
Messages - Teruyama

Terushima went to see a concert with his friends from the Johzenji volleyball team. He didn't think much of the members of the band, except for their lead singer, Yamaguchi. They get to know each other by the time that passes, but are there any other feelings than just being friends? *I do not own any of these characters* *This is my first story to write, so it might not be the best which you might've figured by the description lmao* *more tags might be added btw :)*

StrawberryHexagon · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Yamaguchi's pov

I woke up to my alarm ringing at 7:30am on a Wednesday to see that I had gotten a text from Terushima. I'm usually not as inpatient when it comes to this stuff but I guess that I'm used to him answering quickly. I opened my phone to read the text and then write something back to him, even though he probably wasn't awake since he often get late to school. I packed my bag, ate breakfast and then met up with Tsukki to walk to school, like an average weekday. I had my classes regularly until Hinata came up to me at lunch asking me when our next concert is.

"Uhm, we're doing another concert? This soon" I asked him

"Yeah! It was really cool when it was a lot of people was there. Its felt like 'boom' and 'squaa' when we were on stage!!" he said as he did some jumps as he said that.

"heh, I'm glad you feel that was Hinata. But I don't know, we can discuss that when we practice next time"

"Hinata boke! Stop bothering Yamaguchi, practice your spikes instead!" Kageyama yelled at him out of nowhere

"Kageyama baka! I'm not bothering him, I was simply asking a question"


"shut up!"

"Guys, stop yelling please. We are in the hallway"

"Yeah, stop yelling and go and study, you guys need that" Tsukki said, I didn't even notice him as he walked up to me

"Tsukki, be nice"

"Whatever, stingyshima"

After Tsukki and Hinata argued, me an Tsukki sat down as usual and ate lunch together. He was of course wearing his headphones so I took out my phone to text Teru again to see if he was awake, which he hopefully was.



Heyy! sorry for not answering yesterday, I forgot it at home in the morning and then we had practice hjirleiogheriogjio


Its cool :)

You better be awake, It's lunch >:(


I closed my messages and went on instagram so the time could go by faster, which it did. We then had English class and we got our tests back. I'm not that good at English so it wen't fine, I got a 63 which is a pretty average score in my class. I then had mathematics and gym and after that I walked home with Tsukki as usual. Terushima had texted me through the day asking if I wanted to go to the park with him and his friends from Johzenji, which I obviously said yes to since our practice is canceled today. Me and the others thought of practicing with the band but Tsukki said that he wanted to study so we let it go.

I was home alone when I got home so texted Teru once again asking when they were going to meet up. It's around 3 pm almost 4 so we were probably going to meet up soon. I started to get ready and ate a sandwich before I left, I also texted our family group chat saying that I was going to hang put with my friends so they wouldn't ask or be worried about me. I then left and started walking to the park. Once I got there, my friends were already there.

"Hey Yams!" Bobata yelled at me. I also got some other people to look at me so I just walked to them the fastest I could.

"Bobata, you can't just yell like that. People looked at me!" I yelled at him as quiet as I could

"But hi" I said I hugged him quickly

"How have you been?" Misaki asked looking as she looked at me

"I've been good, there's nothing really special that has been going on that I can tell you guys about. What about you? And where is Teru?" I asked her as I looked around for Terushima

"He took his skateboard to get some tea for us, he should be back soon. Nothing has happened at our school either"

A few minutes of us talking went by until Terushima got back on his skateboard, I waved at him but I guess he was focusing on not dropping the drinks he bought. He then looked up and yelled hi at me

"Freckles! Heyyy, wait I'm just gonna put the tea down" he said right before he got off his skateboard and the others giggled at him

He gave everyone their tea and then want up and hugged me

"Why does your hair smell so good?" He asked me

"It does? Ehm, idk" I answered and laughed a little

"Oh, and by the way! I learnt this really cool trick on the skateboard! Do you wanna see?" Teru asked me right after

"Are you gonna brag about that trick to everyone" Futamata said as he looked at Teru with a ironic dissapointed face

"I don't mind seeing it" I said

He smiled at me and then got up on his skateboard. I don't really know what he did but it looked really cool. After that Misaki said that it was called a 'laser flip'. I went up to him and he started talking about different kind of flips, I didn't really understand half of it but it sounded cool so I just nodded.

"Do you think you can teach me some tricks?I have a skateboard and I kind of know the basics" I asked Teru with a cheesy smile to try and convince him

"Yeah sure! Why not, you would look sick if you could skate more!"

"We can meet up some day soon! I'll text you when I get home"

"Oh, are you already going home?" he asked me as I grabbed my phone

"Yeah sorry, my dad said I have to help his girlfriend cook. I don't mind that so I'll get going. I will see you guys sometime" I said as I started waved at them and then started heading towards my house.

Terushima's pov

Freckles had to go home and right after he started walking my friends started to make a bunch of comments

"Are you happy about your d a t e Teru?? hmm?"

"We know that you like Yams, heh"

"Shut up, we haven't even known each other for two months! I'm just teaching him how to skate anyways, I've done that like three times before" I said to my defense

"And who was that? Futamata's little sister? That doesn't count, she's nine"

"It is someone at least"

But to be honest, I'm really hyped up about this!!


I am so so sorry for not updating sooner than this, It was pretty hard to continue writing. But I did it at least! :) And it's Christmas tomorrow guys! fhrghriogjrij I hope you guys kind of enjoyed this chapter and that you guys have a good holiday! :)

word count: 1069