
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Eden Prime Part 2 Saving a few



As they were ready to leave the shuttle, Leo made sure to fit a camera and vocal device to his suit. The A.I. configured it to make sure it ignored his voice slightly. He needed to get comfortable talking to it mentally more and more. Regular speech would be permitted that didn't lead to other things of course.

"Make sure you Alliance people keep together." Nihlus leaned out the shuttle door. Kaiden and Jenkins reacted to his words slightly. But not the Shepards. "I move better alone."

"You hear that?" Leo tapped Jane's shoulder behind him. "He moves better alone. Dumb fuck is gonna get his head blown off. What do you say, you and Kaiden move in one spot, me and Jenkins move up another not to far away. Stay in eyesight?"

Jane gave a nod liking the idea. "Do not cancel radio silence. Apparently, this is a big deal. Intel that the Turians did not share with us suggests something else in the works."

*Thump! Thump! Thump!* Jane and Leo dropped togethor making one sound. Kaiden followed by Jenkins who stumbled a little the other two sounds.

They broke off into two and shot off up a path.

"Ship perimeter secure, Commander!" Kaidan responded. Jenkins responded back as they moved up. Leo took point for them and Jane did the same on the other side. A steady pace while booking it to the dig site. Nihlus came up over comms.

"You humans are so impatient. You need to keep your guard up." His voice sounded impressed but also condescending slightly. "Look, the colony got hit hard. Things seem unnatural." Leo looked over to Jane. Sharing a slight look with each other.

"Heh," Leo scoffed over comms. His tone was slightly cold. ".. it is almost at the level of Turian movements. Or Salarian STG. Such a precise level of detail that only they could do. I am slightly impressed by those military styles."

"Even we wouldn't do something like this." Nihlus responded quickly. He didnt respond after that as he thought things over. 'He is sharp as the info suggests. Must be careful around him.'

A.I.- Head right by the stretch of grass with the gas bags. There is an easy-to-miss crate in the corner which contains an upgrade.

"Grab the gear, Jenkins." Leo provided cover as Jenkins retrieve and equipped it. A slight time dilation passed as he switched out the armor. Made Leo feel funny. "What was that?"

"What was what Leo?" Jenkins looked intrigued as he fixed his helmet. Leo tapped the side and made sure the "shields" worked. A slight delay that was costly showed itself immediately. "Shit man! Has more protection now. The problem didnt show up earlier. There and.. done."

*Doop!* The shield's energy washed over him. He was good to go now. The "time delay" was a "Mass Effect Field" happening in a way. It allowed the changing of weapons and armor for people in the field.

A nod to the way things worked in the game he guessed. But it did leave the person vulnerable for a brief moment. Which was proof he was not in a game. So their is that.

"Let's go." Leo moved back. A slight prickled feeling went along his spine. Which was from altering the Destiny of Jenkins. 'The more people I save that sign Contracts, the harder it will be for me to Breakthrough higher levels. Which makes sense I guess for limitation but expansion of power. Since I am changing the Destiny of someone while gaining strength for it.'

A.I.- Head back to the left quickly.

Running back was easy enough. Jane and Kaiden were observing the area still. She gave a signal for them to stop. But Leo moved furthur up and took cover behind a tree in a fast sprint.

"Do not get upset." Leo said to her over comms. "Picked up an ambush, just further ahead. Was trying to draw the fire to myself. Which would give you two the chance to take them out." He sent a head nod to where Jenkins was in thicker cover. Emphasizing his point more. "Get ready."

"Alright." Jane and Kaiden moved up. Leo shot up furthur with Jenkins taking up the far rear. Leo raises a fist to tell them to halt. Then a quick hand gesture to mark the spot. "To the left!"

*Vrooom!* Several Geth Recon Drones flew out. They started taking shots at Leo who ran around. The drones looked like little spaceships from the 90's. Just flying saucers with guns on them.

*Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!* The amount of fire made the ground look like swiss cheese. Leo jumped, slid, and rolled around. The others were stunned at the amount of fire. The drones, so focused on him, it gave the perfect chance for them to take the menace out.

Whoever went up first would have died no matter how strong the shield or the armor. Leo was glad he didn't count only the armor holding up for Jenkins.

*Pow!* Jane shot the closes one at Leo.

*Kachak!* Jenkins fired next with his shotgun. Taking out a cluster of them. A scowl on his face slightly. Kaiden was a little slow on the uptake. He fired next with his rifle after Jenkins yelled out.

*Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat!* The drones were taken out quickly enough. Maybe a total of 23 destroyed. Damn near overkill. Somebody really wanted to kill the first person to go around the bin.

*Boom!* The last exploding as Leo turned using the biotic move Throw. He used one of the few trees downed to do the damage that he was sure his regular biotics couldn't do just yet. The tree smashed the drone causing it to explode.

"That was just crazy." Leo was looking at the others with a thumbs up. "Got the feeling they called for help."

"Are you going to do that again?" Jane asked slightly upset. Her first thought was that Leo would have died from the barrage of fire. Which would have not gone well for starting out. 'Can't have him dying on me like this.' They moved up guns aligned ready to fire again.

"If it means you dont get shot.." Leo switched to submachine guns to use. ".. then absolutely. Not to late for me to act like a big brother sometimes." More drones started to fly out. "Damn geth are just so rude. Must be something really nice here."

"I will alert the Normandy." Jenkins sent the message quickly on his omnitool. Slight interference would cause a delay. "Trouble with comms. We are on our own. Hopefully, they are least able to protect themselves."

*Pow!* Jane took a well-placed shot against some drums. The type of eagle sight that would work well in a pinch. Her shot took them all out when it exploded.

*Boom!* Each of them got in positions to get ready for the next wave. Or whatever was worse coming out. When nothing showed up, they pressed on after recovering a little. Leo was slightly upset they actually had to use thermal clips for the weapons.

Not the cool down like in the game. They still handled well.

"Have bad news." Nihlus said over comms out of the blue. The signal had no trouble as they got closer to him it seemed. Somebody was messing with the radio in just a way to manipulate matters as they saw fit. "Come across a lot of dead humans. I.. am sorry."

"That.. we understand. We are approaching up closer, be careful." As they cut around, they were suprised to see someone running up to them. Two geth drones coming behind her. "Shit!"

*Woom!* Leo made a barrier with Kaiden quickly. Jenkins took two shots. Jane looked for any more coming up. A nicely timed pistol shot from her took care of the next group coming in around the corner.

A.I.- When you reach the top of the hill, head to the left first to grab a crate and then use the large flat trees upcoming because there will be three more Geth Recon Drones to take down. The faster you increase your mental cultivation aspect, the further your spiritual sense can go out. Which will allow me to give you more information about enemies in the area.

"I will make sure things are cleared up ahead. You are better at making sure soldiers are squared away." Jane nodded and Leo shot off to continue. Jenkins switched to a Sniper Rifle for support. Kaiden kept watching as they talked. When Leo reached the top, he was suprised to find another Alliance soldier alive. She was wounded badly. 'She is supposed to be dead already right? Is it because of the fighting against the geth we pushed around?'

As Leo went over things, something else was happening elsewhere.


A Turian and his aims-


A Turian was moving over the findings of a few of the humans that set up here. This was Saren a Spectre that went a little to far at times. Like now for instance. His eyes looked sadly at a few people he killed.

But his Master wanted the research that was found as well as any information obtained. His master was the creature Sovereign that currently transmitted to him from parts unknown.

Saren resisted some of the influence it had over him. Finding as much of the information he could to send it to his contact off-planet. He still believed he was in control still. But his contact was long since dead. Killed by an operative by the Shadow Broker.

Which was paid by the forces of Sovereign. Saren was good but not that good. The little bit of hope he had was already exploited and allowed for the Indoctrination to take further hold of him.

Saren makes it his goal to save the races of the galaxy by aiding the Reapers, proving the worth of organics to the Reapers so that they might be spared. He believes that servitude is the logical answer, instead of instinctively fighting to the finish with the much more technologically advanced species.

"Hmm?" Saren looked at a screen that showed his old friend moving about. An appraising look at his former comrade really. "Surely he will understand what I am trying to do." Turning to leave, the room caught fire removing the trace of him ever being here. "If he doesn't well... that will just be to bad."

Leonardo Shepard



Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual



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