
MHA: I Am Tomura Shigaraki?

Zero, A Professional Assassin, That enjoyed anime in the meantime got betrayed by his organization. As a professional assassin, his instincts had already warned him of the danger in the mission, prepared for every possibility he could he was successfully able to escape the betrayal. Killing them one by one for revenge, he finally died but also detonated all the explosives he had stuffed inside him and took the leader along with him to hell. When he woke up he found out he was in the body of Shigaraki Tomura, The Villain of My Hero Academia! This is his journey of how he decides the fate of My Hero Academia! ____________________________________________ (This Is an AU MHA so there might be a few little details changed here and there from the original anime). Discord- Yuma#5368 (If any of you want to get in touch.)

ILoveChaos · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

End Of The U.S.J Attack!

[A/N] ~The chapter might contain some things similar to the canon of mha, sorry for that but dw this wont happen too many times.

I got a few comments saying I killed the characters a bit too fast. I admit it was a bit fast and they deserved more appearances.

I as an author wanted that too but if i had too stay true to character of my MC then it would be either kill or lose. So I can't just show him spare aizawa for some sloppy reason nor the cute froppy. This isn't anime nor manga where character would suddenly survive from opponents they could never hope to defeat. I just couldn't think of a way froppy could fight someone like the MC, since i couldn't then she dies. Some of you wanted ochako or mina to survive and momo ofc but don't keep your hopes up or something, this isn't fairy tale so u might not know when your favorite characterss die, soo I just wanted to say I as a faithful follower of lord kazuma would ensure girls would still die even if they are cute 😏

Enough of the rant and enjoy the story~

(3000 words, What the fuck is wrong with me why am i writing such long chapters 😵)


All Might slowly walked towards his successor with heavy steps as deathly silence

filled the surroundings.

He picked up Midoriya in his hands and walked over to his successor's childhood friend, Bakugo, and handed Midoriya over to him.

"Take care of him Young Bakugo, I will take care of the villains." Said All Might to Bakugo who stiffly recieved the unconscious midoriya.

He nodded and said in an unusually calm voice

"I will All Might"

All Might nodded back and glanced at the injured students before shifting his gaze over to the icy blue haired kid.

They say the eyes were the window to ones soul.

All Might had seen people's eye's reflect hope, despair, joy, sadness, pain, etc

But all he saw in the kid's gaze was emptiness, missing any such emotions.

'Was he so good at hiding his emotions? or is he truly indifferent to whatever is happening'

Thought All Might suddenly disappearing from where he was standing leaving an afterimage.

Tomura saw All Might suddenly disappear and the next thing he saw was a punch coming towards his face, He didn't panic or move away even though his eyes widened a bit.

Just as All Might's punch was about to connect, Nomu appeared and caught his hand.

The Nomu punched toward All Might with all it's strength causing All Might to defend by crossing his arms in front of his chest. It still caused All Might to slid over quite a bit.

While Nomu and All Might continued their fight Kurogiri and Tomura turned their attention back to the students.

"Kurogiri warp me over to the student's side and help the nomu fight with All Might, If you feel I'm in danger then you can warp me back here."

Kurogiri couldn't get it, why was his Young Master so hung up on killing the student's, after all they could be killed anytime.

He also looked over to Tomura's broken arm, even if he had repositioned it that didn't mean it could be used at the moment.

But he obeyed nonetheless and created a portal which Tomura entered and again focused his sight on the battle of All Might and Nomu with him occasionally helping the beast land a few hits.


With The Student's.

Bakugo was enraged, their hero training was interrupted by some villains and it didn't help that he got teleported inside some kind of building.

What infuriated him was how the villains were attacking him one by one, he raged and blasted them all at the same time, causing the building to crack and fall but he used his explosions as propellers and escaped.

He could hear the sound of a destructive fight nearby and he quickly went there and what he saw was the half-half bastard freezing the blue haired teenager's hand that was about to reach deku.

He also jumped at the blue haired teenager and attacked him with a blast.


But the purple bastard warped his attack and was about to teleport him as well but he avoided it and the next thing he saw was All Might coming over with a chilly expression.

Todoroki was in rage, he was hurrying over to where the sound of a large battle was coming from.

The moment he reached there what he saw caused him to rage even more, he saw as Tsuyu slowly turned to dust with an expression that she had given up on life.

He was so stunned, he didn't know how to react.

he snapped back to reality and froze the villains hand that was about to turn midoriya into dust in rage, while he didn't show it he was very scared and nervous when the blue haired teenager looked at him.

But all the fear went away when All Might came and started fighting the monster next to him.

"Bakugo how is Midoriya?" He asked.

"What's it to ya half-half bastard" Bakugo growled, he didn't like the way the ice-fire bastard asked him and he felt that since All Might was here there wasn't any need to worry anymore.

"Stop your childish behaviour and tell me how he is"


"He's unconscious and all of his limbs appear to be purple and broken. There are also alot of tears on his face for some reason" Said Bakugo glancing at Midoriya in his arms.

"Looks like he overused his quirk" Ochako chimed in with an anxious tone. She was very worried about him.

The other students were worried as well as they had a good impression of him.

"Where are Aizawa Sensei and Pro Hero Thirteen" Asked Momo after glancing over everyone and saw their senseis were missing.

"Lida, Tsuyu and Mineta are also Missing" Mina too added.

Todoroki had a complicated expression on his face, he wanted to say what happened earlier but whenever he looked at the relieved faces of his classmates the words got stuck in his throat.

Momo being as sharp she is, noticed Todoroki's hesitation.

"Todoroki do you know anything?"

"I- it's that... Tsuyu is dead" He dropped the bomb and took a deep breath and clenched his fists continuing "It was the blue haired villain, he turned her to dust and I was t-too late to s-save her"

Everyone was stunned by what he had just said, they couldn't believe the froppy they were happily talking with till coming here was suddenly dead.

"D-dead?" Momo muttered, horrified by what he just said.

Everyone was just as startled as her.

She quickly asked "Then what about Aizawa Sensei and Thirteen Sensei?"

"I don't know" Replied Todoroki

"Thirteen sensei was fighting the purple fog like villain when we got teleported" Replied Mina and Ochako nodded still a little shaken from the news that her friend just died.

Before they could further converse a portal opened a few meters opposite to them and the blue haired villain slowly walked out from it and gazed at them.

Every single one of them tensed up ready to fight even though they were still shaken from the fact their friend died and there was no news of Aizawa Sensei and Thirteen Sensei.

"The future generation of heroes huh, how brave" Mocked Tomura seeing how more than half of them were shaking and trembling just from his gaze.

They felt insulted being mocked by their enemy like this but couldn't retort him.

"W-wheres Aizawa Sensei and Thirteen Sensei" Momo gathered her courage and asked, even the usually loud Bakugo didn't say anything at the moment, he knew this wasn't some game anymore people were dying and one of his classmates had already been killed, while deku was crippled.

"Eh those two? Aizawa was killed by yours truly, while Thirteen was killed by Kurogiri"

They were further shaken by what they just heard, Two Pro Heroes were killed, this wasn't just dangerous anymore, it was very very dangerous.

"W-who are you then and why are you doing this anyway?" Momo trembled when she heard the senseis were dead but she was somewhat ready for this answer so she forcefully calmed herself and tried to fish for information from the villain infront of her.

"Me? I'm Genesis, Leader of the League of Villains and what kind of idiot tells their plans to the enemy anyway?" He was amused did she really think he was this gullible?

'Actually nevermind, The original Tomura was an idiot anyway.'

'So how should I proceed with this, I need to kill midoriya but seeing how they've circled him that would be hard, Too bad one of my arms broke or it would've been easier.'

He knew if protagonists survive near death battles then they would only grow stronger and stronger. That's why he was adamant on killing the twerp, if he died then it doesn't matter if All Might dies since One For All would die along with Izuku.

'Midoriya oh Midoriya, pray you die today or the means I would have to use will send you into endless despair, Amen' Thinking this he slowly started walking toward them gradually increasing his speed.

([A/N]~Madara vs Shinobi Alliance, at the start at how he started running slow then started running fast kinda thing, and ye he's doin a naruto run, meh)

Every single one of them was startled but got battle ready and rushed at him as well.

Todoroki prepared his ice attacks ready to freeze him.

Explosions appeared on Bakugo's hands after he handed deku over to the guy with the tail quirk.

Ochako stood near Midoriya protecting him along the tail kid.

Momo created a spear of metal, she was already tense as the situation was and the situation was affecting her psyche as her friend and senseis just died. It limited her creativity.

Kaminari couldn't do much since his quirk would cause damage to everyone in the surroundings and facing a villain that might kill them at moments notice, he didn't want to turn into an idiot in such a situation. He went to guard Midoriya aswell.

Others prepared their various quirks as well.

Tomura jumped in between them causing Bakugo and Todoroki to stop their quirks as they were too destructive and would cause harm to their classmates.

Momo swiftly stabbed the spear at Tomura intending to heavily injure him, Tomura tilted his body and decayed the spear using his quirk and elbowed her in the stomach while grabbing her hair and brutally brought her down to his knee knocking her out.

'Hmph too bad her quirk is too useful to kill her this early'

He dodged the tapes coming over to wrap him and rolled to the side sweeping a kick at the kid eating alot of sugar. The sugar kid lost his balance and smashed to the ground as Tomura punched his face, he was about to use decay when large icicles came charging at him, he crouched narrowly avoiding them and jumped back a little when he heard

"DIEEEEEEE!" and Bakugo came blasting over he was about to jump away again but his legs got frozen to the ground, he sent a chilly glare at Todoroki causing him to flinch.

He immediately bent his body 90° backward and narrowly missed getting hit from the blast .

His shirt got burnt and the hand on his face flew away nowhere to be seen again.

He elbowed Bakugo that was just above him causing him to choke and cough hardly, he used decay on the ice at both of his legs and immediately gained distance between him and the students.

Half of the students were too paralysed from fear to attack and only a few of them attacked him.

Tomura stood up showing his upper body and face in full glory.

Bakugo was still having difficulty breathing while Todoroki was wondering how to hurt him, the moment he froze him he would use his quirk and somehow turn his ice to dust and when he sent sharp objects flying at him, he always dodged them.

Tomura tilted his head to the side avoiding the acid attack that came out of no where.

He looked at the trembling legs of the pink girl and smirked. He dashed toward her but Kirishima came in the way and blocked him.

"Do you think hardening your self can save you?" Saying this he stabbed his finger directly into Kirishimas eye. He would've grabbed his face and used decay directly but didn't risk it, he didn't want acid all over him during a fight.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!" Kirishima screamed in pain rolling on the ground, A few of them came to help him up.

Bakugo once again came blasting toward him without any care in the world.

He dodged it and caused dust to rise up and blurr the view of the students. Using this as a chance he immediately dashed toward the tail user and gravity girl.

They were startled and the tail guy immediately attacked him using some kind of martial art aimed at the side of his neck. He did a twist on his feet and grabbed the tail guys head and smashed him into the ground.

The other students views cleared up but they wish it didn't.

They saw how Ojiro (tail guy) slowly crumbled into dust and the surroundings seemed to have turn silent.

Tomura ignored the others and dashed toward Midoriya again but got blasted away by electricity.

He saw a panting Kaminari and Gravity girl defensively guarding her crush.

'I need to ask for more quirks from All For One, no matter how strong I am physically, while I can deal with these kids but they barely know how to use their quirk, I wouldn't stand a chance against Real Pro Heroes, If I fight them head on that is.' Thought Tomura slowly standing up again feeling his body paralyzed a

bit, he needed a few seconds before he could move with his original speed again.

He swiped his hair back and started laughing


"What are ya laughing for, ya sick bastard" yelled Bakugo, but he didn't attack this time the sight of Ojiro turning to dust appeared in his mind and he realised that his life was on the line and a single mistake would send him to hell.

The Student's of 1-A didn't know what to do, They all flinched from his laughter.

They were supposed to train to be great heroes, have fun with their friends and save alot of people in the future but they were suddenly plunged into a life and death battle, that too with an incredibly brutal opponent.

They glanced at the kneeling Kirishima that was still groaning with pain. He was constantly bleeding from one of his eyes.

"Hmm? Oh I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at myself, I did the biggest mistake that my profession doesn't allow me too. I underestimated you kids and your quirks.

I can't believe I underestimated my enemies just because I wanted to train my quirk, It's too funny" Tomura said amused.

Slowly his face started turning emotionless.

"No more game's" Saying this he dashed at the electric user again but before Kaminari could use his electricity again, Tomura sweeped at his feet and he lost balance and in front of the horrified gazes of the students Tomura plunged his hand straight through Kaminari's neck.

He slowly pulled out his hand and blood constantly dripped from it, albeit not his.

He was about to move again when,


Hope appeared in the eyes of the students and Kurogiri warped to his side.

'What the fuck?! how did they get here so fast'

It didn't help more when he saw the nomu was sent flying by All Might to god knows where.

"Young Master we need to retreat, The nomu couldn't defeat All Might"

"Shut up Kurogiri, if All Might could be killed with some biological toy than Sensei wouldn't have lost"

Kurogiri was speechless but couldn't retort at such an obvious statement.

"Kurogiri do you remember our last plan?"

"Young Master why risk it the heroes will slowly gather and the situation would turn exceedingly dangerous."

He bit his lip and sighed

'Kurogiri is right, my emotions are affecting me too much, I need a few days to gather myself first. If I win, I win but if I lose then I retreat.

Killing All Might would be impossible right now and the chances of taking a hostage are non existent seeing how the students have gathered around the heroes'

There was also a chance of All Might going crazy seeing one his student's corpse. He didn't wanted to get blasted by a crazy All Might.

"Sigh, Your right Kurogiri let's leave"

Kurogiri heaved a sigh of relief as well he was glad Tomura wasn't adamant on killing All Might and opened up a portal which they both entered and disappeared.



All Might has the same injuries as the canon after fighting nomu.

Next chapter- Aftermath and Consequences.

( I have to plan this one a bit so the release of the new chapter might take a bit of time )

First of all before y'all complain about the fight do remember that all he has is skills from his previous life and not a single proper day to train his quirk, not to mention his current body massively decreases his strength and speed compared to his past life.

Ill slowly turn him strong dw not instantly tho or there wouldn't be much to write then.

Midoriyas plot armor is too strong ;-; (but not for long muauahauahuahahahaha)

Hope you enjoyed

The story should spice up a bit after this arc ;)