
Me Too

To me life is like a TV show because most of the things shown on TV are actually taken from our lives, so come watch my life as I deal with school, relationships, friendship and many more (And hopefully one day I'll get my own show)

larry_prince · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Alexander Damian Quinn

After letting Gracie pull me for who knows how long, she finally placed me on a bench somewhere under a tree.

When everyone sat down I stared at Gracie demanding answer for her out of this world behavior.

She sighed and said in an apologetic tone.

"Charlotte I'm sorry for our weird reaction, it's just that you don't know what you just did, and I'm sure if you did you wouldn't as calm as you are now".

I just stared at her waiting for her to continue.

"You see, the boy you were just talking to a moment ago was Alexander Damian Quinn, one of the richest, most handsome and talented people in this school and probably the whole city. He's the captain of the football team and one of the top students every semester and has been number one on the school's 'Perfect boyfriend' list since the moment he entered into this school".

Gracie was talking with eyes sparkling like a fan girl who just met her idol.

"Ok I get he's cool, but how does that have anything to do with me?"I asked still not understanding the over reaction everyone displayed at the cafeteria.

"You still don't get it do you, Mr Quinn is the most sought out boy in and out of the campus, many girls have thrown themselves at him and tried all kinds of methods to get just his attention, but they all fail, he never pays attention to any of them. Infact since the day I got into this school I've never seen him with a girl before, but all of a sudden today when you got into trouble, not only did he stand up for you, but he also chatted with you as though you guys have know each other for decades. And on top of that you called him by his first name, only something his friends have the privilege of doing. Now do you understand why not only me but everyone was shocked".

When I turned to look at Jazz and Ana they both nodded to confirm it was true, which really surprised me. If what all of them are saying is true, then there's really something weird going on.

But after thinking about it for awhile I shook my head and said " I don't think it's a big deal, I mean he could have just been passing by and decided to help when he saw I was innocent, and besides isn't that Monica girl a cheerleader of the basketball team, and from what I've heard the basketball and football group don't get along well, so maybe he just got angry when he saw an opposite side bullying someone".

When I finished blabbing my nonsense I nodded feeling happy to have solved the case.




The three girls just looked at each other helplessly and shook their heads as though they had given up in trying to convince me.

"Common you guys, we've only got a few more minutes before lunch break is over. I've got to eat something" I said this time pulling them along with me.


After running to the cafeteria to get something to eat, we hurried back to class for the next subject.

It turns out Jazz and Ana are in the class A5 which was opposite to ours since they study different courses.

After studying for another three hours the bell finally rang for the end of the day.

I left the class with Gracie and we headed out and met up with the other girls before they decided to give me a tour of the city since I'm new here.

They dragged my unwilling body from one place to another throughout the day and by the time I got home I just greeted my parents and ran to my room, or more specifically to my bed and passed out not even thinking about food since I was too exhausted.


After taking a shower for school on the next day I hurried downstairs for breakfast, and ate as fast as I could.

"Honey how was school yesterday, you came back quite late and just rushed off to your room without even letting us know how your day was. Did anything happen?" My mom asked after staring at me for centuries.

"No mom, my day was fine"

"That's good, and it seems your in a hurry to live today, what's all that about".

"Well, my friends promised to take me out again today since we don't really have a class today, so I've got to hurry or they're going to scold me for being late".

For some reason my mom looked startled by what I just said

"Friends? you already made friends?"

"Mom! what's that supposed to mean, did you think I was going to be a loner" I asked speechless.

"Of course not honey, I was just surprised that's all".

"Hahaha, don't mind your mom honey she's just jealous of you because in her own years of college, it took her a out two months before..." The burning glare from my mother made my father start sweating bullets before carrying his bag and running for his car.

My mom and I exchanged glances before bursting out laughing.

"Mom I've got to go, see you later" I said giving her a goodbye kiss.

"Have a wonderful day sweetheart".


After my dad dropped me at school, I hurried to our meet up point which was the bench under the tree from yesterday.

"Any second later you would have been late young lady" Ana greeted with a smile.

"Please, and so what if I'm late, it's not like we've got any class today".

"Of course you've got to be early, you've got to maintain a good image of your soon to be boyfriend don't you?".


'Boyfriend? what boyfriend?'

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