
Meant for me

Mia Edwin's life was planned all through her years of existence. Everything she did was according to how her parents wanted it or planned it. she was the perfect daughter in the face of all who cared to look. Everything seem to be in order when it comes to her. She never experienced what life really was all about and she was turning 19. Lorenzo Mendez, one of the richest man in the city, if not the richest. He gets what he wants no matter what it takes. They call him "Lord Of the underworld". He was like the daredevil, the devil himself. What he wants, he takes. what will happen when Lorenzo Mendez's eye fall on a certain red hair girl that screams of perfection? What he wants, he always gets. but what will happen to this red girl he wants but can't seem to get? Will the daredevil for the first time in history, break his deal just so he can have her? What was it about this girl that drive him insane? ********************************************** "Boss....." one of his loyal men called out to him, drawing him away from his day dream about a certain red hair girl. "what?" he snapped with his firm cold voice sending shivers to the body of the man that dared disturb his day dream about his soon to be Queen. "Sir, we've got info about her" the man said while lowering his gaze as a sign of submission and respect. "so....? why isn't she here!?" he asked impatiently. he could not take it anymore. He has not been able to get her off his mind. He needs her and he needs her now!!. "Sir, she's...... She's Edwin's Daughter.........' Every other thing his men were saying no longer made sense to him. His mind focused on who's daughter his Queen is. Is this some kind of joke or something? His anger rose to a very dangerous level as he looked at his loyal men in their eye and said "I need her and I need her now!" with that said he stood up and left his office to an unknown destination no one knew about. WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.

Queen_Nessa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Lorenzo mendez


Looking at the wall clock tick as time goes by seem to be my new found hubby since the last 1 hour. I had no reason to be at work today but still I came. Now, I'm sitting lazily waiting for something to happen, something, anything at all to spice up my day. The underground world seem way too quite today which means I've got no one to play with today. I was thinking so hard on a fun thing to do when a knock came in.

"Come in" I nonchalantly said. Gosh!! Today was way too Normal.

" Boss.... " one of my men, luck greeted me with his head down as a sign of loyalty and submission.

"Speak" I ordered him. Maybe he brought some news that will spice up my day.

"Boss the shipment have been delivered. It arrived about 20 minutes ago". He paused, probably waiting for me to say something. When he noticed I was not going to speak, he continue. "Theo have not reported back to us so we do not know how things are with him. The america enforcement has really grown boss. Theo might be in more danger that we expected." He said bowing down his head indicating that he was done with the news he had for me.

"Hum...." I let out a soft sign before turning my attention to the man that was currently bowing to me. "Track down his location". I simply said taking a sip of my wine that were laid on the table for me.

"Should we send reenforcement?" He asked sounding unsure.

"No". I said. " if that's all, leave."

"Boss... Natasha has been trying to reach you all day". He said. At the mention of my cousin's name a feeling of anger took over me. She never listens. Who knows what trouble she have gotten herself into now.

" what does she want? " I asked him feeling bored of the topic at hand.

"She said there's a video of hers that's suffacing online and it's not a nice one. She wants help in taking it down."

"Uhm.... Interesting....." I said nonchalantly. What was I expecting from her if not trouble. "What video is that?" I asked. I was not really interested in the video I just needed something to kill my boredom.

"Here Boss" luck said as he passed the tablet containing the video to me. "It appears that she had a commotion at Chris shopping mall" luck explained. My eye remained glued to a certain angered red hair beauty.

"Who's she?" I asked feeling somewhat interested in the red haired girl.

"Ain't certain boas but she have Been seen with Miss Ava Chris on certain occasions." Luck explained. My eye zoomed on the man holding onto her.

"And him?" I asked feeling irritated all of a sudden.

"That's Mister Leo Mario Boss. The hair to the Mario empire."

"Uhmm.....I see. Take the video down immediately but save a copy for me alone". I order making sure emphasis were laid on the " Me Along in my statement ".

" Yes boss" he said before bowing to leave.

"Luck!" I called out to him which stopped him in his track.

"Yes boss"

"A box came in earlier, that's it on the floor. Open it". Due to security reasons, I do not open any package on My own. When you're into my kind of business, you need to be smart and 100 step ahead of your enemies. He moved towards the box, pucked it up and eyed it curiously before opening it.

" Boss it's an invitation from Mister Edwin to you." Luck unveiled the information in the box to me. "Should we send them a reply?" He asked.

"No. Leave". He packaged back the box and took it with him, obviously going to drop it off at my house.

I looked up and saw it was already 4 in the evening. I stood up and wore my suit and made my way to Chris underground club. We do have a deal to seal after all but before than, I do deserve a drink. I made my way to my personal packing lot which was for me alone. On my way my phone notification popup indicating a new message. I opened it and was blessed with the sight of a certain red hair beauty. "Who are you and why do you attract me so much" I asked myself. I thought of asking luck to do a background check up on her but I remained myself that we were in the middle of a very important deal and no distraction is permitted. With that thought, I went into my car and drove off to my destination.

Hello sugar pies,

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