
Sorry, not happening

There was a loud echoing "NO!" rang throughout the usually-quiet Xu residence.

The quiet neighbors who pass-by was startled by the noise.

Even the birds that nestled around fly frantically.

"Absolutely no!" The eldest daughter of the Xu household firmly said.

Her father - the famuos Chef Xu Chen - frantically tried to calm his daughter down.

"But Lifen this agreement has been set long before you were both born. Both our father wanted our families to unite as one-."

"And you deemed US to be the perfect piece of chess or a perfect piece of little rope that will tie your absurd ancestral deal." she finished coldly, crossing her arms over her heaving chest.

"Yes!- I mean it's not like that-!" Father Xu Chen tried to explain but then again her daughter interrupt him.

"Then what is it?" Xu Lifen yelled yet again.

The elders looked at each other and sighed.

This time it was Yan Qi - her father's bestfriend, her soon-to-be father-in-law - who answered her softly and patiently.

"We are honoring a request from our late elders - our fathers which is also your grandfather, my dear Lifen."

Xu Lifen gritted her teeth hard. She didn't mean to be rude in front of the elderlies and guests, but it was just utterly insane. Who in their right minds would want to arrange a marriage between their teenage children, especially a senior high school student to be specific? As far as she knew, this only exists in her history books not in this era. She took a deep breath and tried to reason with them.

"But what about me?Dad, I am only sixteen too young to get married. I'm practically a kid, not even 18 of age. Marrying is definitely not on my top priority list. Seriously, we are already in twenty-first century. Arrange marriage is not trending anymore, no longer exist. This is a new era. I didn't even had a boyfriend nor experience any romantic relationship as it wasn't my priority." She almost whined and stressed out every words she has spoken. She continued to rant on and averted her attention towards the quiet dark haired guy beside her.

"Hey you! don't you have anything to say?"

Yan Cheng, the only child of Yan Qi and her supposedly pending husband, shrugs his shoulder, yawned as if the on-going conversation didn't interest him nor involve him at all. He shrugged and smirk at her lazily.

"Cheng has already agreed to this agreement, he is fine with the arrange marriage."

Father Yan Qi informed her quiet proudly. He is proud of his son by obeying him without making a fuss.

Xu Lifen eyes turned as wide as the tea saucers. She gazed at the man beside her and point her pointer finger at him.

"You what?" she exclaimed.

The young man nonchalantly sipped his cup of tea.

"I'm bored, you entertained me." he said as if that explained it all.

Xu Lifen's left eye twitched, a vein popped on her forhead, her eyes instantly darkened she seen red, her demeanor went cold as her anger escalated at an alarming rate.

"You're bored, and was entertained by my outburst." she repeated, voice dripping with deadly venom.

Everyone in the room shivered from the sudden coldness, except Yan Cheng.

Yan Cheng nodded at her, either oblivious to the fact that the raven-haired girl - his future wife-to-be was ready to rip his head of or he simply didn't care. This girl realy amazed him.

Xu Lifen was about to breath fire, wow! nice to know that her future husband sees her as a potiential past time to satiate his boredom. That was kind of a brutal jab to her dignity as a woman. Was that all she was worth? A past time? His entertainment? Unconsciously, she gripped her tea cup tightly. Her breathing unstable from her fuming anger.

She was not a gooddamn play toy. Not now, not ever.

After a beat of intense moment, Xu Lifen breathed slowly to calmn her nerves, she had enough. She was so angry and could not pick out the dirtiest word in her dictionary to insult this....this fucking asshole. There is no way she's going to marry him. No fucking way in hell.

She stood up, a static air of confidence bristled around her. The other occupants of the table looked at her, expecting and anticipating. She gave them glare straight to the underworld.

"Sorry to burst out your delusional bubble, but no marriage will take place any time soon. But, if you really want to tie a knot between this two families I suggest you father, you should marry him instead of me." she said aristrocratically menancing.

"Good day to you gentlemen."

Xu Lifen didn't bother to savor the flabbergasted faces of her audiences as she turned around and left the living room.

Yan Cheng interests over her escalates rapidly. How interesting she can be? And Yan Cheng prepared himself from what awaits for them.