
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Eden Prime Part 1 Descent in a Shuttle

First Day on the Job-


Traveling in a shuttle were a few people and one Xenos. The Xenos was that of the species called Turian. An odd type of creature with military design and history ingrained deeply. A joke of them being birdlike was a thing, but where really, most couldn't tell.

The others were all human. The same as almost every Dimension really in the regard to potential and accomplishments. Full of ambition and capable of good and bad things in equal measure.

A.I. - installing… process complete... Waking up Champion Leonardo now.

"Uh, what the hell?" The man asked himself. His jaw ached a bit as things were just so weird still. He had a really crazy dream. In which he talked to a woman with black-purple hair. Bronze skin and a piercing set of eyes that changed colors. 'That.. was a very nice dream. But am I still sleeping by chance?'

Thoughts were muddled and almost foggy in way of vision for a bit. The focus was coming after a current of unusual energy passed over him.

A.I.- It was no dream, Leonardo.

Thoughts assaulted him quite quickly. Making it very real about what was happening. Slowly his mind pieced things back together. He was not tripping on a failed experiment or anything such as that.

"You ok Commander?" An armored man across from him asked. The technology of the armor was was very futuristic compared to what the Champion was used to. Very different from standard military gear Leonardo knew really. "Earth to Leo?" He waved his hands slightly to garner attention towards it.

"Yeah, just a little headache Jenkins." The Commander said off handley as he got his bearings back fully. 'Wait who the hell is Jenkins?' His thoughts answered him as his brain burned in his skull a little. Massive amounts of information started to rack around in his noggin. After 3 minutes it was done. "Ha.. ha..ha... man, that's.. just ugh."

A.I.- Congratulations Champion Leonardo on understanding your situation finally. You are 321st on the First Transition to do so. Boosting mentality slightly in the process from resisting mental shock.

"Commander, you need something to drink? Touch down on the ground soon would make it difficult." Jenkins realized the armor made things difficult during descent to do so. Backing out would not change anything. "Sorry about that Leo."

"So loose on regulations." Nihlus, the Turian said. "But since we have two Shepard's here of the same rank, it makes sense."

"It is fine. Do not worry about it." Leo looked across at the woman from him. She was quiet for the time being. Thoughts are already in his head to mess with things for use further. For experimentation purposes of course. "Chatter suggests you were the same way. If you believe that anyway." That earned a smirk from the woman. It was Jane Shepard across from him of course. "You seem calm sis. Gonna have to teach me how you do it someday."

"Anytime." Jane gave a nod but said nothing else. She looked away trying to figure out what the change was in her brother. 'Leo, was never been this polite to me. Not after the last time we met. Is he finally coming around?'

A.I.- Your soul has attached to this one. However, a bit of a divergent and "Scenarios" are available because of it. Jane, your sister had a different upbringing than you. As for you, your body developed to reflect your soul that was recovering all these years while you transitioned over.

'Shit go ahead and let me know everything then.' Leo thought back. Settling down as he studied himself and his own mental reactions to what was going on currently. Slowly he went over the Cultivation Manual his brother left him. A way to set his different Aspects as he gained strength. 'So much to choose from. At least the body is trained all this time from the Alliance Military. Heck, haven't done anything with the Honest Military in 50 years or so back home. Gotta love medical advancement. Then again, I am so young again.'

Leo moved his body in micro-movements within the armor. It would take about five minutes to do so fully. Considering the current body strength matched his old one. A lot of room for genetic enhancements. As well as this Cultivation stuff that was now in his head.

A.I.- Both of your parents were Spacer in origin. This affects Jane more than you. Both of your parents were in the Alliance military. Your mother and your father received different stations due to skill. They seperated with the plan to get back togethor after it was over. She took a temporary husband to make sure Jane didnt grow up without a father figure present. Jane's childhood was spent on ships and stations as your mother transferred from posting to posting, never staying in one location for more than a few years. Following in your parents' footsteps, you enlisted at the age of eighteen the same as Jane did. Your mother Hannah Shepard, still serving, though an assignment that is only available with this background you will be able to speak with her. If you wish.

'Take it that dad had it rougher?' Leo thought it odd how the memories were appearing more and more in his head as the A.I. talked. 'I actually lived this myself. How odd in a way. Hmm, I wonder how this has affected my personality?'

A.I.- Your father did the same as her. And took a temporary wife to make sure you grew up with a mother figure present. As a Colonist, you were raised on Mindoir, a small border colony in the Attican Traverse. When you were sixteen, slavers raided Mindoir, slaughtering your family and friends. You were saved by a passing Alliance patrol that your mother sent. With them dead, your mother rightfully adopted you. Your stepfather did not get along with you at all. To willful and reminded him he would always be second in your mother's heart. Jane was upset and didn't like it. So you went off to military school after a month to stop the fighting. You also have a unique mission "Scenario" with this as a Colonist character. When exiting the docking bay elevator returning to the Citadel, the Scenario will trigger to help a fellow survivor of Mindoir, who was taken by slavers during the raid on Mindoir when you were sixteen.

'Well dang. Eh, so why does the relationship between me and Jane feel off?' Leo looked over to her. A feeling of slight animosity building up. 'Never had a sister before. I just realized I still ended up having a Colonist upbringing, despite not going with the Ex-Wife to space in my previous life. Oh, the irony of it all happening technically to me immediately after.'

A.I.- Slight resentment on your part. Letters were sent that were ignored on their end by you. It was not till your graduation and acceptance into the Alliance that you confronted them both. They both didn't know you sent letters. Your mother was livid. But, her status in the Alliance Navy kept her from acting against her 2nd husband. Jane broke his nose at the graduation in retaliation. She has tried to mend fences since then. But you both have been busy with your careers. Different assignment Scenarios to keep you away as you developed.

'Haa, I see.' Leo leaned back in his seat once more. The others finding it strange how he now seemed calm and composed. The movements of restlessness did not go unnoticed. 'Speaking of our careers. Who got what?'

A.I.- Jane has the War Hero by all accounts. Early in her military career, she found herself facing an overwhelming enemy force. She risked her own life to save fellow personnel and defeat the enemy despite the impossible odds. Her bravery and heroism have earned medals and recognition from the Alliance fleet. As the War Hero, she almost single-handedly repelled an attack by Batarian slavers on Elysium, earning the Star of Terra, the Alliance's highest honor. She has a special dialogue in the UNC: Espionage Probe assignment. If you are with her, a special Scenario will trigger as well in the regards of you being a Champion and the effect of it influencing.

'That is nice.' Leo couldn't decide if this was good or bad for himself. 'Myself?'

A.I.- Sole Survivor: During your service, a mission you were on went horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival situation, you had to overcome physical torments and psychological stresses that would have broken most people. You survived while all those around you fell, and now you alone are left to tell the tale. Your Sole Survivor's unit was slaughtered in a Thresher maw attack on Akuze. As a Sole Survivor, you have both Sin and Virtue spirit energy and have a special Scenario to unfold in the UNC: Dead Scientists assignment.

'That is nice. So your purpose is what?' Leo checked over the armor and weapons he had on. It was all standard gear that would not last long really. But Jane had the same loadout. 'Hmmm, defintely can not wait to change up things.'

A.I.- Just hear to help you along. Your mind, body, and soul need help to navigate everything. You need to survive until the end of Mass Effect 1 overall Scenario really. If you do not, the Reapers will find a way to enter your original "Earth's" Galaxy. And you know what will happen then.

To be an anchor that kept the Dimension togethor was also something that a Champion existing a place was part of.

'Shit. Well way to make a man work hard.' Leo shook his head in dismay. He could feel a bit of a tingle down his spine. He was excited as the memories came more to the surface. He wanted to study and look into some of the dealings "he" set up. Especially with a "Contract" that was set up with some companies. 'I can feel something odd inside me. What is that.'

A.I.- That is me. I exist inside of you. Your soul and my self are fused. If it makes you feel any better, we become stronger by getting intimate with people or drinking their blood. We are incapable of contracting any disease in this way. Also, you die, I die.

"Cough... Cough!" Leo felt the need to cough. He raised his hand signaling the others off and concerns they showed. "It is nothing. Just the filter having a little something in it." Removing the filter by his arms everything was alright to them when looking. But a little dust was there, so they left it alone not saying much. 'Good to know. Well partner, hopefully, I remember everything soon.'

A.I.- This is a good time to needle out your Cultivation Manual. A lot of info is available from your brother. And I do mean a lot. Champion Maxmillion did not come up short in this regard for preparation.

'Right. You said Sin and Virtue earlier. Let's change that.' Leo was grateful for his brother's help, but that reeked of some things tied to close to him. He was his own man after all and decisions needed to be made. 'It's all about values and perspective I suppose. But I am not devout Catholic like he is. So.. change Virtue to... Order. And change Sin to Chaos.'

A.I.- Mental notes now changed. What do you wish to do about the field of "Study" for your Cultivation?

'Hmm, I will need a strong body considering I have to head to the Andromeda Galaxy where Earth 2 will be. So durability is a must for me. But Cultivation can make the body go to some crazy heights if this info is correct.' Leo mentally blinked at the possibilities. 'So Body Cultivation and Mental Cultivation since Biotics will become even more powerful with that. Regular Spiritual/Magic will have to take a back seat to things.'

A.I.- I have located a few that may interest you. Adding in your own personal tastes, I believe the Reaping Manual will be perfect for all of those avenues. It will allow you to take the mental, blood, and spirit of those used to increase your own understanding. More tied to the "Chaos" of things instead of "Order" really.

'Hmm, sounds good. The medical advancements I release will take care of things for Order. So there is that.' Leo thought simply. 'A lot of people to kill and experiment on really. So no loss there actually. With my intellect increasing, I can develop a lot to cure problems that develop on Earth naturally as well as a few diseases that have come about from the interaction of meeting the Xenos here.'

The remainder of the time was spent going over things. With the A.I. helping, everything was smooth with them working together. Leo did speak while talking mentally with the A.I. of course. Getting to know Jenkins better. A possible contract for later.

The contracts he formed linked the signer to him and allowed them to learn a few things. Spiritual energy was sent to Leo from it. A few were already done before he arrived but this was mostly for later and work-related. He couldn't use it personally just yet.

Mostly for the benefit of the former. The A.I. was learning human behavior to help Leo understand better for certain things in the future. As well as its Prime Directive given by Leo's brother Maxmillion. Make sure his humanity stays intact. Leo was lacking in morals really.

Kaiden only said a little here and there. Jane observed happily that her brother was opening up to the new crew. He was just recently assigned a week ago to them. Around the same time they received word about some secret Ops.

Leonardo Shepard



Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual



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