
Honeymoon cruise

Xu Lifen roam her blazing eyes around the fancy cabin suite of the Royal Caribbean's Splendor Of The Seas. She was so mad that she could practically light up the whole ship on fire with her leaking anger.

Chucking her bag somewhere in the room, she flopped down on the queen sized bed, face first and legs dangling on the edge of the bed carelessly.

"I can't believe this, I really can't believe this, I fucking can't believe this." She muttered to herself again and again.

"That's got to be the hundred and twentieth time you have said that today, and in just one day." A velvety voice came from the door.

Standing at the door, is none other than Yan Cheng in his formidable appearance. Yan Cheng, the man who had recently acquired his position as her husband.

Despite the beautiful white dress she was donned in, she sat on bed like an Indian in a manly manners and glared at the man in suite and necktie.

"Because this is so damn unbelievable!" she said incredulously.

"Just about twenty four hours ago before you arrive in our house. I was having a normal teenage life, single and all. But now, with a blink of an eye, I'm married to someone I barely knew."

Her newly-acquired husband, Yan Cheng shook his head and sat beside her on the bed. Dutifully ignoring the icy cold glare that she is aiming directly at him.

"You are making it sounds so bad-"

"It is bad! So fucking bad!" she interjected stubbornly and dramatically raised her both hands.

"-and we don't barely knew each other. We've been together since we were children, since our childhood." He pointed out.

Xu Lifen scoffed. "Hardly."

Yan Cheng sighed, loosening the choking tie around his neck. He removed his shoes and left only with socks and pulled his legs up and they sat facing each other.

"It's going to be fine Yan Lifen, don't think too badly about this."

"Don't think too badly? And don't call me that, I am Xu Lifen not Yan. Hell, I am only sixteen and I am already married! This is supposed to be illegal! How am I supposed to think about this? Throw a party, get drunk myself and celebrate this stupid marriage?" she bit out.

"I still have so many things I wanted to do with my life and I don't want to be with someone who doesn't care about the world. I didn't want to be stuck with you!"

"Ouch! That kinda hurt, Yan Lifei." Yan Cheng pouted dramatically putting a hand over his chest.

Xu Lifen rolled her eyes at his antics.

"It is all your fault! And then again with that name, stop sprouting nonsense." She added coldly.

"My fault?" He couldn't hide his surprise.

"And I will keep calling you that name because from now on you are officially Mrs. Yan Lifen legally." All the humor on his annoying handsome face vanished.

"If you hadn't agreed on this piece of shit agreement, then maybe we are not in this kind of situation!" That and the raven-haired girl stormed out of the cabin, her dress bellowing angrily behind her.

"Hey-" His attempt to stop her was cut off by the slamming door.


Xu Lifen trudged the cruise deck like she just attended a funeral, rather than the honeymoon she was supposed to enjoy.

She reached the open area and quietly leaned on the metal railing, chin resting on her palm while reminiscing her days before her stupid marriage.

The night was clear, the stars dotted the cloudless sky and the wind was cold and salty. Xu Lifen could hear the sea water sloshing against the ship as it cruised to god-knows-which are.

Where exactly were they anyway? It seemed like forever for Xu Lifen since they left the port of Venice. All she knew from the itinerary was that they were on their way to Kotor, Montenegro. Their first destination in their impromptu seven-night Mediterranean cruise and their supposedly honeymoon.

Speaking of which, the reason why they were on-board a huge ship was their parents.

Xu Lifen recalled the recent events in her life. She remembered the day (it was the day before yesterday) she came home from a very exhausting day at school.

Her father, mother and younger sister were waiting for her in the living room along with Yan Qi and his son, Yan Cheng.

Seeing them all gathered together, her heart sank to the pits of her stomach. Her instinct told her something big is about to happen. Something was not right. Something was terribly wrong.

And she was right.

To cut the story short, the adults presented her the family registration papers saying she was no longer a member of the Xu household and that she was legally transferred to Yan family as Yan Cheng's wife.