
MHA: Entoma

Just fanfiction about Entoma, nothing more, nothing less. . . . I do not own any anime or the characters in them."

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


The sun rose on the horizon, casting its light upon the Earth. In a dark alley, a girl stood alone, without any adult supervision. One might wonder what she was doing there?

After a prolonged period of hunger, she realized that nobody liked her. Fueled by anger and hunger, she lost herself in it and devoured all the orphans in the orphanage.

It didn't occur to her that what she did was wrong. She believed she had done wasn't a bad thing. It was the best meal she had ever had, and she was in ecstasy.

Suddenly, she felt something. Something was wrong. Something told her she should run. She decided to trust that feeling. She rushed into her room, grabbed her jacket, and made the decision to leave the orphanage. She ran and ran, not knowing why she was running, just feeling a strange urge to escape.

She ran and ran. Nobody noticed her, thanks to the hooded jacket that concealed her grotesque appearance. On her shoulder was a small bug, currently rummaging through the trash.

(Vasilissa's POV)

'Nothing, nothing, nothing. How come there's no food in this trash bin?' Jeff and I searched through the dark alleys to find some food, but there was nothing. No food so far. "So, Jeff, did you find anything?" Jeff shook his head negatively.

"Well, let's continue then." So, Jeff and I left the alley for a regular street, full of people. I had never seen so many people on the street before. I walked down the street, the hood protecting my appearance so that nobody could see how I looked. Along the way, I accidentally bumped into a few people. I wanted to apologize, but they were already long gone.

I also saw some clowns on the other side of the street in weird costumes, walking down the street. That quickly left my attention as I heard a child's voice. "Mom, come on, look there, on the other side, there are heroes."

"I see, sweetheart, how about we get some ice cream before we reach the park?"

"Ice cream, yay! I'll have vanilla."

In my head, only one word echoed: 'Mom.' I started following them. I kept my distance and watched the boy's mother. After a while, they arrived at some strange wooden booth, where an older man stood. There was something written on the booth, but I didn't know what.

"So, what will it be?" The old man asked, looking at the boy. "One vanilla, please." The boy said and gave the man something, the same thing the matron gave to the other sisters in the orphanage. "Well, here's your vanilla." The boy received a yellow ball in a cone, started licking it, and looked excited.

"Now, sweetheart, your friends are probably waiting for you." The boy nodded, and they continued on their way. I quickly ran to the booth. "So, what will it be, little boy or little girl?" I didn't want to speak, so I pointed at the boy. The old man smiled.

"So, one vanilla?" I nodded, starting to copy the boy and gave him something too. "Little one, don't you have money? This is a screw little girl." I started shaking my head. The old man sighed. "And where are your parents? Don't they take care of you?" I froze in place. The old man realized "So that's how it is, well, here's one vanilla for you."

The old man smiled and gave me the ice cream. I was dumbstrucked. I took the ice cream. I couldn't lick it like the boy, so I started biting it with my fangs. Within three seconds, the ice cream disappeared. 'It's good, it's really good and sweet and cold.'

Without a word. I began running after the boy and his mother again.

Unaware of this, the old man took out his phone and started making a call.

Successfully, I caught up with them. They went to a park. There, I saw other children playing. I didn't have very good memories of the orphanage, where others threw various toys at me.

I stood and watched everything from a distance, how the children played and laughed, how the parents talked about their cute children, and envy grew in me. After a long time, the boy returned to his mother. "So, did you enjoy your day?"

"It was amazing, Mom, listen, Yuta..." I stopped listening to them and kept looking at the boy's mother. 

I walked through the streets and observed a mother with a child as they slowly walked home, but before they could enter, someone suddenly grabbed her, three men started dragging her and the child into a dark alley. Nobody said anything. Nobody called heroes or police because there was no one around. I ran to the alley and looked around the corner. There were three men, and I watched what was happening.

"Hehehe, we'll enjoy this doll, and we'll sell the boy." The man with slightly larger hands said.

"Yeah, you're right, hehehe, the boy will make us money." The man with a small tentacle on his head chimed in.

"I'm more interested in how this doll will taste." Said the normally looking man.

I started drooling. All I had for the whole day was that vanilla ice cream. I began to tremble.       

I couldn't hold back. Four spider legs started growing from my back. I quickly ran towards the man with larger hand because he was the closest. I rushed at him, and with two front legs, I pierced him.

"AAAAA" I started biting into him. "You bitch!" The man grabbed me with his larger hand and threw me away. I only thought of one thing, 'food'. I got up and ran towards the man with larger hands, but before I could bite him, something touched me. It was the tentacle from the second man.

I fell to the ground. I couldn't move. "Hahaha, guys, look, this one will surely make us a fortune." The man with larger hand reached for me and wanted to take me. I closed all my eyes and waited for the worst. But the only thing I heard was the man's scream.


I opened my eye and saw the man's hand flying in the air.

Before me stood a majestic, tall man. He was in a black suit. He looked at me. His face only contained his mouth. He smiled at me.

"Don't worry, little one, when I'm here, no one will hurt you." I looked behind him, and everyone was dead.

"Do you want to eat?" I slowly stood up and threw myself at all the corpses. When I finished, I looked at him. "Little one, what's your name?"

"Versilissa" I said with a hoarse and destorted voice.

"Versilissa, what a beautiful name." He extended his hand with a smile, unafraid of me, showing no disgust towards me. "Do you want to belong somewhere? Have a family?" I looked at him. Nobody had ever helped me, nobody had ever been so kind to me. Nobody ever, wanted me as a family.

Slowly tears began to flow, and I ran to him, quickly hugging his leg. "Ohh, little one, everything will be okay." He started patting my hair. "Now you don't have to think about anything, just sleep, I'll take care of everything. Becouse I'm your new family."

I was slowly falling asleep, before I drifted into a land of dreams I had one thought in my mind.'Family'

(End of a chapter)