
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Onuma was fucking Rena inside the janitor in the studio

Right after Onuma had finished her metahuman controlled her power with the team Hinata they were seeing that Onuma needed a bit of a great moment with her girlfriend Rena.

Tomita: Onuma why not you take a break just with your girlfriend Rena back at the janitor in the studio

Onuma: why do I need to go back inside the janitor studio with Rena alone Tomita

Haruyo: I know what Tomita means by this *grabbed her futa cock from her pant*

Suddenly, Onuma heard a soft moan coming from her mouth both of the Hinata members had to hear her moan coming from her mouth while Haruyo let go of her pants and she had a feeling Rena as she was looking at Onuma's surprise looked on her face.

Tomita: Onuma...go have some great fun with Rena and you can go there and have a good time together

Onuma: okay if you want me to have some great fun with Rena and let go

Rena: wait...where are you taking me back to the janitor studio and did they ask me to have some alone time with you inside there

Without any sound coming from Onuma's mind she went and rushed inside the janitor studio room and she put some sign on the doorknob telling others that this room had some okay occupied inside the janitor room.

Morita: wait...where are you two going and why is Onuma rushed with Rena as she was looking so damn confused

Tomita: relax Morita let Onuma have some alone time with Rena beside she needs some sweet time with her

Matsuda: wait...are you saying that Onuma wanted to do something with Rena but she was a girl and she can't do that with her can she

Tomita had to show Haruyo's hand and her hand had some white sticky sperm coming from Onuma Akiho's pants early right before she grabbed her huge futa cock.

Matsuda: wait...it belongs to Onuma Akiho disgusting thing was coming out of her body

Tomita: yup I'm sure it was but lucky for you Matsuda you got Ginger with you to do the same time Onuma did with Rena right, Gin

Ginger: hello Rina I'm sorry that I came here to see you back once again and shall we get going *drags Rina's hand*

Right back inside the janitor's studio, there have Onuma and Rena inside the janitor room space and a few chairs she let Onuma sit at the chair while Rena was seating on top of her lap and she started to have some fucking sweet kisses on her lips.

Rena: Onuma...please stop and tell me what is wrong with you today

Onuma: sorry Rena I want to tell you that I have this thing that I can't control myself much as you want me to do this inside your wet fucking pussy

Rena: wait...Onuma are you a futanari and you can just go have some sex with my pussy inside the janitor's room

Out of nowhere, Onuma were unzip her pant along with her boxer as she was putting her huge futa cock inside of Rena's wet fucking pussy and then Onuma were moving inside her pussy and making her feel much fucking better until Rena's loud moan janitor's room so that the other member can hear Rena were moan inside at the janitor room.

Rena: Onuma...fucking harder and I love your fucking huge futa cock right inside of my fucking pussy *hard moan*

Onuma: Rena...I can't handle it anymore and I'm about to cum inside of your pussy Rena!!

Rena: yes Onuma just give it to me inside my pussy Onuma!!

Before Onuma had cum that much of her overflow cum inside of her pussy and later both of them were breath heavy Rena take a look at her pussy and she can that Onuma's cum had much flowed out from her huge futa cock.

Rena: Onuma...I love you fucking much and please have some sex every time you have bored with something just find me and we can do some sex together with you

Onuma: Rena...can we clean the mess while I change back my new pants while so do you Rena

Rena: I will close my eyes while you go and change back to your outfit

In the meantime, Rena was close her eye and Onuma was back As she change her new pant without wearing any of her boxers she had to tap on Rena's shoulder and she can see that Onuma was huge futa cock is sticky out from her pant shape as she wants to cum right inside her pant.

Onuma: right now I was feeling better and let go back and I want to train with the team Hinata

Rena: Okay let go then and show them that you are the world's best girlfriend ever I could date you

Onuma: you are so sweet Rena that way I love you *kissing*

Meanwhile, Rena and Onuma returned outside the studio and everyone could see that Onuma had a huge shape coming out of her pants and Takemoto along with Yamasaki had pointed out that she had something coming out of her pants.

Takemoto: Onuma what the hell was that thing coming out from your pant *point*

Yamasaki: Onuma did you have the same thing as Kira did you Onuma

Onuma: bingo!! You answer correctly and I have some futanari back inside in the janitor's room I had some great fucking sex with Rena

Yamasaki and Takemoto can't believe what just Onuma was saying she had had some with Rena back inside the janitor's room and she had some sex with her inside that room back at the studio later Haruyo forced Yamasaki's hand to grab Onuma's huge futa cock at her pant and Rena does the rest of Yamasaki who were didn't believe her that much but now she had to feel that Onuma had her futanari cock inside sticky out from her pant and suddenly, Onuma had to sexy moaning coming out from her mouth while Onuma had a bit of cum right inside of her pant and Yamasaki can feel her cum is went hard at her pant.

Onuma: oh fucked Tenchan you make me cum that a bit of sperm coming out from my pant

Yamasaki: I'm sorry it wasn't me who do it but it was both of them who make me force you to cum a bit of sperm

Onuma: it's okay Tenchan and did you why I had some of these futanari right?

Past over the months later Onuma and Rena had some adopted babies from the hospital and they had to bring them back to the studio as both of them had matching ring fingers they were happy to see them in one day with many happy moments.