
Somewhat strange Family

Xu Lifen went to her room brooding and breathing heavily. She slammed her bedroom door hard that almost break from hinge. Her anger grow stronger just thinking about what happened earlier.

That young man, Yan Cheng was very rude. How dare he regard Xu Lifen as his pastime and entertainment, he is absolute dick head.

Xu Lifen hate him the moment he opened his filthy mouth, her eyes blazed in anger.

Yan Cheng and her were practically acquaintance since childhood. And now, they want to tie a knot between them at the young age. This only made Xu Lifen went mad, her family is crazy especially his father for accepting this kind of bizarre agreement.

People left in the living room was astonished and startled by the force of the door being closed.

Xu Chen sighed, his daughter is a tough cookie to crack. "Sorry about that, she might be confused right now. I know she will come around soon."

"Just let her be. Will go with our plan." Yan Qin didn't want to break the promise between two families, This has been agreed by the elders. They might be young, but sooner or later they will also understand what they want to do. A promise is a promise, and Yan Qin didn't want to break it. He respects his elder that much to agree in this old-fashioned concord.

Yan Cheng was busy drinking his cup of tea as if he didn't care what happened and what he heard. He become interested with Xu Lifen more that he didn't care being tied to her.

He was in his second cup of tea when Xu Lifen suddenly came out of the room ready to explode.

Xu Lifen went out of the house ignoring them, her ears and nose emits an invisible smoke. She needs to breathe a fresh air in order to think properly. Being away from that Yan Cheng help Xu Lifen calm her anger.

"Interesting!" Yan Cheng murmured.


"Do you think Lifen will do what we arranged? Our elder daughter is stubborn like a bull head." Xu Shan, Lifen mother said. She seems to be having her seconds thought.

Xu Chen draw a breath, "I thought you want our daughter to have a boyfriend, in this matter it is almost the same, but the difference Cheng will be her husband and at the same time you can have a son-in-law. It is killing two birds in one stone."

There is a written agreement from their elder regarding this arrange marriage. Xu Chen didn't have the guts to disregard his elder.

"If only, Meimei is our eldest daughter." Xu Shan thought that since Xu Mei is an obedient child and gentle there must be no disagreement.

Xu Mei is the entire opposite of Xu Lifen. You can see in her the qualities of a defined woman. She is girly modest, gentle, obedient, smart and quiet. While Xu Lifen has a manly attitude, and demonic behavior when triggered.

Her parents saw her manly and demonic characteristics and worried that she will not engage herself in any romantic relations.

Fortunately for them, there is an arrange marriage set for Xu Lifen. This is the only way to make Xu Lifen a proper woman.

They will no longer have to worry about having their first child grow old alone without marrying.

"Yan Cheng is a gentleman since child, Lifen is in a good hand." Xu Chen assured his wife.

"You are misunderstanding me. I am not worried about our daughter, I am worried of Yan Cheng. Our daughter is in a different league, he might be having a hard time cajoling our Lifen."

Xu Chen was dumbfounded. His wife indeed thinks in a different way. So this is what made her worried, she is worried about Yan Cheng having a hard time not for her daughter.

He prayed that Yan Cheng would be able to cope with their daughter.

"Bless his soul."

The couple was startled by the interruption. Behind them stands Xu Mei, she is standing there for a long time that her silence makes her unnoticed.

"Is elder sister that terrible in handling a relationship that you worry too much? Is that just, most of the male species are afraid of her." Xu Mei sated as if it were the most beautiful and normal thing to say.

In spite of her intelligence, Xu Mei is kind of weird girl. She always blurts out an unexpected thing and ideas most of the time.

"I am indeed happy to see elder sister married, but she is still young, besides her temper is nothing near normal." With that Xu Mei left silently without uttering another word. Just how she quietly came she did the same, quietly leave.

"Do you think our family is normal? Our two daughter seems indifferent." Xu Chen blurted out, his family is somewhat strange.