
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Wednesday Addams was fucked Hikaru pussy inside her guest bedroom

Once Wednesday Addams had finished her things with Kanemura and Shiori next up with Morita she was asking her to wait for her back at her building apartment so she could start to have some fun with just her but not with the Hinata and Nogi along with Wednesday Addams who are here together with Hikaru.

Shiori: Wednesday have fun with Morita and make sure you give her a great fucking time with her the same as you give us back there

Kanemura: yeah whatever you do with her much more than us but I need to get back to the Hinata studio so does Shiori want to go back to her studio

Wednesday: sure of course and I will let you know went I am done with Morita with her body as soon as possible

Right before both of them had left the building apartment they could see that it was Morita Hikaru who had reached upstairs to her floor on the 13th floor where she at.

Morita: Wednesday it's me and I came here and you want to meet me for the first time are you and can I come inside your house

Wednesday: sure come in and make yourself at home Hikaru

Morita: woah...Addams you got a huge space inside your living room and where can I go with you inside from somewhere else to have alone time with you

Without any sound coming from Wednesday and she was dragged on her shoulder arm and they went inside her guest bedroom she started to have sex with her wet fucking pussy until she had recovered her feeling from Wednesday and she had to moan every time she made her want to cum that much with her futa cock right inside of her fucked pussy.

Wednesday: Hikaru...can I put inside your pussy and we can start the sex inside the guest bedroom

Morita: wait...Addams if are going to have sex with me inside your guest bedroom can I at least do the honor for you to make you want to cum first

Wednesday: please be my guest Hikaru and make you do the sex properly else you can't do anymore together with me

Out of the blue, Addams was putting her futa cock right inside of Hikaru's pussy and she was moving faster than she could have fun with Wednesday Addams that had come here to Japan for taken her break from actor back from her hometown in America where she was shooting the scene it called ''Wednesday'' as she wants to take some break from that as she had some huge space to have to get fucked with a more normal girl who is getting not in the mood right now with everything that could happen between in her life.

Wednesday: Hikaru...can I stay here in Japan a bit longer because back in my hometown it was a bit of trouble and right here I like here with you guys if they had done with their problem I could go back to America and shoot the scene

Morita: sure of course you can stay here as much as you want to with us but if they were text you back and please come back here again in Japan and we can show you the place that we can visit that you won't miss

Wednesday: of course Hikaru I promise you that I will return to Japan just to have some fun with you as they will worried about me

Back from America where someone is searching for Jenna Ortega and she is on vacation to Japan she comes back to America to shoot the scene on Wednesday as others are worried about her so much as she wants to get away from their trouble as much as she wants to spend more time with other than herself in Japan.

Emma: where the hell is Jenna? Didn't she get any text messages that we need her back to re-shoot the Wednesday scene

Hunter: don't worry about Jenna she had her first vacation in Japan and she will come back here and re-shoot the show

Emma: I think so but I do miss her Hunter and what if she had to stay in Japan and didn't want to come back to her hometown right here in America

In the meantime, Wednesday Addams had some messages from the cast members who are telling her to return to America to re-shoot the Wednesday cast same with Emma Myers Hunter Doohan, and other Wednesday cast members.

Wednesday: shit what now I can't leave them behind like before can I *worried looks on her face*

Morita: what's wrong Addams is there something that you worried about someone who just texted you

Wednesday: yes and my Wednesday cast member just reply me with some important messages saying that I need to get back to America and re-shoot the scene but I don't want to leave you alone Hikaru

Suddenly, Morita Hikaru was taken away Wednesday worried feeling on her mind, and had another second round of sex with her as they did earlier before both of them returned to their studio.

Wednesday: Hikaru...you want to do another second round of sex are you and take my stress away

Morita: yes I do but just stop thinking about those people just focus on me right here Addams

Wednesday: Hikaru...please do whatever you want on me as much as you want to have sex on my fucking futa cock

Out of the blue, Emma Myers had to call Jenna's phone while she accidentally pressed speaker on they were having sex with her at her rental building apartment but she ended her calls as other Wednesday cast members could hear that she was having some kind of moment with someone on her vacation to Japan.

Emma: Did she cheat on me?

Hunter: uh...I don't know but I think she was cheating on you went she was having some sex with someone else inside her apartment

Emma: if she comes back from Japan oh I will ask her who the hell she was having sex with some random girl

A few hours later Wednesday had to cum again inside Hikaru's pussy and they were fully naked from top to bottom as much as Wednesday can see that she accidentally dialed Emma Myers's number on her phone as they were having some sex with the famous idol of a Japanese girl group idol who was having much fun with her soon as she needed to go back from America to re-shoot the show called "Wednesday" back to the set of Wednesday.