
Masked 202

"He was tall and beautiful; she was lost in the divinity of his discernment"

Senaa_aa · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Confused Tears

"Look, she's coming to."

"Oh that's good Ransford, brilliant! Katie, sweetie wake up. Lexy is here."

Katie rubbed her eyes drowsily.

"What? Hmmm.... whar..... mum?"

"Sweetie it's Lexy. She's awake.", Mrs.Sam said with a smile.

"Lexy??!", Katie jumped and knocked the chair over.

The voices were like insects buzzing in her ears. It took sometime for her eyes to adjust to the bright light. When she could see a bit clearly, her eyes met a pair of anxious hazel ones. Lexy managed a smile.

"Ka....Kate.....Katie...", she croaked.

"Oh Lexy. You're okay!", she hugged her best friend fiercely.

"Yh, I am. Where are the rest?"

Katie sighed as Dr.Ransford and Mrs.Sam looked away.

'Huh, what is wrong? Something is definitely not right here.'

"Katie? Katie look at me, what has happened?"

"Uh... Lexy...."

"Katie please?! Dr.Ransford?", she pleaded.

"I'm sorry but your friend is in serious condition right now."

"Huh? Who?"

"It's Brit."

"Britney?? Oh no,no what happened??"

"She..... she got hit by an approaching ambulance when she ran into the street."

"Oh..... gosh.....no! Why?... How...."

"She was blaming herself for your attack. She still does actually."

"But.... but I'm okay now. Aren't I? I have to go see her....", Lexy struggled in the sheets.

"No! Lexy, stay still. You're weak.", Dr.Ransford interjected.

"But... I...."

"You can see her when you're better."

"I can go now, can't I?", she insisted.

"Lexy," Dr.Ransford sighed. "We almost lost you there earlier, we were positive we had. You have such fragile   organs, It's a wonder you aren't a sickler or something worse. But you made it, we dont want our hardworking to be in vain. So calm down."

"Britney's in a worse condition right now!", Lexy began coughing spasmodically.

Katie jumped in fright. "Lexy, Lexy are you okay?"

"I'm okay, it's fine.", she waved a hand numbly.

"Here, have some water.", Mrs.Sam offered.


"Why can't you just listen for a second??", Katie lectured. "I was scared for you. I thought that maybe, we would never see each other again. I would lose you to something as pathetic as flu. And now you're better and.... and....", her voice faltered.

"You're just being selfish right now, Lexy!"

Lexy was amazed.

"Katie.... Katie... I.... I'm sorry.."

Dr.Ransford left with Mrs.Sam.

Katie sat by Lexy until she fell asleep.

When Mrs.Sam came to pick her up, she found Katie struggling not to sleep. She did though, immediately she was in the car. Mrs.Sam looked at her daughter in the rear view mirror and a  small smile lit her face.


Lexy couldn't see Britney the next day as she hoped because the affects of the fever hadn't worn off yet. She just slept for the next few days. Later, Katie and Theo had to aid her to get used to being on her feet and by the next day, she was okay and could pretty much to stuff on her own.

"I'm ready now. Let's go see Brit."

"Uhhhhh...", Katie said unsurely and eyed Theo who added quickly,

"You sure you're okay, Lex? We could always go tomorrow if you're tired."

"Naaa, I'm great.", Lexy gave them the thumbs up with much enthusiasm.

"So, shall we?

When they turned a corner, she saw a farmiliar group.

"Lexy!!!!!", they all exclaimed

The gang was almost back together again.

"We were just about to come see you."

"Oh Lexy, we missed you so much."

"How are you now?"

"Definitely better. You look much healthier."

"Everyone at school is expecting you."

"Yh, even Mr.Feguerson."

"Wait, really?", Lexy was surprised.

They chatted for a while and Lexy caught up with more news bits from school.

"Okay. Guys, were is Britney?"

"She's uhhh, over here", Harmony pointed to a nearby ward.


"Yes Katie?", Lexy saw her gulp.

'What's up today, something's not right'

It was all quiet among them and her suspicions grew.

"Guys?? Tell me, what's up?"

They exchanged quick glances.

"Nevermind. Let's go!", Katie suddenly gripped her hand, smiled widely and led her to the ward.

'Wierd. Did I miss something today?'

When Lexy entered Britney's ward, the reality hit her with full force like hail on a sunny day.

"Lexy.....", she heard Theo's whisper and Katie's grip tightened.

So there he was! After all this time. He had just seemed to disappear overnight and now........... he was here.

He was here.


She had found him at last.


"Lexy.....",Britney tried to sit up. Lexy recovered the initial shock and and quickly walked to the bed. She tried a smile but her lips just twitched.

"I'm glad you're alive, Brit.", she laughed nervously.

"Lexy, ......... I ...... it's not what you're thinking," Britney cried.

"Huh?", Lexy snuck him a look. "Don't worry, I'm just so happy you're okay. I don't want you to feel like whatever happened is your fault. I'm better now, see?", she rose both arms slightly.

Her eyes blurred and she turned away.



'Oh he remembers I exist, how amazing!!'

She didn't turn around.

"Lexy!", he called again. She stood still.  The tears were on the verge of falling now.

'Orion, I.... aaargh!!!!!!'

"Where were you, Orion?", Lexy cried. "You just left, without a word. You didn't wanna talk to me or have anything to do with me...and....and.."

One heavy tear dropped onto her cheek.

'I miss you, that's the worst part. I don't want to miss you. Not ever. But I do.'

"When you're back from the hospital, we'll continue with the project. Too much time has been wasted already.", he said simply and strode out; not before stroking Britney's curls with the same fixed expression.

'Huh? Wha..... what.......how...... just.......I......wh........ w....I....?????"

"Orion!!!!!!!", Katie yelled and made after him but Brian held her back.

'What just happened?'


The irony of it all!!!!! Lexy was a raging havoc. She just couldn't comprehend; the impudence! She felt like screaming, tearing the place down. Just like when she first met him. He had just appeared one day, refuse to even look her in the eye and all he had to say was..... was this????! So he had been there the whole time; to see Brit. He hadn't even bothered to check up on her. All that worrying, for nothing!

Her heart sank.

Lexy cried. And cried. And cried.

She woke in Katie's bed, not recalling how she got there and cried again.

Her tears flooded the milk Katie  brought her. Katie herself was devastated and angry.

'How could Orion do this to her.'

Lexy cried herself to sleep.

She cried as if her heart would break.
