, I heard the crackle of electricity and the sizzle of Momo's stun gun. A quick glance showed her grappling with the a villain, his hands wrapped around her wrist as he tried to squeeze her. But Momo was quick - with a deft twist, she broke his grip and jammed the stun gun into his side.

The villain convulsed, his quirk shorting out as the electricity coursed through him. Momo wasted no time in wrapping him up in capture tape, immobilizing him.

Kyoka, meanwhile, was holding her own against a pair of villains, her jacks lashing out like whips. She snared one around the ankle, yanking him off balance, then sent a concentrated blast of sound directly into the other's face, sending him reeling.

I turned back to my own fight just in time to see a fist rocketing towards my face. I leaned back, feeling the breeze as it passed a hair's breadth from my nose.

"Whoa there, big guy! Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to throw punches without an introduction?"

The villain snarled, sending another attack at me but I danced back, the staff twirling in my hands.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that! Here, let me start. I'm Izuku Midoriya, hero-in-training. And you are...?"

"Dead meat!" he roared, charging at me like an enraged bull.

I gave ground, my feet shuffling over the uneven terrain. I needed an opening, a chance to counter. There! As he overextended on a right cross, I ducked under his arm and rammed the end of the staff into his solar plexus.

He doubled over, wheezing, and I followed up with a spinning kick to his jaw, channeling the momentum of the Tandava. He toppled like a felled oak, out cold before he hit the ground. The bigger they are..

But there was no time to finish that train of thought. More villains were pouring into the area, drawn by the sounds of combat. I counted at least a dozen, each one looking tougher than the last.

"Momo, Kyoka!" I called out, backing towards my teammates. "We need to regroup!"

They disengaged from their own fights, falling back to my position. We stood back to back, our weapons at the ready as the villains circled us like wolves.

"Any ideas, Midoriya?" Kyoka panted, her jacks twitching. "Because I'm open to suggestions."

My eyes fell on a collapsed pillar, its jagged edge jutting up from the rubble. An idea started to form, a crazy, reckless gambit.

"Momo," I said, my voice low. "I need you to make the strongest flashbang you can. On my signal, throw it directly at that pillar."

Momo glanced at the pillar, then back at me, her eyes widening in understanding. "Got it. Just say when."

I took a deep breath, centering myself. I could feel the Tandava thrumming through my veins, a pulsing rhythm that matched the pounding of my heart.

"Kyoka," I said, "get ready to hit them with everything you've got. We're only going to get one shot at this."

Kyoka nodded, her face set in grim determination.

The villains were closing in, their quirks crackling and swirling around them. I counted down in my head, waiting for the perfect moment.

Three... two... one...

"Now!" I roared, and Momo hurled the flashbang with all her might. It arced through the air, a small sun of blinding light and deafening sound.

The instant before it hit the pillar, I moved. I launched myself forward, the Tandava surging through my limbs. I became a whirlwind of motion, the staff an extension of my body as I spun and struck, danced and dodged.

The flashbang detonated, the shockwave shattering the pillar into a thousand razor-sharp shards. Kyoka's blast followed a heartbeat later, catching the debris in its wake and hurling it outwards in a deadly hail.

The villains screamed, shielding their faces as the improvised shrapnel tore through their ranks. Some went down, blood blooming from a hundred cuts. Others staggered, their quirks faltering under the onslaught.

And through it all, I danced. The Tandava guided my steps, let me flow around the falling stone and the flailing villains like water around rock. My staff was a blur, cracking against joints and pressure points with surgical precision.

One by one, they fell. Some to Kyoka's unrelenting sonic barrage, some to Momo's quick-crafted restraints. But most to the tide of the Tandava's fury.

In the end, only one was left standing. The electric villain, his eyes wide with fear as he backed away, his hands crackling with desperate, uncontrolled energy.

"It's over, surrender and you won't be harmed."

His face purpled with rage and fear, the sparks intensifying. "Shut up! Just... just shut up and die!"

I sighed, shaking my head. "See, that's your problem. You villains always go straight for the 'shut up and die' line. No creativity, no style. It's all so... predictable."

I took a step forward. "Now, me? I like to mix it up. Keep things fresh. For example..."

In a blur, I darted to the side, the staff whipping out to tap against a piece of rubble. A small chunk of concrete popped into the air, and with a deft flick, I sent it careening towards the villain's face.

He flinched, his hands coming up to shield himself. And in that moment of distraction, I moved.

I closed the distance in a heartbeat, a quick jab to his solar plexus doubled him over, a follow-up strike to his wrist sending his arm wide, the electricity grounding harmlessly against a nearby rock.

He stumbled back, wheezing, his eyes wide with shock and fear. "How... how did you...?"

I grinned, spinning the staff in a casual flourish. "Trade secret, Sparky. Let's just say I've got a few volts of my own to work with."

He snarled, lunging at me in a final, desperate gambit. His hands clawed at my face, trails of electricity sizzling in their wake.

But I was already moving, spinning around his charge like a leaf in the wind. As he overextended, I brought the staff down in a swift, surgical strike across the back of his head.

There was a dull thunk, and he crumpled to the ground, out cold before he even hit the dirt.

I stood over him, the staff resting across my shoulders, a wry smile on my face. "And that, my friend, is what we call a shocking turn of events."

Behind me, I heard Kyoka groan. "Really, Izuku? That's the line you're going with?"

I turned, my grin widening. "What? Too on the nose?"

Momo, despite herself, let out a small chuckle. "It was a bit... electrifying."

Kyoka stared at her, betrayal etched across her features. "You too, Momo?"

I chuckled, taking out a roll of capture tape. "We need to restrain them, make sure they can't cause any more trouble when they wake up."

Together, we bound the villains, making sure they were secure.

As I pulled the last knot tight, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. We had done it. We had taken on a small army of villains and emerged victorious.

I placed a hand on their shoulders, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You both did amazing."

To my surprise, a faint blush crept onto both Momo and Jiro's cheeks at my words. They glanced at each other, a strange mix of emotions playing across their faces.

Jiro cleared her throat, her eyes darting away from mine. "Hey, Izuku... there's something I need to talk to you about. After we get out of this mess, I mean."

Momo nodded, "I also have something I wish to discuss with you, Izuku. Perhaps we could find a moment to talk privately, once this crisis is resolved."

I looked between the two of them. What could they possibly want to talk about? And why did they both seem so... nervous?

I shook my head, pushing those thoughts aside. We had more pressing matters to attend to. "Sounds like a plan," I said, giving them both a nod. "But for now, let's focus on the task at hand."

I turned to Jiro. "Okay, I need you to stay alert for any more villains. We're going to start making our way back to the entrance to regroup with the others."

Jiro nodded, her face settling into a mask of determination. "Got it. I'll make sure no one sneaks up on us."

And with that, we set off towards the entrance to regroup with our classmates. Not knowing that these next 15 minutes would bring forth the beginning of a new era.