
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Always Bet on Izuku

As the chaos of team formation erupted around me, students were rushing back and forth, forming alliances, trading strategies, each one jockeying for position in the upcoming battle.

But amidst the frenzy, a familiar face emerged from the crowd. Momo.

"Izuku," she said, her voice low and urgent as she reached my side. "Have you given any thought to our team?"

I nodded, glad that she already penciled herself in as a part of my team. "I have some ideas. But I wanted to talk to you first."

"Oh? What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking," I began slowly, "that Tokoyami would be a good fit. His Dark Shadow quirk could give us a huge advantage in both offense and defense."

Momo nodded, her brow furrowed in thought. "You're right. He'd be a valuable asset. But what about our fourth? Do you think we should keep it to just the three of us, or...?"

Before I could respond, a new voice cut through the air, bright and bubbly and brimming with excitement.

"Mr. Ten Million Points!" it called, and I turned to see a girl bounding towards us, her eyes sparkling with manic energy. "Let's team up!"

She skidded to a halt in front of us, and I took a moment to take her in. She was short, with pink dreadlocks that bobbed and swayed with her every movement. Her eyes were a vivid yellow, and seemed to be constantly in motion, darting from me to Momo to the crowd around us and back again.

But it was her outfit that really caught my eye. She was decked out in a variety of gadgets and gizmos, each one more bizarre and complicated-looking than the last. Wires and tubes snaked around her body, connecting to blinking devices and whirring mechanisms that I couldn't even begin to identify.

"The name's Mei Hatsume!" she announced, thrusting a hand towards me. "First-year student, support course! And I want in on your team!"

I blinked, taken aback by her forwardness. "Oh, uh... nice to meet you, Hatsume. But why do you want to team up with me specifically?"

Hatsume's grin widened, taking on a slightly manic edge. "Why? Because you're the star of the show, of course! The center of attention! With you as our rider, everyone's eyes will be glued to us!"

She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And that means they'll also be looking at my babies."

"Your... babies?" I repeated.

Hatsume laughed, the sound high and slightly unhinged. "My inventions, silly! With you drawing all the focus, I'll have the perfect chance to show off all my brilliant babies to the world!"

I glanced at Momo, who looked just as perplexed as I felt. But before either of us could respond, Hatsume was already rattling off a list of her "babies," each one sounding more outlandish than the last.

"I've got hydraulic leg enhancers, a jet pack, a net launcher, ooh, and even a prototype force field generator! With these babies on our side, we'll be unstoppable!"

I held up a hand, trying to stem the tide of her enthusiasm. "That all sounds... impressive, Hatsume. But we still need to think about team balance and strategy."

I turned to Momo, a silent question in my eyes. She hesitated for a moment, then gave a small nod. "It could work," she said slowly. "Hatsume's support items could give us a real edge. And with Tokoyami rounding out the team..."

I nodded, a plan already forming in my mind. "Tokoyami!" I called out, spotting the bird-headed boy at the edge of the crowd. "Can we talk for a second?"

As Tokoyami approached, I could see the glint of interest in his eyes. He'd been watching the team formations around us, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each group with a keen, strategic gaze.

"Midoriya," he greeted me. "I take it you have a proposition?"

I nodded, gesturing for him to join our huddle. "We want you on our team, Tokoyami. Your Dark Shadow could be a game-changer in this battle."

Tokoyami's beak twitched, a subtle smile. "Indeed. The darkness is my ally, and Dark Shadow grows stronger in its embrace. Together, we could be a formidable force."

Momo stepped forward, her expression thoughtful. "Your mobility and range would be a huge asset," she mused. "If we put Izuku up front as our rider, with you and Hatsume flanking him..."

"I could use Dark Shadow to intercept any incoming attacks," Tokoyami finished, nodding.

"Exactly," I said, excitement building in my chest. "And with Hatsume's support items boosting our abilities..."

"Ooh, I've got just the thing!" Hatsume interjected, her eyes sparkling with manic glee. She rummaged in her pockets for a moment, then pulled out a handful of small, circular devices. "These little beauties are my latest invention - the Booster Pads!"

She tossed one to each of us, grinning as we examined them with varying degrees of confusion and wariness. "Just slap 'em on your feet and activate 'em with a double-tap. They'll give you a burst of speed and maneuverability unlike anything you've ever experienced!"

Momo turned the device over in her hands, her brow furrowed. "How do they work? Some kind of propulsion system?"

Hatsume waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, it's a mix of compressed air, kinetic energy redistribution, and a dash of my own secret sauce. But the important thing is, they'll let us dance circles around the competition!"

I exchanged a glance with Tokoyami, who looked as skeptical as I felt.

"All right," I said, pocketing the device. "We'll give them a shot. But we need to come up with a solid plan."

Momo nodded. "Our priority should be defense. Protecting our headband at all costs."

"Agreed," Tokoyami rumbled. "A solid defense will be the backbone of our strategy. But we can't be afraid to go on the offensive when the opportunity arises."

I nodded, the pieces of our strategy clicking into place in my mind. "All right. Here's the plan. Momo, I need you to be ready to make smoke bombs and stun grenades at a moment's notice if a team gets too close. I could also use a metal staff to ward off attacks."

"Consider it done."

"Tokoyami, you're our first line of defense. Keep Dark Shadow close, have it intercept anyone who gets too close. Don't be afraid to get aggressive if you need to."

Tokoyami inclined his head, a solemn nod. "The darkness is my ally. I will not let you down."

"Hatsume, you and I are the wild cards. We use your Booster Pads and Stun Grenades to keep the other teams off balance. If I see an opening to snag a headband, I'll take it. But our main focus is support and disruption."

Hatsume grinned, a manic light in her eyes. "Oh, I'll disrupt 'em all right! They won't know what hit 'em!"

As the 15 minute timer was about to end, I caught a glimpse of blond hair and a smirk that set my teeth on edge. Monoma, the kid from Class 1-B who'd been giving us the meanest stare since the beginning of the festival.

He was standing in the midst of his own classmates, his voice rising above the din of the crowd. "Class 1-A thinks they're so special," he sneered. "They think they're the only ones worthy of the spotlight. Well, I say it's time we show them what Class 1-B can do!"

A cheer went up from the assembled students, a rallying cry that sent a chill down my spine. "Let's take them down a peg!" someone shouted, and the sentiment was echoed by a dozen other voices.

"We'll steal their thunder and leave them in the dust!"

"Class 1-B for the win!"

Monoma's smirk widened, his gaze finding mine across the distance. "You hear that, Class 1-A?" he called out. "Sounds like you've got a target on your backs. Better watch out, or you might just find yourselves outshined by the true heroes of U.A.!"

"Talk is cheap," I said, my voice low and steady. "Anyone can boast and posture. But it's actions that matter in the end."

Momo nodded, her eyes hardening with resolve. "Monoma and his class will have to back up their claims with more than just words."

"Indeed," Tokoyami agreed, his dark gaze fixed on the Class 1-B students. "The true test of a hero lies in the crucible of battle, not in idle threats."

As the final seconds ticked down, I could feel the tension mounting, the anticipation crackling like electricity in the air. The other teams were shifting, jockeying for position, their eyes locked on the glowing "10,000,935" emblazoned on our headband.

"Get ready," I murmured, my body coiling like a spring. "They're going to come at us hard and fast."

Midnight's voice rang out, a booming countdown that seemed to shake the very ground beneath our feet.

"Three! Two! One!"

A heartbeat of silence, a moment suspended in time.


They came at us from every direction, a tidal wave of quirks and determined faces. Fire and ice, electricity and sound, a kaleidoscope of powers converging on our position like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Smoke bombs, now!" I yelled, my voice rising above the clamor.

Momo's hand was already moving, producing two spherical devices with practiced ease. She tossed them to me, her aim perfect even in the chaos.

I snatched them out of the air, my fingers already primed on the triggers. "Booster Pads on my mark!" I called out, my eyes tracking the approaching horde. "Get ready to move!"

I saw Tokoyami and Hatsume nod, their stances shifting, their hands hovering over the activation buttons on their Booster Pads.

The first wave of attackers was nearly upon us, their hands outstretched, reaching for our headbands. I could see the gleam of triumph in their eyes, the certainty of victory.

They had no idea what was about to hit them.

"Now!" I roared, and squeezed the triggers.

The smoke bombs burst to life, twin plumes of thick, cloying mist erupting outwards. In an instant, our surroundings vanished, swallowed up by an impenetrable cloud of gray.

I heard shouts of confusion as our would-be assailants found themselves blind and disoriented. But we were already moving, the Booster Pads carrying us forward in a surge of speed and power.

We rocketed through the smoke, Tokoyami's Dark Shadow clearing a path ahead of us. I could feel the wind whipping past my face, the adrenaline singing through my veins.

This was the moment I lived for. The thrill of the fight, the rush of outmaneuvering our opponents. The knowledge that we were working as a unit, each of us playing our part to perfection.

We burst out of the smoke cloud, our formation tight and controlled. Around us, the other teams were scrambling, trying to reorient themselves, to locate their target in the midst of the confusion.

But we weren't about to give them the chance.

"Hard left!" I barked, and felt my team respond immediately. We pivoted as one, Dark Shadow lashing out to intercept a grasping hand that had come too close for comfort.

"Incoming, two o'clock!" Momo called out, her voice taut with concentration.

I whipped my head around, catching sight of a team emerging from the haze. They were led by a student with a shock of bright orange hair, his face set in a scowl.

"Leave them to me," I said, my voice steady despite the chaos swirling around us. "Hatsume, I need a boost! Tokoyami, on standby!"

"You got it, boss!" Hatsume crowed. "One turbo-charged leap, coming right up!"

She hit a button on her control panel, and I felt the Booster Pads on my feet hum to life. There was a sudden surge of power, a jolt of energy that seemed to course through my entire body.

And then I was airborne, launched forward like a human cannonball. The wind roared in my ears, the ground falling away beneath me as I hurtled towards our attackers.

I could see the surprise on their faces, the widening of their eyes as they realized what was happening. But it was too late for them to react, too late for them to mount a defense.

I hit their formation like a wrecking ball, my hands already outstretched. The orange-haired leader tried to twist away, tried to evade my grasp, but he was moving in slow motion compared to me.

My fingers closed around his headband, the fabric tearing away with a satisfying rip. "Dark Shadow!" I yelled. "Catch!"

Tokoyami reacted instantly, his quirk surging forward in a blur of inky darkness. Dark Shadow's claws wrapped around my waist, arresting my momentum and pulling me back towards my team.

I landed lightly on Tokoyami's back, the Booster Pads hissing as they vented excess pressure. I grinned, holding up the captured headband like a trophy.

"Nice catch, Tokoyami," I said, clapping him on the shoulder. "That was a close one."

Tokoyami nodded, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. "We are a team, Midoriya. We support each other, in battle and in life."

But our celebration was cut short by the sound of approaching footsteps. Another team was bearing down on us.

"Looks like they're not ready to give up yet," I said, my grin turning fierce. "Good. Neither are we."

We fell into formation, our movements smooth and practiced. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow took point, Momo and Hatsume flanking me, ready to counter and create at a moment's notice.

If they thought I would just be on the defensive for 30 minutes, they were in for a rude awakening.

[Katsuki Bakugo's POV]

15 minutes ago

I scanned the crowd, looking for anyone who might actually be useful in this cavalry battle. Most of the people here were just cannon fodder, but I needed a team that could keep up with me.

Red hair caught my eye, waving like an idiot. "Bakugo, bro! Let's team up! With your power and my hardening, we'll be unstoppable!"

Yeah, Kirishima was a tough bastard. He could take a hit.

"Fine. But we're going for the top spot. I ain't settling for less."

Kirishima grinned. "Hell yeah, man! Ten Million!"

Soy Sauce and Raccoon Eyes joined up next. Sero's tape could be handy for mobility, and Ashido's acid could fuck up the competition. They'd do.

"Listen up," I barked. "We're going for Deku's ten million. He's our target. We'll crush anyone who gets in our way."

They nodded, that wild hunger for victory in their eyes. Good. They knew what was at stake.

The buzzer sounded and we shot forward like a damn bullet. The other teams scrambled to get out of our way. Pathetic.

But then I saw him. Deku, sitting pretty on his high horse, that ten million headband fluttering in the wind like a damn trophy.

That point stash was mine.

We charged, ready to blast that smug smile off Deku's face. But just as I got close, everything went dark.

Smoke. He used a fucking smoke screen.

I cursed, eyes stinging. By the time it cleared, Deku was long gone.

Well I could hunt Deku later. For now, we needed points.

But when I started to tell my team the plan, I felt a light touch on my head. Turning around I saw a blur of blond hair and a smug smirk.

He dangled my stolen points, taunting. "Too slow, Blasty. Guess Class 1-A isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Oh, he was fucking dead.

I didn't know what kind of bullshit quirk he had, but it didn't matter. I was gonna wipe that smirk off his face the old fashioned way.

"Kirishima, Sero, Ashido!" I snapped not even using their nicknames. "We're going after Blondie. Fuck the rest of these losers. We're getting our points back and then some."

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

Three headbands fluttered around my neck, a testament to our team's skill and coordination. We had managed to snag them in the midst of evading, darting in and out of the melee with a speed and precision that left our opponents reeling.

But even as I reveled in our success, I knew we couldn't let our guard down. Not for a second. Not with so many teams still out there, hungry for our points and eager to prove themselves.

A sudden commotion caught my eye, a blur of motion and explosive force that could only be one person.


He was tearing into another team with a ferocity that bordered on feral, his hands sparking and smoking as he blasted his way through their defenses. And at the center of his onslaught, desperately trying to fend off the barrage of explosions...

Was Monoma, the blond kid from Class 1-B who had been talking so much trash at the start of the round.

I felt a smirk tug at the corner of my mouth, a flicker of vindictive satisfaction. Looks like Bakugo was giving him a taste of his own medicine, showing him what happens when you poke a sleeping dragon.

But hey, if Monoma wanted to run his mouth and make an enemy out of the most explosively temperamental student in our class... that was his funeral.

I was just about to turn my attention back to our own defensive formation when I felt it. A sudden chill, a prickling at the back of my neck that had nothing to do with the wind whipping past us.

"Tokoyami, wait," I said, my voice low and urgent. "Something's coming."

No sooner had the words left my mouth than I saw it. A glittering trail of ice, snaking its way across the ground in front of us like a crystalline serpent.

It was heading straight for us, moving with a speed and purpose that could only mean one thing.


"Brace yourselves!" I yelled, just as a blast of arctic wind slammed into us.

The cold was intense, biting, seeping into my bones even through the insulated fabric of my gym uniform.

But even as the chill threatened to overwhelm me, I forced myself to focus, to push past the discomfort and keep my eyes on the prize.

Because there, across the frozen ground was Todoroki himself. And his riders, their quirks at the ready...

Were Iida, Uraraka, and Kaminari.

Todoroki's team was a powerhouse, a perfect balance of speed, mobility, and raw, overwhelming force. With Iida's engines, Uraraka's gravity manipulation, and Kaminari's electric shocks... they were a well-oiled machine, designed to take down even the toughest opponents.

But then again, so were we.

"Well well well," I called out. "If it isn't the ice prince of class 1-A himself! To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Todoroki's expression remained impassive, "Midoriya," he said. "I think you know why I'm here."

I felt my grin widen, adrenaline starting to hum through my veins in anticipation of the fight to come. "Oh, I have a pretty good guess," I quipped, patting the headbands around my neck and pointing to the 10 million on my head. "But are you sure you want to tangle with us? We're on a bit of a hot streak, if you hadn't noticed."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, the barest hint of a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. Beside him, Iida revved his engines, the sound like a swarm of angry hornets. Uraraka crouched low, her fingertips glowing with rosy light. And Kaminari, sparks dancing between his fingers, his grin sharp and hungry.

They looked ready for war, ready to do whatever it took to claim our headbands and secure their place at the top of the leaderboard.

But as I said before, so were we.


I didn't know. Couldn't know, not with so many variables still in play, so many twists and turns yet to come.

But one thing I did know, with a certainty that burned in my bones and sang in my blood...

Was that at the end of the day…

Always bet on Izuku.