
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Artemis Tau Cluster Part 1


-Briefing Room-


"So this contact is the best we have." Jane said.

"This region here is run by not so savory people. And we can suspect heavy Geth down there. A little bit of information I have can help get Asari commandos to help. Especially to help save one of their own." Sha'ira mentioned. The information sent around the room. "Up to you Commander."

"The other information I have can help if we use it wisely." Leo tapped the screen and accessed it with his omni-tool. "Chatter suggests an Asari Matriarch is involved. On the planet of Therum, her daughter should be there. Get her and you may find some insights on her mother's involvement. She also has a fascination with Prothean history. So there is that."

"Is your info credible?" Jane asked in interest.

"As credible as it can get." Leo shrugged not caring if she believed or not. "You can use it or not use it. Makes no difference."

"You will do what you do best Commander Shepard I take it?" Nihlus asked. Jane gave a nod, understanding he would not interfere with her op. "Commander Leo will move under my command to other parts. No contact between him and your party."

"Wait.. he is going alone?" Tali chimed in. The others looked over to Leo slightly worried. "why not.. No. Nevermind."

"Aww worried about me Tali?" Leo teased a little. He thought the helmet changed color just a little. "The worst thing that can happen... Hmm maybe fall down a hole. Or maybe a flesh hole."

"Be serious for once!" Jane did not take the joking matter lightly.

"I am. A flesh hole would be really bad if I am attacked by geth or something. Might cause me to shoot off to early." Leo gave a grin as he looked over some additional data. "Besides, I am pretty sure your team will have it a lot worse."

"The additional crews by the Council-Alliance team will consist of Jenkins as the second. The other will be chosen based on those not in your team Jane. So the leftovers." Nihlus instructed to reclarify.

"That is.. better than nothing." She looked at her lineup and decided to take the best in case it was really bad. "Wrex and Kaiden will come with me."

"Then Ashley will take command of the second team with Jenkins, Garrus, Tali. A batch of marines will go with the following task as needed."

"Field Training in other words. Just in a hot zone." Nihlus added in. The discomfort of the crew was not a problem for him. "Any questions?"

"What is your assignment going to be?" Jane asked Leo. He just blinked at her twice not answering. "So hush hush?"

"Yeah.. sure." Leo's eyes rolled around looking at the others one by one. He looked at Tali then at Ashley. Then to Jenkins. "Good luck."

"Umm, why do you say that?" Jenkins asked nervously. Leo just stood up and walked away. "Commander!" He turned to Nihlus and had to ask. "What was that about?"

"Well... if I didnt know any better. It has something to do with "Fat" asses. Whatever that means." Nihlus shrugged. "Human vanicular is quite confusing. Neither one is fat. And from what I can tell, Lt. Williams is in prime shape."

*Smack!* Ashley facepalmed. Kaiden raised his hand to keep from showing his chuckling. Jane was slightly embarrassed. Her brother seemed to be getting worse.

"No harassment cases yet. It is surprising. I do not look forward to when they come."

*Chssh!* The door opened as Dr.Chakwas came in.

"Well supringsly enough, I doubt they will. Commander Leo is apparently doing a psych profile on everyone." She sent the data over to Jane. "A contract with Ilium, Palavan, and Earth has him acting unabated. It is not unheard of to do on certain assignments. Taken part of his commission setup anyway. As long as he doesn't go to far or exaggerate his behavior it will be fine."

"What possible benefits does this have?" Jane asked angrily. Looking over how her brother was to push the buttons of several personnel was a bit much to take in. Nihlus seemed to smile. The response is what he expected. This did not go unnoticed by Jane. "Of course you knew of this."

"Yes. Several of the reasons why I pushed harder to make sure you get the chance. A chance without any problems." Nihlus scratched his left mandible. "But it turned out to be unneeded for some parts. Your skill spoke for itself. However, it did help out a few cases that were overlooked. Can't waste favors after all."

"85% went to military families. Paying for Rehabilitation and surgeries for they could lead a more simple life. But lots of restrictions in place." Dr.Chakwas had a warm smile on her face. "If they are to stubborn to follow doctors' orders, they are dropped. Harsh, but does not waste resources. I am starting to like the Commander more and more."

"We could use a Quarian like that. Hell, maybe a Krogan to." Tali said offhand. Wrex nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should try to convince him to send some of that interest occurred our way?"

"Heh! You have a better chance than I do." Wrex grunted. "Know a few krogan that owe me a favor though." A few sour looks passed over the faces of the others. "What? Something I said?" Quite a few believed him to take the offer up with no issue.


Mission ago-


The teams were in the hanger getting ready to go down. Leo kept to himself and his team. Jane kept looking over at him every now and then. But couldn't see anything from his helmet.

"I will move in and get all the data I can without getting seen." Kasumi said to Leo. She was speaking through an encrypted channel between the eight of them. "Engage only if necessary since I am meant to really leave the fighting to you all."

Zaed, Kasumi, Morinth, Sha'ira, Maya, Jack, and Nihlus,

"Yup. Muscle is us, you are there for the goodies." Zaed answered. His new armor looked good on him. Terminus loadout at its best. "Me and Jack will check around the place taking care of wildlife and provide some help to the "locals" if need be."

"While the Commander goes and do.. whatever the hell he will be doing." Jack said to Leo. Who just sent additional data to them each. As well as his plan and where he was going. "Nevermind."

"It should be easy work. Good hunting." Leo moved to go pass the shuttle. The others entered the shuttle that was prepped to resist the atmosphere trouble. Jane's group taking the Mako. Leo then added Nihlus to the network after he prompted him. "Closed comms accept to key personal. Whatever you hear from others... fuck em."

"Oh, that is not very nice." Nihlus said. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. Jack, Zaed, and Kasumi are all great at what they do." Leo said calmly. "If we fall at this, it does not bode well for the future. The others will need your guiding hand to work togethor better. They are... rusty kind of."

A.I.- All systems green. The new shields are online. And working perfectly. A few samples will help with future endeavors for genetic research.

"Well, I am almost good to go again." Nihlus said. "Another week, and back in the field fully. Keep a better eye on you then Leonardo."

"Whatever gets your rocks off." Leo shrugged. "Just do not get back in to quick. Healing is very important to one's development." The bay opened as Leo dropped out. Wrex watched from the Mako camera smiling.

Wrapping his spirit energy around, Leo slowed his descent a little. The armor holding up without an issue. The pressure applied to his body increasing the strength of his body cultivation. Drop ins added to the list to help with future training.

Joker was giddy on comms. "Your brother is crazy. I am picking up some readings Commander Shepard. Like off the damn charts! A few clicks north of the drop zone."




Leo landed with a skid. Breaking the momentum with a rollout, he completely disrupted it with a smack against the ground. His armor only slightly hot as he activated the venting procedures. The suit giving off a howl.

Before Leo could get his bearings, a communication came in.

"Go ahead." He looked out at his surroundings while moving. Hand on his smg ready to fire in case something happened. "Speak up Ms.Lawson."

Lawson: Your reputation proceeds you, Shepard. Do not know how you do it, but you defintely have the Illusive Man's attention. As well as my own.

"Keeping it simple. The runaway A.I. that was developed by your group, it is nice but how about some Prothean info and a firm grip on what is going with the runaway Spectre Saren?" Moving forward around the volcanic planet, he stopped at a small outpost. "I am sure this is all worth good money."

Lawson: If it proves to be a good lead, then yes it is.

"Then here is information on the Protheans you may want. As well as the Eden Prime beacon. My account, you know how to pay me still?"

Lawson: This.. is something else. I will need to confirm this before paying you.. fully that is. But the runaway Spectre?

"After I am paid. Need to affirm you are still on the up and up. Never know, you all may have come down with a case of the.. Reaper condition. Playing with tech that one does not understand does that to a person. Those husks will spread a terrible "Bio agent" if not careful." A quick check proved the biosignatures were off on a few of the colonists. "Besides, the Human Spectre will need to earn her place. It makes Earth look good if she goes after him."

Lawson: I see. Well, I will pass this up the chain and see how it works. But I can see we will talk again. What will it take to get you on our side?

"A lot, but you in bed every night would go a long way. Heh." Leo chuckled a little. He knew that would not happen. "But a ship would be nice. With a thicker armor than a dreadnought but more.. spacious than the Normandy. Best way to take down the Shadow Broker."

Lawson: I will see what I can do.

A.I.- she has cut the link. The technology from the Shadow Broker would go a long way. As well as all that information. All attempts have been less than fruitful. As well as accessing the Prothean V.I. on Thessia. The best I can do, is access to a few buoys they have. A lot of their security reacts to quickly from remote contact.

Cerberus was crafty that way after all. But the credits were greatly needed.

*Beep!* Leo's Omni-tool went off. It was Maya contacting him. The timing was something else. No reason not to answer it while moving ahead.

"Go ahead." Leo had a small feeling about what it was about. The hunch proved wrong.

Maya: Contact with that.. woman eh. Not enough I am working with you?

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack), Sha'ira

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