
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Citadel Part 2 Chora's Den and a little shoot out

Arriving at the club was a bit of fun. Leo had spotted Tali and was talking her up. Having reached her before some problems made it to her really. Kasumi, and Zaed had met up with him there as well.

Kasumi took an assignment and left really quickly. How the A.I. got her to keep up with Zaed, he had know idea really.

Zaed was more than ok with everything over the years from working in the shadows. Having met his actual employer was interesting enough. Especially with his old age catching up with him. A few medical problems that were quite pricey. Leo offered a fix for that and a way for him to keep going for years to come. Just had to sign up with him. Which he did on the spot.

The contact was cut and dry but wouldn't pay out till after he gives the first bio injection to the man. Which would not be until the ship later. A Mental Cultivation was imparted to help the man deal with his inner conflicts.

Especially when the A.I. pointed out that was how Heart Monsters formed up. From regret and dwelling on failures. Hell, even holding oneself back out of fear could do it as well.

The big thing was that the Heart Monster could kill you if not careful. Or make you so weak that an enemy could kill you easily. Pretty crazy if you asked Leo personally. But a price for power for anyone. If you defeated it, more power is gained.

There were also other types of Inner Monsters that could form up. Lucky that was not until later in one's Cultivation. Leo was still in the beginning stages of it.

"You sure about paying me for this info?" Tali asked. Leo nodded. "Then I am definitely willing to hand it over. And thanks for the new suit and small upgrade. Not many people help." She marveled at her new suit and the security procedures on the Omni-tool.

"I have a lot of ulterior motives." Leo said plainly. "Well get in your good graces and see what is in that suit of yours. Minus the health issues."

"Heh, you are quite the work." Zaed scoffed. The grin on his face was more than enough to express his views. "Reminds me of an Asari I once knew." The two looked at him interested. "You really want to hear about this?"

"Yup." Leo said eagerly. Tali just gave a small nod. "What could be better?"

A few Krogan had spread out in the place. Leo gave Zaed a nod. The old merc already having kept a count on how many. He excused himself to try and cut a few off on the outside. Sending a message to a new contact for additional help.

The person the A.I. did not want to tell Leo about actually.

"Tali, you have a good pistol on you right?" She gave a small nod. It looked old though. "Stay close in cover and follow my lead. We have trouble."

"Trouble.. because of the data." Tali did well holding herself togethor. Thanks to her helmet, the only thing that could really give her away, were her eyes. Which really were hard to tell where she was looking at anyway. As long as she was not looking at something to far out of her peripheral. "Haaa, my days seem so bad really as of late."

"Proof you are alive." Leo spread his senses out. The range was only 30 feet, but they would do. "On my signal.. get low and... now!" Pushing the table over for cover, he propped up behind it.

*Thump!* The table flipped into someone knocking them down. The closes Krogan rammed through it. On the otherside was Leo with a glowing fist. His Omni-tool activating right afterward.

"What the hell?!" The Krogan felt the blade was not normal. It was supplemented by Leo's little spirit energy actually. With a thrust, it went through the armor and cut up with a whip from him. "Imposs..ible.." The Krogan couldn't believe a human had that amount of strength.

*Pow!* Tali shot another of the Krogan that was stunned from the display. Her gun only doing a little damage actually. *Pow!* Another shot had a Krogan charging at her. She moved behind a counter really quickly to not get run over.

"Raaah!" The Krogan roared out. "Get her!" Whipping around, he came face to face with an omni-blade. But unlike the last Krogan, he was a little more experienced. A parry and a thrust back offset Leo. Leveling the shotgun to the front, he unloaded.

*Bwoom!* Leo put up a biotic barrier quickly. The first few shots taking it easy. Another two Krogan opened fire blasting away at him. The three different fires would make short work of his shield at this rate.

"Raaah!" Leo roared defiantly. Next to him was the body of the dead krogan. With a grab he slammed the corpse into the first krogan. Ripping a few grenades of the belt as he did so. "Here we go!"

The Krogan were grinning at the fight. Up until Tali popped out and fired again. She hit the grenades Leo just threw their way. She had pretty good aim actually.

*Boooom!* The shockwave blasted the area apart. Smoke ended up clouding things a little. A figure charged through still attacking. Unbothered by the visibility change.

Leo used his omni-tool stabbing directly into the chest of the nearest krogan. He then gave a head-butt directly to the left side.

One of the grenades had removed a good bit of the protection there. Stabbing his pistol directly inside, Leo unloaded while the Krogan slammed him into the wall.

"Ugh!" Leo groaned upon impact. But the damage was already done. He kicked the corpse towards the other krogan that was about to shoot in Tali's direction. He raised his hand to try another biotic move, but he was already tapped out. "Shit!"

Seeing a simple bottle on the ground, he kicked that way. It shattered against the krogan's head but did nothing really. Just enough of a distraction as Tali upon fire with her pistol.

*Pow! Pow! Pow!* Three well-placed shots into the krogan's face. But it as still alive. The resilient lizard turned and blasted Leo.

*Kachak!* The shotgun blast lifted him off his feet back against the wall he was against before. Recovering quickly, Leo felt his blood speed up. His cultivation kicking in from the Bloodshed!

"Hahaha!" Feeling the euphoria, he grabbed a table edge then spun. Launching after a few spins towards the krogan that just shot him. The last krogan they could see watched in horror as his comrade took it to the chest. "This is to much fun!"

Leo had a slightly manic look on his face. He rammed into the krogan that had a table sticking out of his chest into the latter. The momentum from his body already leaving his body.

*Bam!* The three rammed into each other. The dead krogan was tossed to the side quickly as Leo and the other started wrestling. Tali kept watching for any more as well as a time to take a shot against the one fighting Leo.




"Well, that was fun." Leo grabbed the Krogan by the head after the A.I. informed him trouble was coming his way. "This has been the best ever experience in a club, I have ever had. And I have been to a lot of them." He held a strong gaze with the merc. "Think of Tunchanka's beautiful skies and the warm air."

A broken glass bottle in his hand as he pushes to drive it towards the exhausted krogan. Tali would never forget the day she watched a human wrestle a Krogan. And come out on top at that!

"I do not want to die." The Krogan groaned out. Leo tightened his grip on his head and pushed the glass deeper in with his feet. The Krogan started to get dizzy. "Let.. me.. Go.."

"I am sure others have told you the same thing before. Didn't happen did it." Leo said with a smile. He looked over to Tali. She was breathing heavily and gripped her pistol tightly. A few mercs had come in on the side that she dealt with pretty quickly. "The beautiful Quarian over there wants to live to. But you all took a hit out on her. Who gave the order?"

"Will, you spare me if I tell you?"

"Haa, of course, I will." Leo looked over to Tali and gave her a head nod. She understood somewhat.

"You filthy boshtet! Who gave the order?!" Her voice hard but forced really. Not something she was use to do doing.

"Turian Spectre named Saren! Told us you had information to hurt the Citadel!" The Krogan bellowed. It was loud enough to be heard throughout the club. A few patrons that hid away when the fighting started looked over. Leo let him go and stood up. "Ha.. ha.." The breath came out labored but grateful. "Thank.."

*Pow!* Tali shot the Krogan through the eye socket. Effectively ending his life.

"Nice shooting there." Leo smiled at her. Tali gave a slight nod. "So, are you on your Pilgrimage or just come to this dump often?" He didnt mean the club. "Citadel is not very kind to your people at all since the Geth."

"You are a strange one." Tali watched as Leo raised the Krogans heavy pistol towards the door. She ducked into cover and got ready. "But I would rather be on this side than that side."

"Alliance Forces. Stand down at once!" Leo knew that voice. It was Jane. "Come out with your hands up!"

"Get bent brat!" Leo yelled back. He caught Tali chuckling a little from the way her shoulders moved up and down. Zaed sent a message saying that his partner got winged pretty badly. Throwing up a fuss and wanting to cause trouble. More than necessary. 'Tell them to go to the hospital.'

A.I.- On it.

"Leo, is that you?" Jane asked shocked.

"No, it is the fucking Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. Come around the corner pointing a gun and your getting eggs and a lot of presents." Grenades and bullets of course.

"Which one am I in this situation?" Tali asked looking over. "Am I the Santa Claus?"

"Nah you are the Easter Bunny. I have all the presents and know who is naughty and nice. I also have a bigger gut." Leo tapped his stomach. With the armor on, you couldnt tell in any way. "Besides, your ass is so phat, you have to be the easter bunny."

"I am not fat." Tali responded slightly offended.

"Not fat. Phat!" Leo gave her an incredulous look. She did not understand him. Moving his hand, he made motion over his rear. "Phat, talking about that ass."

"Seriously!?" Jane stepped in, gun holstered. "Were you gonna really shoot me?"

"Hmmm, is that a trick question?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow. "Could have been a recording or something. You never know these days."

"Wow, your brother is something else." Kaiden said. The grin Leo sported was not very nice.

"Ah, brother by blood. Not by choice. We also weren't raise together, perfect strangers really. Just share the name." Leo moved his gun towards Garrus. He wished he rembered his actual last name a little. "Move with the gun and I blow your bird brains all over the place. Believe me, I guarantee me and Tali will make it. But you three…" Biotic energy was wrapped around a gun by the door. It was pointed at Jane. Tali gun was pointed at Kaiden. "Each of you will never see the light of day again."

The room was quiet till C-sec came in.

"No one move!" An officer yelled.

*Pow!* Tali shot the man in the knee cap.

"Hahaha, good shot." Leo laughed.

"Everyone calm down." Nihlus came in taking control of the situation. Defintely not fit for duty yet, but more than happy to move about. "Jane, take the Quarian to the Council. She has the evidence needed to convict Saren. As for you," He looked toward Leo. "How about you don't kill everyone. Some of them are important."

"Pfft." Leo holstered his weapon finally. "We are all replaceable. You know that better than anyone. Tali, they are somewhat trustworthy. But I would keep my eyes open. And hand nothing over to them."

"Sure thing Leo." She stopped next to him. He passed some credits over to her. "Thanks for this."

"No problem. If I hear something bad happened to you because of them, I will blow up the Citadel in your honor."


"Jane!" Leo mocked her. "That is how you sound. Annoying as fuck!" He left with Nihlus. Chuckling the entire way. Having way to much fun messing with people. But it gave him power taking it in. That was more important than their feelings for one thing. "Where are we going anyway?"

"To the Hospital. I feel like crap and I think something is going on there. Well going to go on there." Nihlus said. He gave Leo a strange look. "A guy you were talking to entered there with an injured woman. The same woman caused a little problem."

"Yeah, someone I am hiring for work." Leo said. "It should be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Nah, it won't be." He wouldn't fool anyone or himself.

"You also need a check up. Dr.Chakwas agrees." Leo thought it odd since he could swear he did that already. Or maybe he hit the wall harder than he thought earlier.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual


Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks

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