
Messages - Teruyama

Terushima went to see a concert with his friends from the Johzenji volleyball team. He didn't think much of the members of the band, except for their lead singer, Yamaguchi. They get to know each other by the time that passes, but are there any other feelings than just being friends? *I do not own any of these characters* *This is my first story to write, so it might not be the best which you might've figured by the description lmao* *more tags might be added btw :)*

StrawberryHexagon · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Terushuma's pov

I was at the park with Bobata trying to learn a few new tricks on the skateboard when I heard that I had gotten a text, so I paused from practicing the trick and took out my phone. The text was from Yamaguchi so I clicked on the notification as fast as I could.



Hey Teru :) sorry that I didn't text earlier, I go home like an hour ago or something. Wyd?


It's okay, I'm at the park practicing some tricks with Bobata (: how r u?

You had practice and stuff sooo bhfbvuifhriohrwio


I'm fine c: Practice was pretty rough today, our captain made us run around the outside of the gym :')


We continued talking for a while until it was around 1 am and we decided to get some rest since it was school the day after. I went to the bathroom as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake anyone up, brushed my teeth and then went back to my room. Even though I wasn't tired at all, and wanted to talk to Yams for some time, I didn't want him to get late to school or anything. Instead of sleeping then, I scrolled through social media on my phone for the night.

Yamaguchi's pov

I woke up later than usual which made me a few minutes later for school but I don't think it's a huge deal. After a part for the day had went by, it was time for lunch. So I took out my bento and waited for Tsukki to sit with me as usual at the bench where we always eat together. A couple of minutes passed until Tsukki came and sat down on the bench.

"I talked to Kageyama and Hinata, I reminded them and their tiny brains that we have band practice after school, since we don't have regular volleyball today you know." Tsukki said as an explanation why he kinda was late I guess

"Ah, I was thinking about reminding them too but I figured that you'd do that."

"I mean, someone had to do it. If not, they probably would've go to play volleyball as they usually do when they forget about our practice. Why did we even invite them in the first place?"

"It's not like you to forget something that simple Tsukki, they were the only ones that actually kind of wanted to join you know" I said as I ate a bit of rice

"Shut up Yamaguchi, of course i didn't forget that" he said as he tch'ed // yeah idk how you actually spell that hvusivhowrui //

After our last lesson, me and Tsukki met up with Hinata and Kags so we could practice at Tsukki's house since he's the only one of us that has some kind of soundproof garage so we wouldn't bother any of our family members.

When we then arrived to Tsukki's house, we said hi to his mom who was home and then made our way to the garage to practice for a while. Tsukki's drums was already set up of course, Hinata took out his guitar and Kageyama took his base while I set up the mic fit my height, even though that I knew that we wouldn't use it that much. For the rest of the evening, Hinata and Tsukki picked on each other while me and Kageyama mostly stayed quiet and laughed at them. For the most of the time, I just sat and told them if they played good or not. I usually sing with them but my throat kinda hurt so I didn't want to ruin my voice.

After we practiced for the evening we all agreed that we should practice on Saturday too when we don't have any practice for volleyball. Me, Hinata and Kageyama then made our way home. I took out my keys and locked up the door to be greeted by Rika.

"Welcome home Tadashi! Dad is still at work so it'll just be you and me for dinner as it seems right now if that's okay with you."

"Yeah of course, I will be in my room packing up my stuff from school, can you call me down when the food is ready?" I asked her as I took of my shoes and made my way to the staircase.

"Sure!" she said at the same time as I walked up the stairs and closed the door to my room which was kind of messy.

Before I ate dinner I wanted to text Terushima, I kind of enjoy his company, or at least to text with him. So I took up my phone an sent him a text.



Hey Teru, how r u? I was at band practice if you wondered if I didn't text earlier :)


I plugged the charger into my phone right before I heard Rika say that it was dinner, so I went downstairs and took some food and then sat down.

"Did you practice with the band today or was it regular practice? I just thought of that since you came home a little later than you usually do" Rika asked with a smile on her face as she took some rice to eat.

"It was practice with the band, I didn't sing though cause my throat hurted. But it's better now"

"Ah okay, how was school?"

"Sorry if I'm asking too much, it's a bad habit" she said, even though she just asked two questions.

"I don't mind if you ask me questions, and school was fine" I said as I tried to not make her feel bad about it.

We then continued the conversation and had a overall good time. I then thanked her for the food and walked up to my room hoping that Terushima had answered, which he hadn't. I guessed that he was at practice so he couldn't answer since he usually answer right away. I let it go and began to do my homework until I went to bed.


Hope you have a great continuing day!

word count: 997