
Mason Aves: The Wizard [DROPPED]

Summary: I was 6 years old, when I realized I was not simply reborn in the country that ruled over my own.. previous country, and in the time when said oppression was going on. Read on to find what I do in the Magical world of Harry Potter. ~~NO HAREM!~~ I won't focus much on his school life, as you might judge by the tags. But yes, I'll start in school, so don't worry. SHOUT OUT TO MY OWN BOOK, "THE LEGENDS OF BALDUR!" READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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44 Chs


A/N: If you need historically accurate stuff, you won't find it here lol.


7th March, 1943:

It's been 5 months and a couple weeks since I was brought to Brancepeth Camp near Durham.

Well, brought isn't the right word. I, along with 7 other recruits, were simply told to go to the King's Cross station, and given tickets to a train to Durham. At Durham, a Corporal shouted for us, and took us to the Brancepeth Camp.

The drive was silent, with us already having been introduced to each other in the train itself. There was Harry, Jack, James, Charles, Eric, and Kurt, along with me. They were all muggles, which I confirmed by reading their minds.

Once at camp, we were allocated bunk beds, me getting a lower bunk, and given a knife, spoon, and fork, for our use while we stay there. Everything was too disciplined there, as we even had to march while going for dinner.

Food usually consisted of boiled potatoes, tasteless beans, and some rubbery meat, if the day was fortunate enough. Getting 2 Uniforms issued, along with a rifle, and everything we might need as a soldier, we began our training.

It was continuous hours of training, marching, rifle training, and machine gun training. And we weren't supposed to stop, for even a minute. Everyday, starting at 6 AM, till lights out at 10 PM, it was just that. Even I, with my healing factor, still found it somewhat difficult in the beginning.

A week in, we were all inoculated against common war time diseases, with very large needle, that I actually got scared, after seeing. I had to actually hold back my healing factor, so it doesn't heal in front of everyone.

Seeing that I might need to appear tired, I had mentally deactivated the Healing factor, by stopping the intake of energy from the Dimension. But, I did activate it during the nights, so my body actually heals and doesn't become sore for the training next day.

Some days, we would be given hand grenades, to practice throwing, after marching to the throwing grounds. Literally carrying 20-30 Kgs of weight around us in our bags, and the flak jackets, we would march from one point to another.

Some times, people would purposefully fall down in the wet mud, so they can cool their bodies, and get a bit of rest in between running.

Training camp is a lot of things, but it isn't fun. It was designed to turn boys, into order following soldiers.

I did go a few times, once a month at most, back home. I would make sure everyone was sleeping, and if not, make them sleep with Telepathy, and then make a portal to my bedroom. It was mainly to meet Helena and Dorea again. But it was also so I can eat good food once in a while.

"What do you think this is about?" Jack asked me, as we were walking to the office of Lt Colonel Worthington.

After having lunch, the two of us were given orders to come to the office, which was just another hut amongst others.

I shrug, and answer, "No idea. Guess we're going to find out anyway."

Jack Wells was the one I spent most of my time with, while in the camp. He was a nice dude, a couple years younger than me. He was drafted almost as soon as he turned 18. But, he was a bit too intent on getting to kill people.

While understandable, as they're Nazis, and he's a teenager, it was also something that made me a bit guarded around him at times.

5 minutes later, the two of us Cadets were standing in attention, our heads held high, waiting for our superiors to talk.

"Stand at ease, Cadets." Lt Col Worthington says, making us keep our hands behind our butts, and spreading our legs a foot wide, as one.

Along with Lt Col W, there was a Black suit, probably MI5, and a General there.

The General comes forward, and says, "Cadets. Do you know why you're all here?"

"No, Sir!" we both shout as one, firmly.

The General says, "Well, you two cunts have been selected for a special project. Get packed up and ready to leave by sundown. You're going to the colonies. You'll get your orders when you get there. Don't embarrass your country. Understood?"

"Sir, yes sir!" We shout, again.

"Good. Dismissed." He says, and turns his back to us.

Curious about what this is, I go into his mind, see what happened and what's going to happen to us.

----General Crompton Memory---

16 days before current day, MI5:

"This is not what was agreed upon, Agent Clarke!" A US General yells, slamming his hand on the table.

In front of him, were the MI5 Senior Agent Clarke, who was with me in the Office, and General Crompton, the guy who just gave us the order to pack up. With US Army General Johnson, were Colonel Phillips, and someone I recognize from the movies. Howard Stark.

Agent Clarke clears his throat, gaining the attention towards him, and says, "While we understand that, it will make the US significantly stronger in terms of Military strength. Another Cadet from the UK training camps, will make it more balanced."

Colonel Phillips calmly asks, "What about all the preparations we've been through? We might take more time now to build all the machines. While the Serum is ready, we haven't selected a Candidate yet."

General Crompton nods, and says, "The King's Government will increase your funds, Colonel Phillips. You don't have to worry about that. And it's not a negotiation. Don't forget, it was our own Agent Carter who rescued Dr Erskine, which made this Project possible in the first place."

Phillips rolls his eyes and asks, "The same Agent Carter whom you've discarded to the SSR? I remember her."

Stark speaks up, for the first time since I've been in this memory, "All this is well and good, but whom will you send? What if Dr Erskine does not like anyone from the ones you send?"

Thinking a bit, Agent Clarke answers, "We will give you the files of every cadet currently in our training camps, as you have made it perfectly clear that you want non bloodied soldiers. You will have 2 weeks to select 10 Cadets, and of those 10 you'll have to select one for the UK candidate of a Super Soldier."

"That's.." US General starts, ready to disagree, but Stark interrupts, "Agreed. But, the final decision lays in Dr Erskine's hands. We cannot force him."

"Stark! You're a civilian!" General Johnson shouts, looking angrily at Stark.

Rolling his eyes, Howard says, "No offense General, but I'm the Civilian that makes all your weapons. I'm the one that's going to make the machines that's going to create a.. sorry, two Super Soldiers. At least. We all know that you all will look to enhance more people. I know how Erskine thinks, and I know he'll want to give those people a chance to prove their worth. If you disagree with any of that, you can take that with Senator Brandt."

While Johnson seethes in place, Phillips nods, accepting the terms. Nodding, Agent Clarke says, "Good. We will send someone with the files today itself, so you can take them back to the Doctor."

---Back to the real world—

Only after one single second in the outside world, I come back from the General's mind, and follow Jack to the tents.

Total 10 cadets were selected for this program, and I and Jack were just two of them. If my guess was right, us 10 British cadets will train with the Americans, and one of each will be selected for the Project Rebirth.

While I'm hoping it's me from Britain, I won't try and force it. If it happens, it happens. If not, well I have my other powers, don't I. And I can just remake the serum anyway, after I copy Dr Erskine and Howard Stark's knowledge. But, I still hope I get selected.


At sundown, as they had said, Jack and I were boarded on a train to London, from where, we were going to take the plane to Newark Metropolitan Airport, in New Jersey, USA. We were joined in London, by 8 other Cadets from all over the United Kingdoms, and only one of them was a wizard. Me.

We then took the plane booked for us, along with the supplies that were being sent. Accompanying us, was the MI5 Special Agent Clarke, coming to drop us. He wasn't going to stay there, but return when it was time for the selection of the candidate.

I did take the opportunity to read Clarke's mind, and I am really thankful that I did. He knew I was a wizard, but he was a muggle himself. Once the war was over and done with, he was going to take me to the King to get recruited in something called the MIS.

Unfortunately for him, his mind was completely unprotected, so I knew what being recruited meant for me.

MIS(Magical Intelligence Service) was formed by the British government during the Great War, or World War 1. The first people to be recruited, were squibs, who had been throw away by their families.

They were trained by military standards, made to work, and were paid handsomely, which made them loyal. These squibs then gave the Government access to the common wizarding surnames, so they can recruit the exceptional Squibs that have made their names in the Muggle world.

Like Marius Black, Dorea's older brother. He was on a watchlist, to be recruited if he seems to be on a track to success. Currently, he was on a scholarship to a law school, which the Government arranged for.

That's not all, though. They've recently begun to scout for Muggleborn Wizards and witches, who feel the Magical Government has scorned them. And there are already about a dozen Wizards and witches working for them.

Thank you, bloody purebloods.

These wizards, stupidly informed the Royal Family about the Unbreakable Vows, and the Goblin Contracts. Even more stupidly, those wizards then gave their Vows, that they will always serve the Royal Family. 13 Wizards, serving under the Muggles, spying on the wizarding World for them. That's betrayal.

That's the only problem I have with Muggleborn Magicals. They think that the Magicals come under the rule of the Royal Family, and when the King lies saying the same, they believe him.

They've forgotten all the history between Muggles and Magicals. All those burnings, and hunting. While Wizards aren't completely innocent, we do keep to ourselves, other than the occasional Dark Lord, eg Grindelwald.

I'll have to talk to the girls about this as soon as possible. I'll do it once I'm at Camp Lehigh. Helena would like something to do. Plus, while Dorea doesn't talk to Marius anymore, and doesn't even know where he is, she does miss her brother, squib or not.

Yup, I'll let the girls take over MIS. They'll probably bring the whole Agency under their own control. I don't know if it's brilliant, or scary.


A/N: I had actually written about 700 words on the meeting between Mason and the King, but no matter how I thought it out, it always came back to Mason being declared a traitor, or him wiping everyone's memories of him in the Buckingham Palace.

So, I'm going to make him to be a hero first, and then have that meeting.

Now, I won't focus much on the girls, and focus on Mason's story. That's it.


Another short chapter. But, the next chapter will be interesting to read, I think.

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