
10| the third wheel {M}





The wind blew ferociously as we stared at each other. He was fucking beautiful. I could see it with my eyes. His blue eyes remained icy while he dragged them down my body making me feel things that I shouldn't.

Why were his eyes blue?

I thought-

"Luna," A guard said bending down beside me. "The Alpha wants you in his chambers." He completed and I shook my head in anger.

He smirked at me from far away and dragged up his shorts. Licking his lips, he winked at me and turned back to the man facing him.

"It's the Alpha's orders." The guard said almost begging me in fear. Avery shook her head and slapped him hard.

"Can't you see she's a Luna? She's married to someone else. Tell your tyrant Alpha to get that into his head." She said silently in pain.

"We were told to take you to rest." The guard continued talking but this time to Avery.

She shook her head vigorously at me, "He wants me to hit him again. I'm staying here with you. You're not safe. He could hurt you too."

I frowned sadly and looked at the guard in anger. "I'm coming," I answered and he nodded while Avery stared at me, shocked. "I'll be fine. Go pack your things, we are leaving at sunrise."

She nodded and the guards took her away. As they tried to help her, she pushed them away. I had to tell her that Chris was not my mate but it didn't matter, cause I was going to reject the monster.


I walked silently with the guards in the hallway with my heart beating rapidly. I wanted to talk to him. I had finally seen what I was searching for but not like this.

The maid opened the door and I entered the freshly cleaned chamber. The luxurious sight was alarming. The bed looked so soft. I walked to it and sat down waiting patiently.

I would tell him off and reject him. This was wrong. The legend said he was mateless.

The door pushed open slightly and my heart dropped to my throat as an alluring scent filled my nose making my core clench.

Why was I already feeling like this?

He entered and shut the door giving me a deadpanned look. His face was beautiful and his body was a sculpture. The curly hair that fell against his face made it look sexier.

His lustful eyes scanned my body and a deep growl left his throat causing me to look down immediately with my face already turning a deep red.

Was he checking me out?

Well, you were.

"Look at me mate." He said but I kept my eyes glued to the floor. Where was my courage? I had come to tell him off right?

He came nearer and crouched before me, his scent increased and I breathed out shakily. If this was what it meant to have a mate, I didn't want any of it. I felt so weak around him.

Soft fingers lifted my jaw which brought my eyes to his. He looked at me in thought. His ocean eyes were deep and meaningful.

He almost smiled when my lips parted a little but it disappeared when his eyes dropped to my lips and I licked them on instinct.

"This connection is driving me crazy. I can smell your arousal little girl." His husky voice moved things in me and I removed my jaw from his hands immediately.

"Leave me alone," I said stiffly. "You killed him."

He laughed with no smile on his face at all, "I didn't. Which was surprising of me, don't you think?"

My body hummed to his voice like something was coming alive in me, "I don't want to be with a monster."

He nodded and stood up, "Thank the goddess I'm not a monster." He said with sincerity before he completed his words.

"I'm much worse. You know, I never expected my mate to be stupid like the rest of them. Judging me is more brutal than rejecting me."

I winced at his insult as tears pricked my eyes. Why were his words so effective? He knew that I had come to reject him already. "Fine, I reject—"

The air was knocked out of me as my back hit the wall, he protected my head with his hands and the other covered my lips.

"Shh, little one, you can say those words after I've fucked you senseless. After I've kissed those luscious lips. After you make me happy. After you love me. So you better shut the fuck up and get to work." He whispered into my ear and pressed himself into me again making me feel his growing member.

Was he already turned on?

"Please, just let me go." I whimpered in fear and pleasure, he smirked at me.

In a flash, he carried me on his waist and I wrapped my arms around his naked torso for support. I wasn't afraid of falling, for some reason. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

Bringing his lips on my skin, he kissed my jaw as pieces of my dreams flashed before me. His eyes were blue this time.

"I will. But I'll take you next time I see you again, leave at sunrise or I'll change my mind and teach you how to say my name how I like it." He said and squeezed my butt pressing me to him the more and fucking me with our clothes on.

I moaned getting weaker at every movement he made. He slammed his big member into my core and I screamed aloud.


Why was I feeling like this? Even with my clothes on, I still craved him. I could feel how big he was, all I wanted was for him to tear away my clothes at that moment.

He stopped and kissed my neck leaving a burning sensation there. My core clenched as the feelings built up in it. I didn't want to stop.

My heart stopped when I remembered my mark. He stopped and dropped my legs down making me wobble slightly. I knew I would run after. For some reason, I wanted to stay in his arms. Safe and protected.

He held my shoulders and squinted hard at me in anger.

"What is your name?" He asked with so much authority.

"Adriana Carter." I breathed out and he smirked at me.

"I'm Daddy." He replied jokingly and I scoffed at him.

He leaned into me and kissed me on my forehead. "Till whenever mate. Wherever you are, know that I own you. You're mine."

That tiny kiss warmed my body to my toes and I spun around and left the room. His voice from my dreams slipped in and I inhaled deeply.

I walked out of the room trying not to fall due to the extreme pleasure I was feeling. I left, leaving his scent behind and not turning around. Once I got it the hallway, I fell to the floor and held my head in my hands.

I couldn't reject him.

Even if he had left me to speak at the moment,

I don't think I would have had the heart to.


Avery gave me a clueless look as I put our stuff in the Tesla that my mate had lent us, turned out that Avery's father was stinking rich. I responded to her look with an uncomfortable one.

We entered the car and both sat down. She held my hands and I looked at her inquisitively.

"What are you not telling me?" She asked and I frowned looking at my lap. Things were messed up now. I had no choice but to trust her.

"I don't know how to tell you." I dragged and she squeezed my hand.

"Hey, you don't have to. I've gone through a lot since last night." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry," I told her and she smiled at me. "I uh- I- the monster—"

"—is your mate. Christian isn't." She completed and I looked at her in shock. "It was quite noticeable last night. The tension between you two, plus he asked to meet you in his chambers and not the meeting room. You came into my room looking ravished." She smirked at the end causing me to shake my head viciously.

"It's not what you think. The ending part. I did not sleep with him. I would not. He wouldn't let me reject him." I complained already remembering last night vividly. I was a moaning mess.

"Why would you reject your mate? Because of your husband who is not? Look, I'm not gonna judge you but you are sick to think of doing that!" She completed in a huff.

"He is a monster. That guy almost had your father killed." I persuaded wanting her to prove me otherwise. I was such a hypocrite, of course, I didn't want to reject him.

"I'm tired right now. We will fight when I wake up." She ended the argument and turned her head to the other side causing me to huff. "Plus, he purposely avoided any vital organs of my dad. He never planned to kill him. I just want you to be happy."

My eyes widened as I turned to her but her eyes were already shut. I sighed deciding I should sleep too. As we drove away, I kept on feeling like I left him behind.


Someone shook my shoulder causing me to jump awake. I smiled looking at the house in front of me. Then frowned when I remembered my mate.

"It's beautiful." Avery awed and came down from the car with me following suit.

"Thanks." I opened the boot of the car and pulled out her box which was extremely heavy by the way. "What the fuck did you pack?" I said with my breath wasting.

"You know, shoes, books, dresses and etcetera." She answered and looked at me smiling causing the both of us to laugh.

"A! Baby!" I heard my best friend's voice and dropped the heavy box for poor Avery, running towards him instead.

His handsome face widened with a smile as I jumped into his arms. "I missed you mi bella. Still can't believe you chose someone over me." He complained and dropped me, placing a kiss on my forehead as my mate had done earlier.

My mate.

"I came with her," I said and he frowned at me.

"I see. So my best friend's job is over. Where is she?" He asked with his arms crossed and I remembered I left my friend with a huge box. Oop—

"You better don't—" I started but I found out he was not attention to me anymore.

"I'm here," Avery said pushing her box forward and Justin stiffened. She looked up and mirrored his expression.

"Holy—" Justin started but she cut him off.

"—shit." She completed and my mouth dropped.

"You guys are—just wonderful." I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I'll leave you guys to it." I dragged and walked out.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome I, the third wheel.


You've come to the end of this chapter. Thank you for reading Chapter Ten| Third Wheel.

Aw! Justin and Avery!

