
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Rena side story of been Onuma girlfriend

One fine day back at the Sakura House there was someone who had some feelings in one of the members' hearts and it was Moriya Rena had some kind of deep feeling with Onuma she didn't know that she had someone who had some feelings from her.

Ozono: Rena...why are you hiding behind Yamasaki and Takemoto did you avoid someone from something happened to her

Rena: sshh...don't speak too loud and she will hear me Rei

Yamasaki: who did you hide it from anywhere Rena

Back where other of the members had come from another to shoot some photos of their cover from the music video Rena could see that there was Onuma who was coming right this as Rena was dragged both of their shirts while Onuma didn't see where Rena was early this morning inside the house.

Matsuda: Rena...why did you hide from Onuma like that wait a minute did you like her as your crush did you

Rena: sshh...Matsuda don't be so loud and she will hear me that I was back here with you guys, please

Matsuda: sorry but why did you hide from Onuma just like that Rena

Later Onuma went back and took something and she went back to the outside right before she wanted to kneel where Rena was hiding suddenly, she could see that Rena was there in between Yamasaki and Takemoto side and she grabbed Rena's shoulder arm and went back to the outside and tell that to her was.

Rena: wait...Onuma where are you taking me

Onuma: shut up!! Just follow me

Yamasaki: have fun you two and bring along something good news about you two okay

In the meantime, Onuma had to put her thumbs up so that everyone could see that she was having some talk with her right before Rena could go back inside the house she got a red blush on her face when she finished talking to Onuma.

Matsuda: Rena...how was it and what did Onuma have to say to you

Rena: Onuma said that she wanted to have some time with me alone that night hour with her but she didn't say anything to me just yet

Kira: Rena...Rena...don't you see that Onuma was asking you out as her date and just accepted her

Out of the blue, others can see that we have Masumoto Kira who was here inside the house as she was saying that Onuma Akiho had some feelings for Rena and she was waiting for her tonight to have some night hour together with her time right before the everyone had to go back to the sleep inside the house room.

Rena: wait...Kira are you saying that Onuma had some night date with me

Kira: yes and could you excuse me I just need to take Miu and Shizuki to have some dinner with them see ya *wave*

Takemoto: woah...that was a lot of fun seeing that Kira had two of them they were close with each other but except for Miu right

Meanwhile, once the night time had begun Rena was wearing something cold jacket to cover her body while she was wearing some short pants she could see that Onuma was wearing some male outfit for her to reaction on her clothes as she was wearing a male hoodie she wears some tight jeans with some of the shoes as she wore some fake glasses onto her face.

Onuma: well...Rena shall we go and have some fun together

Rena: yes we should get going now

Morita: wait...both of you please wait and buy me something at the Pokemon store can you Onuma

When Onuma took some paper from Morita's hand she was putting it inside her jacket as they were leaving for a nighttime date with her crush as she wanted to become her girlfriend as her promise.

Onuma: Rena...where do you want to go to I take you from anywhere you like to go with me along

Rena: maybe I want you to take me so that can have some relaxing moments together with you once you go and buy some of Morita's Pokemon staff just for her

Onuma: maybe we should go there just for some fun with each other shall we Rena *holding her hand*

After Onuma and Rena went inside one of the relaxation shops Onuma could see that Rena was sleeping inside the cool bed while she had to leave her for a while and go and buy some of Morita's favourite Pokemon staff just for her to see that she would go buy them.

Kira: Morita I think Onuma had come back with your Pokemon staff and I didn't see Rena with her

Morita: thanks Onuma but where is Rena and why is she not with you thanks for the Pokemon stuff

Onuma: oh I take her back from some relaxing shop that can take some sleep or maybe some nap time I need to come back from there and enjoy the staff Morita

Right before Onuma went back to the relaxation shop Rena saw that her girlfriend had come inside and taken her back from somewhere they could walk back to the Sakura house as soon as possible so that she could find out more about Onuma's feelings and why she choose Rena to become her girlfriend in the first place.

Onuma: sorry Rena I just had some things to do before we went back to the house

Rena: why did you go to and did you bring Morita Pokémon staff as you came back from the house and back right here to see me back to this shop

Onuma: yes I that but shall get going to go back to the Sakura house just walked by feet to go there and have some relaxed walk together with you at the night hour

In the meantime, Onuma and Rena were leaving the shop when they started to walk together as a new couple member who had confessed her feelings with her heart as much as Onuma stopped a few blocks away from the Sakura House she was asking Rena something that she needed to hear her confession to Rena feeling.

Onuma: Rena...wait I have something that I want to talk to you about something here while we go back to the Sakura house

Rena: sure what it is, Onuma?

Onuma: Moriya Rena I love you so much and would you like to become my girlfriend as much as you want to become my girlfriend

Suddenly, Rena was excited to see that Rena had jumped into her arms and suddenly they started kissing each other on her lips Rena was super happy that Onuma had some crush on me as much as members knew that Onuma and Rena had some secret relationship with each other inside the house.

Onuma: Rena...can we go back there just need to do more last things before we go back to the house

Rena: why...are we back here at the back alley Onuma and did you want to show me something that important you

Onuma: we'll...that could be something that you won't know before ever *drags*

Before Onuma had to drag Rena back to the alley as she unzip her pant Rena could see that Onuma had some kind of huge futa cock at her below her pant she was pulled down her short pant along with her panties as she was putting inside her wet fucking pussy as Rena felt like her mind went blank as Onuma were having some confession sex with Rena back at the Sakura house while others can hear someone moaning sex behind that back alley Onuma had to cum a few of her sperm as Rena was feeling so much great with Onuma who had her first futa cock on her below pant to get fucked on her pussy.