
MHA: I Am Tomura Shigaraki?

Zero, A Professional Assassin, That enjoyed anime in the meantime got betrayed by his organization. As a professional assassin, his instincts had already warned him of the danger in the mission, prepared for every possibility he could he was successfully able to escape the betrayal. Killing them one by one for revenge, he finally died but also detonated all the explosives he had stuffed inside him and took the leader along with him to hell. When he woke up he found out he was in the body of Shigaraki Tomura, The Villain of My Hero Academia! This is his journey of how he decides the fate of My Hero Academia! ____________________________________________ (This Is an AU MHA so there might be a few little details changed here and there from the original anime). Discord- Yuma#5368 (If any of you want to get in touch.)

ILoveChaos · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Genesis V.S Midoriya!

[A/N]~ As usual enjoy the chapter and point out grammar or spelling mistakes i overlooked.

I was in a good mood today since my Semi annual exams got postponed so i thought of releasing another chapter as well ;)

If you have any concerns regarding the chapter or how the fight went do discuss it in the comment section , I'll respond to everyone (not like there are many anyway ;-;)

Kind of a long chapter, got too invested in writing and forgot to maintain the word count 😕 (2500 words)

Do remember this is (AU MHA)

enough of the rant.



After Kurogiri was done with Thirteen he teleported to Tomura's side and saw his Young Master laughing like a maniac?

'Don't tell me he lost all that maturity he showed yesterday in a single day' Kurogiri felt like someone had poured hot water on him when he was searching for water in a desert.

'He had finally matured but look at him now' Kurogiri shook his head and went over to him.

"Uh Young Master are you okay?" He asked

"Eh? Kurogiri what are you doing here? Give me a report on what you did" Tomura stopped laughing after hearing Kurogiri's voice and asked him how he did while keeping his eyes on the terrified and angry rabbits.

"I have killed Thirteen and teleported rest of the students away" He didn't tell him that the engine boy almost escaped as there was no need to. "You didn't specify which one's were important to you so I didn't kill the students"

'Hmm guess that ones on me then' Thought Tomura feeling a little stupid.

"Nevermind you did great, did you make sure

Thirteen is dead?"

'Eh Seems like Young Master hasn't lost his smarts yet'

"Yes Young Master I'm sure she's dead"

"Hmm teleport me above those three kids near the lake then and make sure the nomu only interferes when I'm in life threatening danger"

Kurogiri hesitated a little but nonetheless nodded and opened up a portal


[ PoV Midoriya ]

'Wasn't this supposed to be hero training, how come there are villains everywhere now' Thought Midoriya while looking at the endless villains pouring out from the purple fog like portal and felt creeped out while looking at the icy blue haired teenager that seemed to have a hand on his face and had no emotions present in his eyes and the purple fog like man beside him whose quirk seems to be at use at the moment.

'How many people can he teleport at the same time? Is there a limit or something? Can he teleport objects or large objects as well? How does his teleportation work? Can he teleport anywhere he wants?That would be quite dangerous.' I thought while trying to find out how his quirk worked while retreating with Pro Hero Thirteen.

Maybe I shouldn't have, Seeing how everyone was glancing at me weirdly while running.

'Did I start muttering again, Oh no they'll think I'm creepy, How did they even hear it while we were running, I hope they don't avoid me now.'

'Wait that's not important right now' While I was occupied with my thoughts,I felt weird and the next thing I saw was that I was falling?

"AAAHHHHHHH" Just as I was about to fall in the large pond of water I felt something wrap around my waist.

I was pulled and I saw Tsuyu-san pulling me and mineta away who was muttering 'soft' again and again with a weird face.

"Snap out of it Midoriya-Chan we need to take care of these villains first" Said Tsuyu-san while putting me and mineta down.

It took some time but we were able to easily take them down, though one of my fingers is broken now.

We went along the edge of the lake and saw Aizawa Sensei pinned down by some beast that was sitting on him while twisting his arm.

"We need to help Aizawa Sensei, he's in danger" Said Mineta worried about him.

I agreed and nodded preparing to move when suddenly the blue haired teenager walked toward Aizawa Sensei and placed his hand on his head.

He didn't move for a few seconds

What was he even doing?

Looks like he himself was confused as a confused look was shown on his face before realisation dawned in.

He lifted Aizawa Sensei's head and stabbed his eyes with his fingers and pulled his eyeballs out.

Mineta staggered and fell on his behind and was terrified by what was happening.

Tsuyu-San wasn't any better she puked to the side before gazing at the blue haired teenager with endless fear again

I myself staggered backwards and tears fell from my eyes, My heart was telling me to move and save Aizawa Sensei from that evil villain but no matter how many times I wished it my body didn't stop trembling and instead of moving forward I staggered backwards.

________ [ 3rd PoV]_______

The three of them were horrified by what happened next, the blue haired teenager once again placed his bloody hand on Aizawa Sensei's head and slowly but surely Aizawa Sensei turned to dust.

"Is A-Aizawa sens-sei dead?" muttered Mineta seeing the horrific sight in front of him.

'Wasn't this hero training? why were people dying now?!' Mineta thought while trembling.

Tsuyu was panicking, she knew this wasn't any hero training anymore, no one dies during hero training and obviously not this brutally.

'Are we going to die? Am I going to die?' These thoughts made way inside her mind and didn't stop her from trembling while looking at the blue haired demon infront of her.

Hearing what Mineta muttered, Midoriya snapped back to reality.

'WHY!, WHY AM I SO USELESS, If only I didn't hesitate maybe I could've saved Aizawa Sensei, I'm useless.' Tears streamed down his face like an endless river. He was ashamed of himself, he felt he wasn't worthy of All Might's expectations and One For All.

Before they could despair any more a portal opened behind them and Tomura jumped behind them grabbing Mineta by the head.

"Woh, Hello there my name's Genesis, What's Yours?" Tomura asked them with enthusiasm while Mineta struggled from his grasp.

Midoriya and Tsuyu were startled and were trembling but quickly composed themselves they would only die faster if they didn't react to the situation.

Midoriya couldn't handle it anymore and yelled with rage "WHY, WHY DID YOU KILL AIZAWA SENSEI WHAT DID HE DO WRONG!?"

Tomura was surprised that the wimpy kid dared shout at him even after witnessing what he did to Aizawa. The frog girl had fear in her eyes but anger was also present in them.

'Hot-Blooded Youths aren't they, Too bad their lives would've been all sunshine and rainbows if it wasn't for me' Thought Tomura amused at their fate.

"Reason? I don't think I had one."


"I think your getting something wrong here, I do not need reasons to kill someone."

"YOU'RE CRAZY!" Midoriya couldn't believe the person in front him was still joking with him normally as if he hadn't killed someone innocent a few moments ago.

He wanted to attack him even if he might not be able to use his arms again but looking at the struggling Mineta he couldn't.

Tsuyu felt even more anger burn inside her after hearing Genesis's nonchalant remark to Midoriya's question.

"Midoriya-Chan calm down we need to save mineta first, can you tell what his quirk does?" Tsuyu asked Midoriya after forcing herself to calm down. She knew he had a hobby of analysing quirks and their uses.

"R-right" Midoriya calmed himself down and made assumptions on how Genesis's quirk worked.

"I think he can disentegrate anything he touches to dust and maybe he can only use it when his hands touch the intended target, after all he didn't need to crouch and place his hand on A-Aizawa Sensei to K-Kill him"

"Doesn't that mean we can't save him then." Tsuyu was startled and looked at Tomura who was swinging mineta around.

"We can if we catch him off guard Tsuyu-San" Said Midoriya.

"Eh, You idiots do realise I can hear you both right?" Tomura was confused, what was wrong with their brain, why were they discussing their plan just infront of him.

"LET ME GO! Let me go, Let me go" struggled Mineta in Tomura's hand, he had heard what Midoriya said regarding the blue guy's quirk.

He was terrified, he didn't want die a virgin's death.

"Your annoying, Die" Said Tomura while the despairing Mineta slowly turned to dust in front of the horrified gazes of his friends.

Midoriya couldn't care about the consequences anymore his sensei and friend died in front of him and yet he couldn't do anything, he yelled with a voice filled with rage


Tsuyu was blowed away due to wind pressure created from Midoriya's punch.

Tomura looked amazed and awed at the power that was generating from that punch, he snapped out of his revery and side stepped to avoid the punch, he wanted to elbow midoriya's chin but was blown away due to the shockwave from the punch.

Midoriya held his broken hand and watched as Genesis rolled on the ground but got up on his feet with a flip.

Hatred and anger burned in his eyes, he used his remaining hand and punched the ground with all his strength causing the surface of the terrain to crack open.

Tomura lost his footing from the sudden cracks that emerged from the ground, but before he could balance himself he saw from the corner of his eyes that Midoriya zapped toward him with his legs filled with the power of One For All and kicked towards his chest.

Tomura went into an adrenaline rush, he could see the kick slowly reach his chest and hear the rapid beating of his heart, he forcefully twisted his body mid air and,


He was sent flying across the surface, bouncing a few times on the ground.

He layed on the ground for a few moments, his whole body twitching from pain but he ignored it.

He slowly got up holding his broken hand.

He could feel that the sides of his ribs had almost been destroyed. If that had hit straight into his chest he would've most likely been in a half dead state or even dead.

Tsuyu was bewildered by the sudden outburst from Midoriya, she quickly got up after being blown away and saw Midoriya punching the ground before flying at speeds she couldn't see and kicked Genesis away. She couldn't see properly due to the dust but she was certain that Midoriya had landed the hit.

'Did he win?' She wondered with hope, when she saw Genesis lay on the ground without moving.

Midoriya couldn't handle the pain anymore, he fell down and lost consciousness.

Tsuyu was worried because his quirk usually caused him self harm, she quickly ran toward him to help him but froze from horror as she saw Genesis slowly get up holding his broken arm without a single expression present in his eyes, as if the hand broken wasn't his.

She watched as he snapped his arm back in it's orginal postion with the same expressionless eye, he slowly looked over and his gazed matched hers, she trembled and a chill went down her spine.

He slowly walked over with silent footsteps as eerie silence filled the surroundings.


[PoV Kurogiri]

I made a portal and sent Young Master towards the students over the lake.

I hesitated because the green haired kid was also one of the student Young Master had warned me about. But I knew him making stupid mistakes was less likely.

The Young Master ruthlessly killed the squirming purple haired kid grasped in his hand, The green haired kid went into rage and started fighting Young Master.

'How powerful'

The Young Master was suddenly hit and sent flying tumbling over the ground, It happened so fast I didn't even have time to react. When I snapped back to reality I saw Young Master laying on the ground.

I immediately panicked and was about to teleport over to him when I saw him slowly standing up and fixed his broken hand as if nothing ever happened.

I hesitated but didn't teleport in the end, seeing him slowly walk over to the unconscious green haired kid.


[ 3rd PoV ]

He slowly walked over to the kid lying on the ground.

He looked over to the frog girl and suddenly dashed toward her.

She was startled but immediately used her toungue to attack, before realising how bad of a move that was, Tomura used his hand to catch her tongue and wrapped it around his hand while pulling her towards him with force.

She was suddenly pulled toward him and he latched his hand on her face after releasing her tongue. She tried to struggle but before she could make actual efforts she slowly crumbled into dust with her last thoughts being

'Forgive me mother and father' she wasn't even able to let out a single tear before she eventually crumbled away and scattered in the air.

Tomura looked at the scene with indifference and started walking over to Midoriya again.

Reaching him he was about to place his hand on the unconscious boy's head,


But before he could his arm and the surrounding area suddenly froze, before his feet froze as well he jumped back and used decay to destroy the ice covering his hand.

He slowly raised his head and saw a boy with half red and half white hair looking at him with rage.

"Damn Plot Armor" Tomura grumbled under his breath.

Kurogiri also warped to his side and brought the nomu over. Kurogiri didn't say anything nor did he.

He saw the students slowly gathering over. They might've been attracted by the destruction Midoriya caused.

'Damn useless thugs, couldn't even handle them for 10 minutes'

Before he could say anything he heard

"DIEEEEE!" and Bakugo came blasting over but Kurogiri warped his attack and tried teleporting him away but this time he was prepared and immediately retreated.

Before Tomura could do anything again he heard the gates of The U.S.J blast open and when the dust cleared up a giant blonde haired man in a shirt with a tie and brown pants, with a body full of muscles slowly walked over.

The eyes of the students immediately lit up but before they could cheer his name they noticed something amiss.

All Might didn't have his usual smile that was usually plastered over his face and he didn't speak anything motivating. It was the first time they saw such an expression on the ever-smiling All Might's Face.

All Might slowly walked over with heavy steps, he had already judged the situation, he could see almost everyone was gathered over but the lack of Aizawa and Thirteen and seeing the state of his succesor, Izuku Midoriya, made him assume the worst.

Tomura looked at the giant of a man walk over and all of his danger senses from his experience of his past life started going haywire. He knew the moment he fought him he would immediately die.

'So this is the Number One Hero, All Might'


[End~ Hope You Enjoyed 👍]

Yup Sundays are the best, lazing around the whole day while eating McDonalds in lunch and KFC for dinner feels great ;).

As im in a great mood (Semi Annual Exams got postponed) I shall upload another chapter.

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