
MHA:-Glitch In Reality

What would happen if Izuku tried to commit suicide after being bullied and neglected by the people he loved. But he didn't die, he awakened a quirk, a quirk so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to say it is the strongest quirk ever. Now with a Cynical and Psychopathic personality, he is out for blood, and shake the very foundation of hero society. Stick around to find out what he does and how he does. This is my first time writing a fic, so I am open to constrictive criticism, and would love to know the areas where I can improve myself, while also would love to know what you like about my fic, so that i can work to improve it so that it becomes identity of my fics through which people can find out that these are my fics NOTE:- THIS IS AU... DON'T TRY TO COMPARE IT TO THE CANON...ANY CHARACTERS DIFFERENT FROM CANON ARE DONE BASED ON CREATIVE LIBERTY...AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TOLERATING ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COMPARE THEM TO CANON WARNING:- IT CONTAINS LOTS OF GORE, VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND ALL OTHER SORTS OF EXTREME DARK SHIT, SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, AND THIS FIC IS A REALISTIC FIC AND WILL ALSO HIGHTLIGHT THE REALITY OF THE SOCIETY SO THIS FIC IS NOT FOR FAINT OF HEARTS. Support me through:- Paypal:- https://www.paypal.me/SVora02 Patreon:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix

Numix · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 81:- Puppets of Revenge

"Vengeance is a seductive melody, but its rhythm may lead you astray." Unknown

By the time the guards woke up, Akari was already upon them. They saw her approaching, her figure cloaked in shadows, and a shiver of fear ran down their spines. Their heartbeats quickened as she drew closer, her form seeming to distort and shift in the dim light.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the girl was gone. In her place stood a figure clad in a sleek black stealth suit, a black orca mask obscuring their features.

The masked man closed the distance between them as they said, "Do you wish to get out of here?"

As the party down below drew to a close, Kaito and his allies stood ready for action. Their resolve was firm, fueled by a burning desire for vengeance against those who had inflicted irreparable damage upon their lives. They were primed and determined, prepared to finally exact retribution on those who had brought about their downfall.

As the last of the guests departed, leaving the mansion in an eerie silence, Kaito and his companions seized the moment. With swift determination, they resolved not to allow even a fleeting second for their targets to register the impending assault. This was their moment, a time when all defenses were lowered.

As the mansion settled into an unnerving stillness, Kaito and his allies moved with calculated precision. Their swift and coordinated actions were intended to ensure that their adversaries remained off-balance, leaving no chance for a counterattack.

They navigated the dimly lit corridors, their steps purposeful yet silent. With practiced efficiency, they infiltrated key positions within the mansion, strategically securing exits and isolating Miyuki and her subordinates from any means of escape.

Utilizing their stealth and the element of surprise, they swiftly disarmed any remaining guards and subdued them without a sound. Every movement was executed meticulously, ensuring that their target remained unaware of their presence until the critical moment arrived.

Kaito, with a determined glint in his eyes, led the group toward the heart of the mansion, where Miyuki and her subordinates had secluded themselves. They positioned themselves strategically, poised to confront their targets.

The guards, still reeling from the shift of Akari to the masked figure, stared at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. Their hands twitched near their holsters, but fear kept them rooted to the spot.

"Get out of here?" one finally stammered, his voice raspy with sleep and terror. "Why… who are you?"

The masked man, voice filtered through the orca mask, leaned closer, his movements predatory yet oddly graceful. "Call me Thanatos," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "And right now, your escape route."

His statement hung in the air, thick with ambiguity. Escape route? From what? From whom? The guards exchanged nervous glances, confusion warring with the primal urge to flee.

Suddenly sounds of things getting destroyed were heard, with lots of female screams

"That," Thanatos said, his gaze fixed on their petrified expressions, "is why you might want to consider my offer."

At that moment, the fear in their eyes shifted, morphing into a desperate need to understand, to survive. The scream had painted a terrifying picture, one that Thanatos's majestic presence only amplified.

"I want to offer you all an opportunity to stand up against those who've mistreated you. I'm aware of the contemptible treatment you've endured, the insults hurled at you privately and publicly. You've been reduced to nothing more than slaves, pets, objects to them. I'm here to help you seek the retribution you rightfully deserve.

I understand your desire for revenge against these women, and I'm willing to assist you in achieving it. You've borne enough insults, and it's time to level the playing field." said Thanatos in a really slow and cold condescending tone

One of the guards, a young man with freckled skin and trembling hands, took a tentative step forward. "What's happening outside?"

Thanatos's lips curved into a smirk, hidden beneath the mask. "Let's just say," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "your employers have invited unwanted guests. And you, gentlemen, are standing right in the crossfire, with the option of either running away and staying the same, or getting your revenge and growing, now the choice is yours." Said Izuku as he briefed the situation outside.

"Options?" asked one of the men.

"Options, gentlemen, they say, are the currency of power. Your employers, in their ignorance, have paved a path—a crossroads, if you will. You can choose the same mundane, the ordinary—running away, perhaps keeping your heads down, enduring the same demeaning treatment. Or," his tone dropped even lower, laden with a potent promise, "You can embrace change. You can be the architects of your own destiny, seizing this moment for retribution and, in doing so, transcend the roles they've confined you to. The choice," he emphasized, "Is entirely yours." The words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of consequence, leaving the decision dangling, ripe for the taking.

Their throats tightened as they absorbed Thanatos's words, each lost in contemplation. After a weighty silence, one among them broke it with resolute determination. "We seek vengeance, retribution for every ounce of humiliation, every scar of suffering inflicted upon us. Their cruelties, their injustices, we refuse to bear them any longer," the man declared firmly, his voice carrying the collective determination of the group. The others nodded in silent accord, their faces etched with resolve, unified in their quest for vindication.

The air crackled with newfound energy as Thanatos's words ignited a fire within the bound figures. The resolute man's declaration hung heavy in the air, a manifesto of rebellion echoing the collective pain and defiance in every pair of eyes. One by one, the others stirred, a tremor of anger giving way to a quiet, steely resolve.

But before they could move, a shift in the atmosphere stole their breath. It was subtle, a brush of energy against their skin, a whisper of magic tingling through their bonds. Then, in an instant, the ropes that had held them captive fell away, dissolving into nothingness.

A wave of stunned surprise washed over them, replaced by a surge of adrenaline. Freedom stretched before them, a tantalizing taste of the justice they craved. Yet, their gazes lingered on Thanatos, a silent question hung heavy in the air. Was this a test? A twisted joke? Or perhaps, an unexpected alliance forged in the fires of shared pain?

The figure met their stares with an unreadable expression, his dark eyes flickering with untold secrets. "Vengeance is a double-edged blade," he finally spoke, his voice a low rumble that resonated within their bones. "It may quench your thirst for justice, but it can also consume you from within. Choose wisely, for the path you walk now will not only determine their fate, but your own."

The weight of his words settled upon them, a stark reminder of the consequences that lurked in the shadows. Their quest for vindication had just taken an unexpected turn, one that demanded not just their strength, but also their wisdom.

Totally unaware that while the guards lay unconscious, Thanatos had subtly implanted mental chips in their head, which would send trigger signals directly in their subconscious. These triggers were intricately woven suggestions, dormant and undetectable to the guards' conscious minds. When activated through a specific phrase or action known only to Thanatos, these suggestions would subtly influence the guards' decision-making or behavior without their awareness.

These implanted triggers were designed to instill a subconscious inclination towards aiding Thanatos and his allies, subtly nudging their thoughts and actions in a predetermined direction when certain conditions were met, making sure that these people never betrayed him. The guards would remain oblivious to this subtle mental influence, yet their actions might inexplicably align with Thanatos's intentions when the trigger conditions were triggered.

[A/N:- Thank You All for the support you have given my work

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Raiden Allen


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