
Me Too

To me life is like a TV show because most of the things shown on TV are actually taken from our lives, so come watch my life as I deal with school, relationships, friendship and many more (And hopefully one day I'll get my own show)

larry_prince · Teen
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Chapter 3: Lunch mess

We left class and headed towards the cafeteria while Gracie filled me up on some important things about the school.

Just like in my previous school, this one was divided into many groups.

We have the usual nerds, they are the over smart, hardcore studying, not so good looking, and always straight A's group. They are mostly the ones that help rich dumb kids with their assignments.

Next we have the rich kids, they mostly do nothing all day but to sit down and talk about who has more wealth than the other or which country they went to for their vacation and the properties their parents own. They never get into trouble because..... well you know why.

Next we have the basketball players and their cheerleaders, their group has some of the school most popular students, they were the naturall hot, cool looking, fit and talented people in school.

Then we have the footballers and their cheerleaders, well their group has the other half of the school most popular students and they had pretty much thesame characteristics of the basketball players.


Then we have the foodies, computer wizards, skateboarders, bookworms, vegans, drug addicts, self labled musicians, and some other weird groups I can't seem to remember.

And last but not least the group in which Gracie belongs to, and the one I'm probably going to join, we have the 'I DON'T BELONG TO ANY GROUP GROUP'. Yeah I know, it doesn't make since it isn't supposed to be a group but turned out to be a group.

Any way the school is like a jungle, it's survival only for the fittest and as far as I'm concerned I'm definitely not the fittest, I mean I know I'm pretty but who did that ever help? Yeah don't answer that.

By the time we got to the cafeteria, it was already crowded with students. We grabbed our trays and collected our food before Gracie led us to her table.

One of the many rules of school society was never switch public stuff, never switch your class bench, locker, lunch bench, even showers. There are even some weirdos who use thesame trays to eat everyday.

Any it was a good thing for me since I wouldn't have to worry about invasion of privacy or fighting over property.

She led us to a table which had two girls on it who seemed to be in a heated discussion. When we arrived there, they both stopped as taking though a switch had been flipped, then they pulled Gracie down on the chair before they started harassing her questions.

"OMG have you heard what happened"

"I can't believe this actually happened"

"This is like the news of the semester, the talk of the century"

blah blah blah blah.... they just kept talking and talking which had me starting to believe they were actually powered by a battery.

"Girls can you please shut up! your embarrassing me here" Gracie whispered while pointing at me with her eyes.

The two girls followed her line of sight before they finally realized I was standing there. They exchange looks before turning to look back at Gracie for explanation.

"Guy this is Charlotte and she's a new student here, I met her by coincidence and she seemed lost so I decided to invite her over"

When they herd what Gracie said, I swear I saw their eyes sparkle as though they had received an early birthday present. A wide mischievous smile grew on their faces while they stared at me with creepy smiles.

"Charlotte, this is Jazz and Ana, they are my best friends".

Jazz was a black girl with curly hair who had the body to star as bikini model. While Ana was a latina with a lot of curvy body. They were all pretty girls, including Gracie, Even though they couldn't really compare with me they had their standings.

"Welcome to the group girl, common have a seat" they said simultaneously with their creepy smile which was screaming 'danger' to me.

"Thanks" I answered about to seat down when something unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere someone crashed into me causing my food to splash all over me and even causing me to fall in the process.

"Oh no, two times in one day!! common" I screamed in my head before raising my head to see who did this to me.

And that's when I first saw her, my arch nemesis. I know most supper heros have arch nemesis, but the our relationship was going to be special.

You remember when Gracie was giving me a tutorial on the school


[Few minutes ago]

"And that's the basketball players and their cheerleaders, their group has some of the school most popular.....blah blah blah..... Okay and that's Monica Light, if you're planning on having a good school year in this school, never cross her, she's the definition of trouble.

"Ok got it"



Guess who I'm staring at right now. I bet 100 percent of you guys guest it correct, that's right it's Monica, the girl Gracie told me to stay away from at all cost. And she was staring at me right now as if she found a prey.

"Hey Charlotte, are you okay" Gracie asked while helping me stand.

"You bi@#, look what you did to my new clothes". Monica was covered in Gucci wears from head to toe and a little spec of sauce could be seen on her skirt which was not even noticed until she pointed it out.

Just when I was about to defend myself on the fact that she was the one who knocked me down, Gracie squeezed my hand and when I turned to look at her, she shook her head and whispered to me.

"Just accept whatever she says and apologize if you don't want trouble". She had a pleading look on her face, so I had to swallowed everything I had to say and took in a deep breath before saying.

"I sorry, it was an accident" Then I turned around to find the nearest bathroom to release my anger and get cleaned up. But before I could leave...

"Hey you little bi@#, I wasn't done with you. If you want me to forgive you go down on your knees and lick this stain of my clothes like the good little dog you are".

"Okay WTF did this bi@# just say to me".