
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

Veronica is now standing infront of Ingrid to protect her from Salma who is now coming with her knife that she use to kill witches. She is ready to die, Veronica close her eyes and is waiting for her attack.

Ramil use his strength to run and stand infront of Veronica. The knife went through his side neck. Salma did not even feel anything and immediately remove the knife from his neck causing the blood to ooze. " What is the meaning of this? Do not tell me she reminded her of your wife who died protecting your son? " Salma said being cold. Ramil smile before he close his eyes . Salma roll her eyes and wants to stab Veronica again but a strong wind come to her eyes causing it to bleed. She cannot see anything now. She becomes violent. She attack the surrounding with her blood that is flowing through her eyes. She don't care anymore. She wanted to kill Veronica and Ingrid. The blood droplets become needle and pierce through the witch hunter's body . Verronica and Ingrid manage to escape , but the fifty men all died in her hands.

Remus wakes up in a dream that he felt it is true , his father just died because of protecting Ingrid and the woman who is one of their prisoner in the main quarter, above all , Salma who became blind. He immediately wake up and wash his face with a water that is flowing in the river. Then an echo voice rings in his ears " A dream that is a truth. That is my gift..hihihi." Selena voice echoing.

Early in the morning when one of his men read the message that is written in the paper from the claw of the messenger bird. " Commander, bad news. The main quarter is attacked. All men died, including your father. " the man who read the message said. Remus close his eyes .

All the units that is assigned in diffirent direction are now in the main quarter to bury their comrades who died . Including Ramil. Salma who is now blind and cause all of this change her story and told all of them that she is just a survivor of the witches attack. " Not only Ingrid but a bunch of them are here, we cannot defeat them... hhuhuhuhu" Salma is now crying a crocodile tears. " Mother! Are you okay? " Valeria immediately hugs her mother and Salma hugs her tightly. " My child, My child , your mother has now become blind. " Salma is trying to get everyones sympathy. The commanders of diffirent units believe her. " Remus , we must find those witches who escape! They killed everyone here! " Valeria is angry. " They cannot be far away from here, we must find them as soon as possible! " One commander shouts. Then the other commanders follow the order. Remus is still there , staring Salma . " Remus? " Valeria ask . " We must really find them." Remus answer.

Remus is now burying his father . " You can now be with mother. I hope you guide me both. " he smile. " And here I thought you will see your grandchildren soon. Thank you for protecting your future daughter in law dad, for doing the right thing once and for all. " He said with a sad smile. Then a wind come to comfort him, the soul of his dad and mom hugs him smiling.

Ingrid who is now weak is trying her best to walk properly but her breathing is now becoming to be weak. Veronica is staring at her with a painful look. They are not that far from the main quarter. " Don't look at me like Veronica. I feel more pain. " Ingrid smile while a purple liquid is coming from her mouth. " Don't worry I will not die until we arrive to the south. I will protect you Veronica, like you protected me when I am a child even everyone hates me. " ingrid said. Veronica cried again. She get a stem of a green grass to write in the big stone. " The only way to cure the poison in your heart is to purify it by a normal human heart that is compatible with your heartbeat. " Veronica write. Ingrid laugh. " We can find that normal human after I die. Be real Veronica. We cannot just abduct every normal human here in the world just to check if their heart is compatible with my heartbeat. " Ingrid answer. Veronica is sad and disappointed. " Anyway we should start walking , they could catch us at this rate. I don't want to go back to that place anymore. " Ingrid said. Veronica assisted her and walk again.

Remus see the rock and read what is written on it. He then step on it with a mud on his boots to cover it. " Any news from your side? " One commander ask. Remus shakes his head. " How can a group of witches leave no traces in this mud mountain? Witches can fly right? " one of the commander is confuse. " The real question is, do you really think Salma is telling the truth? " Remus ask in a simple voice . " Of course! She is a legend in the field as a witch hunter. Why would she lie? " One of the commander said. " She became a legend after her husband died." Remus added. " Come to think of it, she is the only survivor also when her husband died. She claimed that she have fought the witches who harm his husband's family and his husband. " one commander said. " Wait... " one of the commander said. " Don't you feel that something is off. We believe her intantly as we are hypnotised by her every words? " One of the commander ask. " This is bad. All our weapons are in the head quarters this time. Except for the one that we are holding now. " one of the commander said and then they heard an explosion coming from the main quarter. All of them went back except for Remus.

Veronica is alert when she see Remus infront of them. He took the shorcut route to catch up with them. " It's okay Veronica, he is a fool but he is a good person. " Ingrid is whispering now and having a hard time breathing. Remus put Ingrid at his back " Lead the way..." he said to Veronica. During the journey, Remus did not leave Ingrid by her side especially when she is having a hard time taking a breath. He will hold her palm and kiss it . Veronica is there to witness how both of them are suffering. She is smiling thinking how can her stubborn daughter found a good person like him.

After how many days of walking and resting, they have arrived at the village of the south witches. " But the village is now gone, I saw it with my own eyes. " Remus said. Veronica smile and shakes her head. " It is a barrier. Selena sets a barrier using her own ability to set a barrier for normal eyes like yours. " Ingrid whisper.

Veronica touch the barrier and a village appear infront of them , Remus is amaze and the people are waiting for them in the gate. " Setting a barrier until this day took most of my energy. " an old woman appears infront of them. " Selena, you became old. " Ingrid joke. " I am old ." she said.