
MHA: Entoma

Just fanfiction about Entoma, nothing more, nothing less. . . . I do not own any anime or the characters in them."

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Testing, testing!

(Timeskip no jutsu)

(Entoma pov)

It's been a week since I've been in this crypt with Garaki. He keeps testing me, samples of saliva, how my limbs grow, what I'm weak against, checking for allergies, the hardness of my spider legs, and many more.

And I, I made progress. I discovered that I can reconnect Jeff to my hand and enhance him a bit. He's a bit larger now. He used to be the size of a mandarin, but now he's the size of an orange. A small growth also appeared on his head. It's quite sharp.

That's not the only thing. I also have a new beetle. It's as big as Jeff, named Koko, green with yellow stripes on the back and a yellow eye in the middle, oval-shaped, and quite slow, unlike Jeff, who is quite fast.

So far, I've created two emotional bugs, so I decided to try creating one without a will. It was easier than creating those two.

But not only Jeff grew. I grew as well. Now I'm 110 cm tall (3'6). Thanks to all the food I get from Master, I've never been hungry, and I started growing rapidly. According to Garaki, it's not normal, and it's due to my body structure.

As Garaki got into this topic, he just didn't stop talking.

Yes, Master kept his promise and comes to see me every day. He also once brought me a spider plushie, and since then, I've been sleeping with it every night.

Master also started telling me about his dream of a perfect world without discrimination. He also showed me his arch-enemy, All Might.

I also practiced. I had terrible physical condition. I couldn't even run a lap.

Garaki wasn't a good teacher, or rather, he didn't want to be a good teacher. He tied me to the wall. My daily control came.

In front of me were the corpses of humans. When I see a normal corpse, I can control myself now, but when it comes to chopping limbs into pieces, I started salivating, and I couldn't hold back. Well, at least some progress in self-control.

It also helped in my self-control that I receive normal food. Only now did I realize that what I was getting from the matron wasn't food. They were just small scraps left by other children. Well, I won't have to think about this anymore. I have my Master, and that's enough.

My favorite foods are muscles, then ice cream, and for some reason, bamboo, which I'm currently crunching.

"Well, it's time to make progress. I need new bugs."

I stretched out my hands, and something began to form on each of them. Slowly, a bug started forming on my left hand, with a single purpose - to cover my face. It won't have its own will. I'll just call it "Mask." It has no purpose other than to conceal my identity, but I'll still have it on to keep anyone from seeing my face.

My voice still bothered me. 'I'll solve that later.'

The Mask was ready in an hour. A beetle-like creature with a human face painted on its back. I put it on my face and commanded it to cling to the sides of my head, so it wouldn't easily come off. I looked in the mirror. "Much better."

I started feeling hungry, so I pressed a button that told Garaki I was hungry. Usually, Garaki doesn't give me food. It's given by a small robot.

*Knock, knock*

Someone knocked on the door. I went to open it, and there stood Garaki. That surprised me, but he also had a robot next to him, carrying some body parts and bamboo. I slowly took the food and started eating.

"Hmm, an interesting way to use your Quirk." Refering to my mask.

He looked at my right hand. "And it seems like you're doing something even more complicated." I looked at him. "And why are you here, Mr. Garaki?"

"From this week, you'll be training, not your physical fitness, but your combat skills. So after you create that bug, your Master will come here with your new combat teacher."

I nodded. "And don't forget to tell me how you feel when you create those bugs."

I looked at my right hand, where a beetle was forming, which will be larger, or rather longer, than Jeff and Koko.

As if I thought of them, they were in front of me, hugging me. "Haha, stop, it tickles!"


(Three hours later)

I looked at the new bug, a pretty long centipede, about fifty centimeters (1'6) in length. "You'll be called Nautilus." I ate what was left, creating such complex bugs. I needed to eat, so I pressed the button. But instead of a robot, Master came.

"Master!" I jumped on him and hugged him. "Haha, I brought you something." And like a magician, he pulled out something new. Some kind of outfit, but I don't know what it is. "This is a Classic Japanese maid outfit. Put it on."


Suddenly, Koko and Jeff flew. In front of the master and took the maid outfit. I started putting it on.

(Half an hour of dressing and adjustments)

In front of the mirror stood a young girl in a black and white classic Japanese maid outfit. Her hair was arranged. She has bright red eyes that never move or blink. She has mauve hair with twin chignons.

(Picture here)

"I look amazing!" I started jumping in place and screaming like a fangirl, than jumped on the master, and hugged him. "Thank you."

"It suits you. Now come, your new teacher is waiting for you."


We walked through the underground complex. We stopped in front of a door. "In this room, someone is waiting for you."

I nodded, and slowly entered the white room, which looked like a big white cube. On the other side of the room were doors. And they began to open.

(Pov All for one)

"So All for one, tell me why he should train her."

"Number 023 is very strong and experienced in close combat. The close combat will suit her the most, she needs experience in it."

"I understand that but. Why didn't we stuf her with Quirks, she would be xceptional nomu."

In a second, Garaki saw the smile and sighed. 'This smile again.'

"I want to see how far she can go with just her Quirk, what great potential is in that little girl, and I want to see how she gains her own strength. Becoming one of a apocalypse of this world that I will unleash on this Hero society."

(End of a chapter)