
Chapter 2 - Good O'Days

Tanya Degurechaff POV - Imperial Capital Bern, somewhere - 1920, 11th of February - ??:?? ??

"Sorry, that's not an equivalent compensation to garbage like you"

As Oswald told him, he did a vexed expression

The Boy then attempted to strike Oswald with the Other hand which was available, but before the punch reaches him, Oswald loosens his grip on the other hand, then he grasps the incoming punch, then lay it on his back to shoulder as the boy's elbow bends.

Oswald then flipped him, he was so high, he was upside down as his hand was held by Oswald's hands as if he was flying and performed a deep sounding <*THUD!*>

The boy then fainted from the pain and fear of heights as he lay on the earth twitching as his iris, pupil disappeared

He then turned around and smiled "Soo- who's next?"

"Eeek-kk!" They shrieked as they ran as fast as their legs can take them

"Haha- they're funny"

I look at him puzzled "When did you learn to fight Nii-san"

He looked at me and smirked "I trained privately to surprise my sister, and to protect you, of course, Tanya-chan ~"

I looked at him "Well it was certainly impressive Nii-san, you know I can defend myself" I giggled.

He then walked toward me and hold me on the head, he then kissed my forehead as he smiled which can make any girl fall in love

"I just couldn't help it, he tried to hurt my adorable, Tanya-chan ~"

I then flushed red as it emerged on my cheeks, I then pushed him gently away "I-I believe we're late, le-let's go back" I spoked as I stuttered

"Whatever you say" He chuckled as we wandered back to the orphanage

'I was caught off guard just now, does he practice, boy he flawlessly executed it' I was lost in thought as we walked




Oswald Degurechaff (Ensign V. Yamamoto) - Imperial Capital Bern, Somewhere - 1921, 1st of October - ??:?? ??

I was sitting on a chair as my left arm hang on the top-rail of the chair as I was in thought

'Hmm, seems like it's time for our examination'

I was sitting down, I watching the Orphanages children's waiting at the door for the Military Officer who was to examine the children of the Orphanage for their future to be better

Then the door opened, a man wearing an officer's uniform walked in with two people, both wearing the same attire as they're of the opposite gender, the man then looked around and looked towards caretaker's

He walked to them with the two following behind, he then asked for all the names of the children in the Orphanage

"As you all know, I'm here for your physical examination and maybe magical aptitude which is rare!" he said in a hoarse voice

"And these two people are going to do your examination by the opposite gender!" he shouted as he pointed one finger to the two

"We shall start with random names!"

"Okay..." he looked in the Esselte Black A4 Lever Arch Ring Binder which was given by the nuns with all the kid's names

'This is going to take for a while...' I sighed tiredly as I thought...

"Wilfried Rasche! Please come to the male's examiner room!"

As the Officer shouted the name, a child that looks to be a 7-year-old boy walked out of the crowd

"Nii-san isn't that the one of older kids lackey who ran away?" Tanya whispered

"Ah- that's him, I wonder where he is now?" I chuckled

"Caren Kiefer! Please come to the female's examiner room!"


After a few names were shouted it eventually was Tanya's turn

"Tanya Degurechaff! Please come to the female's examiner room!"

She looked at me "Nii-san, I will see you later" Tanya motioned a wave at me as she left to the room for examination


"Oswald Degurechaff! please go to the Male's examiner room!"

'it's already my turn?' I stood, then moved out of the crowd of kids as I went to the examiner's room

During the physical examination and of our high magical aptitude confirmed, we then received notice of future conscription


We finished our examination as we walked out of the Orphanage

"Nii-san, are going to become a soldier?" Tanya asking curiously

"If you're to become one, I will too, why you are asking" I said with a soft tone

"Erm, I-I want to become a soldier, wi-will you deny?" saying, she makes an adorable expression as she clasped her hands

'Cu-Cute, with her petite body, and cute looks, she is really dangerous, seriously' I thought as I still haven't change expression

"I said I will protect you, not deny everything that potentially harms you"

I said with a serious but gentle tone

"thank you, so you're coming with me right?"

"Yes, of course, why would I leave you unprotected" he smiled

We walked around the Orphanage as we talked, but slowly night fell


Oswald Degurechaff - Report - 1922, 1st of January

A new year, I and Tanya just celebrated by eating at a hill ate the food I bought which was expensive, well it wouldn't worry later, kekeke...

Well, that's another subject in the future

The reason I chose this world since it was perfect for my intelligence an advancement to traverse and discover, it was a treasure mine! Also how I loved the anime

and would love to try to learn magic, it is a complex matrix. You need fully understand it as I explain MAGIC

Magic is the phenomenon where mages utilize their mana to interfere with the world, a method that allows apparition of phenomena by giving appropriate stimulation to the point of application.

Modernized magic is achieved through technology, Operation Orb, unlike the era of legends, this enabled people to clearly understand in detail the where, the how, and to what degree of authority to interfere with reality

Some of the aspects of magic in Youjo Senki's universe are noted to be a mystery such as fundamental principles related to mana and interference spells

Many signals can be detected by using magic, and it seems most artillery forces in this world have the equipment to detect mana signals and conduct magically guided bombardment.

In Rhine Front, a number of Imperial recruit mages got blown away in trenches by Republican artillery because they leaked mana signal by deploying a magic shield

In the olden days, magic was accomplished with various magical devices, where the user have to turn chemical reactions happening in nature to equations and reproduce them with their conscious power. However, before the Industrial Revolution, the old-fashioned devices used by magicians are inefficient in contrast to their modern counterpart. They are also unlikely to be manufactured in large numbers.

Magic began to evolve after the Industrial Revolution when mages used the concept of a computer from the Differential Analyzer to be replicated by magic. Giving birth to operational orbs that made composing spells more convenient and efficient, which lead to standardized and uniform spells used by mages

Magic was still a mystery, a phenomenon that needs to be discovered,

an enigma I want to discover!

I want to make loads of various devices that are compatible with magic

and make it more convenient, but I want to be at war with my little sister,

it's been a long time I was at war of world war three since the global government made the treaty to our rebellious organization, the blood, the gore, the exhilaration, the fun, and I love how they beg for mercy

"Please! spare my life!" they shout begging for the dear O'life kuekeke~

Aah ~ The Good O'Day's ~

- Please help me Improve my Novel or my skills in writing and watch for Typos (▼O▼)/

1000+ words or 1900+ words?

Reading time - 5 min 9 sec

P.S - Random releases

Seer_creators' thoughts