
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Forever in your corner

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As the fourth match came to its anticlimactic end, I couldn't help but chuckle. Mei Hatsume had just pulled off the most audacious advertising stunt in the history of the sports festival. Poor Iida looked like he'd been put through the wringer, his expression a mix of exhaustion and indignation.

"Well," I said, leaning back in my seat, "that was certainly... something."

Beside me, Jiro snorted. "That's one way to put it. I don't think I've ever seen someone use a tournament match as a commercial before."

Kaminari, who had rejoined us after his own brief stint in the arena, shook his head ruefully. "I gotta hand it to her, that girl knows how to make an impression."

I hummed thoughtfully, my mind already dissecting the match. "Her gear was impressive, though. Those hydraulic attachments, the jet pack... she's got a real knack for innovation."

Momo nodded, her eyes bright with interest. "The potential applications for hero work are fascinating. Imagine how much more effective rescue operations could be with equipment like that."

"True," I agreed. "But it's not just about the tech itself. It's about how you use it, how you integrate it into your fighting style."

Kirishima leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "What do you mean, Midoriya?"

I gestured to the screen, where a replay of the match was showing. "Look at Iida. He's fast, but he's also predictable. He relies too much on straightforward charges, on the raw speed of his quirk."

Tokoyami cocked his head, his dark gaze thoughtful. "And you think Hatsume's gear could help with that?"

"Potentially," I said. "But only if he learns to adapt, to use the gear to enhance his natural abilities rather than relying on it as a crutch."

Momo's hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You've really thought about this, haven't you?"

I grinned, bringing her hand to my lips and pressing a quick kiss to her knuckles. "What can I say? I'm always looking for ways to improve, to push past my limits."

Suddenly, Momo stiffened, her eyes widening. "Oh! Speaking of pushing limits, it's almost time for my match!"

Momo versus Tokoyami... it was sure to be an incredible battle.

As Momo stood, smoothing out her jacket, I caught her hand once more. "Hey. You've got this, okay? Give Tokoyami hell."

I glanced over at the bird-headed student, offering an apologetic smile. "No offense, Tokoyami."

He inclined his head, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "None taken, Midoriya. I expect nothing less than the fiercest of battles from Yaoyorozu."

Momo's smile was radiant, filled with determination and just a hint of nerves. "I won't disappoint," she promised.

As she made her way out of the booth, I felt a swell of pride and affection. Momo... she was incredible. Brilliant, driven, fearless in the face of any challenge. Win or lose, I knew she would give it her all, would leave everything on the battlefield.

And that, more than any quirk or strategy, was the true mark of a hero.

[Momo Yaoyorozu's POV]

Entering the tunnel I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. Instinctively, my thoughts turned to Izuku, to the countless hours we'd spent training together. His words, his guidance, had become a lifeline, a beacon guiding me through the choppy waters of self-doubt.

I remembered one session in particular, a spar that had left me frustrated and disheartened. I had overthought every move, every strategy, leaving myself open and vulnerable.

"Momo," Izuku had said, his voice gentle but firm. "You're one of the smartest people I know. But in a fight, you can't always rely on perfect planning."

I had looked at him, my brow furrowed. "But my quirk... I need to be able to think, to create the right tools for the job."

He had smiled then, that warm, reassuring smile that never failed to make my heart flutter. "And you will. But you can't get bogged down in the details. Focus on a few key things, things you can create without hesitation. Use those to your advantage."

It had been a revelation, a paradigm shift. And as I continued to train with Izuku, to absorb his insights and strategies, I had felt myself growing. Not just in skill, but in confidence, in the unshakable belief that I could handle whatever challenges came my way.

Now, facing the prospect of battling Tokoyami, I felt that confidence surge within me. Tokoyami was a formidable opponent, his Dark Shadow quirk a force to be reckoned with. But I had watched him fight, had analyzed his strengths and weaknesses.

And thanks to Izuku, I was starting to see things in a new light.

Dark Shadow... it was powerful, yes. But it had a crucial vulnerability. A weakness to bright light.

Suddenly, a plan began to form in my mind. A flash bang grenade, designed to emit a blinding burst of light. It would be tricky to create, requiring a delicate balance of chemicals and components. But if I could pull it off...

I could disorient Dark Shadow, break Tokoyami's focus. And in that moment of confusion, I could press my advantage.

My tonfas. I had been practicing with them religiously, honing my skills under Izuku's watchful eye. They would be my ace in the hole, my means of pushing Tokoyami out of bounds.

I stepped forward, my head held high. In my mind's eye, I could see Izuku's face, could hear his voice.

"You've got this, Momo. Give Tokoyami hell."

And that's exactly what I intended to do.

No overthinking. No second-guessing.

Just action, pure and simple and decisive.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Present Mic's voice boomed, echoing through the stadium. "Are you ready for our next explosive match-up?"

The crowd cheered, a tsunami of noise that sent a shiver down my spine.

"In the red corner, we have the mistress of creation, the prodigy of Class 1-A - Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"And in the blue corner, the shadow warrior, the dark knight of the hero course - Fumikage Tokoyami!"

Across the battlefield, Tokoyami stood impassive, his dark gaze fixed on me.

"Begin!" Midnight's voice cracked like a whip.

Instantly, Dark Shadow surged forward, a lightning-fast strike that caught me off guard. I barely managed to dodge, feeling the rush of air as the shadowy claw grazed my cheek.

No time to think. No time to plan. Just react.

My hands were moving, my quirk sparking to life. The flash bang grenade took shape in my palm, but before I could activate it, Dark Shadow was on me again.

This time, I wasn't fast enough. The shadow slammed into my chest, sending me skidding backwards. I gasped, the breath driven from my lungs.

Tokoyami pressed his advantage, Dark Shadow lashing out in a relentless assault. I was forced back, step by step, my mind racing to find an opening.

There! A momentary lull, a split-second window. I activated the grenade, tossing it high into the air.

The flash was blinding, a burst of light that seared my retinas. I heard Tokoyami cry out, heard the hiss of pain from Dark Shadow as it recoiled.

But the respite was short-lived. Tokoyami recovered quickly, his training and instincts kicking in. Dark Shadow lashed out, a counter-attack that caught me in the shoulder, spinning me around.

I gritted my teeth, the pain a sharp, clarifying focus. My tonfas were in my hands, extensions of my own body. I met Dark Shadow's next strike head-on, the clash reverberating up my arms.

We traded blows, a deadly dance of shadow and light. Each time, I used my tonfas to deflect Dark Shadow's attacks, but I could feel myself tiring, could sense Tokoyami's relentless pressure.

I needed to change the game. Needed to find a way to turn the tide.

Izuku's words echoed in my mind, a lifeline in the chaos. Focus on your strengths. Adapt and create.

I let Dark Shadow get close, let it commit to an all-out attack. Then, at the last second, I dropped low, rolling beneath the shadowy mass.

In that moment of overextension, I struck. A tonfa to the back of the knee, a swift elbow to the ribs. Tokoyami stumbled, his balance broken.

I pressed my advantage, a flash bang in one hand, a tonfa in the other. The grenade bought me a precious second of disorientation, a window to land a solid blow across Tokoyami's jaw.

He reeled back, Dark Shadow swirling around him in a frantic defense. But I could see the toll the fight had taken, could sense the shadow's weakening form.

One last push. One final gambit.

I charged forward, tonfas at the ready. Dark Shadow met me head-on, a clash of wills and strength.

We struggled, locked in a stalemate. But I had one last trick up my sleeve.

A flashbang, my last one, pressed against Dark Shadow's form. I closed my eyes, and activated it.

The burst of light was searing, overwhelming. Dark Shadow recoiled with a shriek and in that moment of vulnerability, I struck. A tonfa to the chest, a sweeping kick. Tokoyami toppled, rolling towards the edge of the ring.

I lunged, ready to end it. But Tokoyami was already moving, Dark Shadow surging back to life in a desperate counter.

We clashed at the boundary line and for a heart-stopping moment, I thought I had miscalculated, thought I had let victory slip through my fingers.

But then, with a final, wrenching effort, I felt Tokoyami's resistance give way. We tumbled over the line, hitting the ground in a sprawl of exhaustion.

"Both fighters are out of bounds!" Midnight's voice rang out. "But since Yaoyorozu touched the ground last, she is the winner!"

The crowd erupted, a deafening roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the earth. But I barely heard them. My heart was pounding, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

I had done it. I had won, not through a perfect plan, but through grit, through adaptation, through pushing myself to the very limit.

As I stood, my legs shaking with fatigue, I sought out Izuku's face in the stands. Even across the distance, I could see the pride shining in his eyes, the love and joy that radiated from his smile.

In that moment, battered and exhausted as I was, I felt invincible. Unbreakable.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

The hallway leading to Recovery Girl's office was quieter than usual, the muted bustle of the festival a distant hum. Beside me, Jiro walked in pensive silence, her earphone jacks swaying gently with each step.

"That was one hell of a fight," she said at last, her voice low and thoughtful. "Momo really gave it her all out there."

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "She was incredible. The way she adapted, the way she pushed through... it was like watching a whole new side of her come to life."

Jiro glanced at me, a knowing glint in her eye. "You've been training with her, haven't you? I can see your influence in her fighting style."

"We've been working together, yeah. But Momo... she's always had that potential, that fire inside her. I just helped her find a way to let it out."

Jiro hummed, a soft, contemplative sound. "It's good for her, having you in her corner. She's always been so hard on herself, so focused on being perfect. But with you... it's like she's learning to trust her instincts, to believe in her own strength."

"She's not the only one learning," I said softly. "Being with Momo, it's... it's taught me so much. About partnership, about pushing each other to be better. About what it really means to have someone's back, no matter what."

We lapsed into a comfortable silence, our footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. As we approached Recovery Girl's office, I reached for the door handle, my hand steady and sure. "Let's go see our girl," I said, a grin spreading across my face.

"Lead the way, wonder boy."

We stepped into the office, the sterile scent of antiseptic washing over us. And there, sitting on the edge of the bed, was Momo.

She looked up as we entered, her face lighting up with a smile that seemed to chase away the shadows of exhaustion and pain. "Izuku! Kyoka!"

I was at her side in an instant, my arms wrapping around her in a gentle, careful embrace. "Hey, beautiful," I murmured. "How are you feeling?"

Momo leaned into me, her head resting against my chest. "Sore," she admitted, a wry chuckle escaping her lips. "And tired. But happy. So, so happy."

Jiro perched on the bed beside her, reaching out to squeeze Momo's hand. "You were a total badass out there," she said, her voice warm with pride. "Tokoyami didn't know what hit him."

Momo's smile turned shy, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I just did what I had to do," she said softly. "What Izuku taught me. I trusted my instincts, and... and it worked."

I felt a surge of fierce, overwhelming love that seemed to fill every corner of my being. This girl, this incredible, brilliant girl...

She meant everything to me. Her strength, her determination, her unwavering spirit - they inspired me, pushed me to be better every single day.

And the fact that she had chosen me, that she had let me into her heart... it was a gift I would never take for granted.

"I am so proud of you," I said, my voice soft but intense. "What you did out there today... it was amazing."

Momo's eyes met mine, a wealth of emotion swirling in their depths. Her hand found mine, our fingers intertwining like it was the most natural thing in the world.

We stayed like that for a moment, connected, the silence saying more than words ever could. But then, a mischievous grin tugged at my lips.

"But don't think this means I'm gonna go easy on you if we meet in the finals," I teased, bumping my shoulder gently against hers. "Girlfriend or not, I'll still give you the fight of your life."

Momo laughed, the sound warm and rich despite her exhaustion. She bumped me back, her smile turning sly. "Bring it on, hot shot. I didn't come this far just to let you win out of chivalry."

Jiro snorted, shaking her head in amusement. "Listen to you two, already trash-talking. Save it for the arena, lovebirds."

I chuckled, giving Momo's hand a final squeeze before standing up. "She's right. We've got plenty of time for friendly rivalry later. For now, you need to rest and recover."

Momo sighed, but there was a contentment to the sound, a peaceful acceptance. She settled back against the pillows, her eyelids already starting to droop.

"Sleep," I urged, pulling the blanket up over her shoulders. "We'll be here when you wake up."

Momo's eyes drifted closed, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

As Jiro slipped out to grab some snacks, I settled into the chair beside Momo's bed, content to simply watch over her as she rested. In the quiet of the infirmary, with the soft sound of her breathing filling the air, I felt a sense of rightness settle over me.

This was where I was meant to be. Here, at her side, ready to support her, to challenge her, to be her partner in every sense of the word.

And as I sat there, listening to the steady rhythm of her heart, I knew that no matter what the future might bring...

We would face it together. A team, a unit, a force to be reckoned with.

Because that's what love was, in the end. Not grand declarations or sweeping gestures, but the quiet moments, the steadfast presence, the unshakeable knowledge that you had someone in your corner, always.

And I was lucky enough, blessed enough, to have found that with her.

My partner, my equal, my love.

Now and forever.