
matched by longdistance

couldnt find it on fanfiction . net anymore so I'm uploading a copy i have for those that still want to read it

SpectreOfKaos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

A Whipped Malfoy

Hermione worried her lower lip as she glanced across the Ministry cafeteria Thursday at lunch. Tray in hand, she normally would have headed straight for the table where Draco, Harry, and Ron were seated. She'd sat with them yesterday but hadn't said more than five words the whole twenty minutes it took for her to eat. Given Draco's continued working late this week, she'd been rather short with him.

A part of her felt guilty for it. He'd not technically done anything wrong. She'd been guilty of being a workaholic most of her life, school included, so it wasn't that she didn't understand the need fulfill his duties at work. However, she'd become rather attached to her time with him at home. Their relationship was still somewhat new and the newness of her emotions was drawing her to him constantly.

She was almost jealous of him for having been in love with her for so much longer. He was so much better at loving her than she was him. He was passionate but controlled—perhaps due to being unable to express himself for so long.

There was also the fact that he was being rather tight-lipped about what he was working on which she found a bit unusual. It just didn't sit well with her.

She considered moving to sit with Terry and Dennis from her Department but had the impression that the latter still didn't care for Draco. She really wasn't up for defending him.

So to save face and not be an absolute ass to her husband when he didn't truly deserve it, she sighed and headed for his table anyway.

Harry and Ron looked up as she approached. They both eyed her carefully as she took up the last sit at the four person table, one person now on each side. They exchanged a look before making eye contact with Draco, quickly regretting it.

Draco glared at them both before watching as Hermione settled herself. She'd not really had much to say as she took her coffee and breakfast to go with her that morning, leaving him alone in the kitchen.

When she looked up, she found all three men eyeing her warily, Ron with his fork halfway to his mouth.

"What," she snapped irritably. She was trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy and obviously failing it seemed.

Ron's eyes widened and he started shoveling his lunch into his mouth more intently. Harry shook his head and glared at the blonde wizard across from him. His thoughts were obvious. Fix this.

Draco's lip curled irritably at his co-worker before dissolving into a placid expression. "How was your morning," he asked quietly.

Hermione didn't look up front her lunch she was scraping at but nodded. "It was fine. I have a lot of meetings today. I had two meetings early this morning so I was in a bit of a rush."

He nodded and glanced over at the other two. Both were watching the interaction intently which only served to irritate him further.

"Everything turned out alright," he asked.

She shrugged and finally met his eyes. "Everything was fine, Draco." She turned her attention to Harry next. "I finished going over the case you gave me this morning, Harry. Given that it's magical creatures in question, I approved the warrant to inspect the Pritchard's Potion Company. Based on what you gave me, the evidence certainly points to misuse of owls for testing purposes. I'd recommend you take Angelina and Draco." She tipped her head at her husband. "The Pritchard's are known Pureblood sympathizers so they'll likely be more forthcoming with him and they won't expect anything sneaky of Angelina given that the oldest Pritchard has a reputation for being a bit of a misogynist."

Harry nodded and offered her a sincere smile. "Thanks, we'll get right on it then."

Ron interrupted the serious talk with chatter about the upcoming Chudley Cannons game Luna had gotten him tickets to which was an appreciated distraction. Draco half-listened to the babbling redhead but was also observing his wife.

Her dissatisfaction with him seemed more controlled today and he hated it. He almost would have rather that she were openly upset with him than this display of silence. The fact that she was upset at all by his sudden work distractions gave him a sense of pride in her affection for him but he also hated it. He didn't like the idea of being on her bad side; seeing how she'd kept the other two dunderheads she called friends in line over the years.

Truthfully, he'd always been a bit leery of her bad side since she slapped him third year.

After roughly fifteen minutes of Ron's babbling, Hermione finished her lunch and stood to discard her tray. She accidentally bumped into another body as she dumped the remains of her lunch in the bin.

"Oh, sorry," she mumbled.

"No apologies necessary."

She nearly groaned aloud when she realized it was Cormac McLaggen she'd had the unfortunate luck of bumping into. She forced a polite smile and attempted to pass him but he stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I hate to pry…"


"But I can't help but notice how horrible Draco still is. Have you been alright?"

Hermione shivered uncomfortably with his fingertips still grazing her shoulder and jerked back slightly. "Pardon?"

He shrugged, smiling down at her sympathetically. "Well, I saw him hex Seamus just this morning for flicking crumbled up bits of parchment at him in our department meeting. He's a bit violent, if you ask me. I know I'm not the only who's been concerned for you."

She lifted an indignant eyebrow and narrowed her gaze at him as she folded her arms over her chest. She glanced discreetly at the table where her husband was still seated and noticed Harry watching secretly, trying to distract Draco whose back was to the scene.

Merlin knew if he saw what was happening he'd likely hex Cormac's right arm off. He was a well-known sleaze and had always had a particular liking for Hermione, though she'd never reciprocated. The nerve of the man to be so obviously close to her when he was married just a month or so ago.

"I don't believe my marriage is any of your concern, Cormac," she spat.

"Even when I hear he's been neglecting you lately? I know a few people who believe he was only happy about this marriage bit because you've improved his reputation." He shrugged casually and lowered his voice. "I mean…we can't really forget that he was a Death Eater after all."

And that set her off.

She scoffed haughtily, resisting the urge to reach for her wand to hex him. "Oh yes, let's all go back to that shall we? That's all he is then…my big, bad Death Eater husband. You ignorant, vile prick!"

Her nostrils flared as she took an angry breath and turned on heel without another word. How dare that man stick his nose in her marriage!

She stomped back towards the table where she'd left her bag and roughly grabbed Draco's face with both hands, surprising the poor man, before she pressed a harsh but hot kiss to his mouth. She counted to ten as she kissed him slowly before pulling back gently.

Draco watched, half-dazed as she grabbed her bag and stomped out of the cafeteria. He spotted a scowling Cormac staring at their table and then took in the buzzing of murmurs over the straggling lunch crowd. He curled his lip at the other wizard irritably before turning back to his other co-workers.

"What in Merlin's name just happened," he asked.

He wasn't complaining about the kiss. Hell! She hadn't kissed him in nearly two days. She'd slept with her back to him but hadn't protested when he'd wrapped his arms around her after getting into bed when he finally arrived home.

Ron lowered his fork and nearly lost interest in the chocolate cake on his plate. "I could be wrong," he started slowly, "but I think she was making some sort of point to McLaggen about you…or maybe your marriage. Sleazy git."

Draco quirked an eyebrow and nodded. "We can agree on that last bit at least."


"Say what you want but I think you're pissed at him."

Hermione frowned at her friend but didn't argue. She'd asked Ginny over Friday evening after realizing that Draco was going to work late…again. Whatever it was that he was trying to finish even Harry didn't know about it. She'd felt completely dirty and underhanded by going to her husband's direct supervisor, despite that he was also her best friend, but she had to know. Perhaps, she really was a know-it-all.

"I'm not pissed, Ginny."

Ginny lifted a questioning eyebrow as she watched her friend stab her fork into her Chinese takeout container.

"You sure? Because that poor chicken didn't do anything to you."

Hermione groaned and nearly reached for her wand to hex the witch. "I'm not angry. I'm…confused."

"And disappointed?"

"Slightly, yes," she nodded honestly.

Ginny shook her head as she chewed a bite and finally smiled. "He's spoiled you."

"What are you on about," she mumbled around a bite of food.

Normally, she'd have taken more care not to talk with her mouth full but it was just the two of them. Ron and Harry had taken off to have a few drinks when they'd declared it girls' night only. They were in their most comfortable pajamas which included Hermione's baggy sweatpants and a small, worn Gryffindor shirt.

"He's spoiled you by constantly being at your beck and call these past few months. Not that it's been hard to do as he hasn't had many friends over the years but he's spent all of his free time with you and now that he has something pulling on his extra time, you're don't particularly like it."

"Oh, that's just silly." She waved a hand and tried to make it sincere.

"Is it? I'm not saying feeling that way is wrong and I imagine the part of you that hates lies has its hackles up but he hasn't lied, has he?"

"Nobody knows what he's working on. It's a bit suspicious is all."

Ginny stared at her for a moment and a slow smirk formed on her lips. "You even asked Hannah because she works in the Experimental Charms Department, didn't you?"

Hermione's mouth dropped indignantly before she snapped it shut and flung a piece of carrot from her fried rice at her. "Oh, shut it!"

Ginny merely rolled her eyes and mixed her food up a bit. "Fine. Just know it's fine to be a little jealous of his work. I imagine if you tell him, he'll be thrilled."

She eyed her incredulously. "He'll be thrilled that I'm jealous not to have all of his free time focused on me? Are you mental?"

She shrugged and chewed a bite of her food. "Not mental. I just know your husband. He'd love it if you were jealous. Some things about Malfoy haven't changed and even though he doesn't indulge it often, he still likes having his ego stroked."

Hermione scowled and turned her gaze to the carton in her hands. "He gets enough of that; trust me."

Though they hadn't had sex in a few of days and it was beginning to wear on her. It was a bit alarming since she'd never figured she'd care so much about physical intimacy.

A single eyebrow ticked up on the redhead's forehead and she grinned. "Is that a bedroom reference from Hermione Granger herself? You've been rather tightlipped about the happenings behind closed doors, you know. I've told you all about me and Harry."

"Not that I've asked," she retorted quickly.

"What's the big deal? We all know men talk about it, why can't we?"

"It's because it's you and Harry, who happens to be my best friend. Not exactly the type of thing I want to know about him. Draco's not your best friend so I imagine it doesn't disturb you like it does me."

"All the better reason to share," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Come on! I bet he's good, isn't he? I'd have heard you complaining probably if he weren't. And not to make you self-conscious again but I heard the way you screamed his name that night Harry and I stayed over. It sure sounded good."

Hermione shook her head at the excited expression on her face and groaned. She always caved. "Not that I have anything to compare him to but…very good. Beyond good really. Bleeding fantastic."

"Figures," Ginny grinned. She laughed at the surprised look her friend gave her and shrugged. "What? I love Harry to bits and we have a wonderful sex life but I'm not blind. Malfoy is an attractive bloke and knowing how madly in love with you he is there was no doubt in my mind he'd be nothing less than a 10."

Hermione flushed a bit but didn't argue. "I honestly didn't know it could be that good. Even the first time."

Both women jumped when a loud crack resounded through the room and Draco appeared in the living room doorway a few moments later.

The wizard completely ignored Ginny sitting at the end of the sofa opposite Hermione and dropped his robes and briefcase. He crossed to stand over her and braced both hands on the back of the sofa behind her head as he leaned down without a word to kiss his wife hotly, not caring one whit about the teasing wolf whistle from the redheaded witch.

He was satisfied with her surprised whimper and delighted that she allowed him to kiss her so openly, especially considering that he knew she'd not been happy with him lately.

He admired the dazed look his wife gave him when he pulled back and smirked. "I finished. No more late nights."

Hermione nodded wordlessly, a deep blush creeping up her cheeks when he kissed her forehead and stood up straight.

"Ginny," he nodded finally in greeting. He turned his attention back to his wife. "I'm going to change. Hopefully, one of you has saved me some of that takeout."

Ginny grinned after he'd disappeared up the stairs. "Perhaps you're right. Maybe he doesn't need his ego verbally stroked if that's how you react when he kisses you."

"Oh, I hate you," she glowered at her.

The witch smirked as she disposed of her empty carton with a flick of her wand. "Maybe for the moment but I get the distinct feeling that you're going to have the sense shagged right out of you soon enough."

As if on cue, Draco rounded the corner into the room again, dressed in pajama bottoms and one of those too-snug white t-shirts Hermione was so fond of on him.

Ginny could hardly contain her exuberant and knowing grin as she edged towards the fireplace. It was late and with any luck, Harry would be home for some action of her own.

"Enjoy," she chirped before ducking into the floo.

Draco quirked a curious eyebrow as he took up the spot next to his wife and reached for her fork to steal a bite. "What's she on about?"

Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ginny being Ginny."

He accepted the carton of food when she pressed it into his hands and kissed her cheek in thanks. "I'm really sorry about this week but I promise I'm done."

She watched as he finished the carton while gnawing on her lower lip. "Was I that obvious?"

"That you were upset?" He huffed out a laugh and nodded. "A bit. You weren't outright angry but you seemed disappointed which was almost worse. But I can't say I wouldn't be if it were the other way around. I was just thankful you cared enough to be bothered about it."

Not caring anymore what project he'd been worrying over, she scooted to straddle his lap when he set the empty carton down and pressed her mouth to his in a slow kiss.

Damn it all to hell, she didn't care anymore. She just wanted him all to herself. If anyone had told her when she'd first received that letter from the Ministry that this would be the result, she'd have laughed herself silly. How could it be that she'd not only married the boy who'd teased her relentlessly growing up but that he'd been the one to fall in love with her first? How was it that that his sarcasm and dry wit used to anger her and now they amused her greatly?

As he kissed her deeply, one hand cupping her rear and the other tangled in her curls at the back of her head, she didn't care. She wanted all that he was and was ever so thankful that they'd been matched.

And if the way he bucked his hips against her told her anything, he'd give her exactly what she wanted.

Draco accidentally bit her lower lip when she rolled her hips against him in response but she didn't seem to mind at all. He felt her warm lips trailing from his mouth and across his jaw just below his ear where she nipped his earlobe.

"Bed…now, Draco," she whispered.

She didn't have to tell him twice!


"Merlin, this is going to take forever," Hermione moaned as she and Draco stepped out of the Leaky Cauldron and onto the London streets the next morning. "And it's freezing!"

Draco shrugged and took her arm as they joined the bustling foot traffic. They'd celebrated him finishing his project late into the night and yet she'd still woken him early to go shopping.

Yet he hadn't complained. He was getting sex again and his wife wasn't upset with him. He was as happy as a baby pygmy puff.

Hermione hadn't been able to stay upset with him really. She'd missed him. Seeing him only in the morning and at work just didn't satisfy her. She missed having dinner with him, reading with him, and hearing his sarcastic remarks about his day. Spending the evening alone and getting into a cold bed just wasn't something she was willing to revert back to anymore.

"I already finished my Christmas shopping. It's you who's running behind."

She glared up at her husband but didn't respond. It was terribly uncharacteristic of her to ever be behind in anything but between work and her navigating their marriage lately, she just hadn't been able to get the early start she normally would have. With less than three weeks to go she was finished shopping for him, but she still had practically everyone else left on her list.

"Draco, could you slow down a bit? God, I'm a fair bit shorter than you and you're practically sprinting."

He glanced down at their feet to see her booted feet struggling to keep up and slowed his pace. "Not my fault you're tiny. Didn't the muggles feed you well growing up?"

"Ugh, you're horrible," she laughed when she saw his playful smirk. Somehow his teasing had become something she enjoyed. It was his odd way of showing his affection for her.

Draco shrugged but didn't disagree. "Yes, that's me. Your big, bad death eater husband who tortures you day and night."

After their third round in the shower last night, she'd explained the events at lunch the day before, much to his dissatisfaction. One more toe out of line and she imagined Draco was going to give that man a broken nose, sans wand.

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully and stepped closer when another couple passed too closely on the sidewalk and nearly bumped into them.

"Torture in the bedroom possibly," she finally muttered, thinking he hadn't heard.

Draco's smirk grew as he looked straight ahead at the store they'd been looking for today. "That could be arranged again tonight," he responded loud enough for her to hear.

She hit his stomach with the back of her hand and nearly stumbled as he suddenly changed their direction to walk across the street towards the store.

"Terrible man," she accused.

"And yet still yours. Terrible luck you've had in this marriage. Someone should really write to the Ministry."

"Oh behave, would you? I need your help picking out presents for the Weasleys."

A teenage boy wearing a Santa hat sat outside the department store ringing a bell with a red pail that people were dropping change into. Draco slowed their steps as they approached.

He leaned down to whisper, "I've always wondered what that bit was about. I've seen them out this time of year before and just followed suit. Didn't want to draw attention to myself. What are they about?"

Hermione smiled as she watched him withdraw his wallet and take a few pounds out to drop in the pail. The boy smiled at them and nodded as he rang his bell.

She waited until they were in the warmth of the department store to respond and reached to take his hand as she led them in the direction she wanted to start.

"It's a charity. They collect all year round but this time of year especially. The red pails are somewhat iconic."

Draco nodded and allowed her to pull him along behind her. "Kind of figured but I wasn't sure."

"What do you think about a new radio for Mr. Weasley? Ron suggested it when I asked. Said the old one is beyond even magical repair."

He leaned against the shelf as she perused the different options and nodded. "If Weasley recommended it then I suppose it's a safe bet." He stepped closer to look at the model she was inspecting and pointed to the one next to it. "What about that one?"

She glanced up at him curiously. "This one has all the features he'd use. Why that one?"

He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "It costs a bit more. I thought it might be better quality."

"Ever the Malfoy," she snickered to herself and chose the one she'd originally picked out. Arthur Weasley had no use for a USB port.

"What's that mean," he asked as he followed her down the aisle.

"You've always been concerned with having the best of the best, Draco. Shall we revisit your speech about the new brooms your father bought the Slytherin quidditch team second year?"

Hermione glanced over her shoulder when he groaned and rolled his head back. "Fine, point taken. I'm an elitist prat. I need to have the best of everything, including you."

"Me?" She handed him the radio to hold and walked in the direction of kitchen accessories, intending to buy Mrs. Weasley all new mixing bowls.

"The most intelligent, most courageous, and most beautiful," he scoffed at himself, "Hermione, I wanted more than I deserved and Merlin only knows why it was given to me."

Hermione stopped with her hands on a particularly nice set and slowly turned to him. She had that look in her eyes which usually silenced him immediately. She was pleased that he even swallowed nervously.

"Draco, we've been over this already and I thought we were moving past it. You deserve everything you have, me included. It wouldn't have happened this way if it weren't meant to be. I know it's going to take some more time for you to get over these issues but you have to keep trying."

Draco merely stared at her for a moment, his grey eyes softening a bit under her scrutiny. He shifted the radio in his arms as he reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear on the side that wasn't pinned back.

"Merlin help our children because I think you've already got 'the look'."

It took her a moment before her expression softened and she laughed softly before turning back to the bowls. "Why do I get the feeling it will be you helping them into the trouble that earns them my 'look'?"

"Ever the Malfoy," he echoed her with a smirk.

Draco watched with complete amazement as Hermione found present after present with ridiculous speed and efficiency. By lunch time they were finished and she'd crossed everyone off her list, including small gifts for those in her office.

"Did you really have to buy that Creevey git something," Draco asked as they stepped back onto the sidewalk.

Hermione gripped his bicep to guide him through the foot traffic, both of his arms laden with her packages. She ducked them into a secluded side alley and glanced around them before pulling her wand from her pocket and quickly miniaturizing her purchases to fit into his coat pocket.

"That's better," she smiled in satisfaction. "And yes, I did. I realize you two don't get along but that doesn't mean I can treat him differently from the rest, Draco. I'm still his direct supervisor."

Draco curled his upper lip in a slight snarl. "Boot likes me well enough these days. I'll get him to go after him and get him off my case."

"They were just all concerned, Draco." She shook her head and reached for his hand to pull him back into the brisk bustle on the street. "We need to find lunch. You're getting peevish."

Draco bristled at her comment and gave her an odd look. "I get irritable so you decide to feed me?"

She bit her lip, fighting a smirk similar to the one he often sported. "It's either that or sex and the latter would be inappropriate right now."

He huffed but allowed her to pull him along down the sidewalk. He was terribly whipped and he didn't care even the least bit. As far as he was concerned, he was the luckiest bastard in the entire wizarding world—muggle, too.

"I don't fancy myself an exhibitionist so I suppose I'll concede to your food solution. I am hungry after all."

"I know. I heard your stomach growling when we were in the housewares section. Will a sandwich suffice?" She was already eyeing the deli across the street excitedly. It was her favorite and she hadn't had much opportunity to eat there since they'd married and she moved out of her nearby flat.

"Is it one of those fancy muggle sandwiches with all of the toppings and odd breads?"

Hermione snorted suddenly and nodded. "I suppose so. I've never really heard them described that way." True, she'd never seen a wizarding restaurant specializing in sandwiches so it must have been something special to him.

Draco nodded decidedly and spotted the restaurant she was intent on. "I like those sandwiches. I like the different breads in particular."

Her brow furrowed but she didn't have a chance to respond until they crossed the street. "Ever the surprise with you, Draco. If only your teenage self could see you now."

He shrugged one shoulder and reached for the door to open it for them before ushering her in first. "I find I quite like being out with you in the muggle world," he confided quietly as they waited to be seated. "No one knows me here. They aren't talking behind my back or trying to pick a fight with me."

Hermione squeezed his hand as they followed the host to a quiet booth near the windows. "The rest of the wizarding world will come around, Draco. I won't rest until they do," she smiled as she eyed her menu.

Draco shook his head, an amused expression in his eyes. "I'd be happy if you could just get Finnigan off my case. That nutter is annoying. Everyone else is just a random nuisance."

Having made her choice, she set her menu aside and watched him. She'd nearly forgotten what it was like sitting across from him at the restaurant in Diagon Alley that first time. He'd surprised her then and continued to do so on a daily basis. If only she could have known then what she knew now.

He was perfect. For her at least. It was odd to realize it but she was perfectly happy with him.

"Have people been worse to you since we married," she asked after a quiet moment. He seemed overwhelmed by his sandwich choices. He shrugged without looking up and she sighed. He still didn't like to share his internal battles with her. Not easily anyway. "Because of me?"

Draco finally pointed at an item, satisfied with his choice and looked up. "Hermione, the wizarding world still sees you as a hero. They see me as the bit of filth they were able to polish up a bit and keep around without tarnishing the rest of them. It's natural that everyone would be protective of you." He shook his head, looking somewhat amused. "I mean, even I was confused when I received the letter that day. Why the hell would they match you with an ex-Death Eater? Even you know it didn't make sense."

She sighed, conceding to his point. "Well, we'll just have to keep showing them that they're wrong. Iwas wrong about you." She bit her lip, her smile peeking through. "You've made me happier than I've been in a very long time, Draco."

He arched a single eyebrow. "Why do you say things like that when there's a table between us and I can't kiss you properly?" He shook his head and stood, leaning over the table and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

Their server approached just as he seated himself again, a shy smile on her lips as she looked on approvingly. They both gave her their orders and handed their menus back.

"Are you sure you're up for that sandwich you chose," Draco asked hesitantly. "I know you were sick early this morning."

She couldn't deny that her retching had woken him at five that morning, only a few short hours after they'd finally gone to sleep. Her roiling stomach had woken her and she dashed off to the bathroom without a word. But he'd gotten out of bed as any good husband would and held her hair back. Seeing her sick had apparently disturbed him a little more than she'd realized.

Hermione nodded though and sipped her water. "I'm fine. I promise. That Chinese last night didn't sit well with me."

"Didn't bother me," he shrugged.

She shook her head with an impish smile. "Of course not. You're not that much different from Ron in that respect. I think you're a bottomless pit."

He crossed his arms over his chest childishly. "That's neither a fair assessment nor a flattering comparison. And you eat like a bird."

"I eat until I'm sufficiently full, Draco."

"Here you are," their server interrupted the banter and placed their plates down in front of them. "Anything else I can get for you right now?"

She smiled when they shook their heads and thanked her before she was off to check other tables.

Draco eyed his sandwich hungrily and glanced at her plate. "Well if you don't finish your lunch, I'll be glad to help with the job."

Hermione pulled her plate closer protectively. "I don't intend to overeat considering we have company joining us for dinner tonight but hands off my food, Malfoy."

He ignored her and bit into his sandwich, sauce running down his hand in the process. If his mother were here to see his lack of decorum she'd likely scream.

He'd never forget the first meal he'd eaten alone after Hogwarts. He'd traveled to muggle London for his Muggle Studies class and found a random sandwich restaurant. His nerves nearly kept him from going inside but a kind, older muggle held the door for him expectantly with a smile so he'd had no choice.

He'd ordered the largest, messiest looking sandwich on the menu and enjoyed it at a booth by himself in contented silence. It had been the best sandwich he'd ever had. The wizarding world had no idea the world of options in sandwich making.

After practically inhaling his food, Draco waited patiently as Hermione finished hers. When she noticed him eyeing the pickle on her plate, she'd merely rolled her eyes and gave it to him.

"I have to admit, I've missed you this week," Hermione commented as they left the restaurant.

Draco cringed but tried not to show it. He was both thrilled and still very sorry for having neglected her, particularly when she wanted him around. He'd never imagined it would be possible.

He wrapped his right arm around her slender shoulders and tucked her close to his side as they walked together, thrilled inside with how she leaned into his embrace.

"I'm still sorry about that. I'll make it up to you," he promised.

She smiled up at him mischievously, "I know you will."

They returned home to get ready for the dinner Hermione had wrapped them into hosting two weeks ago. Draco hadn't been exactly thrilled about the idea but she'd argued in favor of him being a bit more social. The only people outside of her who'd really ever stepped foot in his house for a social call were the Potters. Having Ron and Neville and their respective wives over wasn't exactly thrilling.

After a solo shower which hadn't been his preference either, Draco stepped into the kitchen in a fresh pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater. Bitsy had spoons stirring magically in two different pots as she iced a cake while standing on a stool.

"Just finishing, Master Draco," she grinned at him.

Draco took a spoon from a drawer and tasted the soup. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Bitsy. Will you be staying to join us?"

She beamed up at him as she spread the last bit of chocolate icing. "Bitsy would be delighted, sir. Only for an hour or so. Bitsy has another date."

He slid his hands into his pockets, one pale eyebrow arched. "I should meet this other elf sometime. Make sure he's worth his stuffing."

"Draco, stop being overbearing," Hermione chided as she entered the kitchen. She'd showered and changed as well into jeans and a long sweater.

"What? I'm just being a concerned employer and besides…she's family," he muttered quietly.

Bitsy beamed proudly but didn't comment as she knew how far Draco had come on his views of house elves. She'd been with the Malfoy family her entire life.

Hermione bit her lip to hide her smile and merely nodded.

"Everything looks lovely, Bitsy, and smells even better."

"Thank you, Mistress Hermione."

"Is there anything we can help with?"

"No, no! Bitsy enjoys cooking most of all."

Draco nodded and took his wife by the shoulders and guided her to the living room. "Haven't you learned by now not to interrupt her cooking? Seriously, I once offered to finish a pot of spaghetti and I thought she'd implode trying to hold it in," he laughed.

Hermione sighed as they stepped fully into the room. "As long as she's happy and I believe she is."

She approached their Christmas tree which they'd bought two weeks ago. Draco didn't have any decorations and claimed not to have put up a tree for the last seven years which Hermione found positively unacceptable. She'd pulled her decorations out of the box she'd miniaturized them into and had made him decorate with her.

He'd claimed his reward in bed that night and enjoyed their first adventure with her taking control of their nighttime escapades. He found that every time she rolled her hips, his eyes rolled back into his head in response. He vowed to let her be on top any time she wanted in the future.

"We still have to put the star on, Draco." She pulled her wand from her pocket and with a gentle flick sent the glass star, the one she'd taken from her parents' home, out of the box and placed it delicately on top of the tree. She pocketed her wand with a smile and turned to find him staring at her. "Something wrong?"

Draco shook his head and approached her slowly. "I know there's still a bit of time until Christmas but I had one present that I wanted to give you early if you want it."

She smiled at him, "Sure, though I have to admit I'm making you wait for all of yours."

"That's fine."

He ducked out of the room for a moment and she heard the library doors slide open and closed. Apparently, that was one of his hiding places. Odd considering that she was in there regularly. He returned a few moments later with a long but thin black box.

Her eyes narrowed on it as she was sure she'd seen it in there before but never thought anything of it. He'd placed a single red bow on the box and was fingering it gently.

"I've had this for some time now. Much longer than I care to admit. It doesn't work but I had it restored for appearances a while back. Seemed wrong not to save it."

With a deep breath, he handed her the box and quickly stuffed his hand in his pockets to await her reaction. She touched the box and gently lifted the lid from it. She gasped at what she saw.

Inside lay her first wand. The one she'd had taken from her by the Snatchers just before she, Harry, and Ron had been taken to Malfoy Manor. The one Bellatrix LeStrange believed she'd not been worthy of.

She ran her fingertips over the vine design noting the places where it had been cracked and then repaired. Apparently they'd snapped it in two and obviously disposed of it while she'd been taken captive within the manor.

She could feel the remnants of magic pulsing inside, weak, but alive. It would never cast spells again but it seemed to recognize her ownership.

"How," she whispered.

Draco licked his lips, not entirely certain of her reaction. "One of those idiot Snatchers snapped it in two and dropped it while…well…I found it after Dobby had apparated you lot out of there. Kept it in my pocket for the longest time." He reached up to scratch the back of his neck in a nervous gesture. "I don't know. It felt like a part of you. I planned to return it to you one day but I didn't really know how without you thinking I was a complete nutter."

She still hadn't taken her eyes from it yet and finally took it from the box he'd stored it in. While her current wand, purchased from Mr. Ollivander as a special favor once he restarted work and just before returning for her seventh year, fit her perfectly and felt just right in her hands—this wand was special. It represented the moment that her magic finally felt real and made sense.

"Who repaired it?"

"Would you believe Ollivander himself did it?" He shook his head when her brown eyes met his suddenly. "The man was bloody nervous when I walked in there all by myself over the holiday break seventh year. I explained the bare bones of what had happened and that I planned to return it to you as a keepsake of sorts. He assumed I was doing it as a penance and I didn't bother to correct him. I guess he was partially right."

Hermione reverently placed her old wand in the box and covered it with the lid gently before setting it on the shelf near the windows. She approached him slowly and placed her hands on his chest before she lifted herself on her toes to kiss him.

Draco sighed into the kiss, relieved that she wasn't upset. He lifted one hand to her face and tangled his fingers in her curls, the other sliding around her waist to pull her closer so there wasn't any space left between them.

So lost in each other, neither one heard the flames of their floo nearby, only becoming aware that they weren't alone when there was another set of voices.

"Damn it, not again," Harry grumbled. "Knock it off, you two! I'm sick of walking in on you snogging everywhere."

He'd caught them in a rare kiss at work the week before their little spat when he'd opened Draco's office door without knocking. He knew he'd never get the image of Hermione sitting across Draco's lap and her tongue running the length of the blonde's neck out of his mind.

Their mouths separated slowly and Draco turned a glare on his co-worker as he pulled her even tighter against him.

"Did I complain to you every time I caught you nutters snogging after you were married?"

Harry and Ginny shared a look before turning back to him. "Yes," they answered simultaneously.

He rolled his eyes and curled his lip in a snarl when Hermione detached herself from him and turned to face their friends. The flames roared again before she could say anything and Ron and Luna stepped out to join the others.

"Who's pissed in your orange juice, Malfoy," Ron quipped when he saw the look on the blonde's face.

Draco crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance and mentally counted to ten.

Everyone watched with mild amusement as Luna tugged on Ron's arm and muttered a soft rebuke. "That's really not very nice, Ron."

"No," he laughed good-naturedly as he turned a smile on his wife, "But it's appropriate."

"Goodness," Hermione sighed. "I'm going to separate you two."

"It'd be more entertaining to let them play it out," Harry grinned as he wiped his glasses from the floo.

"Shut up, Harry," Ginny smacked the back of his head.

"Bloody hell," Harry groaned. "Malfoy, tell me you've got something to drink and somewhere to hide me."

He ignored the glare from his wife and gave his co-worker a pointed look. Draco rolled his eyes but nodded and led them off towards the library.

"If any of you spill alcohol on my new set of books, I'll hex you lot into next year," Hermione called after them.

"Why are we married again," Ginny smirked.

"Because the Ministry hates us," Hermione sighed.

"We heard that!"

Shaking her head, Luna swiftly cast a silencing charm on the living room and smiled happily. "That should do it."

Neville and Hannah arrived shortly and Hermione sent him down the hall to the library without so much as an explanation. Neville was a bit confused but did as he was told. After all, he'd never forgotten the one time first year that he'd tried to stand up to her.

Bitsy brought in a bottle of wine and Ginny poured everyone a glass, the house elf included. They all insisted that she enjoy a tiny taste before rushing off to her date.

"Wow, this is lovely," Hannah smiled after her first sip.

Hermione smirked as she swirled her glass. "One of the perks of being married to a Malfoy."

"He's always had good taste in wine," Ginny agreed. "Always brings the best selection to the Christmas party every year."

"Master Draco has a whole wine cellar full of vintage bottles," Bitsy supplied.

"How did I not know this as long as I've been here now," Hermione asked curiously.

"It's awfully dark and cold down there. Master Draco told me specifically not to let you go down there, Mistress."

Hermione silently surmised he must have thought it would remind her of the manor.

Ginny gave her a secretive smile. Just another mark of how long he'd been taking care of her even when she hadn't realized it.

"Is Malfoy a romantic," Hannah asked, her voice a bit incredulous.

Hermione merely shrugged and was thankful when Bitsy chose that moment to exclaim she was late. She knew he wasn't super comfortable showing his feelings to anyone but her.

"Most sorry, Mistress Hermione," she apologized as she stood.

She waved her hand casually and smiled. The longer she'd been living here it was becoming a tiny bit easier to control her urge to have the elf drop the whole 'Mistress' business. "Enjoy your date, Bitsy."

With a loud pop, the house elf was gone and the four women fell back into conversation. Unfortunately for Hermione, the distraction didn't prove helpful.

"Well," Hannah prodded again.

"I bet he's ever so romantic just for you but doesn't like anyone else to know. I've heard rumors," Luna added, a dreamy smile on her lips. "I was just talking to Neville about it the other day between classes."

Hermione fought the urge to groan in frustration. Luna had taken a teaching position for Care of Magical Creatures as Hagrid had been asked to undertake massive negotiations amongst the centaurs and other magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Her meeting with that centaur a few months back had proven that there was unrest in regards to territories.

She sighed and chewed her lower lip for a moment. "Draco is…private."

"And hot in the pants for her," Ginny snickered as she sipped her wine, a knowing smirk on her lips.

"Couldn't we discuss something else," Hermione complained and threw a pillow from her armchair at her friend.

Hannah nodded and turned her attention to Luna. "Good idea. How about Ron and Luna then? How's that going," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Luna didn't even flush as she shrugged her shoulders. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. A physical relationship is natural amongst all couples. If we're supposed to have children, it's the only way."

Hermione and Ginny locked eyes for a moment. It was one of those odd moments when Luna made more sense than she should.

"But he's not shirked away from my advances so I suppose that's good. He seems to rather like me on top."

"And I think that's about as much as I can stomach hearing about my brother's love life," Ginny shook her head.

A timer went off in the kitchen and Hermione thanked God for the excuse to move away from the subject entirely. "Dinner's ready. Someone want to get those nutters we call husbands?"

Hannah volunteered and made her way down the hall to the library. She knocked before sliding the doors open and found them all huddled around a desk, their backs to her.

"What are you lot up to in here?"

All four whirled around quickly, looking semi-guilty.

"Just discussing one of Malfoy's Christmas presents for Hermione," Neville answered.

Draco nudged him in the ribs with his elbow roughly.

Hannah rolled her eyes and pointed a thumb over her shoulder. "Whatever it is, it will have to wait. Dinner is ready."

Neville and Ron nodded and followed her eagerly out of the room. Harry stopped Draco with a hand on his shoulder and held him back.

"It seems you've sorted out whatever was going on between you and Hermione."

Draco crossed his arms over his chest. "And?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him. "And while you and I have reconciled our differences some time ago, Hermione's still my closest friend. She was clearly upset over you working late this week and even went so far as to ask me about it." He watched the way the blonde's eyes widened considerably in concern. "Of course, I have no idea what the Experimental Charms department has you work on so I didn't have anything to tell her."

Draco relaxed a bit and nodded. "Thanks, Potter."

Harry scoffed and shook his head. "We've discussed this before—Hermione hates dishonestly and this feels especially like we're walking into that territory. You'll find yourself in St. Mungo's and I'll likely find myself in the bed next to yours. What's this about?"

Draco swallowed and shook his head. "Classified. I'm not at liberty to discuss it until it goes public."

"You're not doing something that will hurt her, are you?"

"Of course not!" He looked particularly offended that Harry would even think him capable.

He stared at him for a moment in slight surprise. "Alright then, I'll drop it. Just take better care not to shut her out if at all possible."

Draco nodded and they quickly joined the others before their absence could be remarked on. Ginny, intuitive as always, gave Harry a questioning look. She dropped it though when he merely shook his head.

Hermione set the table with a flick of her wand as Draco brought the food zooming just after everything.

"You're not going to make me do a toast or some other sentimental thing, are you," he whispered in her ear as they took their seats.

"I wouldn't dare torment you that way," she smiled back.

"Who knew you could cook so well, Malfoy," Ron jibed after he tasted the food.

Hermione shot a gentle warning look in her friend's direction. "Bitsy cooked tonight but he is perfectly capable, Ron. Can you say the same thing?"

Ron had the good grace to flush a little and avoided answering, opting to stuff his face in traditional Ron fashion.

Draco smirked as he sipped his wine. He never imagined a day when Hermione Granger would be taking his side in anything over one of her best friends. He might be entirely selfless in regards to her but he was still a Slytherin. Personal ambition and all that jazz.

"I didn't know you cooked," Neville noted with a friendly smile.

Draco shrugged and focused on his plate. "I got bored seventh year. Found myself in the kitchens a lot."

Ron choked on an overly large bite of roasted chicken. "You learned to cook from the house elves?"

He narrowed his eyes at the redhead and pointed his fork at him. "You know somewhere else I should have learned from, Weasley? It was a rough year, alright? They didn't judge me and they let me eat in peace."

Hermione placed a hand on his arm and gently lowered it. She was well aware that hardly anyone talked to him and most shirked away from his presence seventh year. Some feared him, others merely hated him. There hadn't been much middle ground.

"Dinner is lovely," Ginny complimented with a tight grin.

Hermione shot her a thankful look for shifting the focus of the conversation.

"Ron's learning to cook actually," Luna supplied with a pleasant smile. "It's a work in progress though. The bacon was burnt this morning."

"Luna," Ron murmured, quickly turning red in the face.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, Ron," Harry grinned, clearly trying not to laugh.

"I actually took some cooking lessons from the elves when I started teaching Herbology," Neville added thoughtfully. "Did Tilly ever teach you her recipe for chocolate tarts?"

Draco nodded quickly. "Merlin, yes! Those things are sinful. Haven't made any in ages though."

"Why haven't you made those for me," Hermione asked quickly.

He cringed at what he'd just revealed; chocolate was her favorite after all. "I honestly kind of forgot about them. I'll make some this week though if you'd like."

Ron snickered to himself as he cut his chicken. "Hermione's got Malfoy whipped."

"Ron," Luna cautioned softly.

Draco rolled his eyes and glanced at his wife. "And I'm the only one at this table who's whipped?"

Hermione snorted and shook her head, not daring to make eye contact with anyone else. "Hardly," she agreed.