
Mason Aves: The Wizard [DROPPED]

Summary: I was 6 years old, when I realized I was not simply reborn in the country that ruled over my own.. previous country, and in the time when said oppression was going on. Read on to find what I do in the Magical world of Harry Potter. ~~NO HAREM!~~ I won't focus much on his school life, as you might judge by the tags. But yes, I'll start in school, so don't worry. SHOUT OUT TO MY OWN BOOK, "THE LEGENDS OF BALDUR!" READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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44 Chs

Fourth Year-1

A/N: I'm warning now, the school chapters will feel a bit rushed. It's on purpose. I'm not going to spend 50 chapters to cover his Hogwarts years.


1st September, 1933, Hogwarts Express:

I sigh, looking at the now developing Dorea, and ask, "Must you do this as soon as you began growing?"

Dorea raises her hands from her hips, to above her head, and does a dance moving only her hips. Instead of attractive, it just looks weird on her. She says, "Of course. How else would I finally embarrass you?"

I look at her blandly, making her drop her hands and sit down on the seat in front of me. I wave my wand, sending her trunk in the rack above me, so she can see it.

I look at her sulking, and finally say, "You won't embarrass me, Dorea. At least not yet. Your sister made sure of that." I grimace, whispering the last part to myself.

Cassiopeia was a piece of work. She had an amazing figure, a beautiful face, and she knew it. She would take advantage of anything, even her body, if it made her have control over someone.

She told me about the Inheritance test, in the hopes that she could force me into marrying her. That way, she has a powerful husband, both magically and politically, and she controls said husband.

Unfortunately for her, I could hear her thoughts. Same with Dorea here. Dorea was not doing this because she wanted to marry me by manipulating me into it. She was doing all this so she can win at something her older sister lost. She wanted me, because Cassiopeia failed to make me fall in love with her.

Sure, she liked me as a friend, and had a minor crush on me. She would not say no if I asked her out, without any games. She also knows that Darla does not like me, nor do I like Darla. So, she's making it a game.

A game to see who succeeds first. If I ask her out, she wins. If I remain unresponsive to her flirting, I win. But she neglected to tell me all this.

"Why don't you just confess, that you're doing this because you actually like me, and not because Cassiopeia goaded you into this?" I ask, smirking into my book.

Something hits my guts, way too close to my groin, and I see up, holding my book to my stomach, to see Dorea holding her other shoe up, ready to throw it at me.

"Say that again?" Dorea asks, showing me the pointy heel.

I shake my head, and rapidly say, "No thanks. Oh, look Darla's here!"

Wait, Darla's actually here! Thank you, Darla!

"What's with the boot?" Darla asks, dropping down next to me.

Huh? I see down, to see the first shoe that Dorea had thrown was still between my legs, from where I'd reflexively caught it.

I separate my legs, dropping the shoe on the ground and kick it towards Dorea, who was wearing her shoes back now.

"Charming." Darla says, rolling her eyes.

I shake my head and point at Dorea. I say, "Miss Black here tried to kill me with her pointy heels."

Darla raises her eyebrow at Dorea, who says, defending herself, "He said Cassiopeia goaded me into trying to sedu.. ahem.. befriend him. And I wanted to prove him wrong."

Darla shakes her head, and asks, "Ignoring the sexual tension between you too," I snort, while Dorea blushes, as Darla continues, "What did you do this summer?"

I turn the page, to read the "Do's and Don'ts of this ritual" and answer her, "Well, I finally went back to Gringotts again."

Both of them sit straight, and look excited. I had told them of my plans to see if I'm of pureblood descent.

"Well?! Tell us!" Dorea says, moving forward.

While Darla simply asks, "So? Are ya rich?"

I snort at both of them, and answer, "I'm the grandson of the last Head of House Aves. My mother was a squib, so she was dropped at a muggle Orphanage. Mine. Rest, you know."

Of course, that does not include the fact that the Inheritance test showed that I'm the son of Morfin Gaunt, or the many Slytherins, Potters, Smiths, and even Black's in my Ancestory. There were more, even Malfoy, to my disgust. But I'm not telling anyone that.

Of course, I had to pay G100 to make sure the Goblin "forgets" about the Gaunts in my family, and not mention to them that I'm alive. Bloody gits.

"You know I love you, don't you, Mason?" Darla says, batting her eyes, while Dorea simply scowls at her.

I pat Dorea on the head, and turn to Darla. I say, "Yes, and I'll take care of you for that. Don't worry. Just... don't make that face again."

When it was pointed at me, the face looks really weird. And Dorea doesn't know Darla likes girls. Cassiopeia does, but she's waiting to use that information for the right moment. Not that I'm going to let her.

We then talk some more, and then I return to my book, when their own friends come in. Snorting at the tension between the Gryffindor and Slytherin students, I simply focus on my book. The background characters will go soon anyway.

"Hey, Mason." Ana says, sitting down next to Dorea. I gret her, and she begins talking with Dorea.

Very soon, we're in the great hall, waiting for the sorting to be over with.

"... Feast begin!" Dippet says, clapping his hands, and we all dig in to our food.

Tom was telling everyone about his holiday, how he took a job selling papers to earn some extra cash.

Speaking of cash, I made an anonymous donation to the Orphanage, in food, and clothes. The Depression was making it harder on muggles, and I was feeling it during the holidays. I could tell that the war is on the horizon.

I did not know when the World War 2 starts! I never cared about WW2! India got independence two years after the war ended, why the hell would I care!

And while my memories contained information about the war, most of it was what I genuinely read in school. As I said, I did not care for the war.

But, I knew that in 1940 it gets big. So, I still have time for that.

A few days later, when Helena and I were talking, she suddenly stops speaking and just looks at me. 5 minutes of awkward staring later, I finally ask, "What? Something on my face?"

She smiles and shakes her head. She says, "No. I just.. realized. You're a lot like my mother. And I don't mean it in a bad way."

People might ask, how the hell can being similar to Rowena be ever taken in a bad way, but you should realise. Family knows better than outsiders.

Helena knew Rowena very intimately, being her daughter. She could use me being similar to Rowena, to call me many impolite things.

Helena looks at my frowning face, and chuckles. She says, "Don't frown. I really mean it in a good way. You're smart, you're creative. You use any method to gain knowledge, even reading memories of others." Helena chuckles, and lays down.

She says, "Mother used to do the same. And no one could detect her. Not even Uncle Salazar, who was the best of the others in Mind Arts. You even have the same drive for knowledge."

"Thanks?" I ask, hesitatingly.

Helena gets up, suddenly, and says, "Come with me."

I follow her in my Astral form, and thanks to my Astral form being different to ghosts, no one sees me. They only see Helena floating around, and through the castle.

After going through many walls, staircases and doors, mistakenly intruding on a couple, Helena stops in front of a blank wall. A blank wall that I recognize, on the 7th floor of the castle.

She looks back at me, and says, "I've never shown anyone this room. Not even my sister's granddaughter. Please don't make me regret this. Watch"

Helena goes towards the blank wall, and puts her left hand on a spot, which to me looks completely random. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and uses her right hand to tap 6 other spots, while holding the left hand in it's place, making a hexagon with her taps, with her left hand in the exact centre.

As soon as she's finished tapping the last point of the hexagon, the wall starts retreating like the brick wall of Diagon Alley, and shows a door, which was not there before. Yes, the door was behind the wall.

She puts her hand on the door, and says, "My name is Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw."

The door flashes, so she moves through the door, while saying, "Say your name and how you're related to Rowena!"

I watch her going through the door, and try and follow her with my Astral form. I fail and bang my head on the door.

"Ow! Okay, you somehow block Astral forms." I clear my throat, and put my hand on the door. I say, "My name is Mason Aves, and I'm a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw."

The door once more flashes, making my hand, which was touching the door to pass through it. I float through the door, and as soon as I'm through, I gape at the view.

This.. this.. this is awesome!

"Amazing right?" Helena asks, coming from behind a pillar. I numbly nod, still not believing anything. So she says, "My mother, as I said, was ready to do anything to gain new knowledge. So, she made this room. The Room of Requirements."

I look around, at the hundreds of thousands of books, kept in shelves, filling the room. The room itself was as high as the Great Hall, possibly higher, and I couldn't see the end of the room on any side.

I'm still gaping at all the books so Helena says, "While the Room of Requirements is well known for many of the teachers, and a few students, it's real purpose is known only to me. And well, you now."

Shaking my head, and although I already suspect it, I ask, "What is the purpose? Why did she make this room?"

Helena smiles, and says, "Knowledge. Preserve it, gain it, add to it. Everything. Any and all written words, that have ever gone through the wards of Hogwarts, have a copy inside this room. It doesn't matter if the it was a diary, or simply a journal that someone did calculations in. Even the newspapers were collected. Of course, the room somehow filters out the incorrect information. Don't ask me how. I've studied this room for a hundred years and still didn't find out. I simply gave up after that."

"This, Mason, is my Mother's legacy for her descendants. She told me, but I never told anyone else. My sister left before mother ever made this room, so she didn't know and couldn't tell anyone. Now, you know." She finishes uncomfortably, and looks around.

Okay, that's impressive. This room can gain anything that's ever written within the Castle wards, if it's correct, and it also gains any book that someone brought in with them. It doesn't matter what, literally every piece of knowledge is bound to be here.

I look at Helena, bow to her, and say, "Thank you for showing me this, Helena. I will treasure this room, and take care of it."

Helena lets out a breath, and says, "I know you will. You've already been to the other Room of Requirements. This one works the same. You think about what knowledge you seek, and you will find yourself within a section filled with that knowledge."

I ask out loud, "So if I wanted to know about Time?"

As soon as I even thought 'Time', the Room shifts around me, and finally I'm in a room, smaller than the one before. There are two shelves, filled with books, and Tomes I've never seen before. Not even in anyone's mind. And there's books I've seen in Rookwood's mind once. His father was rumoured to be an unspeakable, so I could not resist.

I see Helena smiling at me, so I move towards the shelf, and pick the one labelled "Introductio Ad Tempus Magicae." Or an Astral representation of it.

Well it was written in latin, but I already could read, and speak fluently.

I open the book and start reading, and within 5 minutes, I'm impressed. The introductory chapter talked about what time exactly is. This knowledge is so dangerous, that even a muggle might manage to view through time.

No wonder time travel was heavily restricted by the Unspeakables. And yes, Time Turners exist, I was offered one, but I refused. I already had too much free time, what the hell would I use a turner for.

I keep the book back, and turn to an amused Helena. She says, "You don't have to learn everything at once."

I groan and say, "But I only have 4 years to read all this!"

Helena smiles again, and asks, "Which section are you studying right now, Mason?"

"Time. What's that got to do.. Well, damn. I'm stupid." I say and shake my head.

Ignoring the now openly laughing Helena, I move towards the shelf again and start reading.

Helena taps me on my shoulder after a while, bringing me out of my zone, and says, "It's almost morning. Why don't you get an hour of rest before classes?"

"I don't need-" I begin to say, but then look at Helena's face, I say, "I meant, I'm going now, and resting?"

Helena nods, and says, "Good. Be careful. Us spirits have to say our names every time we want to enter the room. If you come in person, you'll have to only touch the door knob and wait. The door will let you through, I think. If not, say your name."

I nod, and we both go out of the magnificent room. So much knowledge. So much magic.

I really hope I find something to help me read everything.


A/N: I got him a super library!


1. It can verify if the information is correct or not. Correct information is stored, wrong information is stored too, but separately.

2. While the library is very big, due to 1000 years of adding books, and making changes to old ones, you can choose to go to a smaller library based on that single topic.

3. The RoR is a separate Dimension, so castle ward masters won't know someone is inside the Room.

4. Only accessible to those of Ravenclaw main bloodline. Magic decides.


1. The Library only contains the knowledge that Rowena herself added, and the written work that passed through the Castle wards.

2. Obviously, some knowledge, even if accessible to MC, won't be usable. eg: Family spells that require the blood of said family.

3. Some information will obviously be outdated, and hence while not wrong, it won't be exactly correct either. MC will have to look out for that.