
Me Too

To me life is like a TV show because most of the things shown on TV are actually taken from our lives, so come watch my life as I deal with school, relationships, friendship and many more (And hopefully one day I'll get my own show)

larry_prince · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: I'm sorry

"Okay WTF did this bi@# just say to me".

In my eighteen years of living, this was the first time someone spoke to me in such a rude and rough manner, and I wasn't taking it in very good.

I turned back to see Monica looking at me with a smug look on her face which was clearly telling me ' What are you gonna do about it '

"Ok that's it this bi@# has got to know her place" I thought while clenching my teeth in anger.

And just when the volcano was about to blow up I felt a hand on my shoulder, and out of instincts I turned around to see who it was that interrupted my outburst, and that's when I first saw him.

If this was a movie then probably right now would be the time which everything slows down and everyone else vanishes while only that face remained.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp nose, fair skin and that smile, that bewitching smile.

"Are you okay"




Yep I was pretty much lost in my own world, floating in my imaginations.

"Hey, can you hear me"

I was brought out of my world when I heard his amused voice.

"Y.. yes"

"Good, then are you okay" he asked again with a smile showed he knew what I was doing.

I lowered my head feeling ashamed of being caught doing something I didn't even know I was doing.

"Yes I'm fine" I mumbled under my breath.

Then I heard him chuckle while letting go of my shoulder, he then stepped forward and looked at Monica with thesame friendly smile.

"Monica why don't you leave the girl alone, it clearly was an accident and we both know it wasn't her fault, don't we".

"Alex why don't you mind your business and leave, she spilt her food on me and I want an apology now " Monica said not backing down.

"Really are you so sure about the fact of who bumped into who, why don't we all take a walk to the security room and have a look at what really happened"


"Me what?"

Monica stared at him with anger burning in her eyes before she turned to look at me with even more anger and hatred.

"I'll remember you" was the last thing she said before storming in anger of with her crew.

When she was out of sight, he turned and stared at me with his signature smile which got my heart beating again.

"I'm sorry about that, Monica loves picking on new students so you don't need to take it personal".

I just shook my head and said " it's okay, you don't have to apologise for her, I've seen quite a lot of similar people in the past. But I'm curious how you guys got to know I'm a new student, there no way you can tell me that you guys know the faces of every single one in this school, right?"

The last part was more of a question to myself, I mean this is a large school with more than thirty thousand students. Except they were supercomputers, I'm never going to believe something like that is possible.


He suddenly started laughing when he saw my doubtful look.

"Your quite funny 'new girl', but for your question, she doesn't know the faces of every one in school, she has her methods. And as for how I know your new, well..... if you weren't I'm not sure you would be having that calm expression on your face while talking to me".

"Firstly my name isn't 'new girl' it's Charlotte and lastly what do you mean by I wouldn't have a calm expression on my face, why wouldn't I".

But he didn't answer my question he just smiled and started walking away while saying "It was nice to meet you Charlotte".

"Weird" I mumbled before turning to ask Gracie to take me to the restroom, but when I looked at her I found her staring at me with shock written all over her face.

Even Jazz and Ana had a shocked look on their faces while staring at me.

Infact if I'm not exaggerating, every single person in the cafeteria was looking at me with shock written all over their faces.

"Is something wrong?" I asked with a frown not understanding why I suddenly became a celebrity.

"Y..You" Gracie said while pointing at me.

My frown deepened and i began to wonder if I did something wrong.

"Can someone please just tell me what's going on"

"You really don't know who that was?" Jazz asked after seeing my clueless look.

"Know who, you mean Alex"

Like robots controlled by their master everyone eyes opened wide open when they heard me saying 'Alex'.

"You.. come with me"

And before I could reply I was pulled away by Gracie for the third time today under the protection of Jazz and Ana.

I really felt like a celebrity right now.


"Dude what was that all about"

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked one of his best friends Mike with an indifferent expressionless face, which is the complete opposite of what he had a few minutes ago.

"Don't play dumb with me, you Know exactly what I'm talking about, what's up with your behavior with the new girl".

"What about my behavior with the new girl?"

"Well everything, we both know Monica has been harassing new students since..... well since she started schooling here, but this is the first time your actually getting someone out of trouble which is so not like you who always minds his business. And you want me to believe that was normal?".

But he didn't get a reply, all he got was silence.

Mike stared at his friend for a while before shaking his head and looking away, he knows that if Alex didn't want to talk then no one can make him to talk.

He just hopped his friend isn't going crazy looking for war.

As to what war he was worried about, I guess will find out in the future.