
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Green Light

Next Morning

I woke up before the sun had even begun to peek over the horizon, my mind reeling from the vivid dream that had consumed my slumber. It was another memory from the old Izuku, a fragment of a life that felt both foreign and intimately familiar.

In the dream, I found myself in the body of a young Izuku, walking through a lush forest with a group of children, Katsuki leading the way. The air was filled with the sound of our excited chatter, our high-pitched voices discussing the hero agencies we dreamed of founding one day.

Suddenly, as Katsuki stepped onto a log that bridged a small stream, his foot slipped, and he lost his balance. Time seemed to slow down as I watched him tumble into the water below, his eyes widening with shock and a hint of fear.

The other children weren't worried, commenting about how Kacchan was the strongest out of all of them and wouldn't get hurt by this. As if on cue,, his head broke through the water, a scowl of annoyance on his face as he shook his head vigorously, trying to get the water out of his hair.

"Kacchan!" one of the kids still on the log called out, "Hurry and get back up here!"

Katsuki grinned, his usual confidence already returning. "Sure, in a second!" he called back, his gaze sweeping over the riverbank.

Without thinking, I scrambled down the log, my small feet slipping slightly on the damp wood. I landed in the shallow water with a splash, the coolness of it seeping into my shoes.

I waded towards Katsuki, my hand outstretched and my brow furrowed with concern. "Are you alright, Kacchan?" I asked, my voice high and earnest. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Katsuki's eyes met mine, surprise and something else - something I couldn't quite name - flickering across his face. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the dream began to fade, the colors and sounds blurring together until I found myself blinking up at the ceiling of my dorm room once more.

Glancing at the clock – 5:00 AM, like every morning. One habit that hasn't changed, even with a fancy new dorm room. Time for my workout.

I threw on my training gear, the familiar fabric a comforting second skin. As I stepped out into the hallway, I heard a sound that made me pause. A door opening below. It was him.

The thump of Bakugo's footsteps was unmistakable. We met on the landing, an awkward beat of silence stretching between us. But then, with a grunt that could've been a greeting, Bakugo jerked his head towards the stairs. I fell into step beside him, and we took the rest of the way down together.

Outside, I sucked in a breath. The air was sharp this early, just enough chill to make the sweat later feel earned. The campus was still asleep, the perfect time to train without distractions.

I started with my stretches, the familiar routine helping to clear my mind. As I moved through the motions, I could feel Bakugo's eyes on me. Curious, assessing.

Then, I shifted into the katas Sensei Kuro had drilled into me. Each movement was precise, deliberate, a dance of controlled power. I could feel the Tandava flowing through me, guiding my steps, my breathing.

"The hell is that?"

Bakugo's voice cut through my concentration. I paused, turning to face him. He was watching me with a frown, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Katas," I replied, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow. "They help me focus, control my quirk."

Bakugo's frown deepened. "Control your quirk? Thought you said it was about physical strength."

I shrugged, settling back into my stance. "It's both. The strength to handle it, the control to use it right."

For a long moment, Bakugo just stared at me. I could practically see the gears turning in his head, processing this new information.

"Huh, so that's your secret, Deku? Some fancy dance moves?"

"It's more than just dancing, Kacchan. It's about discipline, precision. Mastering your own body and mind."

Bakugo snorted, but I could tell he was intrigued. "Whatever. Still looks like dancing to me."

I laughed, the sound echoing in the quiet of the early morning. "Maybe I'll teach you sometime. Could help with your explosions, you know."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "Like I need your help, nerd. I've got my own training."

I finished my katas, the Tandava humming beneath my skin. As I moved into my running stance, I glanced over at Bakugo.

"Race you to the track?"

A fierce grin split his face. "You're on, Deku. Hope you're ready to eat my dust."

And then we were off, feet pounding against the pavement, the cool morning air whipping past our faces. 

The sun was fully up by the time we completed our workout, the campus coming to life around us. Some students entering the dorms for the first time, getting ready to unpack, others continuing to unpack from yesterday.

But as I stepped into the fifth floor, I was greeted by an unexpected sight. My mother, standing in front of my door, her arms laden with shopping bags.

"Mom?" I blinked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

She smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I told you I'd get some things for your room, didn't I? I couldn't wait to bring them over."

Of course she couldn't wait. That was my mom, always eager to show her love and support in tangible ways.

"Well, let's see what you got," I said, moving to help her with the bags.

Together, we unpacked her purchases. Soft, fluffy towels in a deep blue. Matching bedsheets and pillowcases. A throw blanket in a complementary shade of green. And, just as she'd promised, a set of landscape prints to hang on the walls.

As we worked, Mom chattered away, asking about my first night in the dorms, my morning workout, my plans for the day. I answered as best I could, my heart swelling with affection for this woman who had always been my biggest cheerleader.

Finally, with the last of the decorations in place, Mom stepped back to admire our handiwork. The room looked transformed, the impersonal space now infused with warmth and personality.

"It's perfect," I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Thanks, Mom."

She leaned into me, her head resting against my chest. "I'm so proud of you, Izuku. So proud of the man you're becoming."

I swallowed past the sudden lump in my throat. "I couldn't do it without you. Without your support..."

She pulled back, her hands coming up to cup my face. "You could, and you would. Because that's who you are, Izuku. A fighter, a dreamer, a hero in the making."

I blinked back the sting of tears, my heart too full for words. So I simply pulled her into a hug, pouring all my gratitude, all my love, into the embrace.

After finishing my room it was time to meet my classmates. Heading down to the common area and it was... vibrant. Not overwhelming, just... a lot of energy in one place. Groups clustered around couches, the smell of something delicious wafting from the kitchen.

Then I spotted her – Yaoyorozu, chatting with a group of girls who all turned to eye me with interest as I approached.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu!" I called out, flashing a friendly grin. "Good to see you again."

She smiled back, every bit as poised and elegant as when we first met. "Midoriya! I was just telling everyone about your help with the dresser. Thank you again."

"Anytime," I replied, meeting the curious gazes of the other girls with a nod. "Always happy to lend a hand."

One of them, a girl with short purple hair and a mischievous glint in her eye, stepped forward. "Kyoka Jiro," she introduced herself, offering a fist bump. "Saw your performance in the entrance exam. Pretty impressive stuff."

I returned the fist bump. "Thanks, Jiro, I appreciate it."

As more of my classmates joined the conversation, I found myself in the midst of a whirlwind of introductions and stories. A guy with a muscular tail named Ojiro shared a hilarious tale about his first attempt at using his quirk, while a dude named Kaminari cracked jokes that had us all in stitches.

I even found myself in a spirited debate with Tenya Iida, the intense guy with glasses who had called me out during the exam. But despite our rocky start, we quickly found common ground in our shared drive to become top heroes.

As the evening wore on and the light outside the windows deepened to a rich twilight blue, the energy in the common room began to mellow out. Conversations turned quieter, the laughter more subdued. Even Kaminari seemed to have run out of steam.

Then a tap on my shoulder, and there was Mom, smile a little wobbly."Izuku, honey, I think I should head out. You seem to be doing okay here."

I hugged her tight, "Thanks, Mom. For everything."

I watched her go, a bittersweet ache in my chest. It felt like the end of a chapter, the turning of a page. But also the beginning of a new one, full of unknown challenges and exciting possibilities.

In my room, I flopped onto the bed, the cool sheets a welcome relief against my skin.

Next week would be the real starting line. Classes, training, the chance to prove myself worthy of this opportunity. It was daunting, but also exhilarating. A challenge I was more than ready to face head-on.

A few days had passed since my early morning training session with Katsuki, and life at the dorms had begun to settle into a comfortable routine.

Making my way into the common area one morning, I noticed a small crowd gathered around the bulletin board. Curious, I approached, craning my neck to see what had captured everyone's attention.

There, pinned to the center of the board, was a note written in neat, precise handwriting:

"Attention Class 1-A,

Please report to the training grounds this Saturday at 10:00 AM sharp. Be sure to wear your gym uniforms.

- Your Homeroom Teacher, Shota Aizawa"

Beside the note sat a large cardboard box, the words "GYM UNIFORMS" scrawled across the top in bold, black Sharpie.

A murmur of excitement and speculation rippled through the gathered students. "Training grounds?" Mina questioned, her golden eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What do you think we'll be doing?"

Kirishima, naturally, was already flexing in front of an imaginary mirror. "Finally, a chance to show 'em what I'm made of!"

Ochaco, who had been standing nearby, chimed in. "Maybe it's some kind of quirk assessment? I've heard rumors about U.A.'s intense training methods."

Iida nodded, his hand chopping the air in a robotic motion. "Indeed! As students of U.A., it's our duty to be prepared for any challenge our teachers set before us!"

Kaminari groaned, running a hand through his blond hair. "Man, I was hoping for a relaxing weekend before classes start. Guess that's out the window."

Then I spotted Yaoyorozu watching the scene with a slight frown on her face. Guess even with her fancy upbringing, she could get anxious too.

"Guess we'll find out soon enough, huh?" I said, keeping my voice light.

She turned, that frown vanishing. "Indeed. And whatever this training is, I am sure we will all perform admirably."

I stepped forward, reaching into the box and rummaging around until I found a uniform in my size. Whatever Aizawa-sensei had planned, I just had to ace it. There was no use overthinking it.

And then, almost before I knew it, the day had arrived.

I woke up at dawn, unable to sleep any longer. I quickly showered and changed into my new gym uniform, the material crisp and slightly stiff against my skin. I grabbed a quick breakfast before heading out, my heart pounding.

The walk to the training grounds was… less excited than I expected. We'd all been psyching ourselves up individually, and now that the moment was here, a weird kind of quiet had settled over us. Like, we could all sense this wasn't just about running fast, it was about showing Aizawa what made us different, what made us worthy of being here.

"Welcome, Class 1-A," he said, his tone level and serious. "I am your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa and we'll be conducting a quirk apprehension test. This will give me a baseline understanding of your abilities and help me tailor your training moving forward."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over us. " We will be doing the standard gym test for high school where they didn't allow quirks. I expect each of you to give it your all. Show me what you're capable of, and don't hold back. Your performance today will set the tone for your entire time at U.A., so make it count."

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders and meeting Aizawa-sensei's gaze head-on.

Aizawa-sensei's voice rang out once more, cutting through the tension in the air.

"Let's begin."

I watched our new homeroom teacher surveyed us with a calculating gaze. His eyes settled on me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Midoriya, you scored the highest," he said, his voice flat. "How far could you throw a softball in high school?"

Damn it. That test wasn't taken during the third year of high school, and I had barely barely started training when they did it. "Just 54 meters," I replied.

Aizawa tossed a softball to me, the green stitching blurring as it spun through the air. I caught it easily. "Alright, now try it with your quirk," he instructed. "Do whatever you need to, just don't leave the circle."

I stepped into the center of the circle, the softball balanced on the top of my foot. I could feel the eyes of my classmates on me, the weight of their expectations, their curiosity. But I pushed it all aside, focusing only on the task at hand.

I looked up at the sky, calculating the trajectory I needed. The sun was bright, the wind minimal. Perfect conditions for what I had in mind.

I began to move, my body flowing into the familiar rhythm of the Tandava. I twirled around the ball, each movement precise and controlled. The softball bounced from foot to foot, climbing higher with each kick.

I could feel the energy building within me, the Tandava's power thrumming through my veins. My movements became faster, more intense, my body shimmering with heat as a faint green aura began to envelope my right leg.

I pushed harder, my kicks becoming more explosive, more powerful. The softball was a blur now, streaking up into the sky with each impact. I could hear the gasps and murmurs of my classmates, could feel their awe and disbelief.

But I wasn't done yet.

With a final, mighty kick, I launched the softball into the heavens. It ignited with a flash of green, streaking across the sky like a comet. The air sizzled in its wake, the scent of ozone sharp in my nostrils.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, a beep from Aizawa-sensei's device. He looked down at it, his eyebrows raising a fraction of an inch.

"It's important to know your limits," he said, his voice cutting through the stunned silence. "That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be."

Aizawa turned his phone around for us to see. The number 792.8 m glowed on the screen, eliciting gasps and exclamations from my classmates.

"Woah! This is awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed his eyes wide with excitement.

"Over half a kilometer? Seriously?" Sero added, his voice filled with awe.

Mina cheered. "So we can use our quirks for real? Man, the hero course is going to be so much fun!"

As the words left her mouth, a chill ran down my spine. I turned, my senses on high alert, to see Aizawa with his head bowed. "Fun, you say?" he asked, his tone as cold as ice.

The class fell silent, the excitement draining from the air as quickly as it had arrived. Aizawa continued, his voice low and dangerous. "We are training you to become heroes after three years, and you think it'll be all fun and games? Alright then. Whoever gets last place overall will be judged hopeless and be expelled immediately."

"What?!" the class yelled in unison, their faces a mix of shock and disbelief.

Aizawa chuckled, the sound devoid of humor. He pushed his hair back, revealing piercing eyes that seemed to see straight through us. "Your fates are in our hands. Welcome, this is the hero course at U.A. College!"

Denki raised his hand, his voice shaking slightly. "The lowest scorer will be expelled?"

Ochaco spoke up. "Classes haven't even started yet! Even if they didn't, this is totally unfair!"

Aizawa fixed her with a steely gaze. "Natural disasters, highway pileups, rampaging villains... Calamity is always around the corner. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things. Heroes are the ones who correct all unfairness. If you're hoping to spend your evenings chilling in your dorm or going out, I'm sorry to tell you that for the next three years, U.A. will put you through the wringer. That's Plus Ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all and bring it."

As he spoke, memories of my death at the hands of Oyabun in my previous life flashed through my mind. Damn right life wasn't fair sometimes.

Aizawa's voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. "The demonstration is over. Now the real test begins."

Event 1: 50-meter dash

I stepped up to the starting line with Bakugo at my side. Damn, no matter how I think about it there's little way for me to use Tandava for this. Looks like I'll have to rely on raw speed.

The light turned green, and Bakugo roared, "EXPLOSIVE SPEED!" Using his explosions to propel himself forward. I just sprinted as fast as I could, crossing the finish line in 5.38 seconds.

Event 2: Grip Strength

I gripped the device, channeling my strength into my hand. The numbers climbed higher and higher until it reached 86 kg.

Event 3: Standing Long Jump

I'm getting tired of these events that don't allow me to build up any energy. I used my raw strength again and got 3.86 meters.

Event 4: Side Steps

I used my natural agility to my advantage, my feet barely touching the ground as I shifted from side to side. Only Minoru Mineta managed to surpass my score, his quirk giving him an edge in this particular test.

Event 5: Throwing

I watched from the sidelines as Bakugo launched his softball, the explosion from his palm sending it soaring 832.7 meters. Momo Yaoyorozu stepped up next, using her creation quirk to manifest a - is that a fucking cannon!? Her softball rocketed 2 kilometers.

Ochaco Uraraka's turn, and jaws dropped as her ball just... kept going. "Infinity" blinked on Aizawa's device. Apparently "Defying Gravity" wasn't an understatement.

Event 6: Pull Ups

The next event was pull-ups. Kirishima, Bakugo, Sato, and I kept going long after the others had dropped out, our endurance pushing us to the limit. Aizawa finally called it a tie.

Event 7: Seated Toe Touch

I placed second in that event, thank you Sensei.

Event 8: Endurance Running

Momo and I were the last two on the track, our stamina far outlasting the others.

"Using an electric scooter is cheating, you know."

Momo laughed, "Says the guy with the stamina to keep up with the electric scooter, what is your body made of?"

In the end, Aizawa decided to stop the race, leaving us tied for first place.

Aizawa gathered us all together, his expression unreadable. "I find it irrational to read off the scores one by one, so here's the list," he said, projecting the results onto a large screen.

I scanned the rankings trying to see where I landed. Ah- fourth place. It made sense, my quirk isn't easily used in tests like this. I turned to see katsuki smirking at the fact he was above me. At the very bottom, in the twentieth spot, was Minoru Mineta.

Mineta burst into tears, his small frame shaking with sobs. Some of the guys tried to console him, patting his back and offering words of encouragement. The girls, however, couldn't quite hide their relief. Even though we had only known each other for a week, Mineta's pervy nature had been all too apparent.

Aizawa cleared his throat, drawing our attention back to him. "Also, I was lying about expelling someone. It was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you."

Mineta's tears turned to joy, his face lighting up with hope. But before he could celebrate, Aizawa's scarf shot out, wrapping around the small boy and yanking him forward.

Aizawa's eyes glowed red, his hair standing on end as he activated his quirk. He glared at Mineta, his voice low and threatening. "You don't think I know what has been going on in the dorms? Classes haven't even started yet, and we have had multiple people complain about you and your sexual harassment. So let me make this perfectly clear. You are on a one-strike system. If it comes to my attention that you have made inappropriate remarks or have inappropriately touched a woman without her consent, not only will you be expelled, but you will also be arrested. Do I make myself clear?"

I watched the exchange, realization dawning on me. "Eraser Head," I whispered, recognizing our teacher's hero identity.

Aizawa released Mineta, the boy crumpling to the ground in a heap. He then reached into his pocket, pulling out a small bottle of eye drops. "Anyways, we are done for today," he said, his voice returning to its usual flat tone. "I'll see you at class starting Monday. Your documents about the curriculum are on the dining room table at the dorm. Give them a look."

As we made our way back to the dorms, Bakugo fell into step beside me. "Fourth place, Deku? Guess that fancy quirk of yours isn't all it's cracked up to be."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, last I checked, you didn't come in first either, Kacchan."

He scowled, his hands clenching into fists. "Shut up! I still beat you, didn't I?"

"By one spot," I pointed out, a smirk of my own tugging at my lips. "And something tells me Momo and Shoto aren't going to make it easy for either of us to claim that top spot."

Bakugo's scowl deepened, but I could see the flicker of acknowledgment in his eyes. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew I was right. This class was full of powerhouses, each with their own unique strengths and abilities.

"Whatever," he grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'll crush them all eventually. Just watch."

I shook my head, a laugh escaping me despite my exhaustion. "I don't doubt it, Kacchan. But maybe try to remember that we're all on the same team here, yeah? We're supposed to be heroes here, not just rivals."

He shot me a look. "Speak for yourself, Deku. I'm here to be the best, and that means beating everyone. Including you."

With that, he stalked off, his shoulders squared and his head held high. Same old Kacchan. Always ready for a fight, even when there wasn't one to be had.

But as I made my way back to my room, my mind kept circling back to Aizawa's words. The dangers we would face... it was daunting, to say the least. But it was also exhilarating.

Monday will be the first day of officially being a hero in training.

And I was going to make it count.