
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Cruisers Objectives Part 2 Jien Garson Comies in clutch!

Leo and Kasumi were sneaking into the Initiative Director's office for the meeting. Imagine both of their surprises when they saw the one and only. Dr. Suvi Anwar from the Andromeda Initiative. Kasumi already had an extensive file given to her by Leo on the woman with so many others.

"Hmm?" Director Jien felt the slight disturbance of Leo but not Kasumi. After all the surprise visits and her improved training, it was only a matter of time for her to catch wind of him. "It seems you are in at the right time."

"What do you mean?" Suvi turned around, not seeing anything. But a caress against her face had the carrot top spooked well enough. "Eep!" She moved back, grabbing a pencil off the desk, ready to defend herself. "I know how to use this!"

"Aww, she is so much fun, this one." Kasumi teased.

"Have your fun then." Leo came out of stealth first. He was behind Jien who was looking directly up at him. Her chair slightly leaned back. "You have improved quickly; I am very impressed."

Leo's breath touched her just a bit. The helmet receded the face portion as A cowl similar to the Quarian headdress covered everything else, especially from the back and sides. His glowing green eyes, nose, and mouth were partially visible.

Causing a flush in the woman. 'Ok, so even my Pheromones react in this way with certain people. Much more than before with her.'

A.I.- Director Jien's sexual attraction has increased towards you more. This is more natural than the feeling the Ardat Yakshi have towards you. Well, most of them anyway.

"Here to give me more credits?" Jien gave him a smirk. "I started getting rumors that I have a sugar daddy to front the bill lately. Started right around the time the Alliance lost a lot of funding."

Which was all well in good. It provided a level of protection in itself. Security would increase to help weed out the lousy Initiative people. The good would look closer into the work of their peoples coming and goings. Then their was the overall work the A.I. did to limit dangers and exposure to back that up to.

"I don't mind being your sugar daddy, just don't call me daddy." Leo swiveled the chair around to face her directly as she started to turn towards Dr.Anwar. Not that he didn't mind the view really. "I don't need that kink to get me excited when dealing with you."

"I.. I understand." Jien swallowed hard as she shook away the slight daze of musk she was under. "I was hoping to be done with the meeting with Dr. Anwar and prepare for the next one." Leo looked puzzled at her words until his Spiritual Sense picked up someone coming to the door. A total of three others actually. "Don't be mad!"

The abrupt way he leaned away and covered up more defintely a hint to keep current parts in secret.

Kasumi stopped flirting with Dr.Anwar and went cloaked. Even placing her fingers against the woman's lips to be quiet. The redhead nodded at her but was unable to resist blushing still.

Leo just helmet up and took an aggressive posture.

A.I.- Scenario unfolding. Best of luck, Champion. Moving to check files and preventing any outward exposure due to changes.

"Dammit.." Leo cursed lowly. The helmet changing voice patterns a little to help tide things over as it came down. "..of course it would be these people." Director Jien took note he definitely wanted to remain hidden still.

*Chish!* The door closed behind Sara, Scott, and Alec Ryder. Alec, the human Pathfinder, and his two twin offspring. Each one someone Leo knew personally. Sara because of a rotation at the training for the Alliance. Scott from an Alliance survey mission. And Alec from when he passed in N7 training.

"Hope we aren't late." Alec said calmly. He scoped Leo out, not finding any recollection of the armor or weapons carried by him. Let alone see an apparent human with a Quarian style headdress. "Who is your friend here?" The twins gave pleasant greetings but remained quiet overall.

"A friend. A really good one." Director Jien said simply. "He is also the one who recommends that training increase for even the civilians that are going. Mostly survival and understanding of what to look out for on foreign planets."

"I agree it is needed, but we don't have someone to specialize more than we already do." Alec said, frustrated. "The credits that came in before helped greatly but now increased training, the people won't go for it."

"Then get rid of them then." Leo stated coldly. The twins tensed up from his tone. "If they do not understand the need for survival methods to be above the basic level, then get rid of them. Bad enough, they insist on several culture methods when enacting domiciles on the Arks."

"Culture is important."

"For children and idiots." Leo shook his head profusely. "One of the main focuses of going there is the New Frontier angle. If they waste on just copying exactly the same living style what is here and the first generation that develops are molded completely like that, then it is almost a moot point to even do it."

"I agree with you somewhat, but the people will need that strong safety comfort provides." Alec stated.

"Then I must reevaluate my methods." The probing and agitation helped a great deal in this encounter. He tapped his Omni-tool with keystrokes for specific operations to become active.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Jien asked. She watched Leo tap away on his omni-tool for a bit. Usually, it was done in a few seconds but the brief images he allowed her to see showed a lot of starships moving around. "Surely you are not wanting to redo methods right this moment?"

"No. I told you I am in an advisory rule; I will not make matters to difficult for you." Leo shook his head, walking a little to the window, looking out. Hand placed on teh glass as it lit up showing an entire star chart. "If it is not carried out, then that is that. I will just make sure to provide better on my end. But later, if they are in a tough spot... I will not raise a hand to help."

"Haa, that is fine." Jien sighed, thinking he would pull funding or demand a change in wholehow the Arks operate. "Some good news, the new Atmospheric Dampeners will be ready soon. Increasing the Arks resistance against storms out in space."

"Is he the one that provided the method for it?" Scott asked. He received a nod as an answer that made him quite happy. "May I look over those notes, it is possible to make a human sized one. Is that correct?"

"Already done." Leo nodded sending the information to Scott to look over. "Will make a great defensive device for scouting troops. Well, initially anyway."

"I knew it!" Sara said over her sibling's shoulder. "That has Prothean design in it!"

"Hmm?" Leo checked his omni-tool for incoming data. Stepping away, he made a call turning off his output for audio. His back turned to those in the room. "Go ahead, it is a secure line Tevos."

Tevos: You have been made a Spectre in case you forgot already, make sure when we leave, you apply that to the ship's Navigation. Though not public, the code will alert certain parties as we move because of two Spectres on board.

"I can see the benefit of that." Leo would use the attacks sent to the ship as a means to tune the combat abilities and the overall security level. The ship had stealth and cloaking technology that would make most of the movements quiet. "I am about to secure a Captain soon. Do you plan on staying on my ship long?"

Tevos: Yes, I do. You are a danger, after all. Your people need observation, or do you think you are above reproach?

"Not at all. But if you stay in my quarters a lot, you will find out first out how far I am willing to do things." His body shifted slightly with a few touches to teh glass causing the map to zoom in on an area. "Best to keep in mind Xenos acceptance."

Tevos: I am very aware.

A slight hitch in the Ambassador's voice was caught. Finishing up the call, it was best to get back at the task at hand. Tevos's final words were in regards to procuring the Asari Archives he wanted with biological data on tossed out research.

Tevos: A lot of the Asari Matriarchs were relecuant to do this but your working and plans... it would be bad if we are left out. So consider this a show of good faith. We just want a voice with relations for the Ardat Yakshi in the future.

"Granted well enough on my end. A conversation with Morinth and the others will be needed later. Please send a message to have them set it up and the Asari Council's intentions. Include I am interested in doing this as well."

*Doop!* A ping on the omni-tool alerted the transmission of the secure line.

"The former location of the Gagarin Station. Amazing how it disappeared a week ago." Jien was still in her chair but looked at the star chart closely. The biotic visor she put on highlighted key activities on the chart. "Think it has anything to do with the rumor of Geth taking Mass Effect Relay's by the Quarian?"

"No rumor. Finding it is difficult." Leo charted a path from the former position of the Gagarin Station to key places near it. Something Jien could have people look into when they had free time. The technology and bright minds would get bored if not stimulated enough. "If you think they are up to the task."

Leo's spiritual sense picked up the people he had reported to the location. A very dangerous individual at that. The Ryder family was a bit of an issue, so he moved to greet the contact outside.

"I will plan better next time; I wanted to introduce you to someone for personal security training for yourself."

"I will meet them then come back to finish talks with Alec." Jien stood up, following behind Leo. "The Initiative may not be interested in more training, but I defintely am." With her mind growing stronger from mental cultivation, it would only do her good to learn more for protection.

Alec Ryder watched the two leave and thought it odd the Star Chart was still up. Unable to see what they could, he had the A.I. SAM try to scan it discreetly. The protocols rebuffed the A.I. without effort and caused it to go offline briefly.

*Bzzt!* A spark from the Omni-tool lit up the room. The twins looked over at their father puzzled. He waved off their concerns and tried to recover what he could. It would be bad if even a bit of Sam was damaged.

'SAM!' The mental shot was the least of his worries. His A.I. was forced to shut down as the A.I. that Leo used had infiltrated his Systems and copied everything of note.

Because a lot of the technology was incorporated into Alec as a technical test subject, the use of Spiritual Energy helped copy his mental patterns completely. Alec was a good enough scientist to get the Omni-tool back online after a few minutes.

"There we go." Holding back a sigh of relief, he checked to see if anything was damaged. "Just bits of data missing and some audio files corrupted. Needed a new one anyway."

As SAM cameback online fully, the A.I. was no different than before. It did, however carry a strange piece of code unnoticed. It was masked in subroutines that would infect the central hub later.

Next door in a secured room, a nice situation was going on. Leonardo was introduced to his pilot, and Jien was introduced to her trainer.

"Seriously... you picked a full package for me.. defintely impressed." Leo shook hands with Nozomi Dunn. The Captain of Ark Hyperion. "Hope you are ready for a grueling experience."

The Asian woman wiped a strand of hair behind her head and nodded confidently. The Andromeda Initiative changed so much recently she wanted to have a reason to push harder. Jien told her she could make that possible by introducing her to the mysterious backer.

"Your reputation is quite... interesting Commander Shepard, I look forward to working with you closely to gauge for myself."

"Well, now that you are more collected human, we should start your training soon." THe other in the room was Olan Kooth, also known as Agent Zeta. Having been supplied better tech and a way to maintain his Mind for Biotic advancement, the former STG would do anything to get more from Leo. "I have watched you enough from afar."

"My own personal stalker, defintely going to deal with a lot from the others." Jien was a little apprehensive when given a bit of the background of the agent. "But your loyalty is without question, I assume?"

She looked to Leo, who nodded. If he tried to betray, his original death would be worse than anything a Salarian in the Milky Way had ever experienced.

"You have my word human, I will make sure to act accordingly." Olan disappeared from sight with cloaking technology. "Training begins now; you must get use to speaking with not just your words in soon."

"We should get going." Leo stole Jien's lips while she was distracted and gave a small kiss. "Small incentive for one day later." Wrapping his temporary Captain up in spiritual energy and going stealth himself, only the Andromeda Initiative leader was left in the room visibly. "Bye bye."

*Csshh!* The door opened and closed a few seconds later. Nozomi Dunn didn't know what to make of what was currently happening.

The energy that was around her felt soft and gentle, but the fact she was flying in the area invisible kept her from fully enjoying it. Not to mention Leo was moving about 50 miles an hour jumping around different parts of the Citadel.

'It's, ok.. I won't die. I am sure of it.' She didn't move not trusting what ever held her might give way. But when Leo jumped down an entire section, she lost her cool. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" The captain screamed loudly thinking she was about to die.

Several people in the Citadel looked over the side trying to spot if someone fell. Nothing could be seen with the naked eye of course.

"I forgot to mention.. your training begins now as well." Leo said to the screaming woman. Placing a bracelet on her arm, he wanted to test out the rapid response of some Collison Technology. "At worse, you might get a single scuff mark!"

She couldn't see teh smile on his face, but she would defintely yell at him later for this.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero)

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