
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

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"Still finalizing it." Leo moved around rolling his shoulders a bit. The Asari looking at him cautiously. ".. I mean what do I get out of it by just treating them for free? Nothing thats what. So for Morinth even if I die she can continue my work."

"I do not understand all of it yet." Morinth snapped out of her thoughts. "Lots of studying to do before I could even replicate the process you can do." She was saying this mostly to increase Leo's value.

"A proper doctor would cause no harm." An Asari mentioned. Gun levied back up as she wanted to shoot him in the mouth. "Grr, you are a right bastard." She could vividly feel the anger Leo felt from killing a person. Someone he regretted killing. One of the few. "She was carrying your child!"

"Thats nice." Leo shrugged and turned to Morinth. "What do you think? Should I just treat them without getting anything in return?"

Sha'ira did not miss that but she thought it odd only one of the Asari was acting that way.

"Hell no." Morinth grinned. "Have my mother swear to serve you for the rest of "your" life." The statement was amusing to the Asari since humans were so short-lived. But Morinth was very aware of how long Leo could live. "She swears and plays nice and these Asari here receive treatment."

"Sister... to think you would leverage mothers freedom for this man." Rila said disgustedly.

"She should do it." Falere said a little dreamily. Part of her still feeling the effects of the meld. "Better this than dead." Her words caused Rila and Aethya a little concern. "Take a look around, they guns are pointed at him for a reason. We know what he is capable of a little more."

"Your lover is dangerous." Rila drew a pistol. "I think we send him out the airlock."

"Come off it. It is not even like that with him." Morinth scoffed. "This helps him but me more than anything. Besides, are you saying it is not a good trade?" Her eyes narrowing as she sneered looking at the others.

"That is not it at all!"

"Enough." Samara moved in front of Leo. Biotics flaring up. "I will commit myself to you for their full treatment. But know this.." Her voice turned cold and hard. "..I will strike you down myself if this treatment does not work."

Samara was willing to make sure he lived until he cured them. Then she would strike him down if the code dictates it. The Justicar would not compromise herself easily.

"Duly noted." Leo tapped his omni-tool. Out of stealth, a few more drones flew down. Each with a needle sticking out. "Who likes shots?" The needle delivers a small bio-agent to target that part of the brain. In theory, their offspring wouldn't produce Ardat Yakshi.

A few of the asari cringed at that. They did not like needles at all.


A few Hours later-


Samara watched each injection take place. Standing on pins and needles when one of the young Ardat Yakshi tried a meld with her lover. Finding out that some, during the Meld, were actual Ardat Yakshi in hiding was a bit of an eye opener.

Instead of them getting killed they were brought under Aethya's control. With Samara the one hunting them each down with a few other Justicars. The ship had one or two other Xenos on it. Namely a Krogan and a Drell.

The biotic energy flared as the two went about the joining. Besides causing the Krogan to stumble a little from what was witnessed, the Asari looked speechless herself.

"So practice these "meditation exercises" and you will improve faster. The next shot will be in 4 months." Leo had all the data he needed. The drones went back into cloak mode then entered his Internal Space. 'Such a good harvest.'

A.I.- the amount of data acquired from the Asari will take time to digest. The genetic sequence from a few are extremely odd. A few of the races mixed into them are extinct now.

Leo was feeling tired and the messages on his Omni-tool were starting to build up.

As the Asari celebrated, Aethyta moved away. She gestured for Leo to follow with. Two commandos following behind. Both were part of the meld. The quiet was not that appealing.

The door closed to her private quarters. Leo's spiritual sense was definitely active in case any sudden moves or anyone was in the shadows waiting to strike.

"You have not done anything to my daughter have you?" Aethyta was still stern when talking. But her eyes soften a bit.

"No. Have not even talked to her really. Just like I agreed to initially." Leo reached into his Internal Space pulling out a syringe. "This is the Bio-Agent tied to your genetic signature. The research for your bloodline, you can do yourself."

*Fwip!* He threw it at her. She caught it with ease.

"Genetics.. play such a big role in everything." The Matriarch looks at it oddly before putting it away. "Have to forgive an old father, I just have a soft spot when it comes to her."

"So much you don't talk to her. Shame though.." Leo typed away at his omni-tool answering all the messages that came in. ".. I am sure you two could have gotten real close during her time in the shithole. Before I forget, what will you do in regards to Benezia?"

"I don't know where she is. As for Liara.. I don't know still." Despite being a very old Matriarch she was not that brave it seemed. "You know where she is don't you?"

"Something like that. But I also have to play things carefully." Leo was not to sure about taking on the Shadow Broker with his intel gathered so far. "Need to push a few things on the Ilium market to increase more funds."

"The Salarians, if you a method to increase the longevity in them then definitely an increase in funds that way. The Krogan, you need to be careful with them." Aethyta was more resourceful than he thought. "I know a few that are easily persuaded with credits. I hire them you keep my daughter safe."

She was really protective of Liara. Way more than what was portrayed later.

Leo sent her a file over. "How do you feel about a Rachni Queen or an ancient creature called a Thorian?"

"What!?" The two Asari Commandos shouted.

"The Council.."

"Can not about this since it would bring to many groups that want to protect the creatures out. I am sure you do not want to deal with that." Leo waited till she read the files and calmed down some. "Saren is already taking up much of the time politically speaking."

"Then there are the different groups building up." Aethyta rubbed her temple annoyed. "The finishing touches of the Dreadnought is still underway. I cannot deploy as needed. I have a cruiser that is not in use. Pretty old gun wise but everything else pretty standard. But you.."

*Chissh!* The door opened as Samara entered. Something different about her but what he couldn't tell at first. She was smiling it seemed.

"So that ship you have.." Leo looked back to the Matriarch. "How big is the space on it?"

"Decent sized. enough room for everyone. More of a defense ship and scouting." Leo arched a brow at her. He understood pretty much what she was getting at. "You plan on paying for retrofitting?"

"Hell no. Meant for them." She pointed at the young Ardat Yakshi. For them and their partners. "They definitely do not want to go to the monastery or go into hiding till things are over. Just a moment."

Comm channel opened up on the ship for the others to hear.

"That sucks for them. What the hell can I do with them? Nothing that's what." Leo furrowed his brow. "Can they even fight in extreme conditions?"

"Yes." Rila answered. "Not that good but we can learn."

"Mom can train us." Morinth had this pleased look with her self. "If you order it, she will have to do so. She has the experience and the training will be worth it for us. Pays out in the long run for what you want. Just imagine it.."

"Uh huh." Leo shook his head not imagining it at all. The possible spirit energy that would develop from them would be nice. 'The melding is not used in a way I thought could be. Need to get ahold of Salarian Corpses to study them more.' Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth he proposes another matter. "If they sign provisional contracts with me sure."

"Already taken care of. Just need you to send them the files." Morinth eyes shined in a very weird way. "Hurry up!"

Leo sent it on his omni-tool thinking nothing of it really. talking with the Matriarch a little longer and weeding out details made for a long evening.

He still hadn't eaten yet.


Back to the Normandy-


"Quite a haul you got there Commander." Nihlus smiled as he watches the people load up. "Whipping them into shape will take some time." Ten Asari "Commandos" were assigned to the Normandy. The Matriarch worked pretty damn fast.

"Good luck." Leo patted him on the shoulder. "You looked bored anyway."

"Just a little. Oh, before I forget.." Nihlus tapped his omni-tool. A message from the council appeared. ".. they are recalling the Normandy. A few upgrades to add for stealth." He leaned n whispering to Leo. "Also, heard a ship might be ready for us when we arrive."

"That.. sounds good." Leo nodded a bit. 'A.I. what is going on with all that money earned before I assumed control?'

A.I.- The funds are used to build an ark of course. Considering what awaits we must be ready. The others of course do not know. Speaking of the Andromeda Initiative, a few of the members will be there on the Citadel.

As Leo and the A.I. went over that matter, he was called to Engineering for some help. Tali, Maya, and the others needed some help with the ship's engines for some reason or another.

Heading to the Galley right quick, he grabbed some food. It was all gone before even making it back to the Turbolift. The looks he received were ignored. The ride down gave him a chance to address a matter.

'None of the asari on the ship showed signs of Indoctrination, so that is something. But from the memories of that really aggressive one, she has come across an artifact. Why was she not influenced?'

A.I.- I can only surmise it was not active. I suggest sending someone to obtain the device before it becomes active.

'That sounds fine. Destroy it if it is easier.' Leaving it to the A.I. to get someone to remove the device was easier at this time. Leo had enough on his plate. 'I wonder if the Turians have any old ships for sale?'

Right before the turbo-lift opened, the A.I. informed him of a different matter.

A.I.- Scenario is unfolding pertaining to Maya and Engineer Gabby. Do be advised, it is... odd.

'What is Gabby doing on this ship? She should be on the Perugia. What about Kenneth?

A.I.- Kenneth Donnelly is onboard as well. His keen eye for errors can not be lost. Gabriella Daniels's mind is to good to waste on other ships. Both were maneuvered to give you the best of the best of personnel. It is up to you to acquire them for your ship.

"Dammit." Leo grumbled as he stepped out. Imagine his surprise when most of the crew were down to undershirts. "Well.. the a.c. isn't working. That cannot be good. Especially near the engines."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

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