
Meant for me

Mia Edwin's life was planned all through her years of existence. Everything she did was according to how her parents wanted it or planned it. she was the perfect daughter in the face of all who cared to look. Everything seem to be in order when it comes to her. She never experienced what life really was all about and she was turning 19. Lorenzo Mendez, one of the richest man in the city, if not the richest. He gets what he wants no matter what it takes. They call him "Lord Of the underworld". He was like the daredevil, the devil himself. What he wants, he takes. what will happen when Lorenzo Mendez's eye fall on a certain red hair girl that screams of perfection? What he wants, he always gets. but what will happen to this red girl he wants but can't seem to get? Will the daredevil for the first time in history, break his deal just so he can have her? What was it about this girl that drive him insane? ********************************************** "Boss....." one of his loyal men called out to him, drawing him away from his day dream about a certain red hair girl. "what?" he snapped with his firm cold voice sending shivers to the body of the man that dared disturb his day dream about his soon to be Queen. "Sir, we've got info about her" the man said while lowering his gaze as a sign of submission and respect. "so....? why isn't she here!?" he asked impatiently. he could not take it anymore. He has not been able to get her off his mind. He needs her and he needs her now!!. "Sir, she's...... She's Edwin's Daughter.........' Every other thing his men were saying no longer made sense to him. His mind focused on who's daughter his Queen is. Is this some kind of joke or something? His anger rose to a very dangerous level as he looked at his loyal men in their eye and said "I need her and I need her now!" with that said he stood up and left his office to an unknown destination no one knew about. WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.

Queen_Nessa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Unknown stranger 1

"That's no way to treat a woman on her special day, Miss Edwin". The unknown stranger said, letting go of Mrs. Edwin's hand.

" And who the hell are you? " Mrs. Edwin's angered voice questioned. They were at the corridor and so they were not attracting much attention. The few people around were men of high class so they did not pay attention to the commotion for they all respected the unknown man. The unknown man let out a sick laughter. The kind of laughter that isn't real, the kind the devil gives out whenever his doing something really bad to his prey. He laugh for like 3 secs or there about before he stopped laughing immediately and his face turned cold like ice.

"I'm someone you do not want to mess with" he told her as his face and aroma changed to that of a dangerous lion, targeting his prey.

"How dare you! Do you have any ideal who I am and what I can do?" Mrs. Edwin asked feeling angry and Ashamed. She was fully aware that people saw what was happing but like usual, the high class chose to turn a blind eye on her humiliation.

"Gosh!!" The unknown man said in pure frustration. "I never knew you were this stupid. I called your name earlier, didn't I? So what makes you think I don't know what you're capable of doing? As a matter of fact, I know of your deepest secrets. Secrets of things you've done against your husband, your daughter and your son". He said the last part slowly like he wanted her to know he knew everything about her. Mrs. Edwin's body froze as those words left the strangers lips. She open her mouth to say something but no words could be said.

" you've made a big mistake meddling in my family affair, you will regret this". She said as she spared a gaze at Mia before angrily leaving the corridor and heading back inside the ballroom.

When Mia mother left, the unknown stranger turned and faced Mia. He didn't say anything, he just stared at her like he was observing evey part of her. Some how this didn't make mia feel disgusted and she wondered why? She never liked it when men stare at her so why was she comfortable with what was going on?.

Mia stared back at him but to her dismay, she couldn't see his face. He worn a mask that covered his nose down to his jaw; only his eye upwards were left uncovered. He was dressed in an elegant navy blue suit that was paired with navy blue gloves. It seemed like he likes every part of the body being coved. Mia stared at him and some how, she felt save even tho he looked dangerous. Could it be cause he saved her from her mother? She asked herself, maybe she concluded. The unknown man turned to leave when Mia's voice stopped him on his track.

"Stop!!" She ordered causing the man to stop in both amusement and surprise. He definitely didn't expect that from her. He stood In his position, backing her and giving her 2 minutes to do or say what ever she wanted. Although mia was not aware of this 2 minutes given to her, her time was already going. Mia moved around him and stopped right in front of him. She didn't know why but she felt like she have met him before. "Have we met?" She asked him when she could no longer hold her curiosity.

"Yes." He replied her as he watched her expression closely. Her face turned serious as if she was in some kind of deep thought.

"Where?" She finally asked starring right at him.

" few minutes ago when I saved you from your Psyhco of a mother " he said staring at her with amusement. Her mouth opened and closed like she wanted to say something but she didn't. When she didn't say anything, the unknown stranger took few steps away from Her. before he could move further, Mia's voice sounded across the corridor which stopped him in his track again.

"You mentioned my brother..." She began watching the man to see if she could catch a glimpse of his emotions so she can detect if he was lying. "What do you know about him". She asked with a bit of hope in her voice. He turned and faced her. He stared at her for a while as if trying to read her soul before he answered her saying " And why do I have to tell you what I know? ". He turned to leave again but yet again she spoke.

"Please!! Please tell me, I miss him" she said as single tear drop fell from her eyes. The man watched her for a while before taking slow steps towards her. He bent to her level and told her "Now look how you've split tears all over your pretty face." He told her as he brought out a white piece of cloth and cleaned her face with it before handing it over to her. "Didn't your Jughead of a father teach you anything?" He asked gaining an angry stare from Mia. But that didn't seem to affect him at all as he continued with what he was saying. "A mafia princess ain't meant to cry, A Mafia princess ain't meant to beg either" he said to her patting her head softly. "Your mother is in a better position to answer your questions. Good bye Mia Edwin." He said as he walked pass her and entered into a dark corridor.

"Wait!! Hey!!" She called out as she ran towards the corridor the unknown man went. But when she got there, she saw no one there. The corridor was dark and a dead end.