
Messages - Teruyama

Terushima went to see a concert with his friends from the Johzenji volleyball team. He didn't think much of the members of the band, except for their lead singer, Yamaguchi. They get to know each other by the time that passes, but are there any other feelings than just being friends? *I do not own any of these characters* *This is my first story to write, so it might not be the best which you might've figured by the description lmao* *more tags might be added btw :)*

StrawberryHexagon · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Yamaguchi's pov

I did my usual morning routine by eating breakfast and texting Teru before Tsukki comes to my house and we walk to school together. He usually wears his headphones so it wouldn't really make a change if we walked alone but we do it anyways. I often try to come up with a conversation for us but he always knows what to say so the talk doesn't really last for more then a few seconds.

"Hey Tsukki, when are we having practice with the band? We didn't discuss that yesterday right?"

"No we didn't and I don't know. Coach Ukai is still sick so we won't have practice next week, maybe then i guess. Why are you wondering?"

"Ah, heh. You remember Terushima right?"

"That loud blonde guy? Yes I remember him, what's with him?"

"You see, I asked him if he could teach me how to skate and we were thinking of when. I wouldn't want to ruin practice you know" I answered to his question

"Okay, we can just ask the others. I'm tired right now" he said as he put on his headphones again.

"Sure" I said quietly as we continued walking to school

When we came to school and changed our shoes, I saw Hinata so I went up to him to ask when he wanted to practice.

"Hey Hinata, ehm. You know how volleyball in cancelled next week because-"

"I know!! It sucks, I want to spike more! I'll have to convince Kageyama to set for me" he said as he pouted

"Sounds nice but when do you want to have practice with the band?" I asked him

"Hmmm, I don't really know. Friday maybe? I will probably take a break from volleyball thast day so I can practice even more the week after that too! I'm a genius!!" he said as he jumped up and down. He did get some stares but that stuff doesn't seem to bother him. Quite the opposite actually.

Right after that, the first bell rang so I said goodbye to Hinata for now and started walking to my fist class which was Biology. After that, I had the same class as Tsukki so we went there together as well. The teacher surprisingly separated the benches that me and Tsukki were sitting at because we were talking too much, even though we were talking about the things in class.

The day went by pretty fast and before I knew it, I was home again. No one was home yet so I went up to my room and took out some of my homework to do, I do get pretty average grades but I usually don't study at home. I do it sometimes though, like today. During the time I studied, I got a text from Teru. I couldn't really focus after that so I sat down on my bed instead and talked to Terushima for a while. We were mostly talking about what we could do the same day as we were going skating. I always enjoy talking to him so it was a good time until I had to eat dinner.

"Hey Tadashi, you haven't been downstairs for the whole afternoon, what were you doing?" Rika asked me as I took a bite and swallowed my food.

"Oh, I was just texting my friend"

"Right, your volleyball is cancelled for the whole next week. Is it going to be nice getting a little break, what are you going to do?" My dad asked

"Honey, were asking too many questions at once, just say if you don't want to answer any question"

"No, It's totally fine thanks. And I was first planning to practice with the band, and then I was planning on going skating with Terushima" I said

"Terushima? Who's that? Someone in your class?" Rika asked me

"We met at a park, me and Tsukki were hanging out and we saw him and some of his friends hanging out with our manager, so we basically became friends after that" I said and looked up at my dad and Rika smiling. We then continues having conversations and talked about different stuff. We then ate up and I went up to my room again after doing the dishes.

The day after was Friday and I am supposed to hang out with the band tomorrow, not to practice. But to talk about if we want to do another concert and stuff. I personally want to write another song and sing again but we all have to agree to it for it to happen of course. I decided to go to bed kinda early today just because I don't have anything better to do so I brushed my teeth, changed and then went to bed. I wasn't tired at all though, I just stared at the ceiling thinking of stuff until I eventually fell asleep.


I am sorry that this chapter is so short but I simply don't know what to write /: Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and that you guys had a good Christams!! :)

word count: about 800 words bvruifhwrouhvugk