
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Artemis Tau Cluster Part 2 Facility flooded?

Maya was in the shuttle with Sha'ira. Making sure it was not destroyed by all the geth in the area. The others breaching a facility to take away the resources and put a hurt in Saren's activity.

"How about you take everything you need from here and hurry up. I rather yell at you face to face." Maya said harshly. Unbelievably bothered by Leo talking with Miranda. Like she was not good enough to acquire the funds for him. "I am just saying..."

Sha'ira kept quiet, but the shit-eating grin on her face was not going away anytime soon. She kept an eye out for a ship Leo was expecting to arrive.

Leo: I understand the concern, but you need to chill. I understand Miranda a good deal than what you think.

"Oh, so it is Miranda now is it?!" Maya crossed her legs annoyed in front of the console. Sparing a quick glance to the geothermal device she had to keep track on. They were after all gathering the energy for cultivation use. "She is not to be trusted."

"The same could be said about you." Sha'ira said knowingly. Very aware Maya was into shady work. A good friend of hers on the Citadel pass the info over to her.

"Mind your business yah overgrown smurf." Maya snipped. "Just saying, she is so under the Illusive man's thumb, she is part of his fingerprint."

Leo: I understand. Next time, do not piggyback the signal. You have access to it all of them after all. Unless it is with Nihlus. Have to have certain things from your purview.

"I see." Maya checks the different channels. Leo was right. She had access to them all but one. From the looks of it, Jack had access to all but the one with Nihlus and Maya. Kasumi having the least amount of access for some reason. "I will get on improving this thermal device. Have to have a way to speed up its absorption rate."

Leo: Understood. Stay alert.

Sha'ira walked over showing her something on her omni-tool. It was a picture of a smurf from earth.

"I am not a male thank you very much." Sha'ira towered over Maya. Meeting her gaze with just as much ferocity. "Do keep that in mind. Human woman."

"Noted." Maya glared before getting back to work. "Glad you have some bite in you. Won't be bad partnered up with you every now and then." To say the Asari was amused was easy. "Should be better than bed work."

"And what do you know of bed work?" Sha'ira moved back to her seat checking for the other ship. Still nothing just yet. "You seem almost frigid really. Devoid of passion."

Leo: I am going to be quiet on my end for a while. That does not mean I am not listening. This is a big facility for being labeled small on the blueprints.

Leo felt his cultivation acting up a bit. It was starting to change in a way he didn't understand. A fusion of sorts that shouldn't be possible. His mind causing trouble for the body he was in.

'What the hell is the soul extension realm?' Leo search the information given by his brother. But no such look on this. Checking into the Reaper Manual gave a few hints. 'Caused when the body, mind, and soul come in complete synch. That makes no damn sense.'


Industrial Outpost-


Leo ran full sprint through the complex. Testing the stealth tech along with a small cultivation technique that turned him invisible better. Combined the two did a great job. Time would tell how great and if he should continue to train it.

A lot of busted geth around the place. Some old, some new.

As he moved, Leo wrapped them with his spiritual energy. Pulling them into his internal space. The more he added, the bigger the internal space spread.

A.I.- Very small traces of Dimensional Collapse energy detected. These geth are misplaced from time. Specifically the Quarian and Geth war. I assume you wish to keep this for yourself?

'Yup.' Leo responded back. 'Hopefully, the seals will keep the small tears in place.' With a push of his spiritual sense while moving, his energy threaded it back shut. Draining him a good bit. 'That is exhausting on the spirit. The tears aren't even bigger than a few feet.'

A.I.- In time, you won't feel a thing. About before Leo..

'Unless you are unlocking those memories, I do not care what you have to say. Is that understood?' Leo moved at a steady pace. Oddly enough, he came across an old geth facility. "Well... smack my head and call me nuts."

The good news, everything was offline. The bad news, not that hard for it to come back online by the looks of it. Leo started planting demo charges as he looked for a connection area. Most places automated with no real connection available.

'Bunch of closed-circuit setups. I wonder...'Leo stopped at what looked to be a good access point. Connecting a spare omni-tool to the mainframe to start encryption. Just in case for traps. Which happened the moment he connected. 'Hmm, this looks familiar.'

*Bzzt bzz!* Two sparks and the spare omni-tool was destroyed. A very powerful trap. Leo was grateful for the stealth still holding. As soon as the trap was sprung, geth popped out from the floor.

Just 5 Geth Hopper. The stealth and armor-mainframe killers. Sabotage, Overload, or Damping use to disrupt their foes.

"Scanning area.. nothing detected." One of the Hopper's stated. The other four looking around. The one eye lens zooming in intently. Scanning of Leo, the tech detected nothing. His designs to advance for the scans. Even direct. Spirit energy also helping disrupt it. "Returning to the position."

As the geth moved back, Leo waited patiently. As they went back into the floor, he moved to pull the power. The A.I. was then plugged into the mainframe from a small connection port. A small lapse in the signal connection, but totally worth the safety.

A.I.- Copying the files. Triggering the shutdown to align with the detonation sequence.

Leo planted more charges. Nihlus took that time to chime in.

Nihlus: We ran into heavy fire. Set back up to make it out safely. Jane's squad needs backup. Way more geth than we bargain for.

"Understood." Leo stop the copying of the mainframe at 35%. Moving to the new coordinates, he came out of stealth to check something. Immediately geth started popping up like a zombie movie. 'Adjustments will need to be made. The geth have evolved their tactics maybe.'

*Kabooom!* A detonation went off to quickly. Then the self-destruct went off. Leo's back camera caught everything as he kept running. About three minutes later, the outpost was completely gone. The ground gave way underneath.

Molten lava shot up. Spewing rock and raining down fire almost. The ground quaked a little as chasms opened up all over. The outpost was connected pretty deeply in the planet.


Jane's dilemma-


Jane and Wrex were pinned down. Kaiden was separated from the two of them. Geth Hopper crawling all over the walls. Wrex swinging on heels firing his shotgun. Despite the condition they were in, the krogan was smiling.

"Damn it!" Jane smacked her omni-tool. Nothing but static and breaks in communication. She popped out of cover strafing towards a door. Assault rifle running hot as she fired. "Move it Wrex!"

"Right behind yah!" Wrex ran past a geth hopper that dropped. Smacking his shotgun as he went pass. Throwing a grenade behind just for some mayhem. "This is a real party! Har har!"

As the krogan had the time of his life, Jane kept pressing forward. Determined to get as much distance between them and the geth. Especially the one they left a few rooms back.

"Come on!" Jane was halfway in the door as she started to key in codes to get it to close. Her rifle firing wildly in the other hand. Wrex did a biotic charge at the geth hopper that landed near the woman. With a grab, the krogan flung the remains behind him. "Whew!"

Wrex made it in and the door shut tight.

"That was fun. Never came across so many Geth. Well... beside back in the day." Wrex surveyed the area barely even winded. Sparing a small glance at Jane who held up well enough. "Think the others are good?"

"They have to be. Trained enough." Jane placed a grenade near the door side. Moving away joining Wrex in checking things out. "The other team should clear a bit of ground hopefully." Wrex did not look as understanding about that. "What?"

"That bot Jenkins... think he is going to be something?" Wrex was aware of the last time the young man came across geth. Almost taken out by a drone did not bode well. "Almost died first mission. If not for your brothers' intervention.."

The two made it further in as the landscape changed to a more rocky set up. They had entered the ruins. Heading down the entrance tunnel, they were forced to slow down.

"Jenkins will be fine.." Jane went into a crouch. She exchanged her assault rifle for the sniper rifle. The scope helped when checking the numbers. "Lots of company ahead." Her voice dropped low a bit.

Down the catwalk, as the end came into view, they almost encountered a few Geth Shock Troopers and Geth Snipers.

"Party is to crowded now. So many of them." Wrex tried to find a good vantage point. To many scurrying about to take a good vantage point. "Need a distraction. And a good one."

*Boom!* A part of the ruin blew open. Jenkins, Ashley, and Tali came running through. Seeing all the geth, the three slid to a stop and ducked into cover. But scurrying up to a higher point. The geth opening fire on them.

Wrex and Jane popped out providing some support. Lava came rushing into the room from the entrance they made. Enough that they would all be in trouble in a few minutes.

"Hey, Commander!" Jenkins waved. He slid down a little to far to the lava. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Enough reason to claw up pass the others. Tali and Ashley looked on incredulously. A little awe but also disgusted.

"Move it you two!" Jane yelled at the two. Herself and Wrex ran up a catwalk before it was to late. Laying down fire as the guns ran hot. "First that explosion, now lava. This is going to just go worse. I can tell."

"How could it possibly get worse?" Wrex wondered out loud. He received his answer really quickly. A large geth armature came out of the hole that was made. Barely fitting at that. The large cannons on its backfiring to make more room. "Oh..."

"You have got to be kidding me!" Jane balked as she moved. "Where the hell did that thing come from!?"

"We found this room with some things and Tali.." Jenkins said. He received a glare from Ashley. "..I mean I pressed a button. Then that thing came on. I think it is a prototype of some sort."

"I told you not to push the button!" Tali yelled. Mostly because she was on the armatures back at the time. "Now this unstoppable thing is going to kill us!"

"I said I was sorry!" Jenkins whined. Happy the lava flow slowed down. 'Man this place just sucks!'

"Hey!" From above, Kasumi waved at them with the others. "You guys having fun?"

"No!" They answered togethor. Voices loud enough to shake the ruins a little. With the help of the others pulling them with Biotics and keeping them from getting shot.

"Maybe we should let them just die here." Morinth teased. Even Jack thought that was a bit cold. "Would let us move better if everyone thought the human Spectre died already." She shrugged her shoulders at them.

"I am sure Leo wouldn't like that." Tali muttered. "Sure he rather see her fight a little better first." Tali was hunched over as her suit vented. The upgrades Leo provided her helping a little. "I believe I have sweated more than have in my entire life today. My suit is soaked."

"I would pay to see a soaking wet Quarian. Like seriously." Leo stepped into the area. Pass the senses of all of them. The closes one to know he was there, was Morinth. Walking to edge, Leo looked down. "Wow, that thing is neat."

"How the hell did you sneak pass us?" Ashley asked. "And how long were you here?"

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension?

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack), Sha'ira

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