
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 623: It Seems We're Worried About the Wrong Fellow (Edited)



Without waiting for Hagrid to introduce him, Fish jumped off his shoulder, transformed back into his human form, and quickly ran towards the enormous figure, tilting his head to observe Grawp.

"Fish, come back!" Hermione whispered anxiously, worried about waking the giant, as she returned to her human form.

Even Hagrid nervously exclaimed, "Fish, don't get too close! Grawp doesn't know how strong he is, he might hurt you!"

Hermione instantly panicked because she knew that with Hagrid's words, the aggressive cat wouldn't come back.

Just as she had predicted, Fish puffed up his cheeks and kicked Grawp in the back.

"Get up and fight Fish!"

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Fish shouted at Grawp.

A massive hand descended from above and scratched the spot where Fish had kicked, causing the mound of earth and rocks beside it to tremble simultaneously.

Harry realized that what he thought was a moss-covered rock next to the mound was actually Grawp's head. It was much larger in proportion to his body, almost round, and covered in thick fern-like curls.

As Grawp stood up, Fish noticed that his hands and feet were tied to a rope, the other end of which was tied to a tree that creaked ominously as it moved.

Without hesitation, Fish drew his wand and waved it twice, instantly loosening the ropes that bound Grawp's hands and feet, while Grawp, freed, let out a roar of excitement.

"Oh! Merlin! I have to stop them!" Hagrid said in a panic.

Things turned out completely different from what he expected.

Hagrid had imagined that he would introduce Fish to Grawp and that Grawp would be influenced by Fish to behave and make friends with the other magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, just like Fluffy had done.

But what he didn't expect was for Fish to be the one to provoke Grawp when he saw him... Did Fish not like making friends?

Hagrid looked around, picked up a long broken branch from the ground, and tried to separate Fish from Grawp.

However, Fish's speed was faster than his. Fish's body swelled, and a layer of black and white fur quickly covered his body, and in an instant, Fish transformed into an imposing two-meter-long white tiger.



Fish opened his bloody mouth and let out a roar that immediately drowned out Grawp's.

Likewise, it diverted his attention.

The giant lowered his disproportionately large head, his hazy brown-green eyes gazing at the little kitten, barely reaching his knees.

Blinking his eyes, small by giant standards, Grawp did not attack Fish as Hagrid and Hermione had feared he would. Instead, he wore a slightly frightened expression and took half a step back.

The [Demoralizing Roar] and [Intimidation] were too much for even the giants to ignore, let alone Hagrid, who was only a half-giant, and he almost fell to the ground upon hearing Fish's roar.

Thanks to Fish not targeting them and the fact that it wasn't the first time they faced Fish's "tiger" form, Harry and the others managed to stay on their feet, although their arms and legs felt weak from the roar.

Only Hermione seemed completely unaffected, holding her wand firmly, ready to rush to Fish's aid at any moment.

But after taking half a step back, Grawp realized that he was actually scared of a "kitten" that was less than half his size, and the simple-minded giant became furious, stomping his feet and shaking his fist while emitting a series of unintelligible grunts towards Fish.



Fish not only roared back but lunged at Grawp.

Perhaps because he didn't expect this "kitten" to dare to take the lead or was startled by Fish's second [Demoralizing Roar], in short, it was Grawp who couldn't react and received a chin slap from the leaping Fish.

Then his enormous body flew to the side, fell heavily to the ground, and made a large hole... Harry and the others who were not far away could even feel the ground tremble slightly.

Dazed, Grawp shook his head and let out a roar of anger as he quickly and agilely got up from the ground, then he grabbed a uprooted tree at his side and hurled it at Fish.

With a twist, the tiger's tail cut through the air and made a sound like that of a steel whip, splitting the flying tree in half, and then Fish lunged at Grawp once again.

Too late to grab anything else to throw at Fish, the giant clenched his fist and slammed it against Fish.

However, despite his agility and speed, Grawp was too slow for Fish, known for his dexterity.

Fish easily dodged Grawp's punch, then positioned himself behind him and headbutted him in the fold of his right leg.

Grawp instantly lost his balance, and his enormous body suddenly wavered and fell to the ground again.

And Fish was already waiting by his head at this moment, moving his two front paws to deliver a cat-like punch to Grawp's head. The paws, much smaller than the giant's, crackled against Grawp's head, making him flinch.

At first, Grawp reached out his hand and tried to counterattack, but Fish simply jumped and evaded, even while jumping, giving Grawp a strike with his tail.

Then Grawp tried to get up again, but Fish knocked him down once more.

In the end, the fearsome-looking giant had to roll on the ground with his hands over his head and face to avoid Fish's attacks.

"Well... I suddenly feel a little sorry for Grawp..." Ron said, astonished as he watched the giant rolling on the ground, beaten by Fish. "I think we've been worried about the wrong person..."

Harry had a similar expression on his face as he nodded, agreeing with Ron.

In fact, they had always known that Fish was a skilled fighter, but they hadn't expected him to be this good!

Without summoning that huge Patronus or using any spells, he had defeated a giant with only his own physical strength... Even if the opponent was the smallest of giants, that was impressive!

"It's not surprising, actually," Hermione said with a proud look on her face as she peacefully put away her wand. "Fish defeated Fluffy in the first year, defeated the thousand-year-old basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets in the second year, and defeated the giant squid in the Black Lake in the third year. In the fourth year, he defeated the Hungarian Horntail in front of everyone..."

"All these magical creatures are much larger than Grawp and more dangerous than giants, not to mention the fact that Fish defeated... Voldemort, who had faced an entire colony of giants!" Hermione stumbled upon mentioning Voldemort's name, but she continued with a proud expression.

Only after seeing how Fish gave Grawp a thrashing did she realize that she had been so concerned about Fish's safety that she had forgotten about Fish's impressive track record.

But that doesn't help the fact that Fish is such a favorite, and people are always unconsciously trying to protect him, making it easy to overlook Fish's own strength.

Hagrid, who had planned to step forward to protect Fish, was stunned for a moment before dropping the branch from his hand and rushing forward, shouting, "Stop, Fish!"