
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Wednesday Addams was fucked Kanemura back her apartment

The next morning the clouds are getting kind of dark hour for raining day back at the Hinata studio as someone here wants to go and meet with them in person as much as they didn't know who wanted to come here to meet with the Hinatazaka46 member group idol in person.

Kumi: okay...guys listen up here we have someone who is coming here with short notice but I think she will be here any minute now

Tomita: who is the person that we are going to meet with inside at the Hinata studio anyway Sasaki

Kumi: well...she had very strange looks on her face but that is something else you should know about her background of her past days that you should know first went you introduce yourself

Right before Wednesday Addams had come here to the Hinata studio she was walking in black and white that she was wearing as a coat jacket Sasaki Kumi greeted her back once again every member of the Hinata could see that she was a very dark cool aura around her as onto her shoulder she has a moving hand but she called that was Thing for a pet hand to help with something.

Kumi: welcome back Wednesday Addams here we have someone for you to go and meet with and here we have Tomita Suzuka as you can call her Tomita for a short

Wednesday: nice to meet you Tomita where is the other group member that wasn't here back at the Hinata studio Sasaki

Kumi: oh they had something going on with other plans that were coming before you had shown here at the studio, on Wednesday

Before Wednesday want to get to know every one of the members who are here right before they won't do anything else besides avoid her just because of the dark aura on her face.

Tomita: so Wednesday how long you were staying in Japan as much as your parent was taking a business right over here

Wednesday: well... my parent had something going on with another family member to go to so she let me go for myself to Japan

Tomita: so where did you stay in the hotel or rent some apartment building for the next week right before you left Japan and went back to where you lived in

Once Wednesday had to go back to her rented apartment building just near the Hinata studio she was pushing her suitcase as Tomita and other of the 2nd gen members followed her to see that she was staying here next to the studio so she could meet with the rest of the member who is not here yet to meet Wednesday Addams for their first time.

Tomita: so it is your rented apartment that you have been staying in for the past week as you want to go some shopping too and buy for your family some souvenir

Wednesday: yes...but can you bring someone over here to help me with the other suitcase that I most forget to bring back over here to my rented apartment

Tomita: sure of course but who did you want to help you carry your suitcase over here to your apartment

Suddenly, Wednesday Addams had to point out one of them who was getting to know her even more behind her background past as she wanted to know her more than other of the group idols back as Tomita pushed Kanemura Miku to bring Wednesday another suitcase and put back right inside of her room as Tomita had left Wednesday rent apartment building and go back to the Hinata studio to let other know that Wednesday Addams had return back here once again as she wants to meet with the 4th gen and 3rd gen member the same with half of the 1st gen member were not here with Tomita and Sasaki who was greeting with Wednesday Addams.

Kanemura: Wednesday here is your last suitcase that you forgot to bring why did you want to bring these for you

Wednesday: because I can see your feeling that someone had just left you alone just for you as you can't accept this moment

Kanemura: uh...yes but how did you know that my feelings had something to do with other person feelings and did you have any power on you that can tell people that you had a lonely time by yourself

Out of the blue, Wednesday Addams had to come forward to Kanemura Miku she blushed red as the right palm of her hand had onto Wednesday's chest she wanted to do something with Miku other of the members were busy back at the Hinata studio just for other to come back right at the studio for them to greet with Wednesday Addams back at her apartment.

Wednesday: Kanemura...I just want to do some great fucking sex on your wet fucking pussy until you had much time alone with me inside my apartment room

Kanemura: wait...hold for a second here and since when you had a futanari and you want to have some sex with me inside of your apartment room but what if they will hear us having sex together

Wednesday: don't worry about it besides I use some soundproofing around the room so that we can start our sex with each other Kanemura

Without any sound coming from Wednesday Addams and she was taken off her coat jacket along with her pant she was putting her futa cock inside Miku's wet fucking pussy Miku had a sexy moan coming from her mouth and Wednesday had to overflow cum inside of her pusSy and finally had done their sex on Wednesday's bedroom she can see that much more sperm cum had covered Futa's cock and same as Kanemura's pussy had been covered with white sticky sperm Wednesday Addams had great fucking Futa's cock even though she had some fucked sex on her building apartment.

Wednesday: Kanemura please move even faster every time you want to have sex with me right here inside my apartment

Kanemura: Wednesday you are so fucked dark sexy aura face you have and can we have another round of sex with you inside the toilet

Wednesday: sure of course anything for you Kanemura and please have some quick sperm right inside your fucking pussy until you can't have more sex

Out of the blue, Addams had a bunch of cum right inside of Kanemura's pussy and they started to kiss each other inside the guest toilet as they were seeing each other for the first time they had their love sight for the first greeting them back at the Hinata studio.