
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 563: Draco Malfoy (Edited)

With Fish's legal magical bag, everyone naturally stuffed most of the stuff into it.

The reason they didn't get all the bags in was that, aside from the inconvenience of Hedwig and the owls, Hermione reminded them that it would be more conspicuous for a group of them to enter the train station without luggage, so a few light suitcases were left out to disguise.

Fish then said goodbye to Kreacher and the portraits and left the Black family home with Harry and the others, escorted by Moody, Lupin and the Order of the Phoenix.

This time, even Sirius turned into a big black dog and followed him, and after not having been outside for a long time, he really was like a wild dog, having fun all the way....

Although, in his own words, it was all an act to make him seem more like a normal dog.

The Black family home is not far from King's Cross station, and the group can walk there in about 20 minutes.

But they hadn't been gone long when they immediately encountered a problem....

"Hi, did you just move into the area? I don't think I've seen you guys before."

A few Muggles approached, talking to Mrs. Weasley, but keeping an eye on Fish, who was nearby.

The guards hiding around them were nervous, for a moment they thought the Muggles were Death Eaters, and Moody even came close to attacking them, but Tonks stopped him.

"Er... no, we're just visiting a relative's house, and now we're going back." Mrs. Weasley pointed to the luggage within arm's reach and smiled dryly.

"Really? What's your relative's name? Where do they live? Maybe I know them too." Continued a young girl, her eyes fixed on Fish, "I grew up in this neighborhood, I know almost everyone!".

"Molly! What are you still doing here? The train is about to leave!"

It was Lupin who stepped in to save Mrs. Weasley from the Muggle interrogation when she could take no more.

"This won't do, Fish is too flashy."

The group found a secluded corner and argued.

"Who told you to make sure Fish got on the train?"


Fish folded his arms,

Growling in disgust, Fish said he wasn't going to take the blame.

"It's actually quite manageable," George said with a shrug, "It happened the last time Fish took the Hogwarts Express and caused quite a stir at the station. Then he managed to get to Platform 9... unnoticed by transforming into a cat and hiding in Percy's pocket."

The rest of the journey was uneventful, with Fish in his little black-footed cat form obediently hiding in Hermione's pocket as she led him into the station.

"Fish, you can come out." Hermione patted her bulging pocket.



A small, furry head poked out of her pocket, and Fish looked around to see that they had entered Platform 9, with the red Hogwarts Express parked a short distance away.

Fish popped out of Hermione's pocket and landed softly on the ground, returning to his cat-eared, cat-tailed boy form.

"Long time no see!"


Fish greeted the group with a cheerful wave, and the already chaotic platform became even more chaotic.

"It's Fish!"

"Hi Fish!"

"Long time no see!"

A crowd of mostly female wizards rushed toward Fish and the others in swarms.

"Come on!"

At the sight of the swarm of small wizards, Moody's expression changed slightly, and he pulled Harry and the Weasley children aside first.

It wasn't until the siren sounded that Fish and Hermione rejoined Harry and the others who had been waiting there as they boarded the bus.

"Here's your luggage."


Fish opened his magic bag and pulled out his bags, before Hermione dragged him away.

"What's the matter? Hermione, where are you taking Fish?" Fish asked confused.

"We should go to the Prefects' box." Hermione replied.

Fish was intrigued, "Do we have a special compartment nya? Is that the same as the Prefects' loo?"


Fish asked excitedly, remembering how luxurious the Prefects toilet was at Hogwarts.

When he reached the Prefects' compartment, he was instantly disappointed.

"What the hell... Is this a Prefect's compartment?"


Fish said in disgust.

He had thought the Prefect compartment was like the Prefect bathroom, a space that required a special password to enter, but it turned out to be a slightly larger compartment....

Fish had been here before, when he had wandered through the Hogwarts Express.

But the others in the compartment were very happy.

"So it's you two, the Gryffindor Prefects!" Shouted Anthony Goldstein, from Ravenclaw.

And Pansy Parkinson, from Slytherin, rushed over, squeezing tightly between Fish and Hermione, grabbing Fish's hand and moving to where she had been sitting.

"Fish, come on, there's room over here!". She invited excitedly.

"There's room all over here, Parkinson."

Said Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff with a frown, disgusted with Pansy's behavior.

And Padma Patil from Ravenclaw interjected, "Hermione is still here, Parkinson, and I think Fish would rather sit with her."

Pansy gave Fish a couple of tugs and couldn't get him to move, so she let go unhappily.

But she was soon glad again, because Fish had grabbed Hermione and sat next to her and Malfoy, which was a little different than she expected, but at least it was Fish's choice, wasn't it?

She raised her head triumphantly, casting a victorious sneer at Padma and Hannah.

"Hello, Fish."

Malfoy nodded expressionlessly at Fish sitting next to him, his manner seemed a little distant, and Fish had a vague feeling that he now looked a little like Snape.

"Draco, are you okay nya?"


Fish asked, leaning closer to his head and looking at Malfoy intently, concerned.

"Thanks for worrying, there's nothing wrong with me." Malfoy still looked like a stranger.

Fish stared at him for a moment before smiling and patting him on the shoulder, saying, "If you need anything, come to Fish, Fish will help you."


The corner of Malfoy's lips twitched imperceptibly as he nodded once more to Fish and said, "I will." Then he stood up and said to Pansy, "Come on, we should go on patrol."

"But Fish..." Pansy looked at Fish reluctantly, "Can't we just sit here for a little while longer?"

Malfoy, however, ignored her, opened the compartment door and stepped out. Pansy hesitated, but reluctantly followed his out of the compartment.

"I say..." said Hufflepuff's Ernie McMillan, lowering his voice when they had both exited the compartment, "Maybe Malfoy has joined You-Know-Who?"

Because of Fish's backing, Hogwarts students had ignored the reports in The Daily Prophet, believing in Voldemort's return, and many of the young wizards were convincing their families that they didn't believe in it.

"It's very possible!" Anthony also lowered his voice, "My father told me that his father had been suspected of being a Death Eater."

"You mean Lucius, don't you?" Fish confirmed Anthony's words, "Yes he is a Death Eater nya, he was there that night as well.... even though he was wearing a mask, Fish remembered Lucius' scent."

"That's right!" Hannah and Padma covered their mouths in unison, "No wonder Malfoy's attitude is so strange!".

"But Draco isn't a Death Eater." Fish shook his head, however, and said confidently, "He's still Fish nya's best friend."
