
09| i hate you





I steadied myself carefully on Avery's wolf and petted her fur which she responded to with a purr. I was so grateful that she had decided to go with me to look for it. I felt so empty without it. Why had I removed it?

We dashed out the window and I didn't scream this time cause I was worried and angry. Soon enough, we stopped at the lake. It was clear that Avery had escaped a lot of times because it was either the guards ignored us or they didn't see us. I think it was the latter. She carried her clothes in her mouth and went to go change.

I felt scared and unsafe as I searched for the pendant. We were practically outside the borders of the pack. Anyone could try anything but I was determined to kill anyone.

I searched around and soon Avery came to join me. The more the minutes passed, the more hope I lost. Before I knew it, I saw some wet drops on the sand.

I was crying.

I knew someone took it. There was no way it could have just disappeared into thin air. I walked towards the still lake, still confused and angry. That pendant meant so much to me yet I was so fucking careless.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to pull out my hair and stab myself repeatedly. Because of swimming? Mom would be so disappointed in me.

Frustrated? Yes. Definitely.

"I'm so sorry," Avery comforted us as we both realize it wasn't here.

My heart grew heavy, from all I could know, I heard of how strong that pendant was from my original pack members. The tears built up inside of me and I screamed.

"Give me back my pendant!" Avery fell to the sand, shocked by the sound of my voice. I crouched on the sand and cried not wanting to leave.

I'm sorry mother.


"Give me back my pendant!"

The painful sound tore through the skies like a firework making Zayn's heart clench in pain. He winced at the sudden jolt as he turned around.

He stopped for a minute to catch his breath. It was a female's. He thought as he brought out the missing pendant from his pocket. It strengthened him when he breathed in her scent and he smirked.

She had come to look for it. Don't worry, he said in his head. You'll be seeing me soon. Possibly as your new Alpha.

Getting to the borders, his suspicions were confirmed. The lake stayed at the borders of the pack also making the pack own it. He looked around at the mark on the borders.

He walked around before he noticed a blood mark on one of the trees and looked beside it to see a similar one.


No spell, just a simple sign. That was brave. He liked that the pack didn't come in contact with witches. A proud smirk displayed on his lips.

He entered the borders slowly knowing he would be sending a signal to the Alpha. He stayed where he was. What kind of weak pack was this? He had fucking breached. Were they not supposed to be coming at him by now?

A spark of anger electrified him. He would certainly not be taking it easy on them when he took over.

His hearing senses picked up and he listened calmly to count. Numerous paws could be heard hitting the ground from seven miles away.

What took you so long?

Imagine if the breacher wanted to sneak in they would be running to him now? Idiots. He listened again to count this time.

Twelve wolves.

He bowed his head and waited for them. Through his drawings on the sand, he could already see how bored he was. He drew a sword and a stick.

He heard low growls and he knew they were watching him. Come nearer.

As if reading his thoughts, the wolves 'stealthily' came nearer. He rolled his eyes at his drawings. That was their idea of stealth?

He had a lot of work to do.

He stood up from the tree he was sitting on and saw the twelve idiots but no Alpha. That made him sigh and go back to his drawing place.

He will wait.

Soon, he heard the cracking of bones which indicated that they were shifting. Why would they be shifting? A dreaded thought crossed his mind.

No. It can't be. The breaching speech? They wouldn't dare to-

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?" The guard said making Zayn growl lowly.

He did give him the BS. One abbreviation. Two different meanings. Right now, the guard had the two.

Zayn looked up at the 'brave' guard slowly almost wanting to cut off his tongue. He could actually but he needed these guards.

"Where's your Alpha?" He asked. All the guards ceased and he smirked. They felt his power alright. Usually, they were meant to feel it from him but it usually gave a much stronger wave when he spoke. The stench of fresh urine filled his nostrils.

Seriously? The wolves looked around too probably thinking the same thing. What a shameful wolf. He sighed at them finally looking at the naked guard. "Call your Alpha."

The guard nodded before his eyes glazed in thought.

*Alpha,* He said silently.

*I know, I am on my way,* The guard nodded at Zayn who cocked an eyebrow at him.

"He is on his way."

Zayn nodded at that and resumed his drawing as the guards watched him in fear. He was drawing a training session. Well, that was what he thought but not what it looked like.

The guards turned around at the same time his ears perked up. The Alpha was almost here. He breathed out in appreciation cause he was about to die of boredom.

The guard shifted back into his wolf immediately. The sound of powerful paws hit the ground and Zayn's smirk grew wider.

Two. Alpha and Beta.

Before Zayn could sleep off, his eyes opened a little and his gaze shifted widely. In front of him, was a large grey wolf with ash beside him.

If not for their different scents of power, you wouldn't know the difference. Were they twins? You could have taken a million years, Alpha.

"Shift," Zayn said in a bored tone and the Alpha growled at him.

*Puppy.* Ace, Zayn's wolf, said in his head. So he decides to make his entrance now?

Well, that was good. After all, he wanted this battle to be a wolf thing but first, they had to talk, he had to make the Alpha accept the war unless it would be a blunder. He heard some breaking of bones that snapped out from his thoughts to look at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Who are you?" The Alpha said menacingly.

Not scary pup.

"I want your pack." He said answering a question he wasn't asked. "You have quite a beautiful lake, do you know that?" He completed smirking cynically.

The Alpha growled at him but another middle-aged man held his shoulders. "Don't." He guessed this was the Beta.

First, they looked nothing alike. He was wrong as fuck.

Second, he was getting tired of the telenovela they were acting.

"Who are you?" The Beta asked again making Zayn frown deeply. What were all these questions going to do to them?

"Let's get this over with and leave all these questions pup." Zayn finally said to him which caused the Beta to growl loudly. The Alpha stopped him immediately.

"Injure him deeply for disrespect," He heard the Beta say in a low growl to the Alpha. "For disrespect."

The Alpha nodded at him. His last mistake.

*He accepted.* Zayn's wolf said to him making him smirk at the two idiots.

*He sure did.* He replied.

"Alright Alpha, you have agreed to have a battle and if I win, I'll take over your pack." Zayn rehearsed the rules for him. The Alpha nodded and the handsome monster grinned happily with his fangs popping out.

This was going to be interesting. He called out to his wolf and shifted fully.


Nobody said a word as they stared at the monster in front of them. He growled and for some reason, his razor teeth looked like sharpened iron. He flashed his skin tearing canines and his red eyes stood out the most.

He was midnight black with patches of white on his paws. Feeling good with the stares from his adoring fans, he licked his nose with his long tongue.

That was when the Alpha realized.

He had thought he was just a powerful man but he had come face to face with the abomination that arose a week ago. He cursed the lake for attracting the monster to his pack.

His Beta looked at him in fear and the guards moved back. He had to do this. For his pack and his beloved daughter. Plus, he had always waited for this. A fight.

The Alpha finally shifted into his wolf but not before offering a prayer to the moon goddess. They moved around in a circular motion both growling lowly. The Alpha had already planned out his moves.

"Zayn!" Zayn's wolf heard suddenly and looked up following the sound.


The wind was knocked out of him as the Alpha jumped on him, biting him while he was distracted.

Fuck Toby!

He pushed the wolf off him and jumped on the Alpha biting a big chunk off his leg as revenge. The Alpha grunted and bit him on the lap, dragging Zayn towards him. Zayn responded with a jab at his stomach.

"I can't believe you. Just one day! Hell, it wasn't even 24 hours. Don't do something stupid! But no." Toby said still complaining.

Zayn rolled his eyes at Toby as the Alpha grunted in pain. Already weak?

He jumped again biting a chunk of his arm. The Alpha fell and howled in pain. Zayn went in for his face but got pushed away as the Alpha sent dust flying towards his eyes. The monstrous wolf shifted back and shook its fur vigorously, removing all the sand.

"Zayn stop! You've won!"

Toby looked at his brother giving the most pleading eyes he could muster. Zayn sighed and turned away from the Alpha. He was going to leave him to bleed to death. He couldn't bite his neck. He didn't want to kill anyone. He shifted back and everywhere was silent.

No one dared say a word, he was the Alpha now.

"You stressful fool!"

Except for his brother. He forgot about him for a sec.

The trees swished and they both turned to see the colors chestnut brown and blonde running out of the woods.

The blonde girl immediately ran to the bleeding wolf as it lay on the ground. "Help him!" She screamed as she looked at the guards.

They all bowed their head and she looked around confused. Her eyes fell on the monster then she felt it. The change in power. He took her pack away from her father.

"Get him treatment and see if he makes it." He said to the Beta and the guards who still looked grim with his voice gruff.

They immediately took her father from her arms. She sat down and cried uncontrollably. Toby tensed, "We have to talk brother." He looked at Zayn but his attention was no longer on him.

He followed his line of sight.

He heard a deep wrenching sob and turned to see the two girls. The chestnut was hugging the blonde, she was also looking at Zayn with hateful eyes.

Zayn felt a crazy attraction to her as his wolf stood up menacingly in his head.

*She found me! How wouldn't she? I'm good in bed.* His wolf exclaimed in happiness causing Zayn to look at the girl confused.

*Finally! The blood I can drink and be content with for years!* His vampire followed and he tilted his head still confused while looking at her gorgeous eyes.

"She's your mate, dumbass. I can't believe it." Toby whispered and Zayn's eyes widened in realization.

A girl that he could love?

She stared at him in hatred already realizing what the nights meant, the feelings that were connected to him, why she felt so drawn. He just killed Avery's father. He was a monster.

"I hate you!" She screamed and he smirked at her happily. This was what he liked.

"You're mine still."


You have come to the end of this long chapter! Thank you for reading Chapter Nine| I Hate You

Is it only me getting Drake vibes?

