
Chapter 1 - World of Magic

Watch out for typo's, thank you - A/N L(╭ರ_•́)7


Unknown, Unknown - ???, ??? ???????? - ??:?? ??



I was in a comfortable pose and still falling in the Abyss I don't know when was the last time I fell in...

"How long was I even in here!?"

I made annoyed tone with an irritated expression, then I grew impatient and started cursing on the top of my lungs.

I got bored and stared down at the black void, I then noticed a bright light at the corner of my eyes, as I glanced down, all my frustration instantly washed away

"HAHA- The bitching ride has fucking ended!"

I saw the bright light starting to envelop me, I felt delighted that it finally ended. I suddenly opened my eyes, the blinding ray of light shined to my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was an old nun who was trying to feed me

"Stop moving Oswald, don't be picky or I will give it all to your little sister Tanya-chan ~"

I opened my mouth, ate it subconsciously as I munch down the stewed vegetable 'O-ah~ never did I thought this tasted so good~'

I stared at the old lady, my vision followed her as she then turned to my right side and I saw the most cutest little baby blonde

'Looks like I was reincarnated with Tanya, I never thought she was this cute as in the anime.

This should very interesting, I might already have caused a butterfly effect, but It wouldn't worry me, I wasn't called the Master of Fate for nothing'

I looked at the top of the roof, I started preparing to construct my plan and hypothesized my future fate

After that, I would relax with my little sister Tanya-chan ~




Tanya Degurechaff POV - Imperial Capital Bern, somewhere - 1914, 18th of July - ??:?? ??

' - "You shall be brought down by being born into a non-scientific world as a girl and come to know war!" - '


The first thing 'it' felt was the blinding beam of light. Enclosed by the surreal feeling of tenderness and warmth, 'it' enjoyed a slight moment of peace

This warm, yet somewhat prickly sensation could completely make one forget oneself.

Forget oneself? Right, as if something was lost, but what was it?

What was the matter that had been forgotten?

Before even speculating about it, 'it' started to quiver all of a sudden.

After a short moment of delay, its mind began to perceive the feeling of coldness

A coldness that could easily puncture the skin. Just like a newborn baby feeling chilly for the first time. Nevertheless, the thought in mind didn't have the luxury to experience it in full

As if swiftly confronting the assault of a previously known yet forgotten sensation, 'it' began to panic under the intense feeling of suffocation, and started to struggle

Lungs, body, every single cell within the body screamed for oxygen, the agony was intolerable.

Unable to remain calm and to think, the only thing 'it could do was to struggle

Without being able to utilize any control of the body, the only thing 'it' could do was to struggle painfully under duress.

All of the pain and suffering had easily clouded its consciousness, and then, as if finally liberated from the human existence which had not wept for the longest of time, the body started to cry instinctively

With the consciousness murky and the sense of self a mess, 'it' opened its eyes to a dusky sky. A blurry world…

No, perhaps it was only its vision that was blurred?'It' finally started to gain back its consciousness and form, feeling only pure confusion.

The outlines were blurry and the colors chaotic, even 'it' who had not felt as many emotions in all those years began to sense the unease

Just what the heck is going on? What happened to me? 'it' entered a vessel that was unable to maintain consciousness for long periods of time, and still couldn't properly recall this information

Therefore, 'it' was incapable to understand why the racket of a baby's cry that was barely audible each time its consciousness began to fade had made 'it' feel so embarrassed

Mature adults aside, a baby would commonly cry. Given a fair chance and appropriate protection, by rights, a baby shouldn't feel 'embarrassed' at all. Therefore, 'it', with its senses and consciousness all jumbled started to relax and threw this unclear sense of shame buried into the recesses of its memories

After that, although still unclear, 'it' had finally gained a broad idea of the situation 'it' was currently in, yet even then, it only further added to its confusion. 'it' surely remembered that it was at the platform of the Yamanote Line, however, after snapping back to reality, 'it' found itself inside a thick, stone-built, Western-style building with a nanny-like nun wiping 'its' lips. If this was a hospital, it was understandable to infer that an accident had occurred.

That could also explain as to why its vision was blurry due to having suffered an injury.

However, when its eyes could finally begin to see clearly of its surroundings, all that was in view under the dim lights were the figures of nuns wearing archaic attire. The reason for the dim light...

If not mistaken would be due to the gas lamps which clearly belonged to a different era.

"Come, Tanya-chan, ahhh ~ "

At the same time, 'it' discovered something else that was abnormal, there were no electrical appliances in the room. In the modernized society of 2013, the room 'it' was in simply contained way too much old and worthless junk and was lacking in electrical appliances. Are these people Mennonite conservatives or the Amish? Even so... Why? Why am I in this place?

"Here you go Tanya-chan, say ah ~ Hey come on now"

What's going on? An unexplainable situation. The multitude of questions and doubts kept piling on and on

"Be obedient and open your mouth Tanya-chan ~"

The current question which needed to be answered was

' - "Just what is going on?" - '.

Thus, 'it' shifted its sight to the spoon served in front of it, but even though 'it' had noticed the presence of the spoon, the idea that the spoon was for itself had never occurred in its mind

All it felt was to question why that 'Tanya' person still hasn't eaten yet

It was a spoon of stewed vegetables, but at the same time of this spoon, without a doubt, it dragged 'Tanya' back to reality.

The over-stewed vegetables were the only thing that was stuffed into 'its' mouth. But the one who was forced to eat this, this unexplainable situation only made its thoughts even more confused. In other words, that... Was Me.

The one they called Tanya.

And then "it" screamed from the bottom of his heart—"Why?"

Does that mean I'm a girl and a baby on top of it?

I then suddenly remembered

'Curse that Devil! CURSE YOU EXISTENT X' I erupted in rage shouting in my mind


I was cooling down after a parade of curses I tried to figure out how to move just a little

*Puh* 'Yeah, I can't move my body... Hmm'

Thinking the Nun interrupted me

"You shouldn't be picky next time like older brother Oswald here! ~"

'Who is this Oswald, is he my older brother' well it's really apparent since she said, just making sure, I presume his 1 month older than me.

Well, that doesn't matter right now I need to figure out what world I'm living in...

As I was recalling back at the conversation we had, with that Motherfucker...

'So, basically, this isn't a world of science, but a world of magic.

This isn't a peaceful world, but one engulfed in war

'Fuck.You!' I cursed one more time for relief sake...


Tanya Degurechaff - Report - 1921, 9th of August

Well then, let me inform you of a report on recent conditions

My name is Tanya Degurechaff and my Older brother Oswald Degurechaff, an Orphan, and a Foundling on top of that

My new body has a petite build, my hair is colored vivid shade of blond and curlier on the tip, I have blue eyes have a tint of purple. My skin tone is also noticeably very pale, I was... cute

My brother has a refined body, he has pure white hair and white colored iris with a black outline on the edge of the iris.

So an above prince charming albino, he was sick pale but goes well with his looks and he has this short black line going down, on the bottom corner of his eyes which, he always has this emotionless expression with a cold and terrifying aura all the time, but with me, he always smiles and acts lively

Father was a soldier who appears to have died in combat, well Mother became pregnant before marrying Father, also this is a world of magic

However, the nation I was born into is an Empire and a country with both an expansive and militaristic doctrine, in addition, there's a universal conscript.

And strangely, the only place where they're liberal is the gender equality in military service

Of all the 7 years, I began to walk, speak and write at age 3, moreover, it seems I been bestowed a talent for magic, thanks to the devil's intervention

Everyone started calling me a genius, but I couldn't compare to Oswald, my Older brother

He was taller than his age and a head high taller than me, able to speak 8 different languages, write, play instrument's, like the piano, he had lots of gifts, and he has an astronomical talent for magic

I became truly determined to out-best him

He also always treats me generously and always been protective of me since we lost our parents, the nuns are nice as well

He frequently goes to the library to read, I started to think if he reincarnated like me, but that thought vanished, Existent X only reincarnated me with my memories, because it was 'special' treatment, for me, I begin to respect and admire my older brother more

At Age 5. One time I was walking with Oswald he got into a fight

It was terrifying


*Thud* "Hey kid! Watch where you're looking at!"

I quickly look over where the voice came from, I saw a fierce, buff looking kid who is probably eleven with his seems to be lackeys, who 'accidentally' collided with Oswald

"I sincerely apologize" Oswald said with a smile

"An apology?" he replied in a mocking tone "I don't want your apology, but I would accept it if you gave us the pretty looking girl here"

As he said those words, he started walking towards me he brings out his left hand, then he tries to grab me, I was about to prepare an attack, but his hand was swiftly prevented by Oswald gripping his wrist

"Agh!" the kid shouted.

Oswald grip was powerful, I heard his bone break, that was probably my imagination

he smiled sinisterly, I felt fear and reassurance in my heart, Oswald spoke

"Sorry, that's not an equivalent reward to garbage like you"

Please tell if there is typos I will immediately fix it -

I'm a Amateur Author, so please tell how do I improve

my story thank you (⌐■_■)

If you were reading at a normal pace -

Reading time - 7 min 35 sec

Edit - Incest anyone?

Seer_creators' thoughts