
MHA: Entoma

Just fanfiction about Entoma, nothing more, nothing less. . . . I do not own any anime or the characters in them."

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

An evil plan

(All for one POV)

One of my older puppets called me, saying she found something that could fascinate me. I stood on top of a high-rise building, watching as a child observed a mother with another child. 'Interesting, some spider mutation. Hmm.' A plan formulated in my mind.

'I'll have to clear the street and throw a few weak people at her. No not at her, but at the mother with the child. Yes, that would be better. I'll see how she handles it morally.

I looked up her information.


Name: Versilissa

Age: Estimated to be four years old

Parents: Unknown

Quirk: Entomancer

Ability to create insects from her hands and have full control over them. Limitations - unknown

Height: Unknown

Blood Type: AB


'Her Quirk is interesting and can be very versatile and excellent for causing chaos. For Tomura, she will be an excellent ally.

I'll make her the second Gigantomachia. She'll obey my every command, even if that command is to kill herself.'


Everything was ready. I stood on the building where my plan was about to unfold to see if this girl was worth it. I saw how she looked into the alley where the three dragged the mother and child. To my surprise, she did nothing and, to my greater surprise, started drooling. Four large spider legs shot out from her back.

'Perfect, perfect. She will be easily manipulated, and I can pull her towards the absolute force of evil. I'll have to teach her control. She will be a good puppet for me. Hmm, she also has enhanced physical abilities.'

I waited for the perfect time to jump into the fray, knowing that my new puppet wouldn't be strong enough to overpower them; she's only four years old.

I leaped off the building, and within a second, they were all dead.

I looked at her and smirked a bit. "Hungry, aren't you?" Just as I expected, she rushed at all the corpses and devoured them without exception. I put on a smile. "Little one, what's your name?"


"Versilissa, what a beautiful name." As I saw her looking at me, stars in her eyes, I knew I had her in my clutches. I reached out to her. "Little one, would you like to belong somewhere, have a family?"

I saw tears quickly running down her eyes as she ran towards me and hugged my leg. "Ohh, everything will be okay." I started stroking her hair. "Now you don't have to think about anything, just sleep. I'll take care of everything because I'm your new family."

'Excellent' my gaze dropped lower into her clothing. "And what about you, little one? Do you want your mistress to be happy?" A small bug crawled out of her clothes, nodding its head. 'Excellent'

I took her with me for Garaki.

"All for one, what have you brought me here?" echoed an old and whimsical voice. "Garaki, scan this girl. She will assist Tomura."

"Hmm, she must be quite special."


"This, this is fascinating. Her skeletal system is not normal. It's like an exoskeleton, about twice as hard as normal bones. Also, there are four protrusions on her spine."

"So, is the scan complete?"

"Yes, All for one."

Garaki handed me the sheet. 'Hmm, I didn't expect her to be this old. This is not normal, but it means that she had her Quirk for four years, and she didn't even know it. She's older than Tomura.' "Garaki, I'll need some more testing on her age. This surely has something to do with her Quirk."


Name: Versilissa

Age: 8 years old

Quirk: Entomancer

Parents: Unknown

Height: 91cm (3'0)

Blood Type: AB


(Versilissa POV)

I slowly woke up in some strange place. "Where am I?" I looked around and found myself on a comfortable bed, various furniture, and different plushies. I got up slowly and walked to the door. And there stood my savior with some old man in a white coat sitting on a chair.

"Aaaa, little one, you're awake. Don't worry, come closer. The old man next to me won't hurt you." I approached slowly. I trust the big man, but not the old one. I ran to the big man and hid behind his leg.

"Little one, I have good news for you. But first, would you like to reunite with your friend again?" Suddenly, something moved on the side, and it was Jeff.


Jeff jumped into my arms and started cuddling with me.

I was a bit shy. I looked at the man. I spoke with my crooked voice. "Excuse me, but what's your name?" The man looked at me.

He smiled friendly. "My name is All for one, but you can call me Master." I nodded quickly with joy. "Back to good things, I have so much food for you, as much as you need." The Master pointed towards the table where the corpses lay. "Really, can I?"

"But of course, why wouldn't you? Eat as much as you can." I hugged his leg and quickly ran to the food. I didn't know how much time passed, but all that remained was bones.

"We'll need to change your clothes." The old man grumbled. I looked at my clothes and suddenly, they were too small. So, they quickly changed me into some patient's white clothing.

"So little one, tell me. Do you want to stay weak forever, or do you want to achieve such strength that no one will ever insult you again?"

"Is this... even... possible?"

"But yes, everything is possible. This old man next to me is called Garaki. You just have to listen to what Garaki tells you. He will spend all your time with you." He stroked my hair. "Don't worry. I'll walk here every day and bring you gifts now and then."

"But before I go, don't you want to get a name?"

"But I already have a name."

"Yes, but only one. Do you want a second one like others?"

Stars started forming in my eyes. "Yes, yes, yes."

"All right, from now on, you'll be called Entoma Vasilissa."

'No one has ever given me such a gift.' I started crying. And the Master hugged me. "So, do you like your name?" I nodded continuously, tears in my eyes.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, and take care."

As All for one walked away, he had a dark smile on his face, darker than the devil.

'Everything according to plan.'

(End of a chapter)