
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Christmas Presents

With less than five days until Christmas, Draco found himself walking the icy London streets alone. Everything was settled and all his preparation for the holiday was in place. He was ready to sit back and let the holiday unfold.

He'd huffed and puffed all afternoon but ultimately caved. Somehow Hermione had convinced him to agree for them to meet Ron and Luna for dinner in muggle London.

Perhaps it was the cheesecake she knew he loved that she promised to make for the holidays. Maybe it was the hilarious Christmas movie about that family's Christmas vacation she showed him that put him in such a charitable mood. Or more likely, maybe it was the way she'd shagged him senseless that morning and promised to do so again tonight should he behave himself.

He was a bleeding sap really.

She'd left earlier in the afternoon to run some last minute errands before the holidays and he promised to meet her at the Italian restaurant at 7 sharp. Dressed in the pair of black jeans she'd complimented his rear in the last time he wore them and a grey quarter zip sweater under his coat, he trudged down the icy sidewalk until he finally spotted the restaurant in question.

With a heavy sigh, he crossed the street and quickly left the cold for the restaurant's warmth. He quickly spotted her already seated at a four person table by herself, menu in hand as she perused it, and waived off the host.

"You have to be the most oblivious witch I've ever met," he muttered as he took a seat to her right. He prayed to God that Weasley didn't take the seat next to him. Not that his wife would be much better. Frankly, he was still rather uncomfortable around her.

Hermione lowered her menu and gave him a look as though he'd lost his mind. "Excuse me?"

Draco shook his head and curled a hand behind her head as he leaned over to kiss her gently. "You've got a table of men ogling you to your left."

He tipped his head as he offered a glare at the three men who'd been eyeing her. Granted, he didn't blame them. She was sitting there in a wide neck sweater that was falling off one slender shoulder and looking absolutely delectable.

The men had enough sense to divert their attention to their table and Draco smiled in satisfaction.

"Men," she muttered but a deep blush had colored her cheeks already.

Draco smirked as he eyed the menu in front of him. It didn't take him long before he made his mind up and pushed the thing aside. He looked up to find a table full of women eyeing him hard from across the room and his brow furrowed. Being in the muggle side of London had been his retreat from all of the whispers and stares that the wizarding world constantly swarmed him with. Granted lately the tone was beginning to change if Rita Skeeter's latest article was any indication.

…I do believe, dear readers that it's only a matter of time before the Golden Trio and their respective spouses grace the wizarding world to their shining offspring. We've all been watching the Granger-Malfoy's develop from shy, unsure glances to outright snogging in the streets of Diagon Alley!

Word on the street is this couple was caught last Saturday arm-in-arm after visits to many shops in the Alley. Our photographers snapped a lovely photo of the couple as they shared a quick snog in front of Flourish and Blotts…

That all being said, he still felt a bit defensive when people stared.

"Oi, now why are they staring at me?"

Hermione didn't even bothering looking up over her menu as she continued to perfuse her options. "Because you're bloody sexy. And they're likely jealous that you're mine."

Draco lifted a pale eyebrow at her remark of ownership and reached over to push her menu down. The smirk he gave her only elicited a playful eye roll.

"Ginny was right about you," she shook her head as she eyed her dinner options again. She was being honest but partially sarcastic with her remark.

"What's that mean?"

She finally lowered the menu and made eye contact. "You still like having your ego stroked."

Without missing a beat, he responded with, "Are you doing the stroking?"

Hermione scoffed indignantly and reached to smack his arm. "Draco!"

Draco shrugged and leaned back in his chair. He really did need to get his mind off of her if he didn't intend to embarrass himself in public. She just had that effect on him.

"Why did I agree to do this again," he whined after a moment.

She smiled at him sweetly and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Because you love me."

He groaned both at her comment and the sight of that redheaded friend of hers and his wife approaching. "Bloody Gryffindors," he muttered.

"You love us," she grinned again.

"Just you," he sighed.

"Oi, Malfoy, why don't you stop pawing at my best friend long enough for us to eat a civil dinner," Ron quipped as he and Luna reached the table.

Hermione watched with veiled interest as her friend pulled out his new wife's chair for her before taking his own. He lifted a curious eyebrow at her in question but she just shook her head.

Perhaps there was hope for the two of them beyond the physical after all.

"It's bloody cold out there," Ron noted awkwardly as he glanced over the menu.

"It's wonderful. The nargles are in hiding in such low temperatures," Luna noted cheerfully.

Draco lifted a pale eyebrow and glanced at Hermione from the corner of his eyes. He winced when she kicked his shin lightly under the table.

Ron rolled his eyes though. He'd surely accepted his wife and while they were still working on getting to know each other, he just didn't get the odd magical creatures business.

"You're still coming to the Burrow for Christmas, right," he asked Hermione.

She glanced at Draco and nodded. "We'll be there."

"Good, mum won't stop blubbering on about how excited she is that Malfoy will finally come now that you two are together."

The woman had been trying to get him to come to their family Christmas since she'd been his sponsor but he'd declined each year because of Hermione. He hadn't wanted to ruin her Christmas with his presence.

Somehow he managed to behave himself during the short dinner, only once getting his thigh slapped under the table for his smart mouth. All in all, his wife was satisfied with his performance.

As they said their goodbyes and parted ways, Draco wrapped an arm around Hermione's shoulders and pulled her in close to his side as they meandered down the sidewalk.

She poked his chest with a gloved hand and tilted her head back to meet his eyes. "Thank you."

He squeezed her shoulders and sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I'm Mr. Wonderful."

"Very wonderful," she grinned teasingly. "Dare I say, so wonderful you'll be rewarded for not being a prat."

The way he waggled his pale eyebrows at her only caused laughter before they quickly disapparted home.


"And why is it that I haven't been in the wine cellar before now," Hermione asked, hugging her arms around herself as she and Draco descended the steps into the cold wine cellar beneath their home.

Draco glanced back as they reached the ground and shrugged sheepishly. "I don't know. I always feel the cellar reminds me of the manor and I guess I was a little nervous you'd be uncomfortable." He glanced around at the various bottles lining the shelves and spotted an empty wine crate. "What do you think they'll want to drink at the Christmas party," he asked over his shoulder.

She stepped up closer to see the choices. "I think a blend would be a safe bet."

He nodded and started adding bottles to the crate. "That's what I was thinking, too. Is there one you wanted?"

She shook her head as she ran her hands over her arms. It was colder down here than she'd expected. Her thick sweater was no match for the cold. "No, I don't plan on drinking tonight. We have to be at the Burrow for Christmas tomorrow after all."

Draco lifted his full crate and turned to face her, an odd look on his face. They didn't have wine with every meal but she'd not had a glass in at least a week now. Deciding now wasn't the time to broach the subject, he merely nodded and started back up the steps.

Perhaps after the Potter's annual party he might bring it up but it could be nothing.

Hermione followed him up the steps and straight to their floo. The party was already in full swing when they stepped out of the flames. Harry helped Draco with the full crate and she found Ginny in the kitchen levitating appetizers onto trays.

"Hermione," she waved with her free hand. "I expected you a little sooner. You've missed the news!"

"What news?"

"Neville and Hannah are expecting! They just announced it earlier."

"You're joking?"

Ginny nodded with a grin, biting into her lower lip. "They're not the only ones."

Hermione tipped her head curiously and her eyes widened. "You and Harry as well?"

Her friend nodded quickly, suddenly looking a bit nervous. "We haven't told mum and dad yet so you're the only one besides Ron and Luna who knows."

"Knows what," Draco asked as he entered the kitchen behind them. He grabbed an appetizer off of one of the levitating trays as it zoomed past him towards the rest of the guests.

Ginny nodded when Hermione gave her a questioning look.

"Harry and Ginny are expecting."

"Neville and Hannah, too," Ginny added.

Draco nearly choked and flushed a bit as he was finally able to swallow. "Well…the Ministry will be pleased. Congratulations."

"Thanks, but do keep it to yourself for right now. We haven't had the chance to tell my parents yet."

He nodded and exchanged a curious look with Hermione as they followed her back into the main crowd of guests.

"That was awfully quick," he muttered in her ear.

Hermione turned her head to meet his eyes and bit her lip. "You think it's too soon?"

He shrugged but shook his head. "I suppose not. That was what the Ministry wanted from all of us. Just a bit surreal I suppose."

She nodded silently while he slid an arm around her shoulders as they watched Harry, Terry Boot, Dean Thomas, Cormac McLaggen, and Katie Bell make a contest of singing a Christmas carol as off key as they each could manage.

Practically everyone in the room had been paired off by then and were either married or soon to be after the holidays. It seemed the holidays were giving way from some of the awkwardness between the more oddly paired couples.

"Check out McLaggen's wife in the corner," Draco whispered in her ear again.

She glanced in the corner to find the prim blonde sitting stark straight by herself, nursing a glass of wine and looking entirely uncomfortable with the noise and laughter around her.

"I hate to say it, Draco, but typical Slytherin."

He squeezed her shoulders and released a throaty chuckle that warmed her insides.

"I wouldn't disagree with you. I don't believe she ever held any particular hatred for other houses or muggle-borns but I never knew her to be very warm and inviting."

"Is that—is that Blaise Zabini over there with Lavender Brown," Hermione gasped suddenly.

"Bloody hell, I think it is," he agreed with a nod.

About that time, Blaise seemed to notice their attention on him and made his way across the room.

"Malfoy, it's been quite some time."

He held his hand out for a shake and after a moment of hesitation, Draco clasped hands with his old friend.

"Indeed, it has."

Blaise offered him a small smile and turned his attention down to Hermione, his expression not faltering. "Nice to you see as well, Granger."

Her eyebrows rose in surprise but she offered him a small smile in return and nodded.

"I'd heard you two were matched. The gossip is that you've gotten on quite well—granted I only believe about ten percent of what I read as the saying goes."

Hermione snorted at that and nodded in agreement. "I find that useful with anything Rita Skeeter writes."

"Exactly. But it seems she was right about you two anyway. Sorry that we lost touch, mate."

It had been well known that the Zabinis had not chosen sides during the war, choosing to remain neutral. Slytherin or not, Blaise's family had never had a leaning towards the dark arts.

"It's alright. I never blamed anyone for distancing themselves from me at that time."

Blaise looked a bit uncomfortable, seeming to not really know what to say as he glanced as his shoes. Hermione couldn't stand the tension.

"So, were you and Lavender Brown matched together," she asked quickly.

Blaise lifted his head and gave her a grateful smile. "Yes, we were. We were married about a month ago now. I honestly didn't know much about her besides her whole obsession with Weasley sixth year."

Hermione rolled her eyes at that and felt Draco's grip tighten on her. "Don't remind me," she muttered.

"How's it going then," Draco asked, this time deflecting for her.

Blaise took a deep breath and glanced back at his wife who was mingling with her former housemates. "Uh…alright I suppose. I don't think she likes me much. She spends a lot of time outside of work with that Patel woman Finnegan married."

Hermione elbowed Draco when she felt him shake with controlled laughter. "They were always good friends. I don't believe Seamus and Parvati had a good start at this."

"That's because Finnegan is a bloody git," Draco reminded her with an overly polite smile.

"While I will neither confirm nor deny that assessment, I will admit that Seamus isn't always the most…level-headed person. Last I remember, Lavender really likes dancing. Perhaps that's something you could bond over," Hermione suggested.

Blaise smiled, "Thanks for the tip. She really hasn't been very open with me." He glanced over at his wife again. "I'm not opposed to being with her. She's quite attractive but I can't be the only one making an effort here."

"I've never known you to be one to give up very easily, Blaise," Draco noted. He darted his eyes towards Hermione. "Nothing's impossible."

"Blaise, Draco," a soft voice interrupted.

The small group glanced over to see that Daphne Greengrass, now Daphne McLaggen had joined them with her glass of wine in hand.

Hermione noticed the way she eyed Draco from head to toe like he were a piece of meat and felt an odd tinge of jealousy wrap around her stomach.

"Nice to see you, Daphne," Blaise nodded in acknowledgement.

Draco noticed the way she was eyeing him as well and pulled Hermione slightly in front of him slowly. He wasn't in the slightest tempted by her but he preferred a barrier.

"Yes, nice to see you, Daphne," he finally responded in a neutral tone.

"It's too bad the way some of these Ministry matches have gone," she spoke to each of them as if Hermione wasn't even there. "So many odd matches that I can't see working."

Draco narrowed his eyes at her as Blaise bit his lip nervously.

"I don't know. Seems to have worked out quite well for us," Draco spoke pointedly.

Daphne's gaze finally fell on Hermione who was now standing fully in front of Draco, scowling irritably.

"Oh, yes, I'd heard that the two of you were paired. I must say I was a bit surprised. Given your past together and all. So you intend to stay together after the year is up?"

Hermione felt Draco's hands move to her shoulders and squeeze gently. How odd that it was him keeping her in check when it was usually the other way around.

She opened her mouth to respond but someone beat her to the punch.

"I heard from Ginny Potter that they each took an unbreakable vow with their marriage vows. They seem fairly committed to me."

Four sets of eyes swiveled to find a smiling Luna standing there. She was wearing her usual dreamy smile and a Christmas sweater adorned with a reindeer whose nose was blinking.

"An unbreakable vow," Daphne nearly choked.

Draco snaked an arm around Hermione's waist and pulled her back flush against his chest. "Yes, and if I recall correctly, it was my idea."

Hermione enjoyed the way her eyes widened in shock. An odd sense of triumph settled in her chest.

"Hermione, I believe Ginny was looking for you and Draco," Luna added helpfully.

"Thanks, Luna. Well, it was very nice seeing you all."

She took Draco's hand and pulled him off towards the kitchen where she guessed her friend was waiting for them.

"Merlin, could she have been a little more obvious. I know you're better looking that Cormac but honestly, ogling another woman's husband? The nerve!"

Draco's lips curved into a smirk as he followed her and listened to her ramble on.

"You're jealous," he finally commented after a moment.

Hermione stopped abruptly and turned to face him, arms crossed over her chest. "Perhaps, maybe a little," she admitted awkwardly.

He dipped his head and kissed her deeply. He pressed a kiss against her cheek before whispering in her ear. "You have nothing to worry about, unbreakable vow or not."

"It's not you I'm worried about, Draco." She sighed and rolled her eyes. "She acted like I wasn't even there. Like I didn't even matter."

"Hermione, she's always been that way. Don't let it bother you."

She gave him a slight smile and nodded, accepting his hug when he wrapped her in his arms comfortingly. She couldn't help but think though that it had to be how other people had made him feel about being with her. Like he wasn't good enough because of his past.

"I love you," she sighed. She felt a sense of peace in his arms.

"I love you, too," he kissed her forehead as he pulled back. "Quite odd how many Slytherins have been paired with Gryffindors, isn't it?"

Hermione's lips pulled into a smirk and she reached up to pat his cheek. "We were the only ones who could put up with you lot."


It snowed lightly through the night and when Hermione opened her eyes late Christmas morning she could see the small flakes still falling gently through the air. A small smile curved her lips and she closed her eyes again. She became aware of Draco's bare chest pressed against her back.

"Morning," he greeted, his voice still deep with sleep.

Draco nuzzled his chin against her unruly curls and pulled her closer to him. He breathed in her scent, a mix of roses and fresh laundry from her shower before bed. He smiled when he realized his hand was already beneath her shirt and trailed his fingers past her navel and towards the waistband of her pajama pants.

"Happy Christmas," he whispered near her ear, his voice gravelly as he heard her first moan.

She gripped his thick forearm with one hand as his fingers worked their magic, her other hand fisting their sheets as her hips jerked. It was going to be a while before he let her out of bed apparently.

Over an hour later, they were both showered and dressed. Hermione was sitting at the kitchen table reading the Christmas edition of the Daily Prophet when Draco brought her a cup of tea and toast.

"How's your stomach," he asked as he took the seat across from her.

Hermione set the paper down and reached for her cup. "A bit better. Thanks for this."

Draco nodded and bit a piece of her toast before handing it to her. She'd been a little nauseated after her shower but she hadn't been sick.

"Much better," she smiled after a few sips of tea and a bite of toast.

He picked up the paper and glanced at the section she'd been reading.

…Narcissa Malfoy having regrets? A familiar source of none other than Mrs. Priscilla Parkinson tells me, dear readers, that she is regretting her harsh words over her son's new wife. It's no surprise now how in love the youngest Malfoy is with his Ministry chosen wife—the muggle-born, Hermione Granger. He dotes on her quite often with frequent shopping trips for books to feed her never-ending thirst for knowledge. It does seem his devotion is returned in equal measures. Mrs. Granger-Malfoy has been seen kissing him at work no less, according to reliable sources...

Draco shook his head and tossed the paper back down on the table. "You'd think that woman would get bored occasionally." He stood with his own cup of tea. "I know we're not trading all of our gifts until tonight but I have another one I want to give you now. I'll meet you in the living room."

Hermione lifted a curious eyebrow and stuffed the rest of the toast in her mouth before grabbing her cup and following him.

There were more gifts under the tree than there'd been last night before they'd gone up to bed. Clearly, he'd somehow managed to get them under the tree without her knowing. She guessed he'd enlisted Bitsy's help.

He turned from the tree and held out a small square box that fit within his palm. He chewed the inside of his lip nervously when she reached for it and slowly lifted the lid.

"I know you're not terribly materialistic but I've noticed you don't own many pairs of earrings, despite having your ears pierced."

Hermione smiled slightly at the small, emerald cut topaz earrings. "They match my ring."

"I knew if I bought you more jewelry that it would need to mean something to you."

Draco watched with relief as she put them in and approached him for a hug.

She bit her lip as she rested both hands against his chest and glanced up into his grey eyes. Where they'd once been blank and cold, they now seemed so warm and comforting.

"I never in my life thought I'd say this but you, Draco Malfoy, are the best gift I've been given all year."

He laughed and shook his head. He'd not enjoyed Christmases much in the past but had a feeling this year would be different. Christmases in Malfoy Manor had been a rather cold and tense affair. His parents would give him expensive gifts he didn't really need or even want and they'd sit through a quiet but formal Christmas dinner. Even the house elves had looked on with pity.

"We've had a lot of firsts these last few months for both of us."

He watched as her lips turned up into a slight smile. There was a certain look in her eyes that he wasn't sure how to interpret but she merely nodded and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.

She left him to gather the presents they'd be bringing to the Weasley's for Christmas. Mrs. Weasley had always invited him to their family Christmas but he'd never taken her up on the offer as Hermione was always there. This year he had no reason not to participate.

Granted, Harry had warned him that the later in the day it became, the more withdrawn Hermione normally was. It was harder than most without her parents and he was going to keep a close eye on her.

Draco cleaned up the kitchen and found her crouched in front of the Christmas tree piling the presents.

"I got your coat. Are you ready?"

Hermione stood up and looked around. "Where's Bitsy? I haven't given her my gift yet."

"Bitsy," Draco called and a moment later the house elf appeared with a loud pop. She stood there in a red Santa hat wearing a green dress.

"Happy Christmas," she smiled gleefully.

Hermione returned her smile and stood with a small package. "Happy Christmas, Bitsy. Draco and I wanted to give you your present before you left for you Christmas party with the other elves."

Bitsy clapped happily and accepted the small shiny red box from her. She lifted the lid and pulled out a red and green striped fedora.

Bitsy grinned and immediately replaced her Santa hat with the fedora. "Bitsy is most thankful. It's wonderful, Mistress Hermione."

"I'm glad you like it," Hermione grinned.

"Where in the hell did you find a red and green fedora," Draco whispered from the side of his mouth.

"George's joke shop in Diagon Alley. It was part of a costume."

Draco gave her a completely unplanned matching pair of socks and gloves. Bitsy gifted them both with their favorite homemade sweets.

The Burrow was already alive with boisterous chatter when Hermione and Draco stepped out of the floo. Harry and Ron watched from the corner of the room as Draco followed dutifully behind her, his arms weighted down with tons of presents.

"The bloody prat has it bad, doesn't he? It's almost hard to watch."

Harry glanced at his redheaded friend grinning like a Cheshire cat, a glass of eggnog in hand.

"You think that's bad? Try walking in on them mid snog. I'll never be able to un-see Malfoy's hands palming her rear or," he made a face, "either of their tongues."

Ron's smile fell, "I didn't need to know that, Harry."

Harry shook his head to get his mind off the memory. "Yeah, well now I won't have to suffer alone. Enjoy the mental image."

The afternoon was spent trading gifts with each other, which with as large as the group was, it took that long to hand out those gifts.

Draco received a rather amusing Gryffindor striped tie from Ginny that had been charmed to roar every ten minutes as she said he was officially more Gryffindor than Slytherin now. He received a box of aphrodisiac chocolates from George—a new recipe he claimed to have been working on and wanted him to test out. He seemed immune to Draco's glare upon reading the chocolates' description—"clothes not required".

He'd quietly stepped out midway through, only alerting Ginny so she could be prepared to help him when the time came. It was nearing dinner when he realized he hadn't seen Hermione for a while. After a short search, he found her huddled in an armchair near the fireplace sipping a warm apple cider and perusing a new book on magical ailments from Harry.

"There you are."

She looked up from her book and gave him a small smile as he took a seat on the ottoman at her feet. "Sorry, it gets a bit loud for me sometimes when everyone's all together. I usually have to take a break from it."

He shrugged and took a sip from the cup when she offered it before handing it back. "I can understand. This is honestly the first real Christmas I've ever had with a group this large."

"What do you mean? Didn't your family celebrate Christmas growing up?"

"Yes, but it wasn't really a warm and fuzzy occasion like the Weasley's make it out to be. Very formal and stiff. Just me and my parents with a ton of gifts I never asked for. I mean, don't get me wrong, when I was younger I could be easily bought off but the older I got the more hollow the expensive clothes and quidditch gear felt."

"Christmas is always the hardest holiday for me without my parents. My mum used to bake and my dad played Christmas songs on the piano. It was just the three of us really but it always felt so cozy and warm." Hermione swallowed and reached into the pocket of her coat slung over the back of the chair and produced a small box. "I meant to give this to you before we left earlier but since you gave me something early, I wanted to return the favor."

"You didn't have to do that," he spoke as he reached to take the box from her.

Draco eyed the small green box carefully. He really had moved on from being so materialistic. However, he knew by the way that she was biting her lip that she was nervous so this gift must mean something important. He lifted the ribbon adorned lid and inside found a beautiful silver watch.

"It was my dad's."

His heart instantly fell to the pit of his stomach. He met her brown eyes and saw the tears gathering in the corners.

Setting the watch aside, he pulled her to him and kissed her softly. He hated the way she sniffed when he brushed away the lone tear with his thumb. If it hadn't been for that stupid war, she would have never felt the need to hide her parents.

"It's beautiful, Hermione, but I can't accept it."

He hated himself for the hurt look that crossed her face but it was gone sooner than it had come.

"I have another present for you. Just wait here."

Draco stood and pulled her to her feet before he quickly disappeared from the room. Hermione glanced around the Weasley's home and knew she should have felt warm and complete surrounded by all of her friends and adopted family but it had never filled that hole inside her heart.

She looked up when Ginny approached her with a grin. "He told me to make sure you keep your eyes closed. He's not coming back with your present until you do."

Hermione nodded and did as she was told, unsure exactly what he could have gotten her which required so much preparation.

"Ok, Draco," she heard Ginny call out.

She heard footsteps…multiple sets of footsteps which made her brow furrow in confusion. They stopped a few feet from her.


That voice. Her heart nearly stopped at the sound of that voice. It couldn't be. It was impossible.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and realized that she was now standing face-to-face with her mother and father. Both wore twin smiles with watery eyes but even more so, those eyes recognized her. They looked much as she remembered them, though her father was greying a little more around the temples than when she'd last seen them. Her mother looked on the verge of tears and she couldn't hold herself back any longer.

Hermione nearly launched herself at them and was overjoyed when she felt them wrap their arms around her in a family hug. She wasn't really aware when she started crying but she was balling her eyes out now.

Draco stepped around the reunited family and joined Harry, Ron, and Ginny as he watched them. Others in the room were starting to tear up when they saw what had happened.

"How long have you been planning that," Ron asked, shocked. How had he been able to reverse a spell that even Hermione hadn't been able to?

Draco bobbed his head from side to side as he thought for a moment. "The reunion or the new spell reversal I had to work on with the Committee for Experimental Charms?"

Ron shrugged, baffled. "Both?"

"I've been working on the spell reversal since Harry told me four years ago what happened to her parents. At the time, I accepted the part time work because it played into my own desire to help her. I've been planning the reunion for her since just before our wedding ceremony in Kingsley's office. It was good timing as we'd had a breakthrough with the counter spell."

He swallowed as he watched each of her parents hug their daughter to them tighter as if they were afraid she wasn't real. Mr. Granger looked up over Hermione's shoulder and made eye contact with him, mouthing a simple 'thank you'. He simply nodded, not knowing how else to respond.

He surely couldn't fix his own parents but he could help hers. It was the least he could do for her after all she'd been through in that blasted war.

"It's the reason I had to work late so much recently. Kingsley approved an international travel license for me to apparate to Australia and I performed the spell there. I went back each evening to check on them to make sure their memories from before were intact but that the spell hadn't tampered with their current memories either. I just brought them back at the end of that week and they've been getting settled in before the holidays."

Ginny gave him a wide-eyed stare upon hearing that. "You were just going to have the spell reversed and never tell her you had any part of it, had this whole law not happened?"

Draco watched happily as she spoke animatedly to each of her parents, still lost in their embrace. "Yes," was his simple answer. It had never even been a question. He truly loved that woman.

"Bloody hell, Malfoy," Harry nudged him. "Even I wouldn't have been that gallant."

He merely shrugged and wandered off to find something to drink. He felt a bit like a voyeur watching her reunion with them. He poured himself a glass of butterbeer and decided to go out into the Weasley's garden for a short walk. He figured she'd be preoccupied for a while and he had no desire to interrupt.

It was frigid without his coat so he cast a quick warming charm before taking a seat on the old wooden bench near their now frozen pond. He'd sat there many a times before having conversations with both Arthur and Molly Weasley during his year on probation.

He'd learned how to forgive and forget on that bench. He'd learned that he was in love on that bench.

He didn't understand why Molly Weasley was grinning at him so brightly. Frankly, it was a bit unnerving.

"Draco, dear, you're in love with her."

Surely, she'd lost all her marbles. He gave her a skeptical look and turned his attention to the pond in front of them.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Dear, it's nothing to be ashamed of. And you certainly don't have to hide it from me just because of Ron's short-lived relationship with her. I think we all knew that wasn't meant to be."

He looked down at his hands knotted in his lap. He hadn't meant to tell her how he'd been watching her. Or the fact that she made him nervous now. Hadn't meant to ask so many curious questions about her. Or accidentally compliment her schoolwork. Wasn't sure why he'd admitted that he admired her.

With only a few months until their graduation from Hogwarts, he was scared. He knew now how he wanted to give back to the wizarding community. After a talk with Professor McGonagall in the headmistress' office, it all became very clear. He'd become an auror. He had to stop those like the person he'd once been. Those who weren't interested in changing their ways. Those who couldn't see the truth.

That was all if they'd accept him. Honestly, he wasn't sure they'd want a former Death Eater or even trust one. But he had the grades and the recommendation of the headmistress. It was a start.

Maybe one day he'd have the nerve to talk to her. Maybe make friends with her. Perhaps a time would come when they could trade polite smiles as they crossed paths in public. Maybe even share a friendly conversation over coffee. Perhaps if he was really lucky, she'd even discuss books with him.

It was something to dream about really. And he found for once, he was beginning to dream again.

But Mrs. Weasley was right. He couldn't ignore it. There was no other explanation for his fascination with her. It wasn't merely guilt, though there was a healthy dose of that for sure. But she made his heart twitch and his groin tighten. She made him hope and believe when everything had once been so black and hopeless.

Sweet Merlin, he was in love with Hermione Granger.

"Bloody hell," he whispered to himself. "How did that happen?"

She'd truthfully been the first to know. She'd kept his secret from everyone, including Ginny and Harry, for quite a while before he screwed up and accidentally told them himself. She'd never admitted to anyone that she'd known that whole time either.

"I've been looking all over for you."

Draco's head snapped up at the sound of her voice.

Hermione stood there rubbing her hands up and down her arms. "Why'd you leave?"

He shrugged and quickly cast a warming charm over her as well before pocketing his wand again. "It was your moment. You needed time. Just wanted to give you some space."

She trudged through the frozen grass and took a seat right on his lap. She ran her hands through his hair before gripping his head as she leaned in for a kiss. There was no hesitation before she deepened it, searching for his tongue with her own.

She drank him in as she gave him the most thorough snogging of his life. It was a long minute before she finally pulled away enough to speak with her forehead still pressed against his.

"Oh God…Draco Malfoy, I can't even explain how much I love you right now," she whispered, her breath forming white wisps in the air despite his warming charm. "Ginny told me what you'd done to make this happen. And how you'd planned it."

Draco glanced at her kiss-swollen lips and brushed his hand through her hair, admiring the softness of the honey colored strands for probably the hundredth time.

"I'm just sorry it took so long to get the counter spell right." His mouth turned up into a smirk. "Your magic is ridiculously difficult to undo by the way."

Hermione had the good grace to blush at the compliment and shook her head. "And my parents told me how you'd found them and then filled them in on everything over the past month. Even our turbulent past."

He fought the urge to groan but simply nodded. "Well, they deserved to decide for themselves if their son-in-law was a bastard or not. I admit that your father was none too impressed with the remnants of my dark mark. Though I believe he felt better when I explained how it had faded to a mere outline because of you. I think your mother believes I'm a hopeless romantic though."

She shook her head before wrapping her arms around him again and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you." She kissed his neck and pulled back again. "I actually had another present for you. My dad does want you to have the watch though, by the way."

He laughed and nodded. He reached for her hands now resting on his chest and kissed the knuckles of each before he threaded their fingers. "I'll love anything you give me."

A most peculiar smile graced her mouth. "I'm glad you say that. This present is going to require a lifetime of love and I'm tired of keeping it to myself." She pulled one of her hands back to touch his cheek. "Draco, I'm pregnant."

She caught her lower lip between her teeth nervously as he just stared at her, a blank expression on his face. His eyes roved over her face slowly.

After what felt like eternity, she placed a shaky hand over his heart. "Draco?"

A hand crept behind her neck and pulled her head down to him suddenly. He wasted no time in plundering her mouth hungrily while his hands locked possessively around her.

Hermione was taken off guard but quickly relaxed into his kiss. Every brush of his tongue in her mouth stoked a fire within her that only he would be able to put out later once they were alone and behind closed doors.

Draco finally gentled the kiss, placing a few soft kisses against her lips as he pulled away.

"I suppose I don't have to ask if you're happy about this or not," she laughed breathily.

"You really mean it? We're having a baby," he breathed and pressed one last kiss on her forehead. He and her? She and him? They would be parents together?

Her eyes were watering by now. She felt so honored with the way he chose to lay himself bare for her and her alone.

"Yes, Draco. We're having a baby. The first of two, I'm sure."

"Three," he asked hopefully.

It must have been something evolutionary because the idea of her being pregnant with his child just aroused him immensely. He had the stupid urge to shout the news from the top of his lungs and point: Yeah, I did that! That was me!

She narrowed her eyes playfully. "We'll see. I'm the one who has to carry and give birth to them, you know."

"And I'll be there every step of the way," he promised earnestly.

They returned to the festivities inside the burrow hand-in-hand. They stopped on the fringe of the people all clogging the small space, her parents mixed in talking with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley animatedly as if they'd known each other forever.

"Should we tell everyone," he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

Hermione swallowed and glanced up at him, squeezing his hand in hers. "I'd rather just tell one person and let it carry across the room. I don't much feel like being the center of attention right now."

Draco nodded and lifted their joined hands to kiss her knuckles. "Tell the Potters and I'm sure everyone will know by the end of the night. We might want to start with your parents though."

"As soon as we can pry them away from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. That could take a while. I imagine they're preoccupied answering Mr. Weasley's questions about dentistry."

Hermione didn't get the quiet and private moment she'd imagined. When she was finally able to pull her parents away to tell them, her mother squealed excitedly and drew her into a warm hug, drawing attention around the room. Her father shook Draco's hand and ultimately drew him into a short hug which caused her poor husband immense discomfort despite that he tried not to show it.

"You, too," Ginny shrieked more loudly than her mother did when she pulled her best friend into another hug.

"I couldn't tell you before I had told Draco. I was kind of saving the news for today."

"Congratulations, mate," Harry patted his friend on the back.

Draco nodded with a slight smile, despite that he was beyond exuberant on the inside. His smile quickly fell though and he glanced at his co-worker. "Merlin, I just realized our kids will be born close together. They'll go to school together."

Harry shrugged, not really seeing his point. "Yeah, what's so bad about that?"

"Nothing if we both have the same gender. I have a sneaky suspicion that Hermine's having a girl though. I can't very well have my daughter married to a Potter, now can I?"

Harry rolled his eyes and adjusted his glasses. "First of all, what makes you think my son would even want your daughter? If she ends up looking like you, she's in trouble. And second, how the hell could you possibly know that Hermine's having a girl. She said herself she's only six weeks along."

Draco now had Ginny and Hermione's attention as well and he shrugged sheepishly. "Malfoys have always produced sons. There hasn't been a girl born in the family in at least three generations." He lifted one hand and began counting off on fingers. "I've broken practically all traditions. First, I didn't marry a pureblood witch. Second, she's not blonde. Third, she's a Gryffindor. Only three people in the last four generations haven't been sorted into Slytherin in the entire family."

"So because you've broken all the other traditions you figure we'll have a daughter first," Hermione asked, genuinely curious.

He nodded, "That's my theory. But I don't really care what we have. It's ours. That's all that matters."

Ginny watched, a soft expression on her face as her friend drew her husband into a sweet kiss for his words. She glanced at her own husband and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Why don't you ever say sweet things like that to me?"

"I hate you, Malfoy," Harry groaned when the two pulled apart.

Ginny elbowed him in the ribs quickly. "I just remembered! You owe me; I won our bet."

"What bet," Hermione asked.

Harry's upper lip curled in annoyance. "She bet me you'd be pregnant by Christmas."

Hermione lifted a single eyebrow at her best friend, ignoring her husband's arrogant laughter from behind her. "I'd say serves you right but you're both guilty on this one."

After accepting more congratulations from everyone, even a surprised Ron, Draco and Hermione decided it was time to leave.

Having received special permission from Kingsley himself to travel by apparation tonight, Draco and Hermione took both of her parents home first.

"Now that we've settled in at home again and you've had your Christmas surprise, I expect you and Draco over for dinner tomorrow evening. I won't take no for an answer," her mother demanded with a gentle smile.

Hermione smiled in return and warmed when her mother wrapped her in a heartfelt hug as she pressed a kiss to her temple. She sighed happily and squeezed her mother tightly. She watched Draco and her father shaking hands over her mother's shoulder and felt completely contented for the first time in years.

"You've given us our memories and our daughter back. Now you're giving us a grandchild. I suppose you're alright there, Draco," Mr. Granger smiled pleasantly.

Draco swallowed and grasped the older man's hand tightly, relishing his easy acceptance. He'd been nervous during their initial meeting after he'd restored their memories. How did you tell your father-in-law that you'd once been a bigoted criminal intent on enslaving or killing people like his daughter? However, for whatever reason, they'd been able to see his love for her. He wasn't going to question it.

"Thank you, sir."

"Though I have to say, the next time we travel somewhere with you both, I think I'll prefer to drive. That apparating thing made me feel like I was being turned inside out." He shivered at the memory.

"If it helps," Hermione smiled as she stepped beside Draco, "it feels the same way to us. Perhaps causing a bit less nausea though."

"I'll still be driving," her dad assured her.

With a kiss on the cheek for her father, they waved goodbye and made their way down the quiet street to find a place to apparate home.

Hermione gripped his hand through her own gloved one as they trudged down the snowy sidewalk side by side. She smiled when he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her closer. She wrapped her arms around his waist in response and rested her head against his shoulder, their pace slowing to accommodate the close embrace.

"I spoke with Kingsley before the holiday when I got permission for tonight," he started, "and he's going to see about approving a floo network in their house for you. If they approve it, we can't advertise it of course. You know as well as I do they don't generally allow that sort of thing with muggles, even if they are your parents."

He glanced down when she slowed and stopped walking suddenly. He watched her expectantly, his brow creased with worry.

She shook her head, snow falling from the curls around her shoulders. "Draco, this has been the best Christmas I've ever had." She laughed and the sound was like music to his ears, "I hope you're not very tired because I intend to say 'thank you' for the rest of the night."

Draco's eyes widened at her announcement and he quickly checked their surroundings before drawing her close and apparating them straight into their bedroom.

Hermione cupped his face in her still gloved hands and pressed a warm kiss to his lips. "Sex," she whispered in a low voice, "then presents, then more sex. How does that sound to you, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Like my best Christmas ever!"

He muttered an incantation and the next thing she knew they were both disrobed as he hauled her onto the bed under him.

She laughed merrily and wrapped her arms around his back. "Now I understand why that spell is so handy."

Draco merely growled and quickly covered her lips with his.