
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As I stood there, lost in my own thoughts, a familiar voice cut through. "Izuku! Momo! Congrats on second place!"

I turned to see Jiro making her way towards us, her face split by a wide grin. She clapped me on the shoulder, her touch friendly and warm.

"Thanks," I muttered, trying to muster a smile. But it felt strained, forced. The sting of defeat, of having victory snatched away in the final seconds, was still too raw, too fresh.

Jiro's grin faltered slightly, her eyes searching mine. She opened her mouth as if to say something more, but before she could, another voice interrupted.


I turned to see Todoroki standing there, his expression unreadable. He gestured with his head, a silent invitation.

"We need to talk."

I hesitated, the weight of everything that had just transpired hanging heavy in the air between us. The fire, the ice, the unspoken history that seemed to crackle like electricity in Todoroki's mismatched gaze...

But in the end, curiosity won out. I nodded, stepping away from my team. "Lead the way."

Momo's voice stopped me in my tracks. "Izuku, what about lunch?"

I gave Momo a reassuring smile, trying to convey my appreciation, my affection. "Save me a plate? I won't be long, I promise."

Momo held my gaze for a long moment, a silent conversation passing between us. Then, slowly, she nodded.

"Katsu curry?"

My smile widened, becoming more genuine. She knew me so well.

"You know it."

With a final nod to my team, a silent promise to return soon, I turned and followed Todoroki off the field, towards the waiting shadows of the stadium tunnels.

[All Might's POV]

I sat in the teacher's booth, my eyes glued to the field below. The roar of the crowd was a distant hum, barely registering over the thoughts racing through my mind. I couldn't look away from the green-haired figure at the center of it all.

Izuku Midoriya. The kid I'd offered my quirk to, the one I'd named my successor. He hadn't accepted yet, wanting to prove himself at this festival first. But I knew he had the heart of a true hero.

My mind drifted back to the opening ceremony, when Izuku gave the student pledge. I'd watched, holding my breath, as he faced the crowd, mic in hand.

And then, he started speaking. His voice rang out, strong and sure, filled with a conviction that caught me off guard. He talked about the challenges ahead, the hurdles they'd face. About the power of unity, of lifting each other up.

With every word, I felt a surge of pride. This was what I'd seen in Izuku from the start - not just potential, but a spark of something special. A light that could lead the way, that could push others to reach new heights.

Now, watching the kid lead his team in the cavalry battle, I saw that spark growing. Izuku moved with a new confidence, his eyes sharp with strategic thinking. He navigated the battlefield like a pro, always a step ahead.

But it wasn't just physical skill. Izuku had grown as a leader. He guided his team with steady confidence, bringing out their best. Even when the odds were stacked against them, he didn't falter.

I leaned forward, gripping the arms of my chair as I watched the battle unfold. Todoroki and Bakugo, two of the strongest in the class, had their sights set on Izuku. I could see their determination, their drive to prove themselves against their biggest rival.

And then, it happened. In a split second, as Izuku reached for Todoroki's headbands, Todoroki unleashed his fire. The flames were brief but intense, a burst of raw emotion.

I sat up straighter, eyes wide. I knew about Todoroki's refusal to use his fire, had heard rumors about his tough past and strained relationship with his dad. But to see him break that vow, to tap into his full potential...

It was a moment of major change, of a long-held belief crumbling in the face of a bigger truth. And at the center of it all, the catalyst for this shift, was Izuku.

I felt a grin tug at my lips, even as worry knotted my gut. Todoroki using his fire was a double-edged sword - a sign of growth, but also a source of clear tension. The kid seemed shaken, his focus thrown by the weight of what he'd done.

It reminded me that growth is never easy, that facing your demons leaves scars. And as much as I wanted to cheer for Todoroki's breakthrough, I knew the road ahead would be rough.

I made a mental note to find Endeavor after this round, to have a long-overdue talk about the cost of ambition and what being a hero really means. Todoroki deserved more than being a weapon made for one purpose. He deserved to choose his own path, to become a hero his own way.

The final buzzer yanked me out of my thoughts. The cavalry battle was over, the scores tallied for everyone to see. In the end, Bakugo's team snagged the top spot by stealing the ten million points from Izuku's team in the final seconds.

Seeing Izuku's disappointment stung, but my pride in his leadership overshadowed it. As I watched my successor leave the field, I knew this was far from the end. Izuku had tasted defeat, had felt the bitter sting of a victory ripped away. But he'd also found new strengths, in himself and those around him.

The real battle was just starting. And if anyone could rise to the challenge, if anyone could take this setback and turn it into fuel for an even bigger fire...

It was Izuku Midoriya. The kid who embodied the spirit of Plus Ultra.

The kid who would become the greatest hero of them all.

After Present Mic called for an hour break, I found Endeavor in a private viewing box, his gaze fixed on the field below. The flickering light of the screens cast harsh shadows across his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his features.

"Endeavor," I said, stepping into the room. "Got a minute?"

He didn't look at me, his eyes never leaving the screens. "Make it quick, All Might. I'm busy."

I moved to stand beside him, my own gaze drawn to the replay of Todoroki's fire burst. "Quite the display down there. Your boy's got some serious power."

Endeavor grunted, a sound that could have been acknowledgment or dismissal. "He's finally starting to understand what's expected of him."

I glanced at him sidelong. "Expectations can be a heavy burden for a kid."

His jaw tightened, a muscle twitching in his cheek. "The path to greatness is never easy. Sacrifices have to be made."

"True enough," I conceded. "But there's a difference between pushing yourself and being pushed too far."

Endeavor's hands clenched, his knuckles whitening. "I know my son's limits. And I know what it takes to surpass them."

I sighed, feeling the weight of the words unsaid hanging between us. "Just remember, Endeavor. There's more to being a hero than raw power. The heart, the spirit... that's what makes a true legend."

He scoffed. "Spare me the lecture, All Might. I know what I'm doing."

I nodded, hearing the finality in his tone. "I'm sure you do. But sometimes, it's not about what we're doing. It's about why we're doing it."

Endeavor said nothing, his eyes still fixed on the screen. But I could see the tension in his frame, the rigid set of his shoulders.

I turned to leave, pausing at the door. "Your boy's got a fire in him, Endeavor. In more ways than one. Make sure you're nurturing that flame... not smothering it."

And with that, I left, the sound of the door clicking shut behind me like a punctuation mark on a conversation that felt unfinished.

As I walked away, my mind churned with the implications of what had been said... and more importantly, what hadn't. Endeavor's ambition, his unyielding drive to surpass me, to claim the title of Number One... it cast a long shadow, one that threatened to engulf everything in its path.

Including his own son.

I could only hope that Todoroki would find his own way, that he would learn to embrace his power on his own terms. To become a hero not for his father's sake, but for his own.

It was a journey he would have to make alone, a path he would have to forge through the wilderness of his own doubts and demons.

But as I made my way back to the teacher's booth, I silently vowed to be there for him, to offer what guidance and support I could. Not as the Number One Hero, but as someone who understood the weight of expectations, the price of a legacy.

That was my role, my responsibility. To be a light in the darkness, a hand reaching out to those who stumbled on the path to greatness.

It was a duty I would not fail. A promise I would keep.

No matter what.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

I followed Todoroki through the winding corridors of the stadium, the echo of our footsteps the only sound in the stillness. The air seemed to grow heavier with each step, the weight of unspoken words and hidden truths pressing down on us.

Finally, he stopped, turning to face me. His eyes, one gray and one turquoise, seemed to bore into mine, searching for something I couldn't name.

"Midoriya," he said, his voice flat and emotionless. "I think it's time we talked."

"What's on your mind, Todoroki?"

He was silent for a long moment, his gaze distant. When he spoke, his words were slow, measured, as if each one was being carefully chosen.

"You know about my father. About his ambition, his obsession with surpassing All Might."

It wasn't a question, but I nodded anyway. The whole world knew of Endeavor's relentless pursuit of the top spot, his burning desire to be the best.

Todoroki's jaw clenched, a muscle ticking in his cheek. "What you don't know is the lengths he's willing to go to achieve that goal. The things he's done, the lives he's destroyed..."

His voice trailed off, his eyes taking on a haunted, faraway look. I felt a chill run down my spine, a sense of foreboding that I couldn't quite shake.

"Todoroki," I said softly, "whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here to listen."

He blinked, his gaze refocusing on me. For a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of vulnerability, a crack in his icy facade. But it was gone as quickly as it had come, replaced by a steely resolve.

"My father... he's not a hero. He's a monster." The words were flat, devoid of emotion, but I could feel the weight of them, the years of pain and anger simmering beneath the surface.

"He didn't marry my mother for love, or even companionship. He chose her for her quirk, for the potential it held. And when I was born, when he saw the power I had inherited... I became his project. His masterpiece."

Todoroki's hands clenched at his sides. "He pushed me beyond my limits, subjected me to training that would break most grown men. All in the name of creating a hero to surpass All Might, to claim the spot of Number One that he could never reach."

I felt sick, my stomach twisting with horror and disgust. I had known Endeavor was driven, that his ambition burned hotter than his flames. But this... this was beyond anything I could have imagined.

"Todoroki," I whispered. "I'm so sorry. No one should have to go through that, especially not a child."

He shook his head, a bitter smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Don't be sorry. It made me strong. It made me resilient. And it made me determined to become the best, to prove that I don't need his power, his influence, to reach the top."

He looked at me then, really looked at me, his gaze intense. "That's where you come in, Midoriya. You're my measuring stick, my benchmark. If I can surpass you, if I can beat you using only my mother's quirk... then I'll know I'm ready. Ready to show him that I'm more than just his creation, his tool."

I stared at him, my mind reeling. On one hand, I was honored that he saw me as a worthy opponent, a true rival to test himself against. But on the other...

"Todoroki," I said carefully, "I understand your determination, your need to prove yourself. But your fire... it's a part of you. Denying it, rejecting it... isn't that letting your father win? Letting him control you even now?"

Todoroki's eyes flashed, a spark of anger breaking through his icy composure. "You don't understand, Midoriya. You can't. This fire... it's his. It's always been his. And I won't let him have that hold over me, that power to shape my destiny."

I met his gaze, unflinching. "But it's not his fire, Todoroki. It's yours. Your power, your choice. And choosing to embrace it, to make it your own... that's not letting him win. That's taking back control, claiming your birthright on your own terms."

For a long moment, he just stared at me, his expression unreadable. Then, slowly, he nodded.

"Maybe you're right, Midoriya. Maybe there's more than one way to defy him, to break free of his shadow." He took a deep breath, his shoulders straightening as if a weight had been lifted from them.

"But that doesn't change my goal. I will beat you, Midoriya. I will claim the top spot, without my fire."

I grinned, feeling the familiar rush of anticipation, of excitement at the challenge ahead. "And I'll be waiting for you, Todoroki. Ready to give it my all, to push myself to the limit and beyond. Because that's what rivals do. That's what friends do."

Something flickered in his eyes at that, a hint of surprise, of warmth. But it was gone in an instant, replaced by his usual cool, composed mask.

"Friends, huh?" he mused, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "I guess we'll see about that, Midoriya. I guess we'll see."

And with that, he turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. I watched him go, feeling a strange mix of emotions swirling in my chest. Respect, determination, and something else, something harder to define...

But I pushed it aside, squaring my shoulders and turning back towards the stadium. There would be time to ponder the complexities of our relationship later. For now, I had a festival to win, a dream to chase.

And if Todoroki wanted to test his mettle against mine...

Then I would meet him head-on. I would give him the battle he craved, the challenge he needed.

Because that was my way, my path to becoming the greatest hero.

And I wouldn't let anything, or anyone, stand in my way.