
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Onuma had to meets Haruki as Haruyo brother

One fine day, later there have the Hinatazaka46 idol member had to go and meet the Sakurazaka46 member idol back at the Sakura House they saw that the twins Yamaguchi had come here to meet with someone else who had not become the vampire awakening or even the serial killer who had killing people from their lives.

Rena: wait...Onuma why are you feeling so happy to meet them here back at the Sakura House living room

Onuma: I just want to meet them in person and you must be too happy to meet them right

Rena: I just want to know where they want to meet us right here back inside at the Sakura House Onuma

Meanwhile, they come back to the front door and everyone greets them as their pleasure that they were meeting with Onuma Akiho who had not become a serial killer just yet on the time being said to her before.

Onuma: welcome to the Sakura House Yamaguchi Haruki and your sister Haruyo as well please come in and make yourself at home

Haruki: thank you for inviting us here to the Sakura House right after that we need to go back home to the Hinata House right, Haruyo

Haruyo: yes nii-chan we should go back home but don't worry I brought someone here to see you for of course Hinano want to see her girlfriend Morita *Hinano appear*

Right before Hinano appeared behind Haruki's back and Morita was dragged on her shoulder she wanted to talk to her more than everyone who was here seeing that they were dating each other secretly and suddenly they were finding that Hinano had some feelings for Morita's heart since she is had seen that she was right here with her side.

Hinano: Morita can we go back outside to the Sakura House and have a walk alone in the beautiful garden

Morita: sure of course Hinano please lead the way

Hinano: Haruki senpai once I am done with Morita we can go back to the Hinata House as you finish talking with Onuma

After both of the sweet couples start to walk outside they want to spend a bit of their time together the same as Haruki and with Onuma who are here meet with them as they were asking about him not becoming the awakening vampire just yet.

Haruki: so what did you want to talk about with us here Onuma

Onuma: oh I want to talk to you Are you not becoming the awakening vampire just yet right

Haruki: yes I am not but so are you Onuma and you are not becoming the serial killer right and making your girlfriend worried

A few hours later Onuma and Haruki talked like some hour later right before the time had passed to most night time right before they needed to go back to the Hinata House Hinano had come back to the living room as Morita needed more time with her seeing they had just a bit of time alone outside the Sakura House.

Haruki: what wrong now Hinano and why is she were feeling so down right now

Hinano: she wants a bit more time together with me outside as you are allowing her to have a bit of more time together but don't worry I will return once she has had enough time with me here

Haruki: are you sure you want to stay here at night hour with her, not you Hinano

Later Kamimura Hinano nodded at Haruki along with Haruyo who are here is about to leave the Sakura House as they would return to the Hinata House to go and start their journey from there with the rest of the Hinatazaka46 idol members.

Haruyo: nii-chan it's okay let Hinano have some time alone with her girlfriend as we need to go back right now back to the House on time can you fly us back there

Haruki: sure of course I can do that just hang on tight Haruyo and I won't let you go

Matsuda: Haruki and Haruyo thanks for coming here and making Onuma happy and smile again but are you sure you are letting Hinano stay over here is it a good idea

Without any sound coming from Haruki he was carrying his sister as they were floating in the air and just blasted up into the night sky they had to return to the Hinata House to see someone back home to give some welcome hugs or his girlfriend are waiting for him to come back home to her.

Matsuda: so they are gone back to the Hinata House as Hinano were back here with Morita and what did you want to do the next hour with her

Hinano: is up to Morita and what she wants to do with me then

Morita: wait...I know what to do with you Hinano and please come with me I want you to see these back inside my room *drags her hand*

In the meantime, Haruki and Haruyo had returned home to the Hinata House while his girlfriend where seeing him had to land down on the ground while he had to let go of his sister as well but Kanemura were rushed over to him and she gave him some surprises hugs to him as both of them had fell with each other as everyone had to go back inside to the living room just as they had to keep company him outside the house.

Haruki: Kanemura did you miss that much since I just went and saw Onuma back at the Sakura House to see her

Kanemura: Haruki senpai please I do want to have some alone time with you since you are here with me

Haruki: I guess you're right Kanemura but Hinano was staying there to company her girlfriend Morita Hikaru as she wanted something from her to talk about

Before Kanemura and Haruki were back outside at the Hinata House they were enjoying the night hour at the sky as they were sitting at the side of the house where he was brought some sofa to sit down and relax for a bit just seeing the sky so much of the star at the sky with full of nature that can listen it from there.

Kanemura: Haruki...I missed your thing inside my pussy as much as you did missed that right

Haruki: Kanemura please rub your hand against my pant while I moan and cum right inside of my pant since we are still here outside the house alone when everyone is inside the house with your sister

Kanemura: sure I will make you moan and make you cum that much right inside of your pant and here I go senpai

Out of the blue, Kanemura was touching Haruki's hard huge cock in his pant while she started rubbing that harder until he making his sound so damn fucking sexy Kanemura were kissing him at his lips while Haruki was overflowing cum his sperm inside his pant with his boxer as well.

Haruki: oh fucked Kanemura you did your best to make me cum that much and please take out my condom to make you safe as we can't make you pregnant

Kanemura: sure of course let me take out from you senpai

Haruki: Kanemura once we have done our sex together outside right in the night sky alone we can go back inside to have some late-night snacks together okay

Before Kanemura were putting some condom onto his huge cock that still have some cum outside his huge cock while he was putting it right inside Kanemura's wet fucking pussy and they had the best night sex with each other as Kanemura were moan together with Haruki as they had to cum that quick and both of them finish the sex as much as Haruki was breathing so heavy that both of them had done their sex outside the Hinata House as back to the Sakura House there have Hinano and Morita who were still there inside her room as they won't do the same with Haruki who had sex with his girlfriend Kanemura Miku back at the Hinata House.

Hinano: Morita please unzip my pant while we had some great fucking sex with you that you did miss these sex of mine right

Morita: Hinano...please my pussy can't hold it anymore and please put inside my wet fucking pussy Hinano

Hinano: Morita you are so damn fucking cute when you say that you know that right *force overflow cum*

When Hinano and Morita have some couple night sex together with her inside the room as they moan louder inside the room while other the member can hear that they were having so much fun with Hinano who had some of her futanari that can fucked with her girlfriend when she missed her futa cock as same as Onuma were resting outside from the living room along with Rena as other of the Sakura member had return back to their room and get some sleep as both of them were doing the same sex as Hinano and Morita did inside her room.

Hinano: Morita I can't hold anymore and I am about to cum right inside of you

Morita: please cum right inside of my pussy Hinano

Hinano: okay Morita here I go, Morita!! *overflow cum*

When Hinano had to cum inside of Morita's pussy as same as Onuma was cumming right inside of Rena fucking wet pussy who was had some more of Onuma fucking huge Futa cock right inside her butthole and she did cum inside her butthole as well.