
Chapter 26

“You still haven’t told me what you were doing at Birdsong,” he said to Mathias.

“Getting my car, you prat. Or don’t you remember dragging me out of there last night without it?”

“And you just happenedto run into Darby?”

“Yeah, actually,” she intervened. “He was putting something in the trunk when I pulled up.”

Mathias gave him a smile that was far from innocent. “I like to think of it as very fortuitous timing. Or delicious. Or both, even.”

The sudden rush of heat to Darby’s cheeks confirmed Edmund’s suspicions. Whatever else might have happened, Mathias had made some sort of pass at Darby, and judging from her reaction, she had likely accepted. Or at the very least, she hadn’t argued too strenuously. He had to swallow the growl of rage that threatened to escape, though as he rose to his feet, his steely gaze was leveled at Mathias, not Darby.

“In the kitchen,” he ordered. “Now.”